Chapter 07 - studying materials very helpful PDF

Title Chapter 07 - studying materials very helpful
Author stical baah
Course Psychology PSYC 386
Institution Loyola University Chicago
Pages 23
File Size 107 KB
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studying materials very helpful...


MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Because of the revolution in public health that eliminated many infectious diseases and controlled many more, today some of the major contributing factors to illness and death in the United States are A : viral and bacterial. B : behavioral and psychological. C : neurological and endocrinological. D : pharmacological and hormonal. Correct Answer : B 2 : At the beginning of the 20th century, the leading cause of death in the United States was A : automobile accidents. B : infectious diseases. C : heart attacks. D : suicides. Correct Answer : B 3 : Using the word psychosomatic to describe a disorder with an obvious physical component is considered misleading because A : it gives the impression that psychological disorders like anxiety or depression do not have a biological component. B : it assumes that the physical aspects of a disorder are less important than the psychological aspects. C : it emphasizes the psychological symptoms of a disorder instead of the physical symptoms. D : it gives the impression that biological disorders are not influenced by psychological factors. Correct Answer : A 4 : Which of the following factors are universally implicated in the cause of all disorders? A : Biological only B : Psychological only C : Biological and psychological, but not social D : Biological, psychological, and social Correct Answer : D 5 : The shift in focus from infectious disease to psychological factors has been called the A : second revolution in public health. B : first great regression in public health. C : first bifurcation in medicine and psychological care. D : modern movement toward disciplinary independence in health care. Correct Answer : A 6 : What is the name of the new field of study that reflects the shift in focus from infectious disease to psychological/behavioral factors as causes of illness and death? A : Behavioral medicine B : Abnormal psychology C : Medical psychology 1 / 23

D : Physical medicine Correct Answer : A 7 : Knowledge derived from the behavioral sciences applied to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems is called A : health psychology. B : behavioral medicine. C : psychophysiological disorders. D : psychosomatic medicine. Correct Answer : B 8 : Health psychology, a subfield of behavioral medicine, focuses on all of the following EXCEPT A : psychological factors affecting health. B : health policy. C : healthcare systems. D : interdisciplinary study of psychology and health. Correct Answer : D 9 : In which of the following ways do psychological and social factors influence health? A : They can affect basic biological processes resulting in illness and disease. B : Unhealthy lifestyles can increase the risk of developing physical disorders. C : Both of these are correct D : Neither of these are correct Correct Answer : C 10 : Stress may negatively affect the immune system, thereby promoting the deadly progression of the disease AIDS. This is an example of A : psychological factors influencing biological processes. B : biological factors influencing psychological processes. C : both of these are correct D : neither of these are correct Correct Answer : A 11 : According to the principles of health psychology, which of the following is the best protection against acquiring AIDS? A : Getting an injection of the AIDS vaccine B : Being treated for HIV before it develops into AIDS C : Changing risky behaviors that can lead to disease acquisition D : Deciding to be sexually abstinent after years of being sexually active Correct Answer : C 12 : As an example of a behavioral pattern that leads to illness and death, smoking has been estimated to cause approximately ____% of all deaths. A:2 B : 12 C : 19 2 / 23

D : 32 Correct Answer : C 13 : Which of the following statements is true? A : Fifty percent of deaths from the 10 leading causes of death in the United States can be traced to communicable diseases. B : Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. C : Smoking has been estimated to cause around 80% of all deaths. D : All of the these are correct Correct Answer : B 14 : In 1936, Canadian researcher Hans Selye discovered that giving injections to laboratory rats caused them to develop ulcers. His finding led to a new area of study called A : stress physiology. B : stress psychology. C : animal psychology. D : psychosomatic pathology. Correct Answer : A 15 : When Hans Selye injected laboratory rats with saline (salty water), what happened to the rats? A : Nothing; saline is harmless and only used as a control condition. B : Nothing; rats recover quickly from stress because they are not prone to anxiety as humans are. C : They developed ulcers, because saline has since been discovered to have negative health consequences. D : They developed ulcers, because stress directly affected their physiology. Correct Answer : D 16 : In response to sustained stress, the body goes through several stages that together constitute the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), a concept proposed by researcher Hans Selye. This GAS consists of all the following stages EXCEPT A : alarm. B : resistance. C : exhaustion. D : deterioration. Correct Answer : D 17 : According to the textbook, the physiological response of an individual to a stressor is called A : adaptation. B : fight-or-flight reaction. C : stress. D : a psychological disorder. Correct Answer : C 18 : Research has shown that increased levels of cortisol in response to stress may cause damage to parts of the 3 / 23

A : skeletal system. B : brain. C : lungs. D : stomach. Correct Answer : B 19 : Which of the following statements accurately describes a process in the activation of the HPA axis? A : The hippocampus secretes corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). B : CRF stimulates the thyroid gland. C : The pituitary gland (via the parasympathetic nervous system) activates the adrenal glands. D : The adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone cortisol. Correct Answer : D 20 : Research has shown that excessive secretion of the stress hormone cortisol can result in cell death in the hippocampal region of the brain in cases of A : substance abuse. B : mania. C : posttraumatic stress disorder. D : AIDS. Correct Answer : C 21 : The final process in the activation of the HPA axis is A : secretion of CRF by the hypothalamus. B : stimulation of the pituitary gland by CRF. C : activation of the adrenal gland by the pituitary gland. D : secretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland. Correct Answer : D 22 : All of the following are part of the HPA axis EXCEPT A : hypothalamus. B : pituitary gland. C : hippocampus. D : adrenal gland. Correct Answer : C 23 : Continuous secretion of the stress hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands can lead to all of the following EXCEPT A : damage to the hippocampus. B : impaired functioning of the immune system. C : muscle atrophy. D : low blood pressure in the cardiovascular system. Correct Answer : D 24 : Whether or not stress and/or anxiety develop in a stressful situation appears to be related to ones perceived sense of A : happiness. 4 / 23

B : excitement. C : control. D : acceptance. Correct Answer : C 25 : All of the following are effects of chronic secretion of cortisol EXCEPT A : increased testosterone. B : muscle atrophy. C : hypertension. D : immune system response impairment. Correct Answer : A 26 : Sapolsky and colleagues found that physical health in wild baboons was associated with A : amount of human presence. B : social rank. C : intercolony conflict. D : availability of food. Correct Answer : B 27 : Research findings have suggested that it might not be the stressful event itself that affects immune system functioning but rather the accompanying A : dissociation. B : isolation. C : depression. D : anger. Correct Answer : C 28 : A sense of control and confidence that we can cope with stress or challenges is called A : dissociation. B : situation dominance. C : self-efficacy. D : applied anger management. Correct Answer : C 29 : Which of the following would not be classified as an antigen? A : Killer T cells B : Bacteria C : Viruses D : Parasites Correct Answer : A 30 : The immune system is weakened in AIDS patients because the human immunodeficiency virus directly attacks the lymphocytes called A : killer T cells. B : T4 (helper) cells. C : suppressor T cells. D : B cells. 5 / 23

Correct Answer : B 31 : Contrary to the earlier belief that the brain and immune system operate independently of each other, scientists accidentally discovered a link working with rats in a(n) A : classical conditioning paradigm. B : injection trial experiment. C : rheumatoid arthritis study. D : experimental HIV trial. Correct Answer : A 32 : In 2011, it was estimated that the total number of people afflicted with HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, was estimated at A : 13 million. B : 23 million. C : 34 million. D : 43 million. Correct Answer : C 33 : The area of the world hardest hit by HIV is A : regions in southern Africa. B : rural areas in China. C : Central and South America. D : northern regions in the United States. Correct Answer : A 34 : After several months to years with no symptoms, HIV-infected persons may develop minor health problems such as weight loss, fever, and night sweatssymptoms that make up the condition known as A : AIDS-related complex (ARC). B : generalized AIDS. C : HIV reaction. D : HAART symptoms. Correct Answer : A 35 : AIDS is now treated with new combinations of drugs called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which A : suppress the virus in people who are HIV positive. B : cure AIDS by eliminating the virus from the body. C : suppress immune system functioning. D : are well tolerated and cause minimal side effects. Correct Answer : A 36 : Estimates regarding the prevalence of AIDS in southern Africa indicate that A : the percentage of the adult population that is HIV positive comprises two-thirds of the cases worldwide. B : 10% of the adult population has AIDS. C : 5 million children are orphaned by the disease. 6 / 23

D : none of these are correct Correct Answer : A 37 : Which of the following statements about AIDS is true? A : An infected person immediately develops AIDS-related complex (ARC). B : The median time for the development of full-blown AIDS is around three to five years. C : The death rate from AIDS declined 50% from 2002 to 2010. D : The current successful cure for AIDS is highly active antiviral therapy (HAART), which eliminates the virus. Correct Answer : C 38 : The main function of neurohormones is to A : lower stress. B : carry the brains signals to the rest of the body. C : modulate mood. D : all of these are correct. Correct Answer : B 39 : Psychosocial interventions such as stress reduction techniques for chronically ill individuals are thought to affect the disease process via the immune system by A : giving patients a reduced sense of control. B : helping patients effectively utilize HAART drug regimes. C : changing patients positive cognitions. D : helping patients reduce depression, thus reducing cortisol. Correct Answer : D 40 : Brief psychosocial treatments aimed at reducing stress while increasing coping and control lead to improved immune systems and prolonged life in A : cancer patients. B : AIDS patients. C : both D : neither Correct Answer : C 41 : Which of the following does NOT describe an effective psychosocial intervention that has been reported in oncology research studies? A : Use of psychological treatments that reduced pain and depression and enhanced feelings of well-being B : Use of films and dolls that reduced childrens stress and anxiety during medical procedures C : Use of psychotherapy that temporarily prolonged life for breast cancer patients both during and after the intervention D : Use of psychoanalytic techniques that reduced the growth rate of tumors Correct Answer : D 42 : CVAs are more commonly known as A : heart attacks. B : coronaries. 7 / 23

C : strokes. D : blood clots. Correct Answer : C 43 : Unhealthy and/or risky behaviors that impact directly on the cardiovascular system may contribute to A : panic disorder. B : somatic symptom disorders. C : strokes, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease. D : reduced immunity to autoimmune diseases. Correct Answer : C 44 : Various psychological factors have been used to explain individual variations in blood pressure, including all of the following EXCEPT A : coping style. B : personality. C : level of stress. D : level of intelligence. Correct Answer : D 45 : Which of the following individuals have been shown to have greater tendency to suffer from hypertension? A : Those with high levels of stress whose parents had normal blood pressure B : Those with low levels of stress whose parents had high blood pressure C : Those with high levels of stress whose parents had high blood pressure D : Those with low levels of stress whose parents had normal blood pressure Correct Answer : C 46 : The majority of hypertension cases have no specific verifiable physical cause and are considered A : feigned hypertension. B : type A hypertension. C : essential hypertension. D : nonidentifiable hypertension. Correct Answer : C 47 : Hypertension contributes to many fatal diseases and has been called the __________________ because there are fewif anysymptoms and most people dont know they have it. A : undiscovered disease B : silent killer C : jack-of-all-diseases D : hidden disease Correct Answer : B 48 : Since heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, it is very important, in terms of prevention, to determine if 8 / 23

A : better medications can be found to treat heart disease. B : changes in behavior, lifestyle, and attitude can prevent heart attacks. C : psychotherapy can help people adjust to having an artificial heart. D : heart transplants can be made available to more patients. Correct Answer : B 49 : Which of the following statements is true regarding hypertension in the United States? A : African Americans are more likely to develop hypertension and have hypertensive vascular diseases than Caucasians. B : African Americans are just as likely to develop hypertension and have hypertensive vascular diseases than Caucasians. C : African Americans are less likely to develop hypertension and have hypertensive vascular diseases than Caucasians. D : Only African Americans of a certain genetic variant are more likely than Caucasians to develop hypertension and have hypertensive vascular diseases than Caucasians. Correct Answer : A 50 : The type B behavior pattern applies to people who A : dont care about life. B : are impatient. C : are excessively competitive. D : do not have type A attributes. Correct Answer : D 51 : In trying to determine if the type A/type B classifications are reliable and valid as predictors of heart disease, it becomes apparent that A : not every individual shows distinctively type A or type B characteristics. B : women are usually type A and men are usually type B. C : interviews to assess peoples personality characteristics are more reliable than questionnaires. D : medical tests are the only valid predictors of heart disease. Correct Answer : A 52 : Which of the following is a correct match of medical condition and definition? A : Anginaobstruction caused by buildup of plaque in the arteries B : Atherosclerosisdeficiency of blood to a body part caused by narrowing of the arteries C : Myocardial infarctiondeath of heart tissue due to a completely clogged artery D : Ischemiachest pain caused by partial obstruction of the arteries Correct Answer : C 53 : Gregor just learned that his spouse of 28 years has died in an automobile accident. Upon hearing the news, Gregor collapsed and was rushed to the hospital in apparent heart failure. Gregor probably suffered A : myocardial infarction. B : transient ischemic attack. C : angina pectoris. D : myocardial stunning. 9 / 23

Correct Answer : D 54 : Which of the following people would be LEAST at risk for hypertension? A : Maya, who has a very type A and controlling personality B : Dough, who tends to be melancholic and keeps to himself C : Abhi, who has a warm and stable relationship with an extensive family and a network of friends D : Mimi, who was recently promoted to a prestigious but highly competitive management position Correct Answer : C 55 : Which personality is characterized by social inhibition and heightened negative emotions? A : Type D B : Type A C : Type R D : Type N Correct Answer : A 56 : The type of pain that typically follows an injury and disappears once the injury heals or is effectively treated is called A : distress pain. B : sensory pain. C : oppositional pain. D : acute pain. Correct Answer : D 57 : In regard to the condition termed chronic pain, most researchers now agree that the causes of chronic pain and resulting high costs to our healthcare system are primarily A : psychological. B : social. C : imaginary. D : both psychological and social. Correct Answer : D 58 : All of the following are examples of pain behaviors EXCEPT A : complaining about pain to others. B : grimacing. C : positional changes (while sitting or walking). D : suffering in silence. Correct Answer : D 59 : A predictor of which patients will suffer from chronic pain is A : the use of invasive surgical procedures. B : the patients family history with pain. C : a profile of negative emotions. D : the intensity of the initial pain. Correct Answer : C 10 / 23

60 : Which of the following is an example of the phenomenon known as operant control of pain behavior? A : Kates family has always been critical and demanding. Since her accident, though, family members have become caring and sympathetic. B : Kim is recovering from a broken leg. Although she is walking on crutches, she has been trying to be as independent as possible. C : Kinesha had to have a finger amputated after it was partially severed in a slicing accident. Since she feels discomfort in the missing finger, she has been diagnosed with phantom limb pain. D : Kyomi suffers from chronic back pain. However, she rarely complains about the pain to others and tries to keep her facial expressions from showing that she is in pain. Correct Answer : A 61 : In the phenomenon known as operant control of pain, the pain behaviors manifested by an individual are determined by A : the type of injury. B : social consequences. C : the side effects of medications. D : the patients reaction to treatment. Correct Answer : B 62 : Researchers who study the clinical experience of pain have determined that pain is A : entirely due to physical causes. B : entirely due to psychological causes. C : neither entirely physical nor entirely psychological. D : always due to unknown and unpredictable factors. Correct Answer : C 63 : Which of the following is NOT an example of the complex interaction of physical and psychological factors in the experience of pain? A : The gate control theory of pain B : Delusional pain C : Chronic pain D : Phantom limb pain. Correct Answer : B 64 : The natural opioids called endorphins or enkephalins act like neurotransmitters to A : increase awareness of pain. B : shut down the sensation of pain. C : cause a natural addiction. D : help heal damaged tissue, thereby decreasing pain. Correct Answer : B 65 : Endogenous opioids have been implicated in a variety of psychopathological conditions, including A : eating disorders. B : phobias. 11 / 23

C : obsessive-compulsive disorder. D : personality disorders. Correct Answer : A 66 : Regarding gender differences in the experience of pain, women suffer more frequently than men from all of the following EXCEPT A : migraine headaches. B : arthritis. C : carpal tunnel syndrome. D : backache. Correct Answer : D 67 : Females may have an extra pain-regulating pathway focused on relieving pain associated with the reproductive system. One implication of this biological gender difference is that A : men need more pain relief than women following most surgical procedures. B : women need more pain relief than men following most surgical procedures. C : treatment of pain in men and women is still the same, because the psychological experience of pain is the same for men and women. D : males and females m...

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