Chapter 15 Quality Management PDF

Title Chapter 15 Quality Management
Author Rhoda Palma
Course Total Quality Management
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 8
File Size 109.5 KB
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Chapter 15 - Quality Management 1. Six Sigma cannot be applied to service processes. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: False 2. The GAP model helps managers analyze goods and services and the processes that make and deliver them to identify and close the largest gaps and improve performance. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 3. A kaizen event is an approach for mistake-proofing processes, using automatic devices or methods to avoid simple human error. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: False 4. Dr. W. Edwards Deming defined quality as "fitness for use" and sought to improve quality by working within the system familiar to managers. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: False 5. Using color-coded wires to reduce mistakes associated with assembling complex electronic products is an example of an application of the kaizen concept. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: False 6. Service quality is consistently meeting or exceeding customer expectations (external focus) and service-delivery system performance criteria (internal focus) during all service encounters. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 7. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a specialized agency for standardization that was founded in 1946, and it is composed of representatives from the national standards bodies of 91 nations. a. True b. Fals e Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management ANSWER: True 8. At Scorla Automobiles, a few machines in the assembly section were faulty and had to be shut down till they were repaired. This reduced the output of automobiles for the quarter. In this case, the costs incurred by Scorla Automobiles for repairing the machines are an example of _____. a. prevention costs b. appraisal costs c. internal failure costs d. external failure costs ANSWER: c 9. Which of the following is a core philosophy of Six Sigma? a. Achieving cycle time reduction b. Increasing non-value-added activities c. Avoiding errors per million opportunities as a standard metric d. Increasing variation in cash flow ANSWER: a 10. Harlose Suits faced a lot of complaints from customers when its recent batch of goods was dispatched. The employees at Harlose Suits, hence, had to rework on the returned items, and in some cases, the company had to even replace the faulty goods. In this case, the costs incurred by Harlose Suits are an example of _____. a. prevention costs b. appraisal costs c. internal failure costs d. external failure costs ANSWER: d 11. A__________is a line graph in which data are plotted over time. a. run chart b. flow chart c. checkshee t d. histogram ANSWER: a 12. Identify a true statement about International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000:2000. a. It states that generic management practices can never be standardized. b. Its standards do not apply to services such as health care, banking, and transportation. c. It is the first version of the ISO family of standards. d. Its standards apply to all types of businesses, including electronics and chemicals. ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management 13. Identify a true statement about the poka-yoke concept. a. Many applications of poka-yoke are expensive to implement. b. It is a manufacturing process. c. It is a concept advocated by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. d. Many applications of poka-yoke are deceptively simple. ANSWER: d 14. According to Philip B. Crosby's Absolutes of Quality Management philosophy, _____. a. quality means conformance to elegance b. there is no such thing as a quality problem c. there is no such thing as zero defects d. the only performance measurement is the economics of quality ANSWER: b 15. Daniel is a front-desk manager at Refington Hotel, a mid-market hotel. During Daniel's shift last week, he received 29 customer complaints. A total of 428 guests had stayed in the hotel that week. Given this information, find out the errors per million opportunities. a. 400 errors per million opportunities b. 23456 errors per million opportunities c. 67757 errors per million opportunities d. 14758620 errors per million opportunities ANSWER: c 16. _____ concept characterizes quality performance by defects per million opportunities. a. The poka-yoke b. The ISO 9000:2000 c. The Gap model d. The Six Sigma ANSWER: d 17. The managers at Blyrie Corp. think that their company's products are of higher quality than the products of other companies in the market. However, contrary to their perception, the customers rate the company's products as below average. This is due to the inferior process design specifications in the company. This is an example of _____ in the GAP model. a. Gap 2 b. Gap 3 c. Gap 4 d. Gap 5 ANSWER: a 18. Identify a true statement about the GAP model. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management a. It defines quality system standards based on the premise that certain generic characteristics of management practices can be standardized. b.Minimizing gaps 4 and 5 will result in low customer satisfaction. c. Failure to understand and minimize gaps presents the risk of losing customer loyalty. d.It eliminates causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and service processes by focusing on outputs that are critical to customers. ANSWER: c 19. In General Electric's Six Sigma problem-solving approach (DMAIC), the__________phase involves determining the most likely causes of defects. a. define b. measur e c. analyze d. control ANSWER: c 20. In the context of SERVQUAL, _____ is the knowledge and courtesy of service providers and their ability to convey trust and confidence. a. responsivenes s b. reliability c. competence d. assurance ANSWER: d 21. The management of Elextric Corp., a computer manufacturing company, wants the employees in the organization to contribute to the quality of the firm by making gradual, continuous improvements in their departments. Given this information, Elextric Corp. embraces an approach known as _____. a. poka-yoke b. kaizen c. Six Sigma d. the 5-Why Technique ANSWER: c 22. Identify a true statement about kaizen. a. It is based on the concept of continuous improvement. b. It is an intense, rapid improvement process. c. It is performed on a part-time basis. d. It involves a huge financial investment. ANSWER: a 23. Which of the following statements is true of Gap 3 in the GAP model? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management a. It can be minimized by making senior managers work in frontline jobs a few days every year so that they keep in contact with customers and frontline employees. b.It is where the customer judges quality and makes future purchase decisions. c. It can be minimized by advertising. d.It recognizes that manufacturing and service delivery systems must execute quality specifications well. ANSWER: d 24. __________in the GAP model is the discrepancy between actual manufacturing and service-delivery system performance and external communications to the customers. a. Gap 1 b. Gap 2 c. Gap 3 d. Gap 4 ANSWER: d 25. A _____ is a basic statistical tool that graphically shows the frequency or number of observations of a particular value or within a specified group. a. flowchart b. histogram c. cause-and-effect diagram d. scatter diagram ANSWER: b 26. Gap 3 in the GAP model is the discrepancy between: a. the customer's expectations and perceptions.'s perceptions of what features constitute a target level of quality and the task of translating these perceptions into executable specifications. c. quality specifications documented in operating and training manuals and plans and their implementation. d.customer expectations and management perceptions of those expectations. ANSWER: c 27. __________defines quality system standards, based on the premise that certain generic characteristics of management practices can be standardized and that a well-designed, well-implemented, and carefully managed quality system provides confidence that the outputs will meet customer expectations and requirements. a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14000:2015 b. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 4217:2015 c. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14006:2011 d. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000:2000 ANSWER: d 28. Which of the following definitions of quality is proposed by Joseph M. Juran? a. Quality means conformance to requirements. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management b. Quality is fitness for use. c. A product or a service possesses quality if it helps somebody and enjoys a good and sustainable market. d. A product or a service possesses quality if it consistently exceeds customer expectations. ANSWER: b 29. Alex, the manager at Rues and West Inc., wants to know the sequence of the production process in the company to determine if any process can be combined or eliminated. In this case, a _____ will suit Alex's requirement. a. run chart b. flow chart c. checkshee t d. histogram ANSWER: b 30. Which of the following statements is true of SERVQUAL? a. Quality is simply ensuring that goods and services consistently conform to specifications. b. It is designed to apply to all service industries. c. It uses 15 dimensions of service quality performance. d. Empathy is the ability to provide what was promised, dependably and accurately. ANSWER: b 31. _____ are costs expended to keep nonconforming goods and services from being made and reaching the customer. a. Prevention costs b. Appraisal costs c. Internal failure costs d. External failure costs ANSWER: a 32. Which of the following statements is true of Dr. W. Edwards Deming? a. He sought to improve quality by working within the system familiar to managers. b. He proposed a simple definition of quality: "fitness for use." c. He professed that quality means conformance to requirements and not elegance. d. He advocated a process to guide and motivate improvement activities known as the Deming cycle. ANSWER: d 33. __________are costs incurred as a result of unsatisfactory quality that is found before the delivery of a good or service to the customer. a. Prevention costs b. Appraisal costs c. Internal failure costs Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management d. External failure costs ANSWER: c 34. Huran Co., a food manufacturer, announced a contest for its customers where they could win exciting prizes if they fill in their details in the coupons they find in their cereal boxes and mail them to the company. But at the packaging section of the company, some of the workers forgot to insert the coupons in some of the cereal boxes. This led to numerous complaints from customers. To prevent this problem from happening again, it was suggested that the workers take 10 coupons and 10 boxes before they start packing the boxes, and if any coupon is left after the 10 boxes are packed, the workers recheck the boxes. This is an example of an application of the _____ concept. a. poka-yoke b. kaizen c. Six Sigma d. reproducibilit y ANSWER: a 35. __________are targets and tolerances determined by designers of goods and services. a. Defects b. Specifications c. Units of work d. Costs of quality ANSWER: b 36. Sémeuo is a German transnational food and beverage company. Recently, some of the products were rejected by the quality control department because they failed to meet the quality standards. Upon inspection, a number of defects were found at multiple stages of production. But Clarissa, the operations manager at Sémeuo, wants to identify the defects that have the most impact on the whole production process. In this case, which of the following quality control (QC) tools should Clarissa use? a. A flowchart b. A histogram c. A cause-and-effect diagram d. A Pareto diagram ANSWER: d 37. __________is a business improvement approach that seeks to find and eliminate causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and service processes by focusing on outputs that are critical to customers, resulting in a clear financial return for the organization. a. Six Sigma b. The GAP model c. Poka-yoke d. A kaizen event ANSWER: a 38. Identify a true statement about Joseph M. Juran's philosophy of quality management. a. He advocated the use of quality cost measurement to focus attention on quality Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 15 - Quality Management problems. b. He argued that employees at different levels of an organization speak one common language. c. He proposed a major cultural change in the organization. d. He stated that there is no such thing as a quality problem. ANSWER: a

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