Chapter 13 QUIZ Questions PDF

Title Chapter 13 QUIZ Questions
Course Quality: A Supply Chain Perspective
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Chapter 13 practical multiple choices and short answer questions...


Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain, 5e (Foster) Chapter 13 Six Sigma Management and Lean Tools 1) The aspect of Six Sigma that has made it popular with CEOs is ________. A) its similarity to continuous improvement programs B) its repackaging of quality tools and philosophies C) its organization into different levels D) the contingency perspective E) its cost-reduction orientation Answer: E 2) Some quality practitioners are uncomfortable with Six Sigma's results orientation because ________. A) it violates several of Deming's points B) quality is inherently unfocused C) results are impossible to measure D) the practice was developed in a different culture E) the program is relatively new and does not have proven results Answer: A 3) The Six in Six Sigma refers to the ________. A) number of standard deviations from a specification limit to the mean of a highly capable process B) number of means from a specification limit to the standard deviation of a highly capable process C) number of variances from a specification limit to the mean of a highly capable process D) number of means from a specification limit to the variances of a highly capable process E) number of means from zero of a highly capable process Answer: A 4) The Sigma in Six Sigma refers to the ________. A) mean B) standard deviation C) skewness D) kurtosis E) hypothesis Answer: B 5) At which company did Six Sigma originate? A) General Electric B) Motorola C) AT&T D) 3M E) CIGNA Answer: B 13-1

6) Six Sigma translates to a defect rate of ________. A) 233 parts per million B) 23 parts per million C) 3.4 parts per million D) 0.2 parts per million E) 6,210 parts per million Answer: C 7) At the core of Six Sigma is the equation Y = f(X) where Y represents ________. A) key business objectives and measures B) processes C) interrelationships to be controlled and managed D) incontrolables variables E) controlables variables Answer: A 8) At the core of Six Sigma is the equation Y = f(X) where f represents ________. A) key business objectives B) processes C) interrelationships to be controlled and managed D) people E) controllable variables Answer: C 9) In the context of Six Sigma, the acronym ppm stands for ________. A) pages per minute B) parts per million C) Project portfolio management D) process performance manager E) pay per minute Answer: B

10) Which key player in Six Sigma works with black belts to identify possible projects and is at the CEO or VP level depending on company size? A) master black belt B) champion C) green belt D) orange belt E) premier Answer: B


11) ________ get information from a variety of sources such as the voice of the business, the voice of the customer, and the voice of the employee for potential project ideas. A) Orange belts B) Premiers C) Champions D) Master black belts E) Green belts Answer: C

12) Which key player in Six Sigma is trained in basic quality tools and works in teams to improve quality on less critical projects? A) champion B) master black belt C) black belt D) green belt E) premier Answer: D

13) Which key player in Six Sigma is a specially trained individual who is a specialist? A) champion B) master black belt C) black belt D) green belt E) process owner Answer: C 14) In Lean-Six Sigma, the Japanese term "muda" is often used to describe ________. A) process waste B) machine processing C) product testing D) decision making E) simulation Answer: A 15) DMAIC is an acronym for ________. A) Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control B) Design, Measure, Apply, Invest, Correlate C) Design, Model, Analyze, Invest, Control D) Design, Model, Analyze, Improve, Correlate E) Define, Measure, Apply, Invest, Correlate Answer: A


16) In the ________ phase, projects are identified and selected. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: A 17) Business cases, process mapping, voice of the customer, change management, and problem/objective statements are the tools used in the ________ stage of the DMAIC process. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: A 18) The efficacy of a business case is checked using the mnemonic RUMBA. The "M" in RUMBA stands for ________. A) methods B) materials C) motivation D) measurable E) manpower Answer: D 19) Two important measures that are monitored in the process map are ________. A) payback period and ROI B) risk and return C) defects per unit (DPU) and defects per million opportunities (DPMO) D) breakeven point and payback period E) contribution margin and breakeven point Answer: C 20) Process FMEA, process capability assessments, basic statistics, and decision making are the tools used in the ________ phase of the DMAIC process. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: B 13-4

21) What are the two major steps in the measure phase? A) selecting process outcomes and mapping non value added activities B) selecting process outcomes and verifying measurements C) understanding the process and mapping non value added activities D) understanding the process and verifying measurements E) mapping non value added activities and verifying measurements Answer: B 22) The ________ is used to identify inputs (Xs) and outputs (Ys) from a project that has been mapped and is desired to be pursued. A) X,Y scatter plots B) XY differentiation method C) X,Y covariance analyses D) XY matrix E) XY nonlinearity analysis Answer: D 23) The XY matrix identifies ________ from a project you have mapped. A) inputs and outputs B) customers and suppliers C) high and low-quality processes D) waste and gain E) expenditures and savings Answer: A 24) ________ is used to determine if measurements are consistent. A) Matrix synchronization analysis B) Multiple systems analogues C) Maximal system adjustment D) Minimal system adjustment E) Measurement system analysis Answer: E 25) FMEA is used to ________. A) check the efficacy of a business case B) identify ways a process or product can fail to meet critical customer requirements C) determine the accuracy and precision of your measurements D) identify inputs (Xs) and outputs (Ys) from a project that has mapped and are desiring to pursue E) identify non- value-added activities Answer: B


26) The P-value in the ANOVA table shows what variables ________. A) need to be standardized B) are redundant C) are independent and identically distributed D) significantly contribute to the variation E) are out of control Answer: D 27) Graphical data analysis, hypothesis tests, and process modeling and simulation are the tools used in the ________ phase of the DMAIC process. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: C 28) Which step in the analyze phase of DMAIC involves determining what characteristics of the process need to be changed to achieve improvement? A) analyze sources of variability B) improvement projection C) independent variable identification D) performance objectives definition E) return to control Answer: D 29) The goal of the ________ step is to use visual and statistical tools to better understand the relationships between dependent and independent variables. A) defining objectives B) identifying Xs C) analyzing sources of variation D) gauge R&R E) Pareto analysis Answer: C 30) Hypothesis tests, design of experiments, simulation, and piloting and testing are the tools used in the ________ stage of the DMAIC process. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: D 13-6

31) Offline experimentation is performed during the ________ phase. A) control B) improve C) analysis D) identification E) variation Answer: B 32) Solution selection, solution implementation, control charts, and best practices are the tools used in the ________ stage of the DMAIC process. A) define B) measure C) analyze D) improve E) control Answer: E 33) The process of designing products so they are inherently defect-free and insensitive to random variation is known as ________. A) robust design B) concept design C) parameter design D) tolerance design E) finish design Answer: A 34) The process of examining competing technologies to produce a product is known as ________. A) robust design B) concept design C) parameter design D) tolerance design E) finish design Answer: B 35) The process of selecting control factors and determining optimal levels for them is known as ________. A) robust design B) concept design C) parameter design D) tolerance design E) finish design Answer: C 13-7

36) The process of developing specification limits is known as ________. A) robust design B) concept design C) parameter design D) tolerance design E) finish design Answer: D 37) The Taguchi method focuses primarily on ________. A) robust design B) concept design C) parameter design D) tolerance design E) finish design Answer: C

38) In the Taguchi method, levels of parameters are also known as ________. A) mixes B) settings C) factors D) treatments E) models Answer: B 39) What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $300 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 3 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 0.2? A) 1.33 B) 7500 C) 67500 D) 300 E) 33.3 Answer: E 40) What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $400 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 0.5 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 0.3? A) 144 B) 450 C) 4400 D) 1600 E) 1100 Answer: D 13-8

41) What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $200 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 0.25 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 0.6? A) 1152 B) 556 C) 3200 D) 34.7 E) 55.6 Answer: C 42) What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $250 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 2 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 0.2? A) 2.5 B) 62.5 C) 2625 D) 2500 E) 6250 Answer: B

43) What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $500 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 2 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 3? A) 125 B) 1125 C) 55 D) 222 E) 532 Answer: A 44) The Taguchi constant for flooring materials is known to be $50/cm sq. and the cost to repair them is $300. What is the tolerance interval? A) 2.45 cm B) 0.41 cm C) 6.00 cm D) 0.16 cm E) 4.25 cm Answer: A 45) The Taguchi constant for flooring materials is known to be $30/cm sq. and the cost to repair them is $325. What is the tolerance interval? A) 0.3 cm B) 3.3 cm C) 0.09 cm D) 10.8 cm E) 1.11 cm Answer: B 13-9

46) The Taguchi constant for flooring materials is known to be $50/cm sq. and the tolerance is 25 plus or minus 0.6. What is the cost to repair the flooring? A) $1500 B) $83 C) $18 D) $125 E) $166 Answer: C 47) The Taguchi constant for flooring materials is known to be $13.33/cm sq. and the tolerance is 15 plus or minus 0.4. What is the cost to repair the flooring? A) $2.13 B) $0.12 C) $3.94 D) $71 E) $13.47 Answer: A 48) The Pitman arm on a car costs $105 to repair. Compute the quality loss function for losses incurred as a result of deviation from a target where a tolerance of 10 mm plus or minus 0.15 mm is required and the root mean squared deviation from the target is 0.16. A) 119 B) 4666 C) 4101 D) 92 E) 29 Answer: A 49) The Pitman arm on a car costs $105 to repair. Compute the quality loss function for losses incurred as a result of deviation from a target where a tolerance of 10 plus or minus 0.2 is required and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target is 0.05. A) 262.5 B) 6.6 C) 420.0 D) 168.5 E) 105.0 Answer: B 50) The Pitman arm on a car costs $105 to repair. Compute the quality loss function for losses incurred as a result of deviation from a target where a tolerance of 10 plus or minus 0.8 is required and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target is 0.25. A) 16.40 B) 168.0 C) 10.25 D) 107.5 E) 26.25 Answer: C 13-10

51) The Pitman arm on a car costs $105 to repair. Compute the quality loss function for losses incurred as a result of deviation from a target where a tolerance of 10 plus or minus 0.75 is required and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target is 0.025. A) 0.18 B) 5.83 C) 16.8 D) 0.12 E) 45.0 Answer: D

52) The Pitman arm on a car costs $105 to repair. Compute the quality loss function for losses incurred as a result of deviation from a target where a tolerance of 10 plus or minus 0.125 is required and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target is 0.33. A) 672 B) 964 C) 158 D) 226 E) 732 Answer: E 53) The loss caused by deviation from the target standard is $15.47 per unit and the Taguchi constant for the material is 247. What is the root mean squared deviation (V) from the desired target value? A) 4.00 B) 7.50 C) 0.13 D) 3.67 E) 0.25 Answer: E 54) The loss caused by deviation from the target standard is $23.75 per unit and the Taguchi constant for the material is 95. What is the root mean squared deviation (V) from the desired target value? A) 0.50 B) 3.00 C) 0.10 D) 2.00 E) 1.50 Answer: A


55) The loss caused by deviation from the target standard is $13.75 per unit and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target value is 0.30. What is the Taguchi constant? A) 204 B) 75 C) 153 D) 115 E) 172 Answer: C

56) The loss caused by deviation from the target standard is $47.70 per unit and the root mean squared deviation (V) from the target value is 0.50. What is the Taguchi constant? A) 249 B) 191 C) 642 D) 318 E) 452 Answer: B

57) The first step in the Taguchi process is ________. A) problem identification B) brainstorming session C) experimental design D) run experiment E) analyze results Answer: A

58) Variables that are under the control of management are called ________. A) signal factors B) noise factors C) control factors D) level factors E) parameter factors Answer: C 59) Variables that are uncontrollable are called ________. A) signal factors B) noise factors C) control factors D) level factors E) parameter factors Answer: B 13-12

60) Tools to maintain independence between successive trials of a Taguchi experiment are called ________. A) replications B) control factors C) parameter factors D) signal factors E) orthogonal arrays Answer: E

61) ________ is focused on final engineering design optimization. A) DFSS B) DMAIC C) IDOV D) DFMS E) DDSS Answer: C 62) The define, measure, analyze, design, and verify methodology pertains to ________. A) developing new processes and products B) improving existing products and processes C) final engineering design optimization D) preliminary engineering design E) customer quality metrics Answer: A

87) What distinguishes Six Sigma from traditional continuous improvement? Answer: Six Sigma represents a well-thought-out packaging of quality tools and philosophies in an honest effort to provide rigor and repeatability to quality improvement efforts. Second, Six Sigma is much more cost-reduction-oriented than traditional continuous improvement. While this makes it popular with CEO's many quality practitioners are uncomfortable with the focus on results since it violates several of Deming's points. The third fundamental nuance of Six Sigma is the way it is organized around creating champions, black belts, green belts and in some situations, yellow belts. Fourth, Six Sigma and lean production have been combined into an approach termed Lean-Six Sigma. It is Six Sigma with an increased emphasis on reducing waste.


88) What are the titles and roles of the key players in Six Sigma efforts? Answer: The titles are champion, master black belt, black belt, and green belt. The champion works with the black belts and potential black belts to identify possible projects. Depending on the size of the company, the champion resides at the CEO or VP level. The champion acts as a funnel for project ideas and uses Pareto analysis to analyze ideas and determine where the best return on investment lies. The champion also provides continuing support for the project and validates results at the end. The master black belts are experienced black belts (and may not exist in smaller companies). Master black belts serve as mentors and trainers for new black belts and serve as a way to bring training in-house. The black belts are the key to Six Sigma and are individuals that are specially trained, generally at a cost of $10,000 to $16,000 for a period of about 4 months. Upon completion of training, these individuals are committed to full-time cost reduction projects. The black belt is a specialist and it is not feasible for a firm to have many black belts. Green belts are trained in basic quality tools and work in teams to improve quality. They are assigned part-time to work on process and design improvement. 89) What is robust design and what are the different types of design that compose it? Answer: The concept of robust design is that products and services should be designed so they are inherently defect-free and insensitive to random variation. Robust design may be achieved by concept design, parameter design, and tolerance design. Concept design is the process of examining competing technologies to produce a product and includes process technology and design choices. Parameter design refers to the selection of control factors and the determination of optimal levels for each of the factors. Control factors are those variables in a process that management can manipulate. Tolerance design deals with developing specification limits and occurs after parameter design has been used to reduce variation and the resulting improvement has been insufficient.


90) A Taguchi experiment is to be performed on the effects of lift, bore, stroke, and compression on engine performance with horsepower as the outcome variable. The factors were tested at each of the following levels in hopes of improving engine horsepower. Lift (L) Bore (B) Stroke (S) Compression (C)

2.75 0.10 0.50 8.50

2.90 0.30 0.60 12.00

The following experiment was used and the results of all trials are as follows: Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

L 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

B 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

S 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

C 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

Response 384 285 341 322 401 259 310 375

Determine the best levels for each factor and state your conclusions. Answer: The average response when L is low is 359; (384 + 341 + 401 + 310)/4 = 359 and the average response when it is high is 310. (285 + 322 + 259 + 375)/4 = 310 The average response when B is low is 332; (384 + 285 + 401 + 259)/4 = 332 and the average response when it is high is 337. (341 + 322 + 310 + 375)/4 = 337 The average response when S is low is 333; (384 + 285 + 341 + 322)/4 = 333 and the average response when it is high is 336. (401 + 259 + 310 + 375)/4 = 336 The average response when C is low is 319; (384 + 322 + 259 + 310)/4 = 319 and the average response when it is high is 351. (285 + 341 + 401 + 375)/4 = 351 Lift should be at the low setting and Compression should be at its high setting. Horsepower results Bore and Stroke are almost identical at high and low settings, although both appear to do slightly better at a higher setting.



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