Chapter 22 Biology - course work PDF

Title Chapter 22 Biology - course work
Author Tammy Gale
Course Anatomy and Physiology II
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 12
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Chapter 22 BIOLOGY 1.Which of the following is an example of the pattern of evolution?

-The fossil record of the evolution of modern cetaceans 2. An adaptation is _____.

-a trait that gives an organism a reproductive advantage in the current environment 3. Charles Darwin _____. proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution 4. From his observations of organisms in the Galapagos islands, Darwin reasoned that _____. organisms had adapted to new environments, giving rise to new species

5. Which of the following observations led to Darwin's major inferences? Although organisms can produce huge numbers of offspring, many of these offspring do not survive. Members of a population vary in their heritable traits. 6. Which one of the following researchers developed a theory of evolution that was very similar to Charles Darwin's? -Wallace

7. Varieties of Staphylococcus aureus that are resistant to the drug methicillin _____. already existed in the population before methicillin was developed were strongly selected for as methicillin became widely used to treat bacterial infections 8. A group of small fish live in a lake with a uniformly light-brown sandy bottom. Most of the fish are light brown, but about 10% are mottled. This fish species is often prey for large birds that live on the shore. A construction company dumps a load of gravel in the bottom of the lake, giving it a mottled appearance. Which of these statements presents the most accurate prediction of what will happen to this fish population? The proportion of mottled fish will increase over time.

9. A challenge to traditional (pre-1860) ideas about species came from embryology, when it was discovered that _____. embryos of dissimilar organisms, such as sharks and humans, resemble each other 10. The theory of evolution through natural selection is considered a scientific theory because _____.

it is broad enough in scope to explain many observations it is supported by a massive body of evidence from many disciplines it is general enough to provide many testable hypotheses

11. Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection was revolutionary because it _____. dismissed the idea that species are constant and emphasized the importance of variation and change in populations

12. Fossils found in strata reveal that ________.

older strata carry fossils that differ greatly from living organisms 13. Which of the following statements best explains why modification or change in an organ or tissue during the lifetime of an individual is not inherited? Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are generally not passed on through genes. 14. For which one of the following observations were both Lamarck's hypothesis and Darwin's hypothesis in complete agreement? Gradual evolutionary change explains why organisms are well-suited to their environments.

15. If x indicates the fossils of two closely related species, neither of which is extinct, then their remains may be found in how many of these strata? -two strata 16. Which pair of scientists below would probably have agreed with the process that is depicted by this tree? -Darwin and Wallace 17. Starting from the wild mustard Brassica oleracea, breeders have created the strains known as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Therefore, which of the following statements is correct? In this wild mustard, there is enough heritable variation to permit these different varieties. 18. Which of these conditions are always true of populations evolving due to natural selection? Condition 1: The population must vary in traits that are heritable. Condition 2: Some heritable traits must increase reproductive success. Condition 3: Individuals pass on most traits that they acquire during their lifetime.

-Condition 1 & 2 19. Which one of the following statements best defines artificial selection?

-Process of human directed breeding aimed to produce selective traits in selected species

20. Claytonia virginica is a woodland spring herb with flowers that vary from white to pale pink to bright pink. Slugs prefer to eat pink-flowering over white-flowering plants (due to chemical differences between the two), and plants experiencing severe herbivory are more likely to die. The bees that pollinate this plant also prefer pink to white flowers, so that Claytonia with pink flowers have greater relative fruit set than Claytonia with white flowers. A researcher observes that the percentage of different flower colors remains stable in the study population from year to year. Given no other information, if the researcher removes all slugs from the study population, what do you expect to happen to the distribution of flower colors in the population over time? -The percentage of pink flowers should increase over time. 21. Given a population that contains genetic variation, what is the correct sequence of the following events under the influence of natural selection? 1. Well-adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individuals. 2. A change occurs in the environment. 3. Genetic frequencies within the population change. 4. Poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship.21 -2 → 4 → 1 → 3 23. Which of the following statements describe the effect of evolution on a population? -increasingly better match between a population and its environment 24. If Darwin had been aware of genes and their typical mode of transmission to subsequent generations, with which statement would he most likely have been in agreement? -If natural selection can change gene frequency in a population over generations, given enough time and genetic diversity, then natural selection can cause sufficient genetic change to produce new species from old ones. 25. Currently, two extant elephant species (X and Y) are classified in the genus Loxodonta, and a third species (Z) is placed in the genus Elephas. Thus, which statement should be true?

Species X and Y share a greater number of homologies with each other than either does with species Z. 26. Currently, two of the living elephant species (X and Y) are placed in the genus Loxodonta, and a third surviving species (Z) is placed in the genus Elephas. Assuming this classification reflects evolutionary relatedness, which of the following is the most accurate phylogenetic tree?

27. Part A Which of the following statements about natural selection is true? Natural selection favors individuals that reproduce more than others.

Part B Which term describes a trait that increases an individual's ability to survive in a particular environment? -Adaptation

Part C Which term describes the ability of a trait to be passed on to offspring? -Heritablility

Part D Which of the following organisms could be produced by artificial selection? A cow that produces a large quantity of milk.

Part E Which pair of chickens should a farmer breed to produce larger chickens? -Large hen, large rooster

Part F A farmer wishes to develop a strain of high-yield corn that is also resistant to drought. He has the following individuals from the current year's crop: Individual A—Yield: 179 bushels/acre; drought resistance: high Individual B—Yield: 220 bushels/acre; drought resistance: low Individual C—Yield: 185 bushels/acre; drought resistance: medium Individual D—Yield: 140 bushels/acre; drought resistance: high Individual E—Yield: 200 bushels/acre; drought resistance: medium Which of the following crosses would produce the highest corn yield with the highest resistance to drought? -A & E 28. Part A Why did dark-colored rock pocket mice first appear in a population of light-colored rock pocket mice?

The have a genetic mutation that affects their fur color. Part B Why do dark-colored rock pocket mice on dark lava flows have white bellies?

There is no selection for dark bellies by visual predators.

Part C Mutations are always __________.

a change in an individual’s DNA Part D When dark-colored fur gives mice a 1% competitive advantage and 1% of the population begins with dark fur, in about 1000 years, 95% of the population will have dark fur. Which of the following statements is true?

If dark-colored rock pocket mice had a competitive advantage of 0.1%, it would take longer for 95% of the population to have dark fur.

Part E What does Dr. Carroll mean when he says, “while mutation is random, natural selection is not”? Mutations for advantageous traits are more likely to be passed on to the next generation. Natural selection acts on traits. Natural selection favors some mutations. Part F In the lab, Nachman examined dark mice from two different populations living hundreds of miles apart. The mice looked nearly identical. Their dark color was caused by two different genes. What does this tell you?

There are at least two genes involved in creating dark mouse fur. Two completely different mutations in two separate genes can generate the same phenotype. Under very similar conditions, natural selection can favor very similar adaptations. Dark fur color evolved independently on each lava flow. 29. Part A Where are the Solomon Islands located? -South Pacific Part B Scientists studying evolution on the Solomon Islands described which animal as the ‘poster child’ for the biological species concept? -white-eye bird Part C Based on the video, what can you infer about speciation--the process by which one species splits into two or more species? Physical separation of populations is often part of the speciation process.

Part D Why did the biologists consider a frog that they found to be a new species? -its call was unique Part E When Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, he knew very little about the subject of _____, an essential component of evolutionary theory today. -Genetics 30. Part A Where are the Galapagos Islands located? 600 miles west of Ecuador, near the equator

Part B Which of the following sets of animals are likely to be found on the Galapagos Islands? tortoises, finches, blue-footed boobies

Part C Which species is threatening the natural wildlife on the Galapagos Islands? -humans Part D

The Galapagos Islands were the first place on Earth to _____. be declared a world heritage site

Part E Tourism on the Galapagos Islands is being restricted by requiring tourists to _____. be escorted by trained guides at all times 31. Part A Identify the four postulates of natural selection. Individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Individuals in a population vary in the traits they possess. Some trait differences are heritable.

Survival and reproductive success are variable among individuals in a population. Part B Which of the following statements is an accurate combination of postulates 1 and 2 of natural selection? Heritable variation exists for traits among individuals in a population. Part C Which of the following statements is an accurate combination of postulates 3 and 4 of natural selection? Individuals experience differential success in their ability to survive or reproduce due to differences in certain traits.

Part D Does the ability of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell to infect a new host depend on its drug-resistant phenotype? No, drug-susceptible cells and drug-resistant cells are equally likely to infect a new host.

Part E Which of the following statements describes the evolution by natural selection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria in their new environment?

The drug-resistance trait is an adaptation to the environment in which human hosts are medicated with the antibiotic rifampin. Part F In the United States today, about half of the corn crop is genetically engineered with a protein that is toxic to corn borers, an insect pest of corn. Which of the following conditions would be necessary for evolution of resistance to the toxic protein to occur in the corn borer?

The corn borer must have or generate (by mutation) heritable variation in resistance to the toxic protein. The resistant corn borers must survive better or reproduce more than

nonresistant corn borers. Part G True or false? It would be difficult to assess whether the drug-susceptible or drug-resistant phenotype in a population of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was more fit in an environment without antibiotics. -True

32. equal: equi-

true, good: eu-

first: proto-

father: pater (or patr-)

same: sym-

other: allo-

many: poly-

with or together with: co-

Part B

Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions?

both, double, two: amphi-

foot: -pod

chromosomes: ploid

behind: post- (or postero-)

first: prim-

joint: arthr-

same: homo- (or homeo-)

33. Part A Which of the numbers in this tree represents the most recent common ancestor of amphibians and lizards? -2

Part B An amnion is a shared homologous characteristic for which of the following lineages? crocodiles Mammals

Part C Based on this tree, which of the following groups of organisms is most closely related to crocodiles? Hawks

Part D Which of the following lineages are not nested within the reptiles?

amphibians Part E What can you conclude about the lungfish lineage based on this tree?

The most recent common ancestor of lungfishes and amphibians did not have an amnion. 34. Fossils of Thrinaxodon, a species that lived during the Triassic period, have been found in both South Africa and Antarctica. Thrinaxodon had a reptile-like skeleton and laid eggs, but small depressions on the front of its skull suggest it had whiskers and, therefore, fur. Thrinaxodon may have been warm-blooded. The fossils of Thrinaxodon are consistent with the hypothesis that _____.

mammals evolved from a reptilian ancestor 35. Scientific theories _____.

are supported by, and make sense of, many observations 36. If the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus experiences a cost for maintaining one or more antibioticresistance genes, what would happen in environments that lack antibiotics? These bacteria would be outcompeted and replaced by bacteria that have lost these genes. 37. Structures as different as human arms, bat wings, and dolphin flippers contain many of the same bones, which develop from similar embryonic tissues. These structural similarities are an example of _____. -homology 38. Which of the following evidence most strongly supports the common origin of all life on Earth? All organisms _____. use essentially the same genetic code 39. What must be true of any organ described as vestigial?

It must be homologous to some feature in an ancestor. 40. It has been observed that organisms on islands are different from, but closely related to, similar forms found on the nearest continent. This is taken as evidence that ____.

island forms are descended from mainland forms 41. The greatest number of endemic species is expected in environments that are _____.

isolated and show little ecological diversity 42. The following question refer to the evolutionary tree in the figure below. The horizontal axis of the cladogram depicted below is a timeline that extends from 100,000 years ago to the present; the vertical axis represents nothing in particular. The labeled branch points on the tree (V-Z) represent various common ancestors. Let's say that only since 50,000 years ago has there been enough variation between the lineages depicted here to separate them into distinct species, and only the tips of the lineages on this tree represent distinct species.

Which of the five common ancestors, labeled V-Z, is the common ancestor of the greatest number of species, both living and extinct? -Y 43. The following question refer to the evolutionary tree in the figure below. The horizontal axis of the cladogram depicted below is a timeline that extends from 100,000 years ago to the present; the vertical axis represents nothing in particular. The labeled branch points on the tree (V-Z) represent various common ancestors. Let's say that only since 50,000 years ago has there been enough variation between the lineages depicted here to separate them into distinct species, and only the tips of the lineages on this tree represent distinct species.

Evolutionary trees such as this are properly understood by scientists to be ________. -Hypothesis 44. The questions below refer to the following evolutionary tree, in which the horizontal axis represents time (present time is on the far right) and the vertical axis represents morphological change.

Which species is most closely related to species W? V is most closely related to species W. 45. Logically, which of these should cast the most doubt on the relationships depicted by an evolutionary tree? Relationships between DNA sequences among the species did not match relationships between skeletal patterns. 21 Darwin used the phrase "descent with modification" to explain ________.

evolution of the unity and diversity of life...

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