Chapter 12- Achievemnt PDF

Title Chapter 12- Achievemnt
Author Amie Mendes
Course Adol And Young Adult
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 28
File Size 231.4 KB
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HDFS 3700; Spring 2016; Practice test...


Chapter 12 - Achievement Multiple Choice


Achievement concerns the development of motives, capabilities, interests, and behavior that relate to ______________ in evaluative situations. A) performance B) outcomes C) scores D) none of the above Answer: A


The extent to which an individual strives for success is referred to as: A) mood composition. B) need for achievement. C) personality structure. D) self-orientation. Answer: B


Industrialized societies place a great deal of emphasis on all of the following, except: A) cooperation. B) achievement. C) competition. D) success. Answer: A


All of the following are noted in the text as reasons why achievement during the adolescent years merits special attention, except: A) this is a period when adolescents prepare for and sort themselves into occupational roles. B) it is during this period that adolescents begin to evaluate their occupational choices in light of their talents, abilities, and opportunities. C) it is during this period that adolescents make serious long-term decisions concerning life partners. D) the educational and occupation decisions made during adolescence are more numerous and the consequences of these decisions are more serious than those that take place during childhood. Answer: C

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The transition from school to work is _________ defined transition. A) an educationally B) a socially C) a personally D) an environmentally Answer: B


According to the textbook, how is puberty connected to achievement? A) to the extent that puberty changes what’s important for maintaining status in the peer group, it may lead adolescents to worry about whether trying too hard to do well will make them less attractive to their classmates B) puberty intensifies differences between males and females, and one impact of this is to make individuals think about what is “appropriate” achievement-related behavior for each of the sexes C) biological (hormonal) changes of puberty are directly related to achievement and motivation in high school D) both A and B are correct Answer: D


What is the main reason that many achievement-related issues take on new significance during adolescence: A) biological transitions B) social transitions C) changes in cognitions D) achievement-related issues do not take on new significance during adolescence Answer: B


Which of the following statements regarding social roles and achievement is not true? A) adolescence is the period when important educational and occupational decisions are made B) in most industrialized societies, it is not until adolescence that individuals attain the status necessary to decide whether they will continue or end their formal education C) in most industrialized societies, it is not until adolescence that individuals are allowed to enter the labor force in an official capacity D) during adolescence, most individuals solidify career choices Answer: D


The text suggests that one set of factors that may differentiate the “rich” from the “poor” early in the educational setting is _________ and _________.

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A) B) C) D)

motivation to succeed; beliefs about the causes of success and failure neighborhood; socioeconomic factors genetic inheritance; prejudice against minorities parents’ level of education; parents’ attitudes toward education

Answer: A 10.

Alice has worked all evening on a psychology assignment that is not being graded. She has a very strong: A) need for approval. B) need for achievement. C) need for fulfillment. D) need for success. Answer: B


John and Mary want their children to develop a strong need for achievement. In addition to using an authoritative parenting style, they also should: A) punish their children’s failures. B) encourage their children’s successes. C) compare their children to other children who are successful. D) set difficult tasks for their children to accomplish. Answer: B


Amy gets extremely nervous during exams and never does as well as she should because of these anxious feelings. She has a very strong: A) fear of rejection. B) fear of testing. C) fear of failure. D) fear of evaluation. Answer: C


Al’s parents expect him to receive all As on his report card, play quarterback for the football team, and win the election for senior class president. When Al came home with a B+ on his report card, his parents grounded him for a month. Al probably will develop: A) a high need for achievement. B) a fear of failure. C) an intrinsic type of motivation. D) learned helplessness. Answer: B

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Adolescents who come from family environments in which parents have set unrealistically high standards for their children’s achievement and react very negatively to failure are most likely to develop: A) intrinsic motivation. B) a fear of failure. C) Type-A personality characteristics. D) a high need for achievement. Answer: B


Jason is an intelligent youngster who avoids challenging situations because of his intense fear of failure. Despite his innate ability, he gets low grades and has trouble persisting even with easy tasks. Jason is: A) a failure. B) an underachiever. C) bored. D) a loader. Answer: B


Alicia has trouble persisting at tasks and fears failure. Her grades are far lower than one would expect based on her intellectual ability. She is a(n): A) failure. B) underachiever. C) delinquent. D) normal adolescent. Answer: B


Sonya has scored in the top 1 percentile on an IQ test, yet she gets below average grades in school. What is true about Sonya? A) She has a learning disorder. B) She has low self-esteem. C) She is a delinquent. D) She is an underachiever. Answer: D


According to the textbook, in classrooms in which teachers are very performance-oriented, students: A) feel more alienated from the school B) have lower feelings of self-efficacy C) are more likely to engage in self-handicapping behavior D) all of the above are likely in classrooms where the teachers are very performanceoriented TB-12 | 4

Answer: D 19.

Which statement about underachievement is false? A) Most underachievers are highly intelligent yet afraid of failure. B) Some students choose to appear uninterested in school to get more respect from their peers. C) Many students want to ensure that they have an “excuse” for poor performance other than a lack of ability. D) Some students use “self-handicapping” strategies to diminish the importance of academics as a response to their poor performance. Answer: A


The internal desire to perform well is called: A) intrinsic motivation. B) mastery motivation. C) evaluation anxiety. D) extrinsic motivation. Answer: A


Motivation based on the pleasure one will experience from mastering a task is called: A) extrinsic motivation. B) intrinsic motivation. C) intuitive motivation. D) instinctive motivation. Answer: B


Leroy plays video games not because he will win anything by doing well, or because anyone approves of his increasing skill, but because he enjoys getting better at the games. His behavior is an example of: A) intrinsic motivation. B) temperament. C) learned helplessness. D) extrinsic motivation. Answer: A


Motivation based on the rewards one will receive for successful performance is called: A) extrinsic motivation. B) reward-punishment theory. C) extraneous achievement. TB-12 | 5

D) intrinsic motivation. Answer: A 24.

Whitney’s present goal is to get good enough at spelling to earn the school’s spelling trophy. Whitney’s ambition is an example of: A) intrinsic motivation. B) ego motivation. C) self-regulation. D) extrinsic motivation. Answer: D


Margie sees herself as competent. Manny experiences a great deal of anxiety and hesitation when facing a challenge because he doubts his abilities. Both are A students. Margie is most likely ________ motivated and Manny is most likely ________ motivated. A) intrinsically; intrinsically B) intrinsically; extrinsically C) extrinsically; intrinsically D) extrinsically; extrinsically Answer: B


Bill approaches new tasks with the attitude that he can master them, and he tries to do so because he wants to gain new skills. Bill is motivated by: A) intrinsic forces. B) extrinsic forces. C) fear of failure. D) learned helplessness. Answer: A


Every time that Frank receives an A on his report card, his grandmother gives him $50. However, if Frank receives a C, he is grounded for 2 weeks. Frank will probably develop: A) a high need for achievement. B) intrinsic motivation. C) extrinsic motivation. D) Type-A behavior. Answer: C


Marty’s main concern in playing soccer is whether his performance will be good enough to win his father’s attention and approval. Marty’s behavior is being motivated by: A) intrinsic forces.

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B) extrinsic forces. C) temperament. D) crystallization. Answer: B


As Carrie was growing up, her parents discussed politics with her, went on family vacations to historical sites and national parks, and attended cultural events together. Carrie took clarinet lessons and spent a lot of time in the library reading books she chose for herself. It is likely that Carrie will be: A) intrinsically motivated. B) extrinsically motivated. C) overwhelmed. D) overly concerned about failure. Answer: A


Professor Stein wants to test the stereotype threat effect. What is the most likely scenario if this effect does, in fact, occur? A) Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethnic group perform poorly on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants actually perform better than participants in the control group. B) Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethnic group perform poorly on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants perform more poorly than participants in the control group. C) Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that members of their ethnic group perform extremely well on the type of task that he is asking them to perform, and these participants perform more poorly than participants in the control group. D) Professor Stein tells participants in the experimental group that participants in the control group do not like them because of their ethnic background, so the experimental group members act aggressively toward members of the control group. Answer: B


To the extent individuals believe widely held stereotypes about ethnic or sex differences in ability, the ________ suggests that their performance will be affected, depending on how they expect to perform. A) stereotype threat effect B) gender differences effect C) general expectations theory D) self-efficacy hypothesis Answer: A


Current research addressing sex differences in achievement suggests that: TB-12 | 7

A) girls still lag far behind boys on science and math. B) when differences in math and science are found today, they are very slight. C) girls have closed the math/science gap and have now become better in these subjects than boys. D) there were so many methodological flaws in the earlier research that the differences in boys’ and girls’ math and science abilities were unduly exaggerated. Answer: B 33.

Antonio is very confident about his abilities; he has a strong sense of: A) academic success. B) self-efficacy. C) self-awareness. D) social desirability. Answer: B


Tory is extrinsically motivated and believes that intelligence is a fixed trait. Based on this combination, Tory probably focuses on: A) performance goals. B) learning goals. C) self-regulatory goals. D) mastery goals. Answer: A


Ivan, who believes that intelligence is a malleable trait, is enrolled in several advanced placement classes. Mastering the subject material is more important to him than getting good grades. Ivan probably emphasizes: A) performance goals. B) learning goals. C) self-regulatory goals. D) evaluation goals. Answer: B


Which of the following is not likely to predict students’ achievement-related behavior? A) whether the student has experienced a failure B) whether the student believes intelligence is fixed or malleable C) whether the student is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated D) whether the student is confident in his/her abilities Answer: A

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Professor Umbridge takes pleasure in making her students look foolish. She stresses the importance of grades more than mastery of the course material. Her students are likely to demonstrate all of the following, except: A) insecurity about their abilities. B) hesitation about challenging themselves. C) reluctance to ask her for help. D) a need to outperform their classmates. Answer: D


Students’ motivation and school performance _______ when they enter into secondary school. A) remain the same B) increase C) decrease D) increase sharply and then plateau Answer: C


An explanation of why students’ motivation and school achievement drop as they transition into secondary school is that: A) the subject matter becomes more difficult. B) teachers focus on grades rather than mastery of the material. C) they are intimidated by the older students. D) there is a decline in their use of self-handicapping strategies. Answer: B


Dr. Worthy studies achievement attributions. According to the textbook, she would be assessing the ways in which individuals attribute their performance to a combination of all of the following factors, except: A) ability and effort. B) task difficulty. C) luck. D) motivation. Answer: D


Jacob and Stephen just got a project back from their teacher that they had worked on together. They received a D on the project. Jacob said that it was because the project was too hard. Stephen said it was because they hadn’t worked hard enough on the project. Which adolescent is most likely to try harder on future projects? A) Stephen B) Jacob C) Both boys will try harder next time. TB-12 | 9

D) Neither boy will try hard next time because they failed this time. Answer: A 42.

Shawn is told by his teacher that the task he is working on is too difficult for him. Therefore, Shawn believes that failure is inevitable. He is likely to develop: A) learned helplessness. B) attribution biases. C) achievement attributions. D) None of the above Answer: A


The belief or expectation that one cannot control the forces in one’s environment is called: A) underachievement. B) fear of failure. C) learned helplessness. D) temperament. Answer: C


Paul won’t even try to learn how to swim because when he has tried before, he has not done very well and he is now convinced that no matter what he does, he will never learn to swim. Paul’s situation is an example of: A) ego deflation. B) Type-A behavior. C) learned helplessness. D) temperament. Answer: C


Mrs. Kumin wants to help her lower-achieving students. She should: A) acknowledge that they do not have the ability to achieve and stop pressuring them. B) help them learn to attribute their performance to factors that are under their control. C) have them placed into special education classes. D) provide them with remedial education and have them keep trying. Answer: B


Which of the following is not one of the factors researchers study in connection with how home environment influences adolescents’ level of achievement? A) parents’ values and expectations B) parenting practices C) cultural factors

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D) quality of home environment Answer: C 47.

Which adolescent is least likely to exhibit high academic achievement? A) Barney, whose parents set high scholastic standards and expect him to go to college B) Bernie, whose parents go to all of his school programs and help him select his classes C) Benny, whose parents do not want to pressure him, but argue with his teachers about his grades D) Bob, whose parents join together with other parents who stay involved in school activities Answer: C


According to the textbook, which of the following is not an effective form of parental involvement: A) helping with homework B) encouraging achievement in school C) expecting achievement in school D) being involved in school-based activities Answer: A


Which of the following parenting styles is associated with adolescents’ development of intrinsic motivation and academic achievement? A) permissive B) authoritative C) authoritarian D) demonstrative Answer: B


Which type of parenting is linked to school success during adolescence? A) authoritarian B) authoritative C) indulgent D) neglectful Answer: B


Who is probably most likely to drop out of high school? A) Luanne, whose parents are consistently authoritative B) Dierdre, whose parents are consistently authoritarian C) Bobby Jo, whose parents are consistently indulgent TB-12 | 11

D) Sally, whose parents are consistently permissive Answer: D 52.

Which of the following statements about authoritative parenting is true? A) authoritative parenting promotes the development of an emphasis on extrinsic motivation and a less healthy attributional style B) authoritative parents are less likely themselves to hold healthier beliefs about their child’s achievement and more likely to be overly controlling C) authoritative parenting is associated with lower achievement motivation, greater selfesteem, and lower competence D) authoritative parenting is probably the most important contributor to strong need for achievement Answer: D


Two characteristics of authoritative parents that positively influence their children’s school performance are ______ and ______. A) healthy beliefs about the child’s achievement; less tendency to be over-controlling B) healthy beliefs about the child’s achievement; greater tendency to be over-controlling C) exaggerated beliefs about their child’s achievement; involvement in their child’s academic pursuits D) a tendency to push their child to succeed; the ability to let their child make his or her own decisions Answer: A


Lydia’s family is always going to art shows, concerts, and poetry readings. They have a large amount of: A) societal influence. B) social capital. C) cultural capital. D) monetary success. Answer: C


The resources provided within a family allowing the exposure of the adolescent to art, music, and literature are called: A) special education. B) social cultivation. C) artistic refinement. D) cultural capital. Answer: D

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During the school year, Titus’s parents took him to the theater and the opera. In addition, they bought him an encyclopedia for his birthday. The treatment Titus is receiving is an example of: A) special education. B) social cultivation. C) artistic refinement. D) cultural capital. Answer: D


Which of the following is the best example of cultural capital? A) Art’s father takes him to museums during the summer. B) Chip’s parents bought him a computer. C) Henry’s mother has a...

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