Chapter-18 (2015 ) - Set 1 PDF

Title Chapter-18 (2015 ) - Set 1
Author syuunshine
Institution Universiti Utara Malaysia
Pages 6
File Size 86.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 104
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Set 1...



Which of the following refers to a group of two or more people who interact and work together to accomplish a specific objective? a. an organization b. a committee c. a team d. a council e. none of the above ANS: C


Which of the following does NOT pertain to a team? a. have individual and team accountability b. have a specific objective or mission c. have influential leadership d. exist within a larger organization e. all of the above ANS: C


The following are common dysfunctions of teams EXCEPT: a. lack of commitment b. fear of conflict c. lack of trust d. results orientation e. all of the above ANS: D


After work, Jason and his coworkers would frequently drop by the neighborhood bar for a drink and chat about work and current affairs. This is an example of Page


a. functional group


b. informal or interest group c. task group d. self-directed team e. none of the above ANS: B 5.

Brendon was assigned to head an engineering team whose members come from different backgrounds, geographical locations and time zones to collaborate on a new project development. This is an example of a a. virtual team b. management team c. work team d. problem-solving team e. none of the above ANS: A


A _________ is a group of employees from different departments formed to work on a specific activity and existing only until the task is completed

a. functional group b. task force c. command team d. special purpose team e. none of the above ANS: B Effective virtual team leaders use technology to foster relationships through all of the following ways EXCEPT: a. analyze messages between team members b. recognize and utilize the diverse skills and opinions c. use technology to increase trust


d. ensure timely responses online e. all of the above




ANS: A 8.

____________ is the stage in team development where relationships have stabilized and interpersonal conflicts have mostly been resolved. a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. none of the above ANS: C


Role ambiguity can arise due to the following EXCEPT: a. inadequate training b. inadequate job description c. unclear instructions from one’s boss d. incomplete information from co-worker e. all of the above ANS: A

10. The advantages of a cross-functional team are the following EXCEPT a. greatly increase creativity and problem solving b. Members come with a diversity of experiences, expertise and knowledge c. diversity can help broaden perspectives and create a synergy leading to a high level of creativity. d. take significantly longer to develop cohesion because members come from different experiences and backgrounds. e. all of the above

a. interrole conflict 3


11. If your boss tells you that no members of his staff can claim overtime work during this slow business period. You found out that he has approved overtime pay for his secretary for working extra hours the past weekend. This is an example of



b. intrarole conflict c. intrasender conflict d. intermittent conflict e. none of the above ANS: C 12. Arumugam is already working overtime to complete his project assignment. He has been asked by his boss to temporarily take over a project which is running behind schedule from his colleague who has left the company. This is an example of a. role ambiguity b. role conflict c. behavioral norms d. overload e. all of the above ANS: D 13. Susan the newest member at the workplace prefers to wear more casual and colorful clothes at work. The other older female co-workers prefer to wear more formal dresses. The company however does not impose any dress code on its employees. This is an example of _____________ in behavior norms. a. variation b. conformity c. socializing d. role playing e. none of the above ANS: A 14. It is usual for many engineering salesperson to drop by the senior engineer’s office at the end of the day either to say hello or to seek his opinions on various matters. The senior engineer is considered a(an) _____________ leader. a. formal b. informal



c. respected d. powerful 4

e. spiritual ANS: B 15. The following can serve as an alternate platform for informal or interest groups a. Facebook b. Instagram c. LinkedIn d. Twitter e. a and c only ANS: E 16. The following are factors that increase group cohesiveness EXCEPT: a. disagreement on goals b. intergroup competition c. favorable evaluation d. interaction e. none of the above ANS: A 17. Which of the following is NOT a conflict trigger? a. ambiguous job scopes b. curry favor with the boss c. competition for limited resources d. putting personal goals ahead of organizational goals e. all of the above ANS: B 18. The following are different modes for responding to conflict situations based on the TKI instrument EXCEPT:


a. competing is assertive and uncooperative Page

b. collaborating is both unassertive and uncooperative c. avoiding is unassertive and uncooperative 5

d. compromising is moderate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness e. none of the above ANS: B 19. In the Thomas Kilmann Conflict mode instrument, where assertiveness and cooperative is high shows ____________ in response to conflict situations. a. competiting b. avoiding c. collaborating d. accommodating e. none of the above ANS: C 20. The ____________ approach while elegant is considered impractical in most real-life negotiations. a. psychological b. situational c. game theory d. cognitive e. self-actualization ANS: C 21. The _____________ approach recognizes that negotiators could be irrational during negotiations. Furthermore it tries to anticipate when and in what ways negotiators will be irrational. a. psychological b. situational c. game theory d. cognitive e. contingency





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