Exam II PSY 235 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Exam II PSY 235 Flashcards Quizlet
Author Mary West
Course Social Psychology
Institution Michigan State University
Pages 10
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Social Science / Psychology / Evolutionary Psychology

Exam II PSY 235 Terms in this set (110) ideologically laced science

naturalistic fallacy

Buss & Shmitt Study

leads to both scientific and ethical error

-simplistic belief that what is naturally occurring is good -claim that because something is true, it "ought" to be true

men are more likely to expect more sexual partners than women and women are less likely to have sex the less time they know people


one gal, lotta guys


one guy, lotta gals

% of polygamist societies

why more polygyny?


-women can only have so many babies while men can just keep giving their low investment


-sex with larger gametes


-sex with the smaller gametes

-ova are more energy expensive than male sperm -higher investment for female sex cells parental investment theory

-females have wayy more going on than the males, who just have fertilization -in the mating game, females have to be choosier about mating in general because of the energetic costs of parenting

changes as a function of investment

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-women want slightly above avg. for a single date & want more and Intelligence and Relationship Research

more for commitment -men have similar standards for dates and long term mates, but don't care when it comes to sex, especially for one night stands

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-attractive person says "i find you very attractive" -three invitations "wanna go out, to my place, or to bed" Florida Date Study

-50% of both sexes said yes to date -no women say yes to go to bed, 80% of men say yes -10% of women say yes to apt. and 60% of men said yes

emotional infidelity

sexual infidelity

more stressing to women

more stressing to men

-females make a trade off between environment quality and polygyny polygyny threshold principle

-demand for higher quality resources must be shared with other females

costs of inbreeding

-pairing of deleterious genes -disease vulnerability

-smell inbreeding avoidance

-proximity (negative imprint) -natal group emigration (esp. for males)

human mechanisms for inbreeding avoidance

-marriage rules -dating norms -disgust (involuntary)

parental contact and incest

-military fathers away from young children more likely to sexually abuse them

-more trustworthy similar faces are...

-less short term attractiveness -no effect for long term attractiveness

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-judgment and decision making rely on perception -bad outcomes can mean injury, disability, or death error management theory

-psychological systems should be designed to minimize the likelihood of costly errors

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similarity principle

danger over perception bias

false positive

false negative

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-works for friendship/kin, but has its limitations for predicting mate preferences

we have an adaptive bias toward over perceiving danger

-tells you theres danger when there is no danger

-tells you there is no danger when there is danger -more costly of the two


phyysiological arousal and longing to be w/other


close bond, sharing, support


passionate love

companionate love

willing to define as love, commitment to long term

state of intense longing for union with another

affection and tenderness for those whose lives are entwined with our own

-intimacy =liking sternbergs triangular theory of love

-passion= infatuation -commitment= empty love

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romantic love

fatuous love

passion and intimacy

passion and commitment

-Men's self-rated marriage potential drops after seeing socially Dating game results

dominant men -Women's drops after seeing physically attractive women

sexual over perception bias

because under perception is most costly, it is best for men to assume most women are interested

-because over perception of commitment is the most costly, women romantic under perception bias

assume men are not committed because of the cost of committing to an uncommitted investor

arousing settings

two factor theory

settings that increase physiological arousal fuel feelings of romantic passion

we confuse specific cause for our arousal and mistake our fear or anxiety for love

stocks vs. bonds examples of oppurtunity costs

hookups vs longterm relationship work vs college

-behavior intended to harm another person aggression

-its not anger -it is not accidental -its not mere assertiveness

-physical or verbal examples of aggression

-direct or indirect -offensive or defensive -active or passive

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-more direct -more physical aggressiveness in men

-more active -more likely to escalate aggression to debilitating/lethal levels

-more indirect -more verbal aggressiveness in women

-more passive -more likely to use physical aggression against their partners (slapping)

crime in US

violent crime increasing in last two years, but lower than twenty years ago

specific aggression that is physical violence

-sexual violence -assaults -homicide

-people who were aggressive children prefered violent media violent media linked to aggression

-personality traits explain aggressive people's preference for violent media

game sales aren't linked to violent crime and may actually reduce Cunningham study (2011)

violence -the opportunity cost

-behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself altruism

-costly traits weeded out if they don't have an offsetting benefit for individual

inclusive fitness

kin selection theory

frustration-aggression hypothesis

traits selected because of their effect on the survival and reproduction of a specific individual's gene

-altruism spreads as a function of r, which is the probability that recipient also has gene relatedness

frustration + any unpleasant stimulation will lead to emotional aggression to extent that it generates unpleasant feelings

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hamilton's rule

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hormone linked to masculine body development & behavior in wide range of species

altruistic behavior emerges when the cost to the actor is less than the benefit to the recipient, scaled to the coefficient relatedness

-self= 1 r coefficients

-sibling/parent= .5 -grandparent/uncle/nephew= .25

coefficients of relatedness

r=(1/2)^n n= numper of steps in genealogy

-people were most likely to lend car to parents/siblings/children, then Kin vs. Non-Kin and Pro-Sociality study

the grandparent/aunt/uncle/nephew/niece, lower for cousins, then lowest for stranger

-Proximity/familarity kin-detection cues

--Primarily in early life -Phenotypic similarity -Facial similarity Similar odor (mostly non-conscious)

solution to the problem of altruism


reciprocal altruism


immediate mutual benefits -ex/ bird picking bugs off crocodile

delay of benefits with short-term immediate cost

-delivers gains in trade reciprocity

-in the long run, each party receives a greater benefit than it costs to deliver it


choosy altruists

always defect for benefits

cooperate at first, they copy opponent thereafter

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-tit for tat dominates defection in the long run game theory strategy results


Fehr and Gachter


-cheaters (defectors) are better only in the short run

always cooperate

social dilemmas in lab show that cooperation deteriorates without punishment

-makes people feel elated and later creates attatchment toward one another

cooperate, then copy generates emergent qualities that form core simple decision rule

morality ex./ cooperative, optimism, pursuing justice, forgiving, hopefulness

cooperative trait

part of rewarding good

optomistic trait

part of hopefulness

forgiveness trait

part of our ability to cooperate with contrite players

pursuing justice trait

what does hawk-dove game explain?

frequency dependence

lorenz catharsis theory

problem with catharsis theory

death instinct

part of our enjoyment of punishing cheaters

-"bad" behavior persists even when costs outweigh benefits -different types of strategies arise and are maintained

the utility of a strategy depends on its frequency relative to others in a population

animals need to release aggressive energy

Release is temporary, and leads to more aggression, not less

inconsistent and made up by Freud

i-s a tool for goal achievement -Means to an end, when it serves our objectives why use aggression?

-Acquire/defend resources, mates, reputation, etc. -Elimination/Defense competitors -Retaliation against perceived insults -Deter future harm

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-Men far more likely than women to commit extreme forms of physical sex difference in violence

aggression (felony assault, forcible rape and murder) -Perps and victims of homicide primarily men

-male -ages 15-34 predictors of violence

-high testosterone -honor culture -social inequality

sexual selection

a selective process favoring characteristics that facilitate mating via two processes

inter-sexual traits

Traits attractive to opposite sex (e.g. plumage, resources, etc.)

intra sexual traits

Traits useful in competing with same sex (e.g. weaponry, strength, etc.)

revised frustration-aggression hypothesis

culture of honor

frustration + any unpleasant stimulation will lead to emotional aggression to extent that it generates unpleasant feelings

Belief system includes idea that defensive reputation against insult is necessary for survival

-herder vs. farmer culture factors in culture of honor

-low institutional mechanisms for crime detection -social inequality

delinquency stats

example of gains in trade and reciprocity

mating motives hypothesis



high testosterone associated with delinquent behavior in men of low SES, but not in those of high SES

trading game

if mating is the ultimate goal of risky behavior

info about individuals based on category membership

attitudes/feelings about individuals based on category membership


behavior toward individuals based on category membership


group's toward which we identify with and feel we belong to

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social identity

individuasl belonging to groups other than our own

-mental representation of oneself as part of a group or groups -process

-we have a fundamental need to be seen as worthy, esteemed, and social identity theory

valued -you can feel good if your group has this too

stereotype threat

we rely on heuristics/stereotypes when stressed -stigmatized indivudals sometimes underperform in certain tasks

-stress worry about negative stereotypes about black academic ability disrupt intellectual performance in academic tasks landmark study

-performance on the GRE -all subjects were students at stanford - when they said the test was diagnostic, blacks score lower on tests

equality matching

communal sharing

no one gets more than others; people take turns, share equally, and reciprocate the benefits. I.e. children playing a game

all group members share in the group's resources as needed and depend on one another for mutual care. Example= tight knit family

higher ranking individuals are entitled to loyalty, respect, & deference; authority ranking

lower ranking individuals are entitled to protection, advice, and leadership. i.e. military squad

individuals trade according to rational rules of self-interest, taking market pricing

goods and services in proportion to what they put in, & seeking the best possible deal. I.e. customer and shopkeeper

-Men's self-rated marriage potential drops after seeing socially "Dating Game" experiment

dominant men -Women's drops after seeing physically attractive women

If mating is ultimate goal of risky behavior, men should be more riskmating motives experiment

seeking, competitive and aggressive toward other men when mating motives salient

Long-term attraction

Pro-social & sexual regard both important

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-Men far more likely than women to commit extreme forms of physical aggression (felony assault, forcible rape and murder) perps and victims of violence

-when women are killed, they are killed by men -when women kill, they usually kill men and are motivated by selfprotection

pros and cons of AD

AC vs. TFT

social exchange


-Pro: Receives benefit of exploitation -Con: Does not receive benefits of cooperation

both receive benefits of cooperation

trading of goods and services


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