Chapter 7 - Group Influence - Social Psychology PDF

Title Chapter 7 - Group Influence - Social Psychology
Course Social Psychology
Institution Queen's University
Pages 3
File Size 121 KB
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WHAT IS A GROUP? When two or more people interact together on an occasion. Thinks of themselves as “us.”

SOCIAL FACILITATION: HOW ARE WE AFFECTED BY THE PRESCENCE OF OTHERS? - When people are around us, it enhances our performance for easy tasks but fuck us over for hard tasks. - Being in a crowd has the same effects on performance. - We are aroused by others in presence because we worry about what people think about us but it is also distracting. - The presence of other people are arousing Could be an evolutionary basis from which developed in the animal kingdom SOCIAL LOAFING - When people work in through a group task where individual performance is not calculated, people exert less effort than they would individually. o Ex. Become lazy because you realize that there’s a lot of people that are trying to accomplish the same thing as you. - But when the task is hard, the group is cohesive, and committed to the beliefs of a group there is less social loafing. o Ex. Beliefs: winning tug of war, if they all had this belief, all liked each other everyone tries hard to win. DEINDIVIDUALIZATION: WHEN DO PEOPLE LOSE THEIR SENSE OF SELF IN GROUPS? - It happens when people are hidden in a large group and aroused by the presence of people and distracted by those people. - When people lose their sense of self-awareness and self-restraint they will be quicker to respond negatively or positively to immediate situations GROUP POLARIZATION: DO GROUPS INTENSIFY OUR OWN OPINIONS? - Groups make riskier decisions but it is polarized - If people in that group tend to be more risky, then that group would make riskier decisions. - If people in group would have a stronger tendency to play it safe then they would make safer decisions. - Majority rules man - Decisions are formed through discussions (wtf ya man) - Intensifies decisions by exposing individuals to different sides of the arguments. GROUPTHINK: DO GROUPS STOP OR ASSIST GOOD DECISIONS. - Group cohesion can exaggerate situations because they tend to think too much which leads them to bad decisions. - They exaggerate situations because group members want to be accepted and isolated from opposing ideas and what the leader of that group wants from the people.


Characteristics of Groupthink 1. There is an illusion of invulnerability i.e. no one can touch me because I move with my booys who believe in the same thing as me. 2. No such thing as being rational. Its either a or b 3. Unquestioned belief in the groups morality 4. Stereotyped views of the opposition because people aren’t understanding of diff sides of argument. 5. There is pressure to conform 6. Self-censorship of misgivings which is the act of not having any objections to beliefs to avoid public shame. 7. Illusion of unanimity- we think that everyone thinks the same but really there is a pressure to conform and the need to be a part of groups that influence peoples beliefs. 8. There are people in the group that are called ‘mind guards’ that stop any information that opposes to their beliefs.

- Janis groupthink Had directive leadership which had the tendency to involve biased decisions from members of the group because people are scared to speak their mind to a very strict process, don’t want to go out of the groups norms to say something.

BUT GROUPS DO MAKE SMART DECISIONS IF YOU IMPLEMENT THE RIGHT STUFF TO AVOID FLAWED DECISIONS FROM GROUP MEMBERS You can: - Uphold impartiality which is when you do not start a group convo by going around in a circle and tell each individual member to say their position on the issue because this makes people scared that their going to be the only one who said something so they will steal the majority of other peoples ideas and pass it on as their own so they can be apart




of something and will think that because if no one will agree with me then it must be wrong. Or If no one says what I say it will be wrong. This comes from our desire to be right. Informative influence. Have someone be a DEVILS ADVOCATE to every idea because it will stimulate original thinking when every idea is critically examined. Everyone will be wrong so their will be no more fear of having our idea judged because everyone is having their idea judged. Takes away from the fact that no one will be apart of an idea. Dividing the large group into smaller groups so that two views of the decision can be critically assessed when the two groups unite. Look for someone that Is not involved in the group such as jerry from the mail room. Have a second chance meeting so that people can decide again whether what they believe is right is infact what they believe. RESEARCH HAS SHOWN THAT thinking in groups can be more accurate than individual thinking. Better ideas if in a small group Or if people individually brainstorm before a large meeting.

LEADERSHIP: HOW DO LEADERS SHAPE THE GROUP’S ACTIONS? - Transactional leaders are often very effective o They listen to their followers and meet their individual standards but want them to perform really well. - Transformational leaders o Give people personal attention which makes people comfortable when they convey ideas to them o Inspire people to be ‘wrong’ and tell them to share what they think no matter of social norms and the idea of following everyone. THE INFLUENCE OF THE MINORITY: HOW DO INDIVIDUALS INFLUENCE THE GROUP? - When people are consistent with their opposing ideas infront of a group they are more likely to persuade people - And when they are self confident - These traits can persuade people from the majority viewpoint of a group discussion....

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