Chapter 13 quiz PDF

Title Chapter 13 quiz
Course Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Institution Carleton University
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TRUE/FALSE 1 : The goal of the descriptive research strategy is to describe the relationships that exist between variables. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 2 : A limitation of descriptive studies is that they cannot assess the causal relationship between variables. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 3 : Measuring interrater reliability helps ensure that behavioral observations are objective and are not influenced by subjective interpretations of the researcher. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 4 : Habituation is a technique used in behavioral observation to minimize the risk that the participants behavior is influenced by reacting to the presence of an observer. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 5 : Counting how many times a child exhibits disruptive behavior during a 30-minute observation period is an example of measuring behavior using the duration method. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 6 : Archival research involves applying the techniques of behavioral observation to record behaviors in contemporary books or movies. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 7 : In contrived observation, the researcher joins the individuals to be observed and engages in activities with them. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 8 : Observing a persons behavior while having him or her complete a problem-solving task in 1 / 11

the laboratory is an example of participant observation. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 9 : One problem with observational research is that it can be very time consuming. However, this problem is minimized by using participant observation. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 10 : Roshenhans study in which individuals were admitted to psychiatric hospitals in order to observe patients and patient-staff interactions, is an example of contrived observation. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 11 : A political scientist uses a survey to determine whether college students sleeping habits are related to their grade point averages. This researcher is using the descriptive survey research design. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 12 : One advantage of Likert-type rating scale questions is that they produce numerical scores that can be evaluated with standard statistical methods such as computing means. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 13 : One disadvantage of open-ended questions is that the responses can be very difficult to summarize and analyze. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 14 : Nonresponse bias refers to the fact that interviewers may influence a participants answer by reading a question in one way or another. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 15 : One advantage of administering a survey by mail is that it minimizes the risk of interviewer bias. A : true B : false 2 / 11

Correct Answer : A 16 : One concern with telephone surveys is interviewer bias. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 17 : Case studies are examples of research using the idiographic approach. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 18 : The case study design can be useful for studying unusual clinical cases such as rare psychiatric disorders. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 19 : Although a case study typically involves a single participant, the results can serve as a counterexample that influences an entire theory. A : true B : false Correct Answer : A 20 : The case study design can be used to establish causal relationships between variables. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B

MULTIPLE CHOICE 21 : The general goal of a research study using the descriptive research strategy is to ____. A : describe an individual person or animal in great detail B : describe a variable or variables as they exist naturally C : measure and describe the relationship between variables D : describe and explain the relationship between variables Correct Answer : B 22 : A researcher conducts a survey to determine the average number of minutes that college students spend on their smartphones in a typical day. Which research strategy is being used? A : Descriptive B : Correlational C : Experimental D : Nonexperimental 3 / 11

Correct Answer : A 23 : How does the descriptive research strategy differ from the experimental or nonexperimental research strategies? A : It involves comparing groups of scores. B : It does not concern relationships between variables. C : It attempts to describe and explain relationships between variables. D : It does not involve the measurement of variables. Correct Answer : B 24 : What is the purpose for using habituation in an observational research study? A : It helps ensure the objectivity of the measurements. B : It helps ensure the reliability of the measurements. C : It provides an operational definition for the variables being measured. D : It helps ensure that the people being observed are not influenced by the presence of an observer. Correct Answer : D 25 : During a study using the behavioral research strategy, it is common to have two observers record behavior simultaneously. What is the purpose for this procedure? A : It is used to ensure the external validity of the study. B : It is used to evaluate the reliability of the measurements. C : It provides an operational definition for the variables being measured. D : It helps ensure that the behaviors are not influenced by the presence of an observer. Correct Answer : B 26 : During a study using the behavioral research strategy, it is common to prepare a list of behaviors called behavioral categories before the actual observation begins. The purpose for this procedure is to ____. A : ensure statistical significance of the results B : improve the reliability of the measurements C : raise the external validity of the study D : raise the internal validity of the study Correct Answer : B 27 : In the observational study of adolescents at the mall, you count the number of social interaction behaviors that occur within a one-hour observation period. This is an example of the ____ method of quantifying behavior. A : frequency B : duration C : interval D : behavior counting Correct Answer : A 28 : In an observational study of autistic children, you record how much time each child spends playing alone during a 30-minute observation period. This is an example of the ____ method of quantifying behavior. 4 / 11

A : frequency B : duration C : interval D : individual Correct Answer : B 29 : The ____ method for quantifying observations involves counting the number of times a behavior occurs in a specified period of time. A : duration B : frequency C : interval D : time sample Correct Answer : B 30 : Recording how many hours a week your roommate spends studying involves using the ____ method, while simply recording whether or not your roommate studies in a week involves using the ____ method. A : interval; frequency B : duration; interval C : frequency; duration D : interval; duration Correct Answer : B 31 : In an observational study of children in a day care setting, you select one participant at a time for observation. This is an example of using ____. A : time sampling B : event sampling C : individual sampling D : interval methodology Correct Answer : C 32 : In an observational study of children in a day care center, you alternate one minute of observation with one minute of recording behavior. This is an example of ____ sampling. A : time B : individual C : event D : alternating-interval Correct Answer : A 33 : When an observer switches recording from one behavior during one interval to another behavior during another interval, it is known as ____ sampling. A : time B : individual C : event D : frequency Correct Answer : C 5 / 11

34 : Content analysis involves using behavioral observation techniques to record behaviors that ____. A : occurred in the past B : occur in institutional settings such as hospitals or prisons C : occur in response to the researchers suggestion D : occur in movies or television shows Correct Answer : D 35 : When researchers apply behavioral observation techniques to historical records in order to measure behaviors that occurred in the past, the measurement process is called ____. A : behavioral observation B : event sampling C : content analysis D : archival research Correct Answer : D 36 : When researchers use behavioral observation techniques to measure behaviors in movies, what is the measurement process called? A : Behavioral observation B : Event sampling C : Content analysis D : Archival research Correct Answer : C 37 : Jane Goodalls research, examining the behavior of chimps in Africa, is an example of ____. A : experimental research B : naturalistic observation C : correlational research D : differential research Correct Answer : B 38 : Bird watching is most similar to what type of research? A : Experimental B : Participant observation C : Naturalistic observation D : Quasi-experimental Correct Answer : C 39 : A researcher has pairs of college student participants play a card game in the laboratory. However, the game is rigged to ensure that one participant experiences a long losing streak so that the researcher can observe how the losing students behave when they are frustrated. For this study, what kind of behavioral observation is being used? A : Naturalistic observation B : Participant observation C : Contrived observation D : Unstructured observation Correct Answer : C 6 / 11

40 : A researcher who wanted to observe behaviors in a private social club would probably need to use ____. A : naturalistic observation B : participant observation C : contrived observation D : unstructured observation Correct Answer : B 41 : A researcher taking a job as a restaurant server in order to explore sexism in the restaurant industry is an example of ____. A : participant observation B : naturalistic observation C : correlational research D : case study research Correct Answer : A 42 : What is the main advantage of contrived observation (compared with other types of observational research)? A : It gives the researcher assurance that the observed behaviors are natural. B : It is less likely that the researcher is influencing the behaviors being observed. C : It is more efficient because the researcher does not have to wait for specific behaviors to occur naturally. D : It is less likely that the researcher will impose subjective interpretations on the data. Correct Answer : C 43 : A researcher who brings dating couples into the laboratory to be observed while they are solving a problem is most likely using ____. A : participant observation B : naturalistic observation C : contrived observation D : case study research Correct Answer : C 44 : Which observational research design has the greatest risk that the observer will influence the behaviors being observed? A : Naturalistic observation B : Participant observation C : Contrived observation D : Nonparticipant observation Correct Answer : B 45 : Although surveys can be used with a variety of different research strategies, the defining characteristic of the survey research design is that the ____. A : research is conducted in field settings rather than in a laboratory B : intent is simply to describe behaviors C : intent is to demonstrate a relationship between behavior and other variables D : intent is to explain the causes of the behaviors being surveyed 7 / 11

Correct Answer : B 46 : What is a limitation of survey research? A : It only can be used to measure attitudes and opinions. B : It cannot be used to measure specific behaviors. C : The results are often difficult to evaluate. D : The results are limited by the truthfulness of the participants. Correct Answer : D 47 : What type of question allows participants the greatest flexibility in deciding how to answer? A : Open-ended B : Restricted C : Rating scale D : Anchors Correct Answer : A 48 : The multiple-choice questions on this exam are examples of ____ items. A : open-ended B : restricted C : rating scale D : physiological Correct Answer : B 49 : Essay questions on an exam are examples of ____ items. A : open-ended B : restricted C : rating scale D : physiological Correct Answer : A 50 : What type of question typically produces a numerical score for each participant? A : Open-ended B : Restricted C : Rating scale D : Partially open-ended Correct Answer : C 51 : On a questionnaire, Dr. Ortega asks participants to answer the following question: What do you think about the current presidential administration? This is an example of a(n) ____ question. A : restricted B : rating scale C : open-ended D : partially open-ended Correct Answer : C 8 / 11

52 : Which type of question is a Likert-type question? A : Open-ended B : Restricted C : Rating scale D : Physiological Correct Answer : C 53 : What is a problem with surveys administered by mail? A : You do not know exactly who completed the survey. B : You cannot maintain participant confidentiality. C : A mailed survey can be inconvenient for participants. D : A mailed survey can be threatening to participants. Correct Answer : A 54 : Administering a survey by telephone ____. A : requires improvisation of questions B : is subject to interviewer bias C : is typically quite time-efficient D : requires only a small number of research assistants Correct Answer : B 55 : What is an advantage to administering a survey over the Internet? A : They generate a near-100% response rate. B : The survey can be individualized based on responses. C : It is especially easy to get a representative sample. D : It is easier to know who in a household is responding. Correct Answer : B 56 : Which statement identifies a potential problem with Internet surveys? A : They tend to be costly and inefficient. B : They limit flexibility in presenting questions and response alternatives. C : It can be difficult to find a group of participants who share a specific interest. D : It can be difficult to control or even know the composition of the sample. Correct Answer : D 57 : Which method for administering a survey requires the greatest amount of time from the researcher? A : Mailing surveys B : Making phone calls C : Distributing surveys to a group of participants D : Using the Internet Correct Answer : B 58 : The idiographic approach to research involves ____. A : direct observation of individuals without their knowledge B : interviewing people in a small group setting C : the intensive study of one individual 9 / 11

D : the study of groups Correct Answer : C 59 : A case study typically involves the study of ________. A : the general public B : people who are genetically related C : a very cohesive group D : one individual Correct Answer : D 60 : A researcher conducting a study on a single person with multiple personality disorder is an example of ____. A : participant observation B : naturalistic observation C : correlational research D : case study research Correct Answer : D

ESSAY 61 : Describe the primary distinction between descriptive research and other research strategies. Correct Answer : A researcher using the descriptive research strategy is seeking to describe the individual variables as they exist separately. Other research strategies attempt to describe and measure the relationships between variables. 62 : Suppose you are interested in performing an observational study of eating behavior of rats in a laboratory. Describe one method to quantify this behavior: that is, explain how you could convert the observations into numerical scores. Correct Answer : Three different methods can be used to quantify the behavior. (1) The frequency method would involve recording how many times each rat eats during the observation period. (2) The duration method would involve recording how much time each rat spends eating during the observation period. (3) The interval method would involve dividing the observation period into intervals (e.g., one-minute intervals) and then recording whether or not each rat eats during each interval. (pp. 366–367). 63 : Describe the three types of sampling that can be done in observational research and explain why sampling is helpful. Correct Answer : When encountering a complex situation during observational research, researchers can choose to take a sample of all potential observations rather than trying in vain to observe everything at once. To do this, researchers can engage in time sampling, event sampling, and individual sampling. Time sampling involves observing for one interval of time, then recording for one interval of time. Event sampling involves observing one particular event during one interval, then another event for the next interval. Individual sampling involves observing one person for the first interval, then observing another person for the next interval, 10 / 11

and so on. 64 : Describe the three types of behavioral observation and briefly explain the circumstances under which each is used. Correct Answer : Naturalistic observation involves observing natural behaviors in natural settings without intervening or intruding. The goal is simply to describe natural behavior. Participant observation is used when it is impossible to observe behaviors without drawing attention to yourself. In this situation, the observer joins the participants who are being observed. Contrived observation involves setting up a situation in which a desired behavior is likely to occur. The goal of contrived observation is to increase the likelihood that behaviors will occur rather than waiting for them to happen naturally. 65 : Describe the three types of survey questions and outline the advantages and disadvantages of each. Correct Answer : Open-ended questions allow a participant to express an answer in his or her own words. These questions give the participants the greatest flexibility in choosing an answer, but they can be very difficult to summarize or analyze. Restricted questions provide participants with a fixed set of response options. These questions are easy to analyze because all participants use the same set of responses. However, the predetermined list of responses may not include answers that the participants would like to express. Rating scale questions allow participants to express different degrees of responding by selecting a number on a scale. The primary advantage of rating scale questions is that they produce a numerical score for each participant. 66 : Outline the major advantages and disadvantages of administering a survey on the Internet. Correct Answer : Setting up an Internet survey is fast, easy, and cheap to administer, and they give researchers better access to participants with a particular characteristic (since people join online communities based on their interests). In addition, Internet surveys can be more flexible, offering certain questions to participants based on their previous answers. However, Internet surveys have disadvantages related to sampling—it can be difficult to get a truly representative sample of a target population. 67 : Under what circumstances is a case study the preferred technique for gathering information? Correct Answer : The case study approach is usually used to study rare phenomena for which it would be impossible to obtain a large sample of participants. A case study is also useful when you want to provide a detailed description of a specific individual’s behavior and/or responses to treatment, and when you want to explore the effectiveness of a new therapy technique or apply an existing technique to a new area.

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