PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards Quizlet
Author Mary West
Course Social Psychology
Institution Michigan State University
Pages 7
File Size 216.4 KB
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PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet

PSY 235 Exam I Terms in this set (82)

game theory

decision theory


goal of game theory

The analysis of strategic situations where the outcome of a participant's choice of action depends on the actions/beliefs of others

using the model of rationality among individuals seeking to maximize utility

value, profit, satisfaction, happiness, attainment, good friendship, genes

not to "beat opponent" as much as to do the best you can, given your partner's behavior

-no conflict of interest coordination games

-multiple equilibria (more than one Nash equilibrium) -it pays just to do it -no temptation to defect

-the driving game ex of coordination game

-party game -leader/follower

driving game

two Nash, no temptation, no preference. you just all agree to drive on the left or right side of the road

two Nash, no temptation, one preferable to the other party game

-you and a friend either go to a party or go home and hangout together. it pays to go together and not separately


two nash, no temptation, even though interests not perfectly aligned -for efficient solution, negotiation is required

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PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet

-Work teams -Sports teams -Potluck social dilemma examples

-Warfare -Roommates -Welfare state -Environment

-never play a dominated strategy how to maximize utility

-consider your opponents incentives and take the perspective of opponent before choosing

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dominated strategy

dominant strategy

nash equillibrium

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worse than alternatives

better than the alternatives

Game solution where players have nothing to gain by unilaterally changing strategy

provides shared understanding for norms, culture, customs, coordination

relationships, leadership, cooperation, basic functioning in everyday life

whats important for coordination?

no regrets (Nash Eq.)


communication is critical for efficient outcomes

game solution where players have nothing to gain by unilateral move

process through which people try to control the impressions others have of them

-likable goals of self-presentation

-competent -powerful

PSY 235 Exam I



PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet

-display powerful artifacts -conspicuous consumption -non-verbal dominance convey power

-cuffing off reflected failure -basking in reflected glory

-staging performances -claiming competence convey competence

-make excuses or claiming obstacles -using trappings of confidence -

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staging performances

we may seek opportunities to publicly demonstrate competence


decreasing effort and creating obstacles to one's future success

-express liking for others convey likableness

-create similarity -project modesty -make ourselves physically attractive

sociocultural perspective

forces present in larger social groups

claims that social behavior is driven by inherited tendencies to evolutionary perspective

respond to the social environment in ways that would have helped our ancestors survive

social learning perspective

social cognitive perspective


rewards and punishments. observing how other people are rewarded or punished for their social behaviors

focuses on the mental processes involved in paying attention to, interpreting, and remembering social experiences

force that moves people towards outcomes

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PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet


chronic accessibility

process of activating concepts, knowledge or goals, readying them for use

state of being easily activated, or primed, for use

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consistency principle

balance theory

cognitive dissonance


reflected appraisal process

injunctive norm

descriptive norm

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favorable or unfavorable evaluations about people, things, places, ideas

feelings characterized by particular physiological arousal and complex cognitions (stronger than attitudes)

realtively long-lasting felling that are diffuse and not directed toward particular targets

principle that people will change their attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and actions to make them consistent with each other

people prefer harmony and consistency in their views of the world

unpleasant state of psychological arousal resulting from an inconsistency within

mental representation capturing our views and beliefs about ourselves

process through which people come to know themselves by observing or imagining how others view them

rules that define what is typically approved and disapproved of in a situation

info about what people commonly do in a situation

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self-fulfilling prophecy

false consesnus effect

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when an initially inaccurate expectation leads to actions that cause the expectations to come true

tendency to overestimate the extent to which others agree with us

mental shortcut used to classify things as belonging to a certain representative heuristic

category to the extent that it is similar to a typical case from that category

availability heuristic

discounting principle

self-serving bias

pluralistic ignorance

inattentional blindness



mental shortcut used to estimate the liklihood of an event by the ease with which instances of that event come to mind

as the # of possible causes for an event increases, our confidence that any particular cause is the true one decreases

the tendency to take credit for our successes and to blame external factors for our failures

situation in which majority of group members privately reject a norm, but assume others support it, and therefore goes along with it

failure to notice an unexpected stimulus that is in one's field of vision when other attention-demanding tasks are being performed

Process through which events are given meaning

-process of using info to form impressions and make decisions -Because of limited info, many social judgements are best guesses

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-storing and reprieving info for future use -affects what we pay attention to it

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PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet

people presume a behavior corresponds to an actor's internal disposition if the behavior: was intended correspondence theory

was freely chosen had foreseeable consequences occurred despite countervailing forces

anchoring and adjustment heuristic


using estimation as a starting point and then adjusting this estimate to take into account the unique characteristics of the current situation

changing behavior to match the responses/actions of others (not necessarily due to pressure)


changing behavior in response to direct request


following the request of an authority figure

why attitudes resist change

social validation

foot in the door

low ball technique

-commitment -embeddedness

using other's choices to check whether choice is correct or not

agent gets customer to comply with small request, then gets it to comply to larger request

proposes the attractive price on idea/item that the buyer will accept, then gets commitment, then changes the price again

advertises low price of product or service bait and switch technique

-when customer inquires about product, they are switched to product with higher margin

labeling technique

dispositional inferences

internal validity

-assigns a trait, attitude, belief, or other label to a customer, -then requests customer commitment consistent with the label

judgments that a person's behavior was cause by his or her personality

extent to which an experimetn allows confident statements about cause and effect

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PSY 235 Exam I Flashcards | Quizlet


natural selection

variable that changes with the IV, leading to a mistaken conclusion

process by which physical and behavioral characteristics change within a population across generations

-students described themselves now, or as you were several years experiment social cognition

ago -students described their present selves as champs with more positive and fewer negative features than the chumps they used to be

social comparison



mortality salience

people with high self esteem

people with low self esteem

demand characteristics

naturalistic observation

observer bias


inoculation procedure

post-decisional dissonance

process through which people come to know themselves by comparing their abilities, attitudes, and beliefs with those of others

process through which people select, monitor and adjust their strategies to reach their goals

opportunity or threat provided by a situation

thinking about death causes people to derogate others who challenge their values

-inflate self importance -exaggerate their sense of control

-more cautious -focus on protecting rather than inflating their self-images

cues that make the subject aware of how the experimenter wants him or her to behave

involves measurement in its natural setting

-happens in naturalistic observation -researcher may selectively attend to certain events

change in attitude/belief as a result of receiving a message

technique increasing individuals' resistance to an argument by giving weak, easily defeated versions of it

the conflict one feels about a decision that could be wrong


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