8. Integrated Marketing Communications PDF

Title 8. Integrated Marketing Communications
Institution University of Surrey
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MAN Lecture 827/04/8. Integrated Marketing Communications Aim of IMC is to create a consistent message through different tools IMC tools: Public relations Personal selling Sales promotion Direct marketing Digital promotions Advertising Drivers of IMC Communication drivers Focuses on benefit of deliv...


Marketing Principles MAN1075 Lecture 8 27/04/2020

8. Integrated Marketing Communications -




Aim of IMC is to create a consistent message through different tools IMC tools: - Public relations - Personal selling - Sales promotion - Direct marketing - Digital promotions - Advertising Drivers of IMC - Communication drivers - Focuses on benefit of delivering a consistent message to customers - By using different tools allows brands to reinforce message - Organisational drivers - Focuses on achieving operational efficiency as company based on making growth - Target market-based drivers - Consumer behaviour segmented differently now - Technology allows marketers to reach customers through a range of different mediums Framework for implementing IMC = helps in planning promotion mix - Marketing strategy and situation analysis - Conduct target market analysis to identify promotional mix opportunities so as to gain a competitive advantage - Identify communication opportunities and set communication objectives - What message will go out and what are you trying to achieve from these communication objectives - Creative agency selection - Can be internal and external - Managers need to create a communication brief which highlights what is expected from the agencies, what message they want to deliver, how creative they want to be, how do they want their campaign to be delivered - All requirements for campaign should be articulated in communication brief - Promotional mix selection - Teams will suggest what tools should be used to deliver the campaign - Client will have final say as to what tone is used and how the message should be delivered - Campaign development and implementation - Promotional mix and message is finalised - Evaluation before, during and after the campaign - Evaluate its effectiveness and efficiency - Future planning - Results feed into development of future planning Simple model of communication - unidirectional - Sender - Encoded message (noise - creates distraction in communication process) - Transmission - Decoded message (noise) - interpretation of message - Receiver - sees/hears the message

Marketing Principles MAN1075 Lecture 8 27/04/2020






Very rare that unidirectional messages can be given as communication is much more complex than that Lots of different target audiences for different mediums of communication - Can target different markets IMC tools - Mass marketing communications - Advertising - Non-personal messages - Paid for - Digital promotions and social media communications - Emails with coupons - Social media to create awareness about brand - Direct marketing communications - Personal selling - Interact with customers directly - Effective when targeting niche audience Considerations on the choice of promotional mix - Resource availability and the cost of promotional tools - Market size and concentration - Customer information needs - Product characteristics - Push vs pull strategies Core tasks to create and IMC campaign - Corporate marketing - Marketing communication - Client agency relationship - Consistency in messages - Media coordination - Planning approach Direction of communication flow in pull-positioning strategies - Producer/manufacturer - Wholesaler - Retailer - Customer Direction of communication flow in push-positioning strategies - Producer/manufacturer - Wholesaler - Retailer

Mass marketing and communications - Advertising objectives - Create awareness - Stimulate trial - Once consumer has tried the product the perception of product can be changed - Position products - Correct misconceptions - Remind and reinforce - Provide support for the sales force - Positioning can be based on: - Product characteristics and customer benefits

Marketing Principles MAN1075 Lecture 8 27/04/2020





- Price - Product use - Product user - Product class - Symbols - Competition AIDA model - Idea that advertisement should be strong enough to convince consumers to change their attitude and buy new product - Conversion theory of advertising - Awareness - Interest - Desire - Action ATR model - Advertising less powerful - Awareness - Trial - Reinforcement - Trial must be successful to convince consumer to repeatedly purchase Developing an advertising strategy - Marketing strategy - Drives the marketing objectives - Identify and understand target audience - Helps to decide which form of advertising to use - Analyse buyer motives - Define advertising objectives - Set in this stage - Set advertising budget - Dictated by advertising objectives - Will play a part in media decisions - Execute campaign Organising for campaign development - In cooperation with people from the media - In-house advertising department - Advertising agency

Direct marketing communications - Effective means of communicating - Campaigns usually designed to stimulate an immediate response from the recipient - Can measure effectiveness of campaigns easily - Main techniques: - Direct mail - Direct response advertising - Email marketing - Couponing - Direct selling - Telemarketing - Drivers of direct marketing - Market and media fragmentation

Marketing Principles MAN1075 Lecture 8 27/04/2020




- Increased demand for personalisation - Smaller market - Technology advances - Improvements in storing data and being able to send consumers tailored marketing - Emerging analytical techniques - Demographic analysis helps to narrow down target audience - Can match wants of consumer better Managing a direct marketing campaign - Marketing strategy - Enables company to send out consistent message - Identify and understand target audience - Can obtain or retain customers - Campaign objectives - Feed into media and creative decisions - Execute and evaluate campaign - Total sales - Response rate - Number of enquiries Characteristics of selling - Customer retention and deletion - Who are the customers that you want to retain - Who do you want to delete - generating no sales - Save resources for profitable customers - Adding value/satisfying needs - Should meet customers’ needs - Problem-solving and system selling - Customer relationship management - Acquire new customers - Database and knowledge management - Marketing the product Ethical issues - Misleading advertising - Advertising’s influence on society’s values - Advertising to children - Deception - The hard sell - putting pressure on customers - Bribery - Poorly targeted direct mail - Intrusive nature of telemarketing calls - Invasion of privacy...

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