Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards Quizlet
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Michigan State University
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Study materials including terms and definitions based on my notes for T. Goth-Owens' Class...



Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 4 PSY 280 Terms in this set (62) process of understanding the world through science

observation and research, which includes developing theories



scientific knowledge

formally stated expectation

general conclusions drawn from observations

the known facts about a particular subject derived from the scientific method

to question our ideas and our research and ask doubt

whether factors other than the ones that we originally considered might have influenced our results

the approach by which a claim is shown to be falsification

wrong; in philosophy of science, it is the position that a goal of science is to falsify hypotheses


the acceptance of sensory information as valid

Chapter 4 PSY 280



Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

-one of the most widely used methods for studying case study

individual participants -studying unique situations that do not lend themselves to traditional experimental procedures

Anna O

frued's famous case study in his

observing and describing the phenomenon naturalistic observation

occurring naturally without manipulating any variables

1. Noninterference is of prime importance. Scientists using this method must not disrupt the process or flow of events. In this way, they can see things as they really are, without influencing the ongoing phenomenon. 2. This method emphasizes the invariants or patterns that exist in the world. For example, if you could observe yourself in a noninterfering manner, you might conclude that your moods vary with the time naturalistic observation method

of day, particular weather patterns, or even particular thoughts. 3. This method is most useful when we know little about the subject of our investigation. It is most useful for understanding the "big picture" by observing a series of events rather than isolated happenings. 4. The naturalistic method may not shed light on the factors that directly influence the behavior observed. The method provides a description of a phenomenon; it does not answer the question of why it happened.1.

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correlation coeficcient

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a statistical technique to determine if an association exists in a relationship

the correlation statistic is a technique to determine if positive correlation

two variables are related to each other; a positive correlation is when two measures vary together

the correlation statistic is a technique to determine if negative correlation

two variables are related to each other; a negative correlation is when the two measures show an inverse relationship

an approach in which the influence of the experimental method

independent variable (IV) on the dependent variable (DV) is determined with random selection and random assignment of participants

experimental group

a group that receives the independent variable (IV) in a study

group that is treated exactly like the experimental control group

group except for the independent variable (IV) factor being studied

the definition of events in terms of the operations operational definition

required to measure them, which thus gives an idea a concrete meaning

Chapter 4 PSY 280



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truth and capability of being supported

unintended variables not chosen by the confounding variables

experimenter that influence the independent variable (IV)

the degree to which variables are related to one



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the process by which we look at the evidence available and then use logic to reach a conclusion

the ability to make valid inferences between the internal validity

independent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs)

also known as generalizability, the possibility of external validity

applying the results from an internally valid experiment to other situations and other research participants

also known as external validity, the possibility of generalizability

applying the results from an internally valid experiment to other situations and other research participants

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Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

bias that occurs when a participant's response is demand characteristic

influenced more by the research setting than by the independent variable (IV)

the phenomenon that some people show placebo effect

psychological and physiological changes just from the suggestion that a change will take place

bias that occurs due to the experimenter's

experimenter effect


research participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the control (placebo) group, and the researchers involved in the study do not know whether the participants are in the

double blind experiment

experimental group or the control (placebo) group either; thus both the participants and the researchers are blind to the experimental conditions

research participants who do not know whether blind controls

they are in the experimental group or the control (placebo) group

in a research study, this is the larger group of


individuals to which the results can be generalized

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process that controls for both known and unknown randomization

potentially confounding variables; randomization leaves solely to chance the assignment of our participants to a group

design type in psychopathology research in which match subjects design

the closer a scientist can match individuals in the individual and control groups, the stronger the logic of the design

statistical hypothesis that is tested to determine if null hypothesis

there are differences between the experimental and control groups; the null hypothesis states that there is no difference

confound hypothesis

research hypothesis


this is a conceptual question that asks if our results could be the result of a factor other than the IV

this asks the question of whether our results are related to the IV.

whether a set of results differed from what would be expected by chance

a study that concerns the relationship between the inferential stats

statistical characteristics of the population and those of the sample


something that systematically biases the results of our research

Chapter 4 PSY 280



Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

also referred to as small-N designs, use the data single subject design

from each participant without averaging it as part of a group of participants

a research design that allows the researcher to follow a specific group of individuals across a

longitudinal design

period of time to document any changes that take place during that time

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the study of the distribution and determinants of the frequency of a disorder in humans

the proportion of individuals who have a particular disorder at a particular time period

the percentage of a specific population that had the lifetime prevelance

disorder at some point in their life even if they no longer show symptoms of the disorder currently


the number of new cases of a disorder that develop during a certain period of time

a way of thinking about incidence, which asks how risk

likely someone in a specific population is to develop a particular disorder in a given time period

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the possibility that individuals with different

gene by environment

genotypes may respond to the same environment in


different ways

gene by environment

how certain genotypes and certain environments


occur together

a major paradigm of behavioral genetics involving examination and understanding of critical factors

twin studies

related to genetic influences by studying twins

the situation where dizygotic (DZ) and monzygotic (MZ) twins have been raised apart; by studying those children who were twins and were raised in

adoption study

different environments, it was possible to better determine the environmental and genetic influences in terms of development

an examination of generations of families that looks for the association between particular

linkage analysis

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) marker alleles and particular traits

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the probability that the independent variable (IV) influences the dependent variable (DV) by chance; statistically significant

by using statistics, we ask if we performed the same experiment 100 times, what is the probability we

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Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

this refers to the question of whether the results of a clinically significant

study even if statistically significant would influence clinical outcomes

effect size

the measured magnitude that a treatment has on the dependent variable (DV)

when a study is performed in different laboratories replicated

with different participants and obtains the same results


statistical examination of the results of studies taken together and treated as one study

a principle stating that a person should participate voluntary participation

in an experiment only by free choice, and should be free to leave an experiment at any time, whether or not the experiment has been completed

the prospective participant must be given complete information on which to base a decision, including informed consent

information about what will be required of him or her during the study, and about any potential harm that may come from participation

the right to spend time by oneself or with others of right to privacy

one's choosing, without being disturbed, and the right to have private thoughts

a principle that requires that the scientist not release confidentiality

data of a personal nature to other scientists or groups without the participant's consent

Chapter 4 PSY 280



Chapter 4 PSY 280 Flashcards | Quizlet

a principle that requires that the personal identity of anonymity

a given participant be kept separate from his or her data


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