Chapter 11 quiz PDF

Title Chapter 11 quiz
Course Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Institution Carleton University
Pages 12
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TRUE/FALSE 1 : One advantage of a factorial research design is that is creates a more realistic situation in which to observe the relationship between variables. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 2 : A two-factor experimental design must involve at least four different treatment conditions. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 3 : A two-factor study comparing task performance for males versus females (factor 1) for three different levels of task difficulty (factor 2) would be described as a 2 × 3 design. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 4 : A two-factor study compares two levels of factor A and three levels of factor B with a separate sample of 5 participants in each treatment condition. This study will use a total of 25 participants. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 5 : A two-factor experimental design evaluates two main effects and one interaction. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 6 : In a matrix representing the structure of a factorial design, the mean differences between the rows define the interaction between the factors. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 7 : A two-factor study compares three different treatment conditions (factor 1) for males and females (factor 2). In this study, the main effect for gender is determined by comparing the overall mean score for the males (averaged over the three treatments) and the corresponding overall mean score for the females (averaged over the three treatments). A : true B : false Correct Answer : A

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8 : In a two-factor design, an interaction means that the effect of one factor depends on the levels of the second factor. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 9 : In a two-factor design, there are two separate interactions. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 10 : A two-factor study compares two different treatment conditions (factor 1) for males and females (factor 2). In this study, the males have an average score of 20 in the first treatment and an average of 25 in the second. The females average 35 in the first treatment and 45 in the second. For this study, there is no interaction. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 11 : A doctor suspects that the effectiveness of a new cholesterol medication depends on the age of the patient. If the doctor is correct, the results from a two-factor study comparing medication versus no-medication for young versus old patients should produce an interaction. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 12 : In a two-factor experiment, an interaction can distort the main effects of either or both factors. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 13 : If the A × B interaction is significant, then at least one of the two main effects also must be significant. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 14 : It is possible for the results of a two-factor study to show an interaction even though there is no main effect for either factor. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 15 : In a two-factor study, it is possible to have one between-subjects factor and one withinsubjects factor. 2 / 12

A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 16 : In a two-factor study, it is possible to have one experimental factor and one nonexperimental factor. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 17 : A two-factor study compares the effectiveness of two different treatments (factor 1) by measuring performance before treatment, immediately after treatment, and three months after treatment (factor 2) for each participant. There are 100 participants, 50 are randomly assigned to treatment A and 50 to treatment B. The results from this study should be evaluated with mixed-design two-factor analysis of variance. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 18 : A researcher can replicate and expand a study by repeating the previous study in every way except adding an additional factor. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 19 : It is often possible to reduce the variance in a between-subjects design by using a participant variable such as age or gender as a second factor. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 20 : If a researcher adds order of treatment as a factor, and finds that the means are the same whether a treatment is presented first or second, then there are no order effects present in that study. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A

MULTIPLE CHOICE 21 : How many independent variables are there in an experimental two-factor design? A : One B : Two C : Three D : Four 3 / 12

Correct Answer : B 22 : How many independent variables are there in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design? A : Two B : Three C : Four D : Eight Correct Answer : B 23 : How many separate groups of participants would be needed for a between-subjects, twofactor study with three levels of factor A and four levels of factor B? A : Three B : Four C : Seven D : Twelve Correct Answer : D 24 : A researcher who is examining the effects of temperature and humidity on the eating behavior of rats uses a factorial experiment comparing three different temperatures (70°, 80°, and 90°) and two humidity conditions (low and high). How many factors are in the experiment? A : One B : Two C : Three D : Six Correct Answer : B 25 : In a 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experiment, there are a total of ____ treatment conditions in the experiment, and each participant serves in ____ condition(s). A : 2; 1 B : 4; 1 C : 2; 2 D : 4; 2 Correct Answer : B 26 : In a 2 × 3 between-subjects factorial experiment, there are ____ groups of participants. A : two B : three C : six D : eight Correct Answer : C 27 : In an experiment examining the effects of task difficulty (easy/hard) for men and women, the factors are ____. A : male and female B : easy and hard C : male, female, easy, and hard D : difficulty and gender 4 / 12

Correct Answer : D 28 : A researcher who is examining the effects of temperature and humidity on the eating behavior of rats uses a factorial experiment comparing three different temperatures (70°, 80°, and 90°) and two humidity conditions (low and high). The experiment has ____ level(s) for the temperature factor and a total of ____ treatment conditions. A : one; three B : three; six C : six; six D : three; two Correct Answer : B 29 : The advantage of a two-factor design compared to two single-factor designs is the ability to ____. A : save time B : evaluate the interaction C : simplify the study D : check the manipulation Correct Answer : B 30 : In order to determine whether factors influence or interact with each other, a researcher must use ____. A : two experiments B : a factorial design C : a between-subjects design D : a mixed design Correct Answer : B 31 : In a matrix representing the structure of a factorial design, the mean differences among the columns define ____. A : the main effect for one factor B : the interaction between the factors C : the main effect and the interaction between the factors D : the significance level Correct Answer : A 32 : How many main effects are there in a 2 × 3 factorial design? A : Two B : Three C : Six D : Nine Correct Answer : A 33 : In a 3 × 4 factorial design, there are ____ main effect(s) and ____ interaction(s) possible. A : three; four B : two; three C : two; one 5 / 12

D : one; two Correct Answer : C 34 : In a 3 × 4 factorial design, there are ____ main effect(s) and ____ interaction(s) possible. A : 30; 70 B : 20; 30 C : 40; 50 D : 25; 65 Correct Answer : D 35 : In a 3 × 4 factorial design, there are ____ main effect(s) and ____ interaction(s) possible. A : Main effects for both factors and an interaction B : Main effects for both factors and no interaction C : A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction D : A main effect for factor B, no main effect for factor A, and no interaction Correct Answer : C 36 : In a 3 × 4 factorial design, there are ____ main effect(s) and ____ interaction(s) possible. A : Main effects for both factors and an interaction B : Main effects for both factors and no interaction C : A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction D : A main effect for factor A and an interaction but no main effect for factor B Correct Answer : B 37 : In a 3 × 4 factorial design, there are ____ main effect(s) and ____ interaction(s) possible. A : Main effects for both factors and an interaction B : Main effects for both factors and no interaction C : A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction D : A main effect for factor A and an interaction but no main effect for factor B Correct Answer : A 38 : In a two-factor experiment with two levels of factor A and 2 levels of factor B, three of the treatment means are essentially identical and one is substantially different from the others. What result(s) would be produced by this pattern of treatment means? A : A main effect for factor A only B : A main effect for factor B only C : An interaction between A and B D : Main effects for both A and B, and an interaction Correct Answer : D 39 : In a factorial design, an interaction between the factors occurs whenever ____. A : the mean differences between the cells are not explained by the main effects B : the mean differences between the cells are explained by the main effects C : there are differences between the overall column means D : there are differences between the overall row means Correct Answer : A 6 / 12

40 : When the means for a two-factor study are displayed in a graph and the lines in the graph are perfectly parallel, what can you conclude about the main effects and interaction? A : There is no main effect for either of the two factors. B : There is a main effect for both of the two factors. C : There is no interaction between factors. D : There are no main effects and no interaction between factors. Correct Answer : C 41 : When the means for a two-factor study are displayed in a graph and the lines in the graph are perfectly parallel, what can you conclude about the main effects and interaction? A : 20 B : 30 C : 40 D : 50 Correct Answer : D 42 : When the means for a two-factor study are displayed in a graph and the lines in the graph are perfectly parallel, what can you conclude about the main effects and interaction? A:0 B : 10 C : 20 D : 40 Correct Answer : D 43 : When the means for a two-factor study are displayed in a graph and the lines in the graph are perfectly parallel, what can you conclude about the main effects and interaction? A : 60 B : 70 C : 80 D : 90 Correct Answer : D 44 : A graph of a two-factor study indicates an interaction when the lines on the graph ____. A : are parallel B : cross or converge C : are steep in slope D : have the same slope Correct Answer : B 45 : The results from a two-factor ANOVA show no main effect for factor A but a significant interaction. What can you conclude based on this pattern of results? A : Factor A has no effect on the participants scores. B : Factor A may have an effect but, if so, it depends on the levels of factor B. C : Because the interaction is significant, factor A must also have an effect. D : The effect of factor A is constant across all levels of factor B. Correct Answer : B 7 / 12

46 : A researcher conducts a two-factor study to evaluate the effect of a medication for males and for females. If the results of the study show a 10-point main effect for the medication (participants taking the medicine average 10 points lower than those in the no-medication condition) and also show a significant interaction between medication and gender, then what can the researcher conclude about the effect of the medication? A : The medication lowers scores by around 10 points and the effect is the same for males and females. B : Although the average effect of the medication is to lower scores by 10 points, the exact effect depends on the gender of the participant. C : Because there is an interaction, you cannot conclude that the medication has any effect. D : Additional information is needed to come to a conclusion. Correct Answer : B 47 : What is the relationship between main effects and interactions? A : At least one of the factors involved in the interaction must have a main effect. B : None of the factors in the interaction can have a main effect. C : All of the factors involved in the interaction must have main effects. D : The existence of an interaction is independent of the main effects. Correct Answer : D 48 : A clinician claims that the effectiveness of a new treatment varies depending on the gender of the client. Specifically, the new treatment has been shown to be very effective for females, but the treatment has little or no effect for males. In this example, ____. A : there is an interaction between the treatment and clients gender B : there is no interaction between the treatment and clients gender C : there is no main effect of treatment D : there is no main effect of gender Correct Answer : A 49 : Which outcome is possible in a 2 × 2 factorial design? A : Two main effects and two interactions B : A main effect for one factor, no main effect for the other factor, and two interactions C : No main effect for either factor and one interaction D : A four-way interaction Correct Answer : C 50 : A two-factor study with two levels of factor A and three levels of factor B uses a separate group of n = 5 participants in each treatment condition. How many participants are needed for the entire study? A:5 B : 10 C : 25 D : 30 Correct Answer : D 51 : The students in one gym class receive a self-esteem program as part of their sports training. To evaluate the program, a researcher measures self-esteem for the students before 8 / 12

and after the program and compares their scores with those from another class that did not receive the program but was measured at the same two times. What kind of design is being used? A : Between-subjects design B : Within-subjects design C : Repeated measures design D : Mixed design Correct Answer : D 52 : A factorial study measures allergy symptoms before and after taking medication for a group taking the real medication and a control group taking a placebo. What kind of design is being used? A : Between-subjects design B : Within-subjects design C : Repeated measures design D : Mixed design Correct Answer : D 53 : A factorial study compares the effectiveness of two allergy medications by measuring symptoms immediately before taking the medication, 30 minutes after the medication, and 3 hours after the medication. Half of the participants take one of the medications and the rest take the second medication. Which statement accurately describes this study? A : It is a between-subjects design that uses both the experimental and nonexperimental strategies. B : It is a between-subjects experiment. C : It is a nonexperimental between-subjects design. D : It combines between- and within-subjects designs and uses both the experimental and nonexperimental strategies. Correct Answer : D 54 : Which statement accurately describes a two-factor analysis of variance? A : It conducts one hypothesis test and produces one F-ratio. B : It conducts two separate hypothesis tests and produces two F-ratios. C : It conducts three separate hypothesis tests and produces three F-ratios. D : It conducts three separate hypothesis tests with the number of F-ratios produced depending on the number of levels. Correct Answer : C 55 : What is the primary disadvantage of adding factors to investigate a four-way interaction? A : It is difficult to interpret such a complex interaction. B : It makes it nearly impossible to generate statistically significant results. C : It reduces the differences between the groups too much. D : It does not provide a complete picture of how the factor affects the dependent variable. Correct Answer : A 56 : What statistical technique should be used to evaluate the results of a two-factor, betweensubjects study? A : A two-factor repeated-measures ANOVA 9 / 12

B : A two-factor independent-measures ANOVA C : A two-factor mixed design ANOVA D : A t-test Correct Answer : B 57 : Why might a researcher add a factor when replicating a previously published study? A : To see if the treatment effects are the same in a different situation B : To turn a nonexperimental study into a true experiment C : To turn a within-subjects study into a between-subjects study D : To turn a between-subjects study into a within-subjects study Correct Answer : A 58 : How can variance be reduced in a between-subjects design? A : Limit the number of participants in each group. B : Use a factorial design adding a participant variable (such as age) as a second factor. C : Reduce the number of treatments. D : Reduce the strength of the treatment. Correct Answer : B 59 : How can order effects be measured and evaluated? A : Limit the number of participants in each group. B : Use a factorial design adding a participant variable (such as age) as a second factor. C : Use a factorial design with the order of treatments as a second factor. D : Randomize the order of the treatments. Correct Answer : C 60 : If participating in treatment A before treatment B causes more fatigue than participating in treatment B before treatment A, then there are ________. A : no interactions between the factors B : no order effects C : symmetrical order effects D : nonsymmetrical order effects Correct Answer : C

ESSAY 61 : For a two-factor design, describe what is meant by a main effect and an interaction? Correct Answer : The overall mean differences among the levels of one factor are called the main effect for the factor. A two-factor study can be displayed as a matrix with the levels of one factor defining the rows and the levels of the other factor defining the columns. In this structure, the differences among the column means define the main effect for one factor and the differences among the row means define the other main effect. An interaction occurs when the differences among the individual treatment means (cells in the matrix) are not consistent with the overall differences among the corresponding rows or columns. An interaction means that the effect of one factor depends on the levels of the second factor. 10 / 12

62 : If the means from a two-factor study are displayed in a graph, how can you determine whether there is an interaction between factors? Correct Answer : When the means of a two-factor study are displayed in a graph, each level of one factor is represented by a different line. As you scan across the graph from left to right, if there is a constant distance between the lines, then there is no interaction. In other words, if the lines are parallel, there is no interaction. However, if the distance between lines changes, then there is an interaction. In other words, if the lines converge or cross, there is an interaction. 63 : Explain how a factorial study can combine between-subjects and within-subjects designs and why a researcher might want a mixed-design study. Correct Answer : A researcher can design a study with one between-subjects factor and one within-subjects factor in order to get the advantages of both between-subjects designs (avoiding order effects) and within-subjects designs (fewer participants and avoiding the problems with individual differences) and avoiding the disadvantages of each approach. 64 : Explain what it means to say that main effects and interactions are all independent. Correct Answer : The existence of a main effect does not depend on whether or not there is a second main effect or an interaction. Similarly, the existence of an interaction does not depend on whether or not there is a main effect for either (or both) of the factors. As a result, a factorial design can produce any combination of main effects and interactions. 65 : Describe two situations in which factorial designs are commonly used. Correct Answer : There are three specific uses of factorial designs that are discussed in the text. (1) A new study can be built by adding a new factor to an earlier research study. (2) A participant characteristic such as age or gender can be used as a second factor to separate participants into more homogeneous groups and reduce variability in a between-subjects design. (3) The order of treatments can be used as a second factor in a counterbalanced withinsubjects design to measure the order effects. ...

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