Chapter 06 - studying materials very helpful PDF

Title Chapter 06 - studying materials very helpful
Author stical baah
Course Psychology PSYC 386
Institution Loyola University Chicago
Pages 24
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studying materials very helpful...


MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Mood disorders refer to a group of disorders involving severe disturbances ranging from __________ to ____________. A : hallucinations; suicidality B : elation; depression C : indecisiveness; anhedonia D : hypomania; mania Correct Answer : B 2 : Mood disorders can take on many forms; one of the most severe, involving repeated episodes of extremely low mood, is referred to as A : major depressive disorder. B : persistent depressive disorder. C : cyclothymia. D : Melancholia. Correct Answer : A 3 : A typical episode of major depression lasts __________, with very severe cases lasting as long as several years. A : three months B : six months C : nine months D : one year Correct Answer : C 4 : Which of the following is usually a component of a major depressive episode? A : Emotional shutdown B : Somatic/vegetative symptoms C : Anhedonia/loss of interest or motivation D : All of these are correct Correct Answer : D 5 : Which of the following is NOT usually a component of a major depressive episode? A : Feelings of worthlessness B : Flight of ideas C : Altered sleep patterns D : Change in appetite Correct Answer : B 6 : Which of the following is a symptom of a manic episode? A : Slowed speech B : Hypoactive behavior C : Hypersomnia D : Grandiosity Correct Answer : D 1 / 24

7 : One symptom of a mood disorder is anhedonia, which means A : a feeling of worthlessness. B : an altered pattern of sleep. C : indecisiveness. D : an inability to experience pleasure. Correct Answer : D 8 : When used in connection with mood disorders, flight of ideas means A : anxiety about airplane travel. B : rapid speech expressing many exciting ideas at once. C : limited imagination reflected in a slow way of speaking. D : an increase in creative ideas. Correct Answer : B 9 : In comparing the length of untreated depressive episodes and untreated manic episodes, which of the following is an accurate statement? A : Depressive episodes generally last longer. B : Manic episodes generally last longer. C : Both types of episodes typically last about the same amount of time. D : This comparison cannot be made because only depressive episodes can be treated. Correct Answer : A 10 : A hypomanic episode refers to A : a prolonged but less severe form of a manic episode that is easily treated. B : a manic episode without hallucinations or delusions. C : a manic episode that occurs without any depressive episodes. D : a shorter and less severe form of a manic episode with less impairment in functioning. Correct Answer : D 11 : The physical or somatic symptoms of a major depressive disorder include A : changes in appetite or weight. B : decreased ability to concentrate. C : increased energy. D : orgasmic feelings. Correct Answer : A 12 : Which of the following symptoms characterize a manic episode? A : Feelings of guilt B : Grandiose plans C : Anhedonia D : Loss of energy Correct Answer : B 13 : A 55-year-old Californian named Annie recently formulated an ambitious plan to start a Broadway career. She withdrew all the money from her bank account, purchased a brand new vehicle on a 0% down contract, drove 38 hours nonstop to New York City, and interrupted a 2 / 24

musical rehearsal by demanding an audition with the casting director. Which of the following is Annie likely experiencing? A : Major depressive episode B : Hypomanic episode C : Manic episode D : Postpartum psychosis Correct Answer : C 14 : Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding mood disorders? A : An individual experiencing manic symptoms can also be depressed or anxious. B : Unipolar mania is more common than unipolar depression. C : An individual who has experienced only manic episodes in the past is unlikely to never become depressed. D : Neither manic nor depressive symptoms remit on their own without treatment. Correct Answer : A 15 : Mixed features refers to a type of mania in which a manic episode is A : extremely severe. B : very mild. C : accompanied by depression or anxiety. D : related to a medical condition. Correct Answer : C 16 : An important difference between major depressive disorder, recurrent and major depressive disorder, single episode is that A : single episode type is more common. B : recurrent type is more common. C : single episode symptoms are more severe. D : recurrent symptoms are more severe. Correct Answer : B 17 : Debbie has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, recurrent. She wants to know what to expect in the future regarding her condition. You tell her that according to recent research, the median lifetime number of major depressive episodes is A : 47. B : 810. C : 1215. D : 1618. Correct Answer : A 18 : According to recent research, the median duration of recurrent (subsequent to the first episode) major depressive episodes is A : one to two months. B : four to five months. C : seven to nine months. D : 11 to 12 months. Correct Answer : B 3 / 24

19 : Persistent depressive disorder (PPD), formerly known as dysthymia, differs from major depressive disorder (MDD) because people diagnosed with PDD have symptoms of depression that are A : more severe. B : longer-lasting. C : episodic. D : temporary. Correct Answer : B 20 : Jack has experienced recurrent episodes of major depressive episodes. In the intervals between the episodes, he does not seem to return to normal. In fact, during those periods, he has been diagnosed as having low-grade depression. Jacks condition is referred to as A : double depression. B : bipolar disorder. C : atypical depression. D : dysfunctional dysthymia. Correct Answer : A 21 : The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging reported that symptoms of depression followed a(an) A : downward sloping pattern across the life span. B : an inverted U-shaped pattern across adulthood. C : an upward sloping pattern across the life span. D : a U-shaped pattern across adulthood. Correct Answer : D 22 : According to recent research, the percentage of people age 18 to 23 who have already experienced major depression is _____%. A : 10 B : 18 C : 25 D : 40 Correct Answer : C 23 : The probability that a person will recover from a major depressive episode within five years approaches 90% in A : all cases. B : mild cases only. C : severe cases only. D : double depression only. Correct Answer : A 24 : In severe cases of depression where the episode lasts five years or longer, how many of these patients can be expected to recover? A : None B : About half C : Approximately one-third 4 / 24

D : All Correct Answer : C 25 : Regarding severe cases of major depressive disorder, those in which the depressive episode has lasted five years or more, all of the following statements are accurate EXCEPT A : the episode may not entirely clear up, leaving some residual symptoms. B : the likelihood of a subsequent episode is high. C : the next episode is likely to be manic, rather than depressive. D : subsequent episodes may be associated with incomplete inter-episode recovery. Correct Answer : C 26 : In comparison to patients with major depressive disorder, patients with persistent depressive disorder are A : more likely to display symptoms of depression. B : more likely to attempt suicide. C : less likely to experience long-term episodes of depression. D : more likely to be in remission in seven to nine months. Correct Answer : B 27 : Not only is there a high prevalence of persistent depressive disorder in children, but it has also been found that three-fourths of these children will eventually be diagnosed with A : bipolar disorder. B : mania. C : major depressive disorder. D : cyclothymia. Correct Answer : C 28 : Symptoms of severe depression are generally NOT considered a psychological disorder when they are associated with A : a grief reaction. B : a manic episode. C : anxiety. D : thoughts of suicide. Correct Answer : A 29 : The acute grief most of us would feel eventually evolves into what is called A : dysthymia. B : latent grief. C : integrated grief. D : complicated grief. Correct Answer : C 30 : Although grieving is considered a normal process, it does sometimes become a psychological disorder. Which of the following cases would NOT be diagnosed as complicated grief? A : Mr. As sister suddenly passed away from illness about a year ago. Mr. A is still suffering from severe depression and persistent thoughts of joining his sister in heaven. 5 / 24

B : Two years ago, Miss B has experienced the death of a close friend. She is so depressed that she has no appetite or energy, and believes that she will never be truly happy again without her friend. C : Mrs. Cs dog recently died. Three weeks later, her friends suggest that she get another dog to help her get over the loss. Mrs. C refuses, saying she just isnt ready to get another dog and still has trouble accepting that Duchess is gone. D : Dr. Ds cat died 18 months ago. In addition to his depressive symptoms, he cannot stop replaying the scene of her death in his mind, which is interfering with his social life. Correct Answer : C 31 : Considering the terms used to differentiate mood disorders, cyclothymic is to dysthymic as A : bipolar disorder is to major depressive disorder. B : manic is to hypomanic. C : major depressive disorder is to bipolar disorder. D : bipolar I is to bipolar II. Correct Answer : A 32 : Jane is diagnosed with bipolar II disorder. You can expect that she will experience A : full manic episodes. B : hypomanic episodes. C : both manic and hypomanic episodes. D : neither manic nor hypomanic episodes. Correct Answer : B 33 : Manic episodes alternate with depressive episodes in the disorder called A : bipolar I disorder. B : major depressive disorder. C : complicated grief. D : cyclothymia. Correct Answer : A 34 : Which of the following is NOT true about a hypomanic manic episode? A : It is not necessarily impairing for an individual. B : It involves cognitive and physical changes. C : It causes marked impairment in social or occupational functioning. D : It may last for weeks. Correct Answer : C 35 : Unipolar mania A : does not exist. B : is rare. C : is fairly common. D : is a part of bipolar disorder. Correct Answer : B 36 : When referring to the mood disorders called cyclothymia and persistent depressive disorder, it would be accurate to say that an individual with cyclothymia probably 6 / 24

A : would be considered moody. B : cannot function normally at all. C : has more depressive episodes D : has full manic episodes. Correct Answer : A 37 : Some psychologists were reluctant to make premenstrual dysphoric disorder a formal diagnosis because A : it had too much overlap with other mood disorders diagnostic criteria. B : it is so rare that a formal diagnostic category is unjustified. C : it is strictly a consequence of hormonal imbalances and is therefore not a psychological disorder. D : it has the potential to be stigmatizing for women. Correct Answer : D 38 : Approximately what percentage of women suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder? A : 2%5% B : 6%10% C : 18%24% D : 20%40% Correct Answer : A 39 : In recent years, a trend of ______________ children with bipolar disorder has become problematic. A : underdiagnosing B : overdiagnosing C : not recognizing D : mistreating Correct Answer : B 40 : Children with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder are most at risk for later developing A : bipolar disorder. B : mood and anxiety disorders. C : psychotic disorders. D : psychopathic personality traits. Correct Answer : B 41 : Which of the following is a risk associated with misdiagnosing children with bipolar disorder, when in fact they have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? A : Medications for bipolar disorder are very potent and have serious side effects. B : ADHD is more impairing than bipolar disorder, so one would be ignoring the real problem. C : Insurance companies dont recognize childhood bipolar disorder and will not reimburse treatment for it. D : There are no major risks, as the two disorders are so similar that treatments are essentially the same. Correct Answer : A 7 / 24

42 : Which of the following eight-year-old children should most likely receive a diagnosis of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder? A : Hakim, who cannot sit still in class or at the dinner table B : Bella, who stayed up all night for three nights in a row making what she believes is the worlds prettiest dress C : Bobby, who always gets into fights and is extremely rebellious with authority figures D : Mary Ann, who cant help snapping at her parents and an overwhelming feeling of irritability that she feels uncontrollable Correct Answer : D 43 : One of the problems encountered by psychiatrists who prescribe medication for patients with bipolar disorder is that patients often A : stop taking the medication in order to bring on a depressive state. B : stop taking the medication in order to bring on a manic state. C : overdose on the medication during a severe manic state. D : become addicted to the medications during a severe manic state. Correct Answer : B 44 : All of the following words are used to describe the manic mood state EXCEPT A : elated. B : expansive. C : energetic. D : exhausted. Correct Answer : D 45 : At various times, Cynthia, a 20-year-old college student, has always been considered by her family and/or friends to be moody, high-strung, explosive, or hyperactive. Knowing the criteria for mood disorders, you would diagnose Cynthia with A : major depressive disorder. B : panic disorder. C : disrupted mood dysregulation disorder. D : cyclothymia. Correct Answer : D 46 : In about _____________ of patients, cyclothymic mood swings develop into full-blown bipolar disorder. A : one-fifth B : one-third C : two-thirds D : four-fifths Correct Answer : B 47 : Since traditional antidepressant medication such as tricyclics may actually provoke rapid cycling in patients with bipolar disorder, mood stabilizers and ________ are often prescribed instead. A : antipsychotics B : tranquilizers C : anticonvulsants 8 / 24

D : opiates Correct Answer : C 48 : In studies of bipolar patients who experience cyclothimia, it has been found that as many as 60% are A : female. B : male. C : elderly. D : adolescents. Correct Answer : A 49 : Milton has been mildly depressed for many years. Just recently, however, his depression deepened, and he was severely depressed for about three months. His deep depression then lifted and he was once again mildly depressed. Milton A : will be easier to treat now that the severe depression is resolved. B : will quickly respond to treatment and will recover completely from his depression. C : will likely be associated with more severe psychopathology and a problematic future course. D : will require treatment for the rest of his life. Correct Answer : C 50 : Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is best categorized as a(an) A : physical disorder B : disorder of mood C : endocrine disorder D : dysregulation disorder Correct Answer : B 51 : With regard to the prevalence of mood disorders, it has been consistently found that A : females experience major depressive disorders less frequently than males. B : men have twice as many mood disorders as women. C : bipolar disorder rarely has an onset age greater than 40. D : dysthymia occurs equally across gender. Correct Answer : C 52 : All of the following are accurate statements about the prevalence of mood disorders in children and adolescents EXCEPT that A : bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed in children. B : major depressive disorder in adolescents is primarily a female disorder. C : rates of attempted suicide decrease during adolescence. D : adolescents with cyclothymic disorder must display the symptoms one year before a diagnosis can be made. Correct Answer : C 53 : Being depressed ________ the risk of death in elderly patients who have had a stroke or heart attack. A : has no effect on B : doubles 9 / 24

C : triples D : reduces Correct Answer : B 54 : The presence of medical illnesses or symptoms of dementia can make the diagnosis of depression difficult in A : middle-aged men. B : menopausal women. C : highly creative individuals. D : the elderly. Correct Answer : D 55 : Cross-cultural research indicates that, due at least in part to appalling social and economic conditions, the prevalence of major depression is extremely high among A : African Americans. B : European Americans. C : Asian Americans. D : Native Americans Correct Answer : D 56 : Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the relationship between anxiety and depression? A : A large percentage of depressed patients are anxious, but not all anxious patient is depressed. B : Cognitive content (thinking) is more negative in anxious patients than in those with depression. C : A core symptom of anxiety is the inability to experience pleasure. D : Anxiety is often preceded by an episode of major depression. Correct Answer : A 57 : In research looking at the biological causes of mood disorders, studies have shown that if one of a set of twins is unipolar, the chances that the other twin is bipolar are A : high. B : moderate. C : low. D : slim to none. Correct Answer : D 58 : In terms of the etiology of mood disorders, research has shown that A : environmental stress plays a larger role in causing depression in men than in women. B : genetic factors are more important in the development of depression in men in comparison to the development of depression in women. C : genetic and environmental factors are equally contributory to mood disorders. D : there are no sex differences in vulnerability to depression. Correct Answer : A 59 : The best estimates of genetic contributions to depression fall in the range of 10 / 24

A : 80% for women and 60% for men. B : 60% for women and 40% for men. C : 40% for women and 20% for men. D : 60% for women and 80% for men. Correct Answer : C 60 : Kendler et al. found that the same genetic factors contribute to both A : anxiety and dementia. B : dementia, and depression. C : anxiety and depression. D : Alzheimers and anxiety. Correct Answer : C 61 : Current research into neurotransmitter systems has produced the permissive hypothesis, which means that A : low levels of serotonin are sufficient to explain the etiology of mood disorders. B : the norepinephrine system regulates serotonin levels; if norepinephrine is low, depression will occur. C : when serotonin levels are low, other neurotransmitter systems become dysregulated and contribute to mood irregularities. D : the absolute levels of neurotransmitters are more significant in mood regulation than the overall balance of the various neurotransmitters. Correct Answer : C 62 : According to your textbook, the apparent primary function of _____________________ is to regulate our emotional reactions. A : serotonin B : dopamine C : cortisol D : GABA Correct Answer : A 63 : According to your textbook, which of the following female historical figures suffered from depression? A : Queen Victoria B : Joan of Arc C : Eleanor Roosevelt D : Anna Freud Correct Answer : A 64 : Recent research suggests that A : the suppression of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is due to the connection between high stress hormones and depression. B : low hippocampal volume may precede and contribute to the onset of depression. C : electroconvulsive therapy seems to produce neurogenesis in the hippocampus. D : all of these are correct Correct Answer : D 11 / 24

65 : Researchers studying the relationship between sleep and mood found A : the relationship was bidirectional. B : no relationship. C : the relationship was unidirectional. D : that an increase in negative moods does not lead to predictable changes in sleep patterns but an increase in positive moods does. Correct Answer : A 66 : One symptom of depression is an increase in sleeping. What other symptom related to sleep occurs in depression? A : Decreased slow wave sleep, the deepest stage of sleep B : Less intense REM activity C : Stages of deepest sleep occurring earlier in the sleep cycle D : Slower onset of REM sleep Correct Answer : A 67 : With regard to the relationship between stress and depression, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT that A : the context of the life event, as well as its meaning to the individual, is more...

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