Chapter 12 The Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems - Urology PDF

Title Chapter 12 The Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems - Urology
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Toledo
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This document features lecture notes for chapter 12 with prof. Jody Morris....


Chapter 12: The Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems - Urology bladder roots:

cyst/o, vesic/o

example s:

cystotomy, cystitis, vesiculotomy, vesiculitis


When completely full, the urinary bladder is roughly the size of a softball and can hold about 18 ounces of liquid. But it rarely reaches capacity. When the bladder is only about a quarter full, most people can't “hold it” anymore and feel an urgent need to urinate.

glomerulus (plural: glomeruli) root:


example s:

glomerulopathy, glomerulonephritis


Glomerulus comes from a Latin word meaning little balland refers to the little balls of blood vessels inside the kidney. These serve as the primary place for filtering the blood to form urine.

kidney roots:

nephr/o, ren/o

example s:

nephrology, nephritis, renal failure


Kidneys perform the necessary task of filtering the blood—at a rate of 200 quarts per day. If you lose or donate a kidney, your remaining kidney can adjust and perform the work of two by increasing the amount it filters and by increasing in size. If you are born with only one kidney, your kidney may grow to be the size of two normal kidneys.

testicle roots:

orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o, testicul/o

example s:

orchitis, orchiopexy, anorchidism, testitis


You likely noticed right away that one of the main roots for testicle is similar to the word orchid. Believe or not, the flower is named for the organ, and not the other way around. The plant was called an orchid because some believed that its roots looked like a pair of testicles.



sperm/o, spermat/o, sperm/i

example s:

aspermia, spermicide, spermatocele


Sperm (from Greek, for seed) is produced in the testicles. It takes roughly 10 weeks to produce a single sperm. Sperm can sit in the epididymis for as long as 2 weeks before being ejaculated. These sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for as long as 5 days. Because the male's sperm determines the sex of a baby, sperm can be either male or female. Male sperm are faster swimmers, but weaker. Female sperm are slower, but stronger.

Male patients may have special genitourinary issues that are unique to them. When genital pain is a concern, the testicle (orchialgia, orchiodynia) is the most common site. Male patients may also have problems with erections. They can be painful and prolonged (priapism) or may not last long enough for sexual intercourse (impotence). Finally, a male patient may have concerns with penile discharge (balanorrhea, urethrorrhea). This is often an indicator of a sexually transmitted infection. urinary tract Term

Word Analysis

anuria an-YUR-ee-ah Definition lack of urination

an / ur / ia no / urine / condition

cystalgia sis-TAL-jah Definition pain in the bladder

cyst / algia bladder / pain

cystodynia SIS-toh-DAI-nee-ah Definition pain in the bladder

cysto / dynia bladder / pain

cystoplegia SIS-toh-PLEE-jah Definition bladder paralysis

cysto / plegia bladder / paralysis

dysuria dis-YUR-ee-ah Definition painful urination

dys / ur / ia bad / urine / condition

enuresis EN-yur-EE-sis Definition involutary urination

from Greek, for to urinate

hematuria HEE-mah-TUR-ee-ah Definition bloody urination

hemat / ur / ia blood / urine / condition

incontinence in-CON-tih-nentz Definition inability to control urination

in / con / tinence not / together / hold

nephralgia neh-FRAL-jah Definition pain in the kidney

nephr / algia kidney / pain

nocturnal enuresis nok-TIR-nal EN-yur-EE-sis

nocturnal enuresis nighttime involuntary urination

Definition nighttime involuntary urination nocturia nok-TUR-ee-ah Definition nighttime urination

noct / ur / ia night / urine / condition

oliguria aw-lih-GYIR-ee-ah Definition low urine output

olig / ur / ia few / urine / condition

polydipsia PAW-lee-DIP-see-ah Definition excessive thirst

poly / dips / ia many / thirst / condition

polyuria PAW-lee-YUR-ee-ah Definition excessive urination

poly / ur / ia many / urine / condition

pyuria pai-YUR-ee-ah Definition pus in the urine

py / ur / ia pus / urine / condition

male genitalia

orchialgi a


Word Analysis

balanorrhea BAL-ah-noh-REEah Definitiondischarg e from the penis

balano / rrhea penis / discharge

orchialgia OR-kee-AL-jah Definitiontesticle pain

orchi / algia testicle / pain

orchichorea OR-kee-kor-EE-ah Definitioninvolunt ary jerking movement of the testicles

orchi / chorea testicle / dance

orchidoptosis OR-kih-dop-TOHsis Definitiondownwa rd displacement of a testicle

xsorchido / ptosis testicle / drooping condition

orchiodynia OR-kee-oh-DIH-n ee-ah Definitiontesticle pain

orchio / dynia testicle / pain

priapism PREE-ap-izm

from ancient Greek minor fertility god named Priapus, who is always shown with a

large and permanently erect penis Definition persistent and painful erection urinary tract Term Word Analysis albuminuria al-byoo-mih-NUR-ee-ah Definitionprotein in the urine albumin / ur / ia protein /urine / condition azotemia AZ-oh-TEE-mee-ah Definitionexcess nitrogen in the blood azot / emia nitrogen / blood condition Note: The azot root comes from the two roots a (not) and zo(living). It was applied to nitrogen because things cannot live in it. azotorrhea AZ-oh-toh-REE-ah Definitionexcessive discharge of nitrogen azoto / rrhea nitrogen / discharge azoturia AZ-oh-TUR-ee-ah Definitionexcess nitrogen in the urine azot / ur / ia nitrogen / urine / condition

cystorrhexis cystorrhexis SIS-toh-REK-sis Definitionrupture of the bladder cysto / rrhexis bladder / rupture dipsogenic DIP-soh-JIN-ik Definitioncreating thirst dipso / genic thirst /creating glucosuria GLOO-koh-shur-EE-ah Definition sugar in the urine glucos / ur / ia sugar / urine / condition glycosuria GLAI-koh-shur-EE-ah Definition sugar in the urine glycos / ur / ia sugar /urine / condition hyperkalemia HAI-per-kah-LEE-mee-ah Definitionexcessive potassium in the blood hyper / kal / emia over / potassium/ blood condition hyponatremia HAI-poh-nah-TREE-mee-ah Definition low sodium in the blood hypo / natr / emia under / sodium / blood condition

ketolysis kee-TAW-lih-sis Definitionbreakdown of ketones keto / lysis ketones / loose ketonuria kee-toh-NUR-ee-ah Definitionpresence of ketones in the urine keton / ur / ia ketones / urine / condition

nephrosis meatal stenosis mee-AY-tal steh-NOH-sis Definitionnarrowing of the opening of the urethra meat / al sten / osis opening / pertainingto narrow / condition nephroptosis nef-rop-TOH-sis Definitiondownward displacement of a kidney nephro / ptosis kidney / drooping condition nephrosis neh-FROH-sis Definitionkidney condition nephr / osis kidney / condition


uremia ur-EE-mee-ah Definition urine in the blood ur / emia urine / blood condition ureterocele yoo-REE-ter-oh-SEEL Definitionhernia of a ureter uretero / cele ureter / hernia ureterolithiasis yoo-REE-ter-oh-lih-THAI-ah-sis Definitionpresence of stones in a ureter uretero / lith / iasis ureter / stone / presence

urethrostenosis ureterostenosis yoo-REE-ter-oh-steh-NOH-sis Definitionnarrowing of a ureter uretero / sten / osis ureter / narrow / condition urethrospasm yoo-REE-throh-SPAZ-um Definitioninvoluntary contraction of the urethra urethro / spasm

urethra / involuntary contraction urethrostenosis yoo-REE-throh-steh-NOH-sis Definitionnarrrowing of the urethra urethro / sten / osis urethra / narrowing / condition Term

Word Analysis blood urea nitrogen (BUN) blud yoo-REE-a h NAI-troh-ju n

blood urea nitrogen

Definition nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea; it is the product of the breakdown of amino acids for energy Note: The level of urea in the blood can be an indicator of kidney function. diuresis DAI-yur-E E-sis

di / uresis through / urination

Definition excessive urination Note: The prefix for this word is actually dia, but when the next word part starts with a vowel (as does uresis), the dia shortens to di. nephrologis t neh-FRAW -loh-jist

nephro / logist kidney / specialist

Definition specialist in the kidneys

nephrology neh-FRAW -loh-jee

nephro / logy kidney /study

Definition study of the kidneys urologist yur-AW-lo h-jist

uro / logist urine / specialist

Definition specialist in the urinary tract urology yur-AW-lo h-jee

uro / logy urine / study

Definition study of the urinary tract

urologis t uropoiesis YUR-oh-po h-EE-sis

uro / poiesis urine / formation

Definition formation of urine uroxanthin YUR-oh-Z AN-thin

uro / xanthin urine / yellow

Definition substance in urine that makes it yellow voiding VOI-ding

from a term meaningempty

Definition another term for urination male genitalia Term

Word Analysis

anorchidism an-OR-kih-DI Z-um

an / orchid / ism no / testicle/ condition

Definition lack of a testicle aspermia ay-SPER-meeah

a / sperm / ia no / sperm / condition

Definition condition characterized by lack of sperm

anorchidism azoospermia ay-ZOH-aw-S PER-mee-ah

a / zoo / sperm / ia no / living / sperm / condition

Definition condition characterized by lack of living sperm cryptorchidism krip-TOR-kihDIZ-um

crypt / orchid / ism hidden / testicle / condition

Definition hidden testicle hydrocele HAI-droh-SEE L

hydro / cele water / hernia

Definition fluid-filled mass in a testicle

cryptorchidis m hypospadias HAI-poh-SPA Y-dee-as

from Greek, for to tear underneath

Definition birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis oligospermia AW-lih-goh-S PER-mee-ah

oligo / sperm / ia low / sperm/ condition

Definition condition characterized by low sperm production phimosis fih-MOH-sis

from Greek, for muzzle

Definition contraction of the foreskin of the penis, preventing it from being retracted prostatolith pros-TAT-oh-l ith

prostato / lith prostate / stone

Definition stone in the prostate

phimosis prostatomegal y PROS-ta-tohMEH-gah-lee

prostato / megaly prostate / enlargement

Definition abnormal enlargement of the prostate prostatorrhea PROS-ta-tohREE-ah

prostato / rrhea prostate /discharge

Definition discharge from the prostate seminoma SEM-ih-NOHmah

semin / oma sperm / tumor

Definition type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue

spermatocele sper-MAH-toh -SEEL

spermato / cele sperm / hernia

Definition hernia or distention of the epididymis caused by sperm cells spermatolysis SPER-mah-T AW-lih-sis

spermato / lysis sperm / loose

Definition destruction of sperm cells diagnostic procedures Term

Word Analysis

digital rectal exam (DRE) DIJ-ih-tal REK-tal ek-ZAM

digit / al rect / al exam finger / pertaining to rectum/ pertaining to exam

Definition examination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum

digita l rectal exam

transrectal ultrasonograph y TRANZ-REK-t al UL-trah-soh-N AW-grah-fee

trans / rect / al ultra / sono / graphy through / rectum / pertaining to high / sound / writing procedure

Definition procedure using a probe inserted into the rectum using high-frequency sound waves to scan through the rectum to nearby tissue (most commonly, the prostate) urethrogram yoo-REE-throh -GRAM

urethro / gram urethra / record

Definition image of the urethra professional terms Term

Word Analysis

ejaculation ee-JAK-yoo-LA Y-shun

e / jacul / ation out / throw / process

Definition emission of semen from the urethra ejaculatio n

gonads GOH-nadz

gon / ads creation / pair

Definition pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; in males, they are the testicles, and in females, they are the ovaries spermatogenesis sper-MAT-oh-JI N-eh-sis

spermato / genesis sperm / creation

Definition creation of sperm vas deferens VAS DEH-frenz

vas de / ferens vessel away / carrying

Definition vessel carrying sperm from the testicles Note: The word “vessel” can cause confusion. Most people hear “vessel” and think “blood vessel.” “Vessel” simply means “tube or duct.” So the vas deferens is a vessel; it just carries sperm instead of blood....

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