Chapter 8 - Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, PDF

Title Chapter 8 - Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective,
Author Marwa Ali
Course Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps - PDF Questions with Correct Answers
Institution The Kingdom University
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Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications
Perspective, 12e ISBN 9781260796452 (ebook) 2020...


Chapter 8: Creative Strategy: Planning and Development 1. The athletic shoe market has been stagnant for years. According to the text, to implement its market growth strategy, Nike has: a. begun marketing its shoes in Asia b. begun sponsoring various types of sponsoring events c. targeted women d. diversified its product mix e. deleted several products that were in the decline stage of their product life cycle 2. How did Nike begin its new campaign in which it targets women athletes? a. by eliminating products that were in the decline stage of their product life cycle b. by engaging in extensive market research c. by eliminating clothing that was not wearable by both sexes d. by changing the company's mission statement e. by instituting response-stimulus marketing 3. The role of any advertising message is to: a. communicate information about a company's product or service b. motivate‫ حث‬a consumer to take action c. shape consumers desires‫ رغبات‬and goals d. create images that can position a brand in the consumer's mind e. do all of the above 4. In the development of an advertising campaign or message, creative _____ involves determining what the message will say or communicate, while _____ deals with how the message will be implemented or executed. a. strategy; tactics b. tactics; strategy c. mission: strategy d. tactics; vision e. vision; mission 5. Which of the following statements about creative strategy and execution is true? a. A good creative strategy and execution guarantees a brand will exceed its sales objectives. b. A good creative strategy almost never helps generate sales for a brand.

c. Ads that are very creative and popular among consumers still may not increase sales of a brand. d. Companies have no trouble coming up with creative advertising that differentiates their brands from the competition. e. Good creative strategy cannot help a struggling brand regain its former prominence. 6. Many companies are willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on creative advertising because: a. they believe strongly in competitive parity b. they realize marketing success is unrelated to their creative advertising effort c. good creative strategy and execution are often critical to the success of a product or service d. they want to win creative awards in order to respond to the intangibility and homogeneity characteristics of service e. the development of good creative strategy is a science and is explained by marketing research 7. Creative advertising is likely to be particularly important when: a. companies are selling brands that are very similar in quality and difficult to differentiate on functional features b. a brand clearly has functional superiority over the competition that is easily noticed by consumers c. companies are very risk averse d. consumers are not responsive to advertising messages e. any or all of the above conditions are met 8. Which of the following statements regarding awards for advertising creativity is true? a. Ads that win creative awards almost always have a positive impact on sales. b. Most advertising and marketing people are supportive of advertising awards because they feel creative people are more concerned with creating advertising that sells their client's products than with winning awards. c. As a rule, all advertising people believe awards are an inappropriate way of recognizing advertising creativity that often helps sell a client's products. d. Not all advertising campaigns that have won creative awards have successfully generated sales for the clients' products. e. None of the above statements about advertising creativity is true. 9. _____ is a quality possessed by individuals that enables them to generate novel approaches to handling problems and that is reflected in new and improved solutions to those problems.

a. Uniqueness b. Dramatization c. Creativity d. Proficiency e. Personification 10. From the perspective of a product manager, a commercial is likely to be judged as creative if it: a. is novel and innovative b. has a high level of artistic or aesthetic value c. communicates the message clearly and leaves favorable impressions among the target audience d. wins creative awards e. is unlike anything currently in the marketplace 11. A study by Elizabeth Hirschman examined the perceptions of individuals involved in the creation and production of television commercials and found: a. product managers view advertising from an aesthetic perspective b. product managers and account executives both view advertising as a promotional tool whose primary purpose is to communicate favorable impressions about a brand c. art directors and copywriters view advertising primarily as a promotional tool whose primary function is to communicate information d. brand managers prefer creative commercials that take risks e. art directors and copywriters evaluate advertising on the basis of how well it fulfilled preset communications objectives 12. Based on the findings of the study conducted by Elizabeth Hirschman, which of the following individuals is most likely to be risk averse and prefer commercials that focus on the product rather than creative impact? a. product and brand managers b. art directors c. copywriters d. creative directors e. product consumers 13. Which of the following statements about the advertising competition at the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is true? a. The Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is the only award given for advertising creativity. b. The Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is not a global competition

c. Entry into the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is limited to members of the European Union. d. The award given by the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is called the Clio. e. None of the above statements about the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is true. 14. The Cannes Gold Lion award is: a. recognized as the most prestigious ‫هيبة‬of all advertising awards b. given to the best example of product placement in the preceding year c. only awarded to companies that are members of the European Union d. awarded to the most creative tourism development advertising campaign of the preceding year e. not nearly as prestigious as the U.S.-based Clio awards 15. _____ is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems. a. A unique selling plan (USP) b. Promotional uniqueness c. Problem detection d. Positioning e. Advertising creativity 16. Which of the following statements gives a reason why a marketer might want to emphasize ‫اكد‬creativity in the development of an advertising campaign? a. Creative advertisements that are creative for the sake of being creative often fail to produce sales. b. Creative advertising can break through the clutter ‫فوضى‬and make an impression on buyers. c. Creative advertising cannot create positive feelings that transfer to the product or service. d. Creative advertising is effective even if it is irrelevant to the target audience. e. All of the above statements give a reason why a marketer might want to emphasize creativity over all other elements in the development of an advertising campaign. 17. Which of the following statements about the use of creativity in an advertising campaign is true? a. Because most advertising is creative, creativity is not nearly enough to break through the clutter. b. Creative advertising always has a positive impact on sales. c. Creative advertising that is not relevant to the target audience may have a greater impact than advertising that is relevant.

d. The nature of advertising requires that everyone involved in the promotional planning process engage in creative thinking. e. Users of creative advertising can avoid using big ideas and unique selling propositions in their advertising campaigns. 18. According to the universal advertising standards developed by the D'Arcy, Masius Benton & Bowles agency, a creative advertising message is built around a: a. unique selling plan (USP) b. strong brand image c. power idea or a creative core d. slice-of-life concept e. dramatization 19. According to the universal advertising standards of the D'Arcy, Masius Benton & Bowles agency, creative and effective advertising: a. requires synergy b. does not use a brand personality c. uses a complex product or brand positioning strategy d. is careful to not be distinctly different from other advertising e. neither rewards nor punishes the prospect 20. When planning creative strategy, an advertising agency hopes to have: a. clients that appreciate the formalized system used to develop this strategy b. clients that are risk-aversive to squelch unorthodox strategies c. products with winning ad campaigns that simply need a slight tweaking d. clients who realize there are no new strategies left-- only modifications of existing ones e. none of the above 21. Some of the more successful advertising agencies, such as TBWA and Wieden & Kennedy, attribute their excellent creative work to the fact that: a. they have clients who are risk averse b. they have clients who are willing to take creative risks c. they have clients who never become involved with or interfere in the creation process d. their clients keep them in check and don't let them try creative approaches that are excessively different e. their relationship with the client is significantly more important than any creative work

22. Advertising creative personnel tend to: a. rely on intuition rather than logic when solving a problem b. have educational backgrounds in nonbusiness areas c. be more abstract and less conventional in their approach and solution to a problem d. be more intuitive and perceptual than people with a business background e. be all of the above 23. Advertising creative personnel tend to: a. be more concrete and formalized than intuitive when solving a problem b. have majored in marketing in college c. rely on intuition more than logic d. be highly structured and organized individuals e. be no different from people with business executive backgrounds 24. According to James Webb Young, a former creative director at the J. Walter Thompson agency, the production of creative advertising ideas: a. is a random process that cannot be taught b. does not follow a definitive plan c. cannot be learned and controlled d. is a definitive process that can be learned and controlled e. has as many different routes as there are different forms of creativity 25. The perpetual debate‫ مناقشات‬over the most effective role for advertising is between: a. rationalists ‫العقلنايون‬and poets ‫الشعراء‬ b. environmentalists and pragmatics c. liberals and conservatives d. functionalists and operationalists e. supporters of centralization and supporters of decentralization 26. The proponents ‫اناصار‬of creative advertising argue that: a. the more information in the ad the more effective the ad b. the only purpose of advertising is to sell the product c. advertising should be designed to make consumers buy products that they do not want or need d. advertising should be designed to create an emotional bond between consumers and the brand or company e. advertising should break through the clutter by focusing on logos and products

27. There are five steps in the creative process as designed by James Webb Young, a former creative director at the J. Walter Thompson agency. They are: a. preparation, brainstorming, growth, reality check, and verification b. immersion, testing, illumination, creation, and verification c. immersion, digestion, incubation, illumination, verification d. preparation, incubation, immersion, illumination, and reality check e. immersion, brainstorming, incubation, creation, and reality check 28. According to the work of sociologist Graham Wallace, the four-step approach to the creative process includes: a. preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification b. immersion, brainstorming, creation, and reality check c. preparation, illumination, creation, and verification d. preparation, immersion, creation, and verification e. immersion, incubation, illumination, and creation 29. The client manufactures maternity‫ امومه‬clothes for businesswomen, and it wants a new advertising campaign. Visits to obstetrician's offices‫ طبيب الولداه‬to observe the clothes being worn‫ لبس‬and to maternity shops at the mall to see how they were selected could be a part of the _____ stage of the creative process. a. preparation b. verification c. revision d. reality check e. incubation 30. Leon is the creative director for an agency that has just been hired by a manufacturer of golfing equipment to create a new advertising campaign for the company's titanium clubs. Before starting to develop creative ideas, Leon reads some golfing magazines and spends time talking to some friends and co-workers who play golf. These activities are part of which stage of the creative process? a. preparation b. incubation c. illumination d. verification e. revision 31. Inna has been hired to promote a membership-only genealogical Web site, which provides demographic information on over one billion people. She has gathered together all the relevant environmental information and has studied the product as closely as possible. Now it is time for the _____ stage of the creative process. She needs to

work on another project and put the genealogical project completely out of her conscious mind. Her subconscious needs time to work on a solution. a. preparation b. digestion c. incubation d. illumination e. verification 32. For weeks, Bridgette had been trying to come up with a creative approach to advertise light bulbs. She had decided to try not to think about it for a while to see if her subconscious could figure something out. As she was relaxing in her bath one night, a great idea for a creative light bulb advertising campaign just seemed to pop into her head. She leapt out of the tub and began to write it all down before she forgot it. In terms of the creative process, Bridgette has just experienced the _____ stage. a. immersion b. verification c. revision d. illumination e. reality check 33. Why are models of the creative process valuable to those working in the creative areas of advertising? a. The models let the client see what he or she is paying for. b. The models provide an organized approach to a creative problem. c. The models let creatives approach the creative process in whichever manner feels most comfortable to them. d. The models were developed by people who were successful advertisers themselves. e. The models create heuristics needed to determine whether an ad will accomplish its goals. 34. No matter which model of the creative processes you use, the last step in the creative process is: a. resolution b. illumination c. verification d. market evaluation e. confirmation 35. _____ is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all information about a client's good or service, brand, and members of the target audience.

a. Incubation b. Germination c. Account planning d. Creative research e. Account seeding 36. An advertising executive who works for Hughes & O'Reilly Agency has just been assigned to a new Schlotsky's restaurant account. One of the first things he may want to do is: a. sit down and begin writing copy for sample ads b. spend some time visiting similar restaurants, eating their food and talking to consumers about some of their specific likes and dislikes of Schlotsky's and their competitors c. try to come up with some big ideas that can be the basis of a creative ad campaign d. come up with alternative positioning concepts for Schlotsky's e. any of the above 37. Account planning plays an important role during creative strategy development by: a. making sure the client knows the agency has the final say on which strategy will be used b. driving the process from the customers' point of view c. making sure all advertising complies with local, state, and FTC regulations d. determining whether the account should be accepted e. forecasting demand for the product category 38. Which of the following statements about account planning is true? a. Account planners do not conduct any quantitative research. b. Account planners work with the client as well as other agency personnel. c. Account planners only work with the client to avoid agency bias. d. With account planning, the agency takes the permanent leadership role in the development of creative strategy. e. The knowledge gained during account planning can only be used during the planning period because it is proprietary information. 39. How might an advertising creative specialist acquire general preplanning input about a market that can be used as to develop the creative strategy for a calcium-enhanced sports drink? a. Talk to coaches and trainers to get their reactions to the new product. b. Talk to nutritionists about the actual nutritional value of the added calcium.

c. Get a group of athletes to sample the drink and give their opinions about its taste and consistency. d. Read reports on consumers' feelings about the addition of vitamins and minerals to their food. e. Do all of the above. 40. Tiffany is the creative director for an ad agency. The agency has just been hired to develop a promotional campaign for a company that produces exercise videos for women. As part of her preparation for developing a creative strategy, Tiffany reviews some studies conducted on the overall fitness and exercise market as well as a report on the changing roles of women in society. This information is part of the: a. general preplanning input b. product specific preplanning input c. problem detection studies d. illumination studies e. brainstorming process 41. Jonathan is the creative director for the Peet, Williams & Greene advertising agency. He spends an hour every morning reading publications such as Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal and Brand Week to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the world of marketing and advertising. This activity can be characterized as: a. general preplanning input b. product specific preplanning input c. verification research d. brainstorming e. problem detection research 42. Product usage, attitude studies, and perceptual mapping would be examples of: a. general preplanning inputs b. product/service specific preplanning inputs c. verification studies d. revision studies e. demographic studies for business-to-business clients 43. Ramon participated in a study done by an advertising agency. During his interview, he was asked to gauge the services provided by a regional airline on the basis of his experiences and what others had told him. The interviewer asked Ramon specific questions about the food, the seating arrangements, the ease with which he entered and exited the plane, and the service provided by the flight attendants. Since the ad agency doing the research is the one that will develop

the creative strategy for the airline's new ad campaign, you know Ramon most likely provided the agency with: a. product/service specific preplanning inputs b. general product inputs to be stored and used later c. secondary internal data d. secondary external data e. quantitative data which will be used by the client to determine market development strategies 44. ______ is a research technique whereby consumers are asked to generate an exhaustive list of things that bother them or difficulties they encounter when using a product or service. a. Consumer brainstorming b. General preplanning input c. Perceptual mapping d. Problem detection e. Market profiling 45. Douglas was asked to fill out a survey on dill pickles. He was asked questions about what he liked and disliked about dill pickles, when and where he usually ate dill pickles, and to list and rate all brands of dill pickles he could recall. He was also asked about packaging as well as degree of sourness in the different brands of pickles. Since the survey was conducted by an ad agency prior to developing a creative strategy for its client, a pickle manufacturer, and there were several people surveyed besides Douglas, you can assume he was participating in a _____ study. a. consumer brainstorming b. general ...

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