Chapter 1 - Summary Canadian Human Resource Management /cHermann Schwind, Krista Uggerslev, Terry Wagar PDF

Title Chapter 1 - Summary Canadian Human Resource Management /cHermann Schwind, Krista Uggerslev, Terry Wagar
Course Human Resources Management in Canada
Institution Centennial College
Pages 3
File Size 46.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 74
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Chapter 1 Summary...


Chapt er1:St r at egi cHumanResour ceManagement Whati sHumanResour cesManagement ?  Or gani zat i onsbr i ngpeopl et oget heri nacoor di nat edmannert oaccompl i shgoal st hatcoul dn’ t beaccompl i shedi ndi vi dual l y .  Or gani zat i onalgoal s shor t t er m andl ongt er m goal st hatHRM ai mst osuppor tandenabl e  HumanResour ceManagement l eader shi pandmanagementofpeopl ewi t hi nan or gani zat i on o Usesmet hods,pr ocesses,andpr ocedur est or ecr ui t ,sel ect ,mot i v at eandenabl e empl oy eest oachi eveout comest hatenhanceempl oy ees ’posi t i v econt r i but i onst ot he or gani z at i on’ sgoal s . Di ffer enceBet weenHRM andHRD( depar t ment )  Al t houghHRM i scent r al t oal lor gani z at i ons ,notal lor gani zat i onshav eadedi cat edHRD  HRM  f oc us esonwhatl eader sandmanager ss houl ddor el at i ngt oor gani z i nghuman r es our ces y s t ems ,pol i c i esandpr oc edur es ,whi chcr eat ev al uebyf ac i l i t at i ngandenabl i ng empl oy eest oac hi ev ei ndi v i dual goal st ocont r i but et ocor por at eoror gani z at i ongoal s.  HRD speci al i z edgr oupt hatens ur et hemosteffect i v eus eofhumanr es our c es y st em ac r oss anor gani z at i ont oenhanceempl oy eeper f or manceandaccompl i s hgoal s.  2006Eur opeans t udys howi ngt hator gani z at i onshav et hr eeHRs t affper200empl oy ees St r at egi cHumanResour ceManagement  St r at egi cHRM ai mst or ecogni z et hatt het oolusedbyhumanr es our c esi sdependentonwhat t heor gani z at i oni st r y i ngt oachi ev e. o HRM act i vi t i esmus tal i gnandcont r i but et ot heor gani z at i ons ’ st r at egi es o I t ’ sav al uedr i v en,pr oact i v ef oc usonhowbes tt odepl oyhumanr es our c epr ac t i c esand act i vi t i est oac hi ev egoal s  St r at egy si mi l art oagamepl an;l ar ges cal e,f ut ur eor i ent ed,i nt egr at edpl anst oachi ev e goal sandr es pondt ot hr eat eni ngsi t uat i onsf ac i ngt heor gani z at i on. o I dent i fi eshowt heor gani z at i onwi l lc r eat ev al ueandf or mul at edbyt hr eel ev el s :  Cor por at e  Bus i ness  Funct i onal Pr oact i veHumanResour ceManagement–HRmanager sr emai npr oact i v eandant i ci pat e c hal l engesorpr obl emsbot hi nsi deandout s i det heor gani z at i onbef or ef eel i ngi mpac t *Forex ampl e,at t r ac t i ngt al entf r om nont r adi t i onall abourpool sc anbet t ermeetneedsof c ompani esbysear c hi ngf ort al entamonggr owi ngpopul at i on–r et i r ees . React i veHumanResour ceManagement–HRdec i s i onmak er sr espondt opr obl emsorchal l enges ast heyar i set hanant i c i pat et hem. Under st andi ngSt r at egi cHumanResour ceManagement–shoul dbef or mul at edaf t er c onsi der at i onofor gani z at i on’ senvi r onment ,mi ss i onandobj ect i v es ,et c . 1.Or gani zat i onalMi ssi on,Goal sandSt r at egyAnal ysi s a.Thewayanor gani z at i ondefinesi t smi ss i onsof t eni nfl uenc esHRs t r at egi es b.Mi s si onSt at ement–act i v i t i est heor gani z at i oni nt endst opur s ueandwhatc our s ei s c har t edf ort hef ut ur e.Depi c t s“ whowear e,whatwedo,andwher ewear eheaded”t o gi v et hec ompanyani dent i t y ,c har ac t erandpat hofdev el opment .

c .Fori nst anc e,t wopor kpr oduc er s :onei s“ t obeas ust ai nabl epor kpr oducer ”v er sus“ t o beal eadi ngpor kpr oducer ” s t r at egi esas s oc i at edwi t ht heset woar edi ffer ents i nce t hefi r s tcompanywoul dpr i or i t i z er ai s i nghogsands eekway st oi mpr ov eeffect i v eness whi l es ec ondonef ocusesonex pans i onandpr ofit abi l i t y . i .CostLeader shi p–s t r at egyt ogai nadv ant ageov ercompet i t or st hr oughl ower c os t s i i .Di ffer ent i at i onSt r at egy–pr oduceuni quepr oductt hati snoteas i l yr epl ac eabl e s ot heycanc har gehi gher t hanav er agepr i ces i i i .FocusSt r at egy–gai ncompet i t i v eadv ant agebyf oc us i ngonneedsofs pec i fi c s egmentoft ot almar k et . 2.Envi r onment alScan a.St r onges tf or c esaffect i ngCanadi anor gani z at i onsar e: i .Economi c( r ec es si on) i i .Tec hnol ogi c al ( aut omat i on) i i i .Demogr aphi c( wor kf or cecompos i t i on) i v .Cul t ur al( et hni cdi v er s i t y) v .Legal ( changi ngl aws ) b.Ec onomi esgot hr oughboom andbust=HRpr of ess i onal shav eani mpor t antr ol edur i ng bot ht i mes i .Dur i ngr ec es si on=l ay offsandwagec oncess i onsf r om l abour i i .Wor kf or cemor al ei sl ow=cons i derc ouns el i ngsuppor t i i i .Dur i nghi r i ngper i od=consi derbes thowt ogr owt al entbas eagai n c .Technol ogyFor ces i .Mechani z at i onandaut omat i onar ebenefic i alf orcompani esbutuni onss l ow downt hepac eofhowt hes ear eaddedi nt ot hewor kf or ce d.Demogr aphi cFor ces i .I n1996,28% ofCanadi ansar e>50y / o i i .HRPwi l lf acet r endofmor epeopl el eav i ngwor kf or c er at hert hanent er i ngi t . i i i .Fourgener at i ons–Y,X,babyboomer sandt r adi t i onal i st s 1.Mus tbeawar eofdi ffer entmot i v at or sf oreachoft hegener at i onsandt ai l or act i vi t i esf ordi ffer entagedemogr aphi cs e.Cul t ur alFor ces i .CodeofEt hi csandConduct 3.Anal ysi sofOr gani z at i onalChar act erandCul t ur e a.Or gani zat i onChar act er–pr oductofal l or gani z at i on’ sf eat ur esl i k epeopl e,t ec hnol ogy , s i z e,age,uni ons,et c . b.Equi final i t y–manypat hsl eadi ngt ot heobj ec t i v eandk eyt osucc es si sc hoos i ngpat h bes tfit t i ngt heor gani z at i on’ schar ac t er c .Or gani zat i onalCul t ur e–c or ebel i ef sandass umpt i onst hatar ewi del ys har edby or gani z at i onalmember s .Cul t ur ehast obec onsi st entwi t ht heov er al lmi ss i onand s t r at egyoft heor gani z at i on 4.Choi ceandI mpl ement at i onofHRSt r at egi es a.HRst r at egymus tr eflectev er yc hangei nt heor gani z at i onals t r at egyandSUPPORTI T i .Pl anni ngHumanResour ces–i dent i f ygapsi npeopl eorpr ocess est obemet i i .At t r act i ngHumanResour ces– i i i .Pl aci ngandDevel opi ngandEval uat i ngHR–t r ai ni ngf oreffec t i v enessand s y st emat i cc ar eerpl anni ngf ornewhi r est oopt i mi z et i me i v .Mot i vat i ngEmpl oyees– v .Mai nt ai ni ngHi ghPer f or mance–pr oduct i v econt r i but i onf r om ev er ymemberi s max i mum l ev el .Thi si nc l udesuni onsandc ol l ect i v eagr eementenf or ement s

5.Revi ew,Eval uat i onandAudi tofHumanResour cesSt r at egi es a.Cont ext ual f ac t or s( t ec h,env i r onment ,gov tpol i c i es )andex t er nalf act or sc hange c ont i nuousl y b.HRAUDI T–ex ami nat i onofHRpol i c i es ,pr act i c esands y st emsofafi r mt oel i mi nat e defi c i enc i esandi mpr ov eway st oac hi ev egoal s c.Audi t sar ebac kwar dl ooki ngs i nc eonl yr es ul t sf r om pas tdec i s i onsar es hown.Pr oact i v e appr oac hmustbeexhi bi t edt os eef ut ur eor i ent at i on. Or gani z at i onofHumanResour ceManagement  Del egat i onf ai l si ft heel ement sar enotdes cr i bedpr oper l y : o Ass i gndut i es+gr antaut hor i t y+c r eat es ens eofr es pons i bi l i t y o Del egat i ondoes n’ tr educ er es pons i bi l i t yf r om amanageri tal l owsSHARI NG of r es pons i bi l i t ywi t hot her s o Newdemandsasdepar t mentgr ows  I ncr easei mpor t anceandcompl ex i t yasnewdemandspl ac edont hedepar t ment  St affAut hor i t y–HRmanager sc an’ tor derot hermanager sbutj us tadvi set hem  Li neAut hor i t y–aut hor i t yt omak edeci s i onsaboutpr oduct i on,per f or manceandpeopl e.  Funct i onalAut hor i t y–t opr ov i decont r olanduni f or mi t y ,s pec i al i s t sal l owedt omak ec r uc i al dec i si onseffect i v el y

* *Seefigur esandSummar yBox esandCas eSt udi es( one)...

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