Chapter 12 copy PDF

Title Chapter 12 copy
Course Mammalian Physiology
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 19
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Exam Name___________________________________

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Figure 12.1

Using Figure 12.1, Match the following: 1) White fiber tracts. Answer: A 2) Thalamus. Answer: B 3) Pons. Answer: D 4) Hypothalamus. Answer: C 5) Medulla Oblongata. Answer: E


Figure 12.2

Using Figure 12.2, match the following: 6) Pons. Answer: E 7) Corpus callosum. Answer: A 8) Caudate nucleus. Answer: B 9) Globus pallidus. Answer: C 10) Thalamus. Answer: D


Figure 12.3

Using Figure 12.3, match the following: 11) Site of somatic motor neuron cell bodies. Answer: C 12) Consists entirely of interneuron cell bodies. Answer: B 13) Site of sensory neuron cell bodies. Answer: E 14) Gray commissure. Answer: A 15) Site of autonomic motor neuron cell bodies. Answer: D 16) Area that encloses the central canal. Answer: A 17) Unipolar neurons are found here. Answer: E


MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following: 18) Auditory area.

A) Insula

Answer: B B) Temporal lobe 19) Primary somatosensory cortex. Answer: E 20) Primary (somatic) motor cortex.

C) Occipital lobe D) Frontal lobe

Answer: D E) Parietal lobe 21) Motor speech (Broca's) area. Answer: D 22) Premotor cortex. Answer: D 23) Visual area. Answer: C 24) Gustatory (taste) area. Answer: A 25) Seat of intelligence, abstract reasoning. Answer: D Match the following: 26) The brain area just anterior to the precentral gyrus that selects and sequences basic motor movements into more complex tasks.

A) Premotor cortex

Answer: A


27) This brain area lies on the medial aspect of the temporal lobe and allows for conscious awareness of different odors. Answer: C

A) Primary visual cortex B) Primary auditory cortex C) Primary olfactory cortex

28) The area of the brain located in the superior margin of the temporal lobe that interprets impulses as pitch, loudness, and location. Answer: B 29) This area is on the extreme posterior of the occipital lobe and receives visual information that originates on the retina of the eye. Answer: A Match the following stages of sleep with their descriptions: 30) The stage when vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature) reach their lowest normal levels. Answer: D 31) Indicated by movement of the eyes under the lids; dreaming occurs.

A) REM B) NREM stage 3 C) NREM stage 1 D) NREM stage 4

Answer: A 32) Theta and delta waves begin to appear. Answer: B 33) Very easy to awaken; EEG shows alpha waves; may even deny being asleep. Answer: C


34) Typified by sleep spindles.

A) NREM stage 4

Answer: C B) REM 35) The sleep cycle where bed- wetting, night terrors, and sleepwalking may occur.

C) NREM stage 2

Answer: A 36) May allow the brain to work through emotional problems in dream imagery. Answer: B Match the following: 37) Gateway to the cerebrum.

A) Cerebellum

Answer: D B) Hypothalamus 38) Ensures coordination and balance. Answer: A 39) Produces automatic behaviors necessary for survival. Answer: C

C) Brain stem D) Thalamus E) Cerebrum

40) Executive suite. Answer: E 41) Visceral command center. Answer: B Match the following: 42) Where nerves serving the upper limbs arise. Answer: D 43) Anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx.

A) Conus medullaris B) Cauda equina C) Filum terminale

Answer: C 44) Collection of nerve roots at the inferior end of the vertebral canal.

D) Cervical enlargement

Answer: B 45) Inferior point of termination of the spinal cord in an adult. Answer: A


TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

46) Passing through the NREM stages (1 through 4), the frequency of the EEG waves declines, but their amplitude increases. Answer:



47) Nuclei relating to the startle reflex are located in the corpora quadrigemina of the midbrain. Answer:



48) Specific motor and sensory functions are localized in specific areas called domains, whereas memory and language have overlapping domains. Answer:



49) REM sleep begins about 90 minutes after sleep begins. Answer:



50) The three basic regions of the cerebrum are the cerebral cortical gray matter, internal white matter, and the superior and inferior colliculi. Answer:



51) Cell bodies of somatic motor neurons are located in the ventral (anterior) horn of the spinal cord. Answer:



52) The blood brain barrier is the protective mechanism that helps maintain the brain's stable environment. Answer:



53) The adult spinal cord ends between the level L 1 and L 2 of the vertebral column. Answer:



54) Cerebrospinal fluid circulates within the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space. Answer:



55) The terms fainting and syncope describe the same thing. Answer:



56) The reticular activating system (RAS) is comprised of specific pathways primarily in the limbic system. Answer:



57) Nondeclarative memories preserve the circumstances in which they are learned. Answer:



58) The brain and spinal cord begin as an embryonic structure called the neural plate. Answer:



59) In most people, the left cerebral hemisphere has greater control over language abilities, math, and logic. Answer:



60) The limbic system acts as our emotional, or affective (feelings), brain. Answer:


False 7

61) The canal connecting the third and fourth ventricles and running through the midbrain is the interventricular foramen. Answer:



62) Commissural fibers connect the cerebrum to the diencephalon. Answer:



63) A disturbance of posture, muscle tremors at rest, and uncontrolled muscle contraction are all symptoms of damage to the basal nuclei. Answer:



64) Projection fibers in the brain mainly connect the right and left hemispheres. Answer:



65) Most of the ascending and descending pathways to and from the brain cross over (decussate) from one side of the body to the other. Answer:



66) The primary visual cortex contains a map of visual space. Answer:



67) One functional center found within the medulla oblongata is a respiratory center involved in the control of the rate and depth of breathing. Answer:



68) Sorting of sensory information and relaying it to the appropriate cerebral sensory area occurs in the hypothalamus. Answer:



69) Embryonic damage to the mesencephalon could result in improper formation of the midbrain. Answer:



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

70) Which brain structure functions to control the autonomic nervous system and to regulate body temperature? A) pons B) mammillary body C) hypothalamus D) medulla oblongata Answer: C 71) Nuclei of cranial nerves V (trigeminal), VI (abducens), and VII (facial) are found in the ________. A) midbrain B) medulla C) cerebrum D) pons Answer: D 72) The arbor vitae refers to ________. A) the pleatlike convolutions of the cerebellum C) cerebellar white matter

B) cerebellar gray matter D) flocculonodular nodes

Answer: C


73) The brain stem consists of the ________. A) midbrain, medulla, and pons C) cerebrum, pons, midbrain, and medulla

B) pons, medulla, cerebellum, and midbrain D) midbrain only

Answer: A 74) The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the ________. A) prefrontal lobe B) temporal lobe C) parietal lobe

D) frontal lobe

Answer: C 75) Spinocerebellar tracts ________. A) carry information about muscle or tendon stretch to the cerebellum B) terminate in the spinal cord C) give rise to conscious experience of perception D) are found in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord Answer: A 76) What type of cells line the ventricles of the brain? A) epithelial cells B) ependymal cells

C) neurons

D) astrocytes

Answer: B 77) The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges? A) dura and epidura B) arachnoid and pia C) arachnoid and dura D) arachnoid and epidura Answer: B 78) Vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________. A) medulla oblongata B) midbrain C) cerebrum D) pons Answer: A 79) Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in ________. A) sympathetic ganglia C) the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord

B) the thalamus D) the ventral root ganglia of the spinal cord

Answer: C 80) What groove separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe? A) longitudinal fissure B) lateral fissure C) parieto- occipital sulcus D) central sulcus Answer: D 81) Which of the following best describes the cerebrum? A) executive suite C) motor command center

B) visceral command center D) decussation center

Answer: A 82) An elevated ridge of the cortex is called a ________. A) fissure B) furrow

C) gyrus

Answer: C


D) sulcus

83) Which of the following generalizations does NOT describe the cerebral cortex? A) The cerebral cortex contains three kinds of functional areas. B) Each hemisphere is chiefly concerned with sensory and motor functions of the contralateral side of the body. C) No functional area of the cortex works alone. D) The hemispheres are exactly equal in function. Answer: D 84) If the caudal portion of the neural tube failed to develop properly the ________. A) spinal cord may be affected B) cranial nerves would not form C) telencephalon would cease development D) hindbrain would not be present Answer: A 85) The lateral sulcus separates which lobes? A) frontal from temporal C) parietal from occipital

B) frontal from parietal D) temporal from parietal

Answer: D 86) Neural tracts that convey information to the brain concerning temperature and pain would be ________. A) lateral spinothalamic B) reticulospinal C) ventral (anterior) spinothalamic D) posterior spinothalamic Answer: A 87) Which of these would you NOT find in the cerebral cortex? A) fiber tracts B) interneurons C) cell bodies

D) dendrites

Answer: A 88) The white matter of the spinal cord contains ________. A) myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers C) myelinated nerve fibers only

B) unmyelinated nerve fibers only D) cell bodies

Answer: A 89) Which of the following is NOT a role of the basal nuclei? A) initiating protective reflex actions B) controlling starting and stopping movements C) inhibiting unnecessary or antagonistic movements D) playing a role in cognition and emotion Answer: A 90) An individual accidentally transected (cut across) the spinal cord between T1 and L1 . This would result in ________. A) hemiplegia B) spinal shock only C) paraplegia D) quadriplegia Answer: C 91) Spastic paralysis suggests involvement of the ________. A) upper motor neurons C) spinal nerve roots Answer: A


B) neuromuscular junction D) lower motor neurons

92) Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called ________. A) fissures B) sulci C) gyri

D) ganglia

Answer: C 93) The frontal lobe is separated from the temporal lobe by the ________. A) cranial fossa B) longitudinal fissure C) lateral sulcus D) central sulcus Answer: C 94) Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Damage to the visual association area can result in blindness. B) Damage to the primary auditory cortex results in the inability to interpret pitch, loudness, and location. C) Damage to the primary (somatic) motor cortex results in the loss of both voluntary muscle control and all reflexive contractions. D) Damage to the premotor cortex results in loss of motor skills programmed in that area but movement is still possible. Answer: C 95) Two terms for the massive motor tracts serving voluntary movement are ________. A) segmental and nigrostriatal B) extrapyramidal and rubrospinal C) pyramidal and corticospinal D) supplementary and cerebellar- pontine Answer: C 96) An individual who could trace a picture of a bicycle with his or her finger but could not recognize it as a bicycle is most likely to have sustained damage to the ________. A) calcarine cortex B) primary visual cortex C) lateral geniculate body D) visual association area Answer: D 97) Broca's area ________. A) is considered a motor speech area C) is usually found only in the right hemisphere

B) serves the recognition of complex objects D) controls voluntary movements of the eyes

Answer: A 98) Which part of the cerebral cortex is involved in intellect, cognition, recall, and personality? A) combined primary somatosensory cortex and somatosensory association cortex B) limbic association area C) posterior association area D) prefrontal cortex (anterior association area) Answer: D 99) The blood- brain barrier is effective against ________. A) metabolic waste such as urea C) nutrients such as glucose

B) anesthetics D) alcohol

Answer: A 100) All of the following are structures of the limbic system EXCEPT the ________. A) amygdaloid body B) cingulate gyrus C) hippocampus Answer: D


D) caudate nucleus

101) The process of linking new facts with old facts already stored in the memory bank is called ________. A) association B) rehearsal C) long- term memory D) automatic memory Answer: A 102) Which category of memory is involved when playing the piano? A) procedural B) emotional C) motor

D) declarative

Answer: A 103) The brain area that regulates activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex is the ________. A) limbic system B) reticular formation C) thalamus D) pyramids Answer: B 104) Which of the following would you NOT find in normal cerebrospinal fluid? A) red blood cells B) glucose C) protein

D) potassium

Answer: A 105) REM sleep is associated with ________. A) decreased activity of the brain, especially the cerebral cortex B) decreased vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure C) temporary skeletal muscle inhibition except for ocular muscles and diaphragm D) decreased oxygen use, especially in the cerebral cortex Answer: C 106) Which of the following is NOT a function of the CSF? A) reduction of brain weight C) nourishment of the brain

B) initiation of some nerve impulses D) protection from blows

Answer: B 107) Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) sleep disturbances B) loss of body temperature control C) loss of fine motor control D) dehydration Answer: C 108) Important nuclei of the indirect (multineuronal) system that receive impulses from the equilibrium apparatus o the inner ear and help to maintain balance by varying muscle tone of postural muscles are the ________. A) red nuclei B) reticular nuclei C) superior colliculi D) vestibular nuclei Answer: D 109) Which of the following structures is probably NOT directly involved in memory? A) hippocampus B) thalamus C) medulla oblongata

D) prefrontal cortex

Answer: C 110) The area of the cortex that is responsible for sensing a full bladder and the feeling that your lungs will burst when you hold your breath too long is the ________. A) visceral sensory area B) olfactory cortex C) gustatory cortex D) vestibular cortex Answer: A


111) Which statement about coma is true? A) During coma, brain oxygen consumption resembles that of a waking state. B) Coma may be caused by widespread cerebral or brain stem trauma. C) Coma is neurologically identical to syncope. D) Coma is a form of deep sleep. Answer: B 112) A patient suffering from memory loss, shortened attention span, disorientation, and eventual language loss is most likely suffering from ________. A) Parkinson's disease B) cerebellar disease C) Alzheimer's disease D) Huntington's disease Answer: C 113) Which of the following is the mildest consequence of traumatic brain injury? A) hemorrhage B) concussion C) swelling

D) contusion

Answer: B 114) Emotional memory ________. A) involves remembering motor skills such as riding a bike B) involves remembering a skill such as playing a musical instrument C) involves remembering names, faces, words, and dates D) involves your pounding heart when you hear a rattlesnake Answer: D 115) Which of the following is (are) involved with motor activity (either initiation or coordination)? A) postcentral gyrus B) red nuclei C) gustatory cortex D) Wernicke's area Answer: B 116) Which statement about epilepsy is most accurate? A) Epilepsy is often genetically induced but also frequently caused by head trauma, stroke, infection, and tumor. B) The aura in tonic- clonic seizures typically occurs as the patient regains consciousness. C) During seizures, sensory messages are processed normally but responses are blocked. D) Absence seizures typically begin in adolescence and are often severely disabling. Answer: A 117) White matter is found in all of the following locations EXCEPT the ________. A) corpus callosum B) outer portion of the spinal cord C) cerebral cortex D) corticospinal tracts Answer: C 118) Second- order neurons of ascending pathways that contribute to sensory perception terminate in the ________. A) thalamus B) somatosensory cortex C) medulla D) spinal cord Answer: A


119) Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities such as piano playing, with no paralysis or weakness in specific muscles, might suggest damage to the ________. A) rubrospinal tracts B) spinal cord C) premotor cortex D) primary motor cortex Answer: C 120) Which brain waves are uncommon for awake adults, but are common for children? A) theta B) beta C) alpha

D) delta

Answer: A 121) While sleep requirements vary, most adults need ________ hours of sleep for optimal health and function. A) 9- 10 B) 3- 4 C) 7- 8 D) 11- 12 Answer: C 122) The large commissure that connects the right and left sides of the brain is called the ________. A) longitudinal fissure B) corona radiata C) internal capsule D) corpus callosum Answer: D 123) Degeneration of the dopamine- releasing neurons of the ________ is the ultimate cause of Parkinson's disease. A) red nucleus B) internal capsule C) reticular formation D) substantia nigra Answer: D 124) What connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland? A) optic chiasma C) infundibulum

B) arbor vitae D) mammillary bodies

Answer: C 125) Arachnoid granulations are knoblike projections that protrude superiorly through the ________ mater to absorb cerebrospinal fluid into venous blood. A) pia B) dura C) subarachnoid D) arachnoid Answer: B...

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