Chapter 4 Theories of Motivation PDF

Title Chapter 4 Theories of Motivation
Author Harmon 213
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Okanagan College
Pages 39
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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

Chapter 4 Theories of Motivation 4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Motivation is A) a component of ability, personal traits and desire. B) an individual's intensity, direction and persistence. C) an effort toward creating goals. D) a constant intensity. E) an attitudinal trait. Answer: B Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Recall Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1 2) Kane was a manager who believed most employees were lazy, working only to earn money. He assumed that they disliked work, and as a result A) he lets employees choose their own goals. B) he allows employees to use discretion. C) he imposes strict controls. D) he makes extensive use of delegating authority. E) he allows employees to make decisions. Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1 3) Lilly was a strong employee who was committed to the objectives of her department and the goals of her company. Which of the following would likely also be applicable to her? A) dislikes work B) needs to be controlled C) avoids responsibility D) exercises self-direction E) displays little ambition Answer: D Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

4) Which of the following statements would most likely be made by a manager who has a Theory X approach to human beings? A) "Focus on the organization and people will take care of themselves." B) "I treat people differently in different ways based on the situation we are facing." C) "The only way to get people to work hard is to push them hard." D) "People work best if left alone." E) "People will generally seek greater responsibility and accountability when given the opportunity." Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1 SCENARIO 4-1 You are a new employee with Pace Analytics. Your supervisor has explained your job to you and has indicated that you will have a great deal of control over your job once you develop your skills and prove yourself. He compliments your history of accepting responsibility and suggests that you are free to offer constructive criticism about the way your job is structured. 5) Your supervisor seems to assume that your basic nature is A) Theory X. B) Theory Y. C) Theory Z. D) based on Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory. E) Theory Y and Z combined. Answer: B Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1 6) As a Theory Y manager, your supervisor can be expected to do all of the following EXCEPT A) assume that you will be internally motivated. B) assume that you want to do your job. C) allow you freedom to do your job as you believe it should be done. D) monitor your work closely for signs that you are "slacking off." E) support your efforts to self-direct. Answer: D Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

7) Unlike her co-workers, Jane was motivated by challenge, personal satisfaction, and by doing interesting work; most of her coworkers were just in it for the money. Jane was motivated by A) intrinsic motivators. B) safety motivators. C) social motivators. D) extrinsic motivators. E) esteem motivators. Answer: A Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 128 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1 8) Chao has a lot of internal drive. His overall goal in life is to "be all that he can be" in all aspects of his life. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is reflected in Chao's attitude? A) social B) self-actualization C) physiological D) esteem E) safety Answer: B Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 129 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 SCENARIO 4-2 Your department is diverse-it is made up of people who are different in their lifestyles and their stages of life. Mary is a 23-year-old single parent who is working for minimum wage. Jonathan is 60 years old, extremely wealthy and works because he enjoys it. Jane is single, 45 years old and has few friends or activities outside the office. You have decided to attempt to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to motivate each of these individuals. 9) You would expect that Mary is trying to satisfy which need? A) social B) esteem C) physiological D) self-actualization E) safety Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 130 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

10) You would expect that Jane is attempting to satisfy which need? A) social B) esteem C) physiological D) self-actualization E) safety Answer: A Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 130 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 11) Which of the following do you think would motivate Mary the most? A) more vacation time B) more responsibility C) greater discretion over her job D) more money E) more satisfying work Answer: D Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 130 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 12) James had dreamed of making lots of money since he was a child, and that has driven him to great success. James is motivated by A) intrinsic motivators. B) esteem motivators. C) extrinsic motivators. D) safety motivators. E) social motivators. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 129 Skill: Applied Topic: Elements of Motivation Objective: 1

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

13) Maslow's hierarchy of needs is arranged in which order? A) physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization B) physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization C) safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization D) physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization E) physiological, social, safety, self-actualization, and esteem Answer: B Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 130 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 SCENARIO 4-3 Sara is a new manager hired by Glass Industries Inc. She has discovered that working conditions are not good for her employees—they work in an old building with a poor heating, air-conditioning and ventilation system. The work itself is tedious and a supervisor who reports directly to Sara is rarely available to assist and help them make decisions on unique work orders. Sara has decided to analyze this work situation using Herzberg's motivation-hygiene. 14) Sara decided first to analyze the dissatisfiers in the work situation. Sara will be reviewing A) working conditions. B) intrinsic rewards. C) recognition. D) advancement. E) responsibility. Answer: A Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 15) Which of the following would motivate the employees according to Herzberg? A) improvement in working conditions B) fixing the heating system C) receiving recognition for a job well done D) having the supervisor "hang around" more E) eliminating the supervisor's position Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Applied Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

16) Which of the following would Herzberg classify as a hygiene factor? A) responsibility B) growth C) company policy D) achievement E) self-satisfaction Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 17) Which one of the following would be considered a motivator in the motivation-hygiene theory? A) salary B) supervision C) working conditions D) recognition E) company policy Answer: D Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 18) Herzberg investigated which of the following questions? A) What do people need from their jobs? B) What do people dislike about their jobs? C) What do people want from their jobs? D) What do people take from their jobs? E) What do people do at their jobs? Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

19) According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating? A) when it is substantially satisfied B) It never stops motivating. C) when one returns to a lower level need D) when a higher level need comes into focus E) when too many other needs come into focus Answer: A Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 130 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 20) The theory which asserts that motivation depends upon the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way, which in turn depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual, is called A) Herzberg's dual-factor theory. B) McClelland's three needs theory. C) Vroom's expectancy theory. D) Maslow's hierarchy of needs. E) Alderfer's ERG theory. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 135 Skill: Recall Topic: Expectancy Theory Objective: 3 21) The needs for achievement, power, and affiliation are part of whose theory? A) Frederick Herzberg's B) David McClelland's C) Victor Vroom's D) Abraham Maslow's E) Douglas McGregor's Answer: B Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 132 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

22) What are three dissatisfiers? A) work conditions, pay and challenge B) work conditions, challenge and growth opportunities C) challenge, growth opportunities and company policy D) company policy, challenge and work conditions E) company policy, work conditions and pay Answer: E Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 131 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 23) In contrast to the hierarchy of needs theory, McClelland suggests that A) no more than one need may be working at one time. B) all needs are lower level. C) more than one need may be working at the same time. D) McClelland identifies motivators, not needs. E) interpersonal relationships are always the highest need to be satisfied. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 130-134 Skill: Recall Topic: Early Theories of Motivation Objective: 2 24) Which of the following is least important in goal-setting theory? A) goal difficulty B) goal specificity C) equity among co-workers D) feedback E) participation in goal setting Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 143 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

25) Management by objectives (MBO) emphasizes setting goals with the employee; according to MBO, goals should be A) easy to attain. B) approved by management. C) tangible, verifiable, measurable. D) easy to create and develop. E) general in nature. Answer: C Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 139 Skill: Recall Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 3 26) For the individual employee, MBO provides A) specific, personal performance objectives. B) increased monetary compensation. C) communication between co-workers. D) a means to an end. E) a way to keep the company accountable. Answer: A Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 139 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4 27) An example of a SMART goal is A) Do your best, but be sure to finish before our next meeting. B) Have it done by Friday and use the correct font this time. C) Complete your draft proposal for reorganizing the warehouse by Friday; we will review it then and make plans to finalize. D) Complete the report as soon as possible. E) By Friday, I want to see progress on the warehouse proposal. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 140 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

28) SMART stands for A) specific, measurable, attainable, reliable, and time-bound. B) specific, unfixed, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. C) specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. D) equivocal, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound. E) specific, measurable, inaccessible, results-oriented, and time-bound. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 140 Skill: Recall Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4 29) ________ is the theory that individuals act depending upon their evaluation of whether their effort will lead to good performance, followed by an outcome that is attractive to them. A) Goal-setting theory B) Rewards theory C) Instrumental theory D) Valence theory E) Expectancy theory Answer: E Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 135 Skill: Recall Topic: Expectancy Theory Objective: 3 SCENARIO 4-4 Your organization has decided to institute a management by objectives program. The people in your department have asked you to explain the program and help them understand how it will affect them. 30) You want to make certain they understand the ingredients common to MBO programs. Which of the following is one of those ingredients? A) Goals should be general enough to allow creativity. B) Decision making will be autocratic. C) Time periods will be implicit. D) Feedback will not be given on each employee's performance. E) Goals will be specific and measurable. Answer: D Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 139 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

31) Which of the following is an example of an MBO objective? A) Telephone orders should be processed promptly. B) Quality of all products should increase substantially. C) Sales should be increased by two percent. D) Company costs should be decreased as much as possible. E) New customers should be brought in on a regular basis. Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 139 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4 32) The objectives for each individual will be set A) unilaterally by you, the supervisor. B) by each employee. C) by a committee of peers. D) by the employee and you, the supervisor. E) by a committee of both employees and management. Answer: D Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 139 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4 33) Allowing employees to participate in goal setting, rather than have their boss arbitrarily assign a goal, has an additional effect: each person is more likely to ________ even a difficult goal. A) reject B) misunderstand C) begin resenting D) resist achieving E) accept Answer: E Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 140 Skill: Recall Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

SCENARIO 4-5 When you first went off to college, your father wanted you to study computer science and mathematics. Your grades during your freshman year were not very good. During your sophomore year, you decided to pursue a major in human resource management and your grades have gone up considerably. Your current goal is to graduate within four years and find human resources management job in a medium-sized corporation. 34) Your freshman grades may be explained because the goal of a major in computer science and mathematics was A) too specific. B) not hard enough. C) not one you had committed to. D) made public. E) too difficult to achieve. Answer: C Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 140 Skill: Applied Topic: Other Theories of Motivation Objective: 4 35) ________ is the belief that performance is related to rewards. A) Valence B) Expectancy C) Self-esteem D) Instrumentality E) Perception Answer: D Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 136 Skill: Applied Topic: Expectancy Theory Objective: 3 36) Bikram, a recent B.Eng. (engineer), has started his first job with an engineering firm; Bikram uses a self-outside comparison to determine if the company is treating him fairly. Bikram will compare his treatment to A) his experience as a work study student. B) a fellow male B.Eng recently hired by the firm. C) a fellow female B.Eng hired by the firm two years ago. D) a fellow female B.Eng recently hired by another firm. E) a woman with an M.Sc. hired with Bikram for the same department. Answer: A Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 147 Skill: Applied Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

37) When people perceive an imbalance in their outcome-input ratio relative to others A) an illegal situation is assumed. B) they expect to be promoted. C) tension is created. D) turnover is inevitable. E) goal setting needs to be renewed. Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 149 Skill: Applied Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5 SCENARIO 4-6 You graduated from college two years ago and began working at Hampstead Electronics. You have received good performance evaluations and a raise. You just found out that a recent college graduate with no experience has been hired at a higher salary than you are now making. 38) Which theory will you probably use in evaluating how you regard this situation? A) equity B) expectancy C) goal setting D) reinforcement E) performance-reward Answer: A Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 147 Skill: Applied Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5 39) Your referent comparison for equity theory is termed A) self-inside. B) self-outside. C) other-inside. D) other-outside. E) self-other. Answer: C Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 148 Skill: Applied Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

40) Jessica feels she received an appropriate salary increase this year, but does not believe that the company's methods for determining salary increases are fair. She believes there is a problem with the firm's A) interpersonal justice. B) distributive justice. C) equity practices. D) procedural justice. E) goal setting methods. Answer: D Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 149 Skill: Applied Topic: Organizational Justice Objective: 6 41) Within the framework of the equity theory, if an employee perceives iniquitous treatment and decides to work harder, what choice have they made? A) adjust perceptions of others B) choose a different referent C) adjust perceptions of self D) change their outcomes E) change their inputs Answer: D Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 147 Skill: Applied Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5 42) Within the framework of the equity theory, if an employee perceives iniquitous treatment and decides to exert less effort, what choice have they made? A) change their inputs B) change their outcomes C) adjust perceptions of self D) choose a different referent E) adjust perceptions of others Answer: A Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 147 Skill: Recall Topic: Equity Theory Objective: 5

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Organziational Behaviour, 7ce Chapter 4: Theories of Motivation

43) Extrinsic reward for a task may shift employees from A) high performance to higher performance. B) linking performance to appropriate rewards. C) perceiving the work task to be of less importance than others. D) linking employee recognition to organizational goals. E) intrinsic motivation to extrinsic motiva...

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