Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising and Digital Communications PDF

Title Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising and Digital Communications
Course Introduction to Marketing
Institution York University
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Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications 1. What is the function of informing, persuading, and influencing the consumer’s purchase decision called? a. salesmanship b. advertising c. promotion d. communication ANSWER: c 2. What would be a goal of any integrated marketing communication system? a. to create a unified message at the lowest possible cost b. to create a message that will keep the consumer from tuning out c. to hire an agency to handle each element of the promotional strategy d. to consolidate the promotional responsibilities within an organization ANSWER: b 3. What does an integrated marketing communications strategy begin with? a. separating the parts of the promotional mix into categories based on the media that is being utilized b. isolating and eliminating non-promotional contacts between the consumer and the organization c. consumer wants and needs, working in reverse to the product, brand, or organization d. the realization that different components of promotion should deliver different messages to their target audiences ANSWER: c 4. Delite, a food and beverage company, is launching a new range of frozen food. Which of the following should be the first step taken by the marketing department in order to develop an effective IMC strategy? a. Design ads for the print and electronic media for maximum reach. b. Identify wants and needs of consumers. c. Establish the product as a superior addition to the existing product range. d. Isolate parts of the promotional mix and allocate them to appropriate departments. ANSWER: c 5. What term refers to the coordination of all a firm’s promotional activities to produce a unified, customer-focused message? a. customer orientation b. the marketing concept c. integrated marketing communications d. comprehensive marketing activities ANSWER: c 6. In an integrated marketing communications program, which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which a customer may have contact with the organization? a. direct mail b. Internet messages c. personal selling d. competitor feedback




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications ANSWER: d 7. What is said to be at the heart of integrated marketing communications? a. product b. brand c. organization d. customer ANSWER: d 8. What will often result from the successful implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications? a. media saturation b. higher audience reach c. identifying several unexpected new target market opportunities d. synergies and interdependence of the promotional mix elements ANSWER: d 9. What does teamwork in applying a successful integrated marketing communications program involve? a. clear definition of the responsibilities of each department in creating the promotional mix b. in-house resources and outside vendors c. reorienting employees to put the customer first d. mutual admiration for the successes of each department in implementing the promotional mix ANSWER: b 10. Sam just received a free trial sample of cereal bars that he found hanging on his doorknob. What is this an example of? a. direct sampling b. direct marketing c. personal selling d. guerrilla marketing ANSWER: a 11. Which of the following acts as the source of the message communicated to the receiver in the communication process? a. decoder b. sender c. messenger d. sponsor ANSWER: b 12. What does the D indicate in the AIDA concept? a. delivery of the promotional message b. decoding the message c. desire for the product being promoted d. decision to listen to the message ANSWER: c




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications 13. What do the AIDA concepts refer to? a. the steps in developing an IMC program b. the steps in promoting a product c. the steps in distributing a product d. the steps in the consumer purchase decision process ANSWER: d 14. According to the AIDA concept, which of the following is the first function of a promotional message? a. arousing interest in the good or service b. gaining the potential consumer’s attention c. stimulating desire by convincing the potential buyer of the product’s ability to satisfy his or her needs d. producing an action in the form of a purchase or a more favourable attitude that may lead to a future purchase ANSWER: b 15. In terms of the communications process, to whom are television ads directed? a. encoders b. transmitter s c. receivers d. coders ANSWER: c 16. Patricia calls a firm’s 1-800 number and expresses her reaction to a recent television ad. What is this an example of? a. feedback b. noise c. encoding d. decoding ANSWER: a 17. From the perspective of the marketing communications process, what do two consumers talking to each other during a television commercial represent? a. interaction b. noise c. decoding d. coding ANSWER: b 18. What can noise take the form of in international communications? a. a lack of certain vowel sounds in the language that make it impossible to say the product name b. unreliable radio transmissions c. multiple languages spoken in the commercial d. incorrect translations ANSWER: d




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications 19. In communicating a promotional message, what does decoding refer to? a. translation of the message into understandable terms and transmitting it through the communication channel b. receiver’s interpretation of the message transmitted through the communication channel c. receiver’s response to the message transmitted through the communication channel d. noise that interferes with the transmission of the message through the communication channel ANSWER: b 20. Which of the following is NOT a means of conducting a personal-selling effort? a. telephone b. videoconferencing c. mass media d. interactive computer links ANSWER: c 21. Generally, which component of a firm’s promotion mix will be heavily invested in when serving business-to-business customers? a. advertising b. publicity c. public relations d. personal selling ANSWER: d 22. What is ordinarily the dominant promotional mix component for unique, highly technical, or custom-made products? a. trade shows b. publicity c. personal selling d. advertising ANSWER: c 23. What is the oldest form of promotion? a. product placement b. personal selling c. guerrilla marketing d. ambush marketing ANSWER: b 24. Which factor would NOT support the use of personal selling? a. limited number of buyers b. standardized products c. technically complex products d. option for trade-ins ANSWER: b




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications 25. How much of an industrial firm’s budget is generally invested in personal selling compared with producers of consumer goods? a. smaller portion in personal selling than invested in publicity b. smaller portion in personal selling than invested in advertising c. approximately equal amounts in personal selling and non-personal selling d. larger portion in personal selling than invested in advertising ANSWER: d 26. What is the ideal form of promotion for large, geographically dispersed audiences that will listen to the same message? a. advertising b. publicity c. public relations d. sales promotion ANSWER: a 27. Which of the following is an example of personal selling? a. banners on websites b. videoconferencing c. print ads d. hoardings ANSWER: b 28. Which of the following is NOT an advertising format? a. plastic shopping bags that retailers use to hold merchandise purchased by customers b. TV monitors at grocery stores c. billboards d. a sweepstakes for a year of free gasoline ANSWER: d 29. Which of the following would be considered advertising? a. point-of-purchase display of gum b. billboard promoting Honda cars c. coupon clipped from the newspaper d. sample of a product left on your doorstep ANSWER: b 30. What would be the preferred promotion for markets characterized by a large number of potential customers scattered over a sizable geographic area? a. advertising b. personal




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications selling c. public relations d. publicity ANSWER: a 31. What dominates the promotional mixes for low-unit value products? a. personal selling b. direct mail c. advertising d. telemarketing ANSWER: c 32. How does product placement work as a form of nonpersonal selling? a. a company pays to have products displayed at the ends of grocery store aisles b. a company pays to have products displayed prominently in a motion picture c. companies do promotional tie-ins, such as Disney movie toys as incentives in every McDonald’s Happy Meal d. a company positions its TV commercials during prime hours for its target market ANSWER: b 33. What is sales promotion subdivided into? a. trade and consumer promotion b. Internet and traditional promotion c. domestic and international promotion d. wholesale and retail promotion ANSWER: a 34. Which group of activities is NOT considered to be a form of sales promotion? a. trade shows, product demonstrations, and displays b. telemarketing, publicity, and home shopping channels c. coupons, rebates, and sweepstakes d. limited-time discounts on consumer products and services ANSWER: b 35. Which of the following is considered to be part of the direct marketing category? a. telemarketing b. billboards c. sponsorship d. customer service ANSWER: a 36. A popular TV morning chat program shows its host and guests drinking coffee from mugs which have been engraved with the logo of a popular coffee chain. What is this an example of?




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications a. personal selling b. trade promotion c. product placement d. sales promotion ANSWER: c 37. Which statement best describes guerrilla marketing? a. It is a defensive strategy that places counter-advertising in a market targeted against strong competitive products. b.It is a free promotion initiated by fans, loyal customers, or other interested product users. c. It is a relatively new approach to promotion that avoids traditional media and attempts to find innovative, low-cost ways to reach a target market. d.It is any negative campaign against a product or a company because of poor performance, incited by angered consumers who share experiences on blogs and message boards. ANSWER: c 38. Which of the following is generally NOT an advantage of guerrilla marketing? a. It reaches a wide audience. b. It has low cost. c. It attracts attention due to its innovation. d. It is less cluttered with competitors trying to do the same thing. ANSWER: a 39. What is a form of guerrilla marketing whereby a firm relies on social networks to transmit a marketing message? a. product placement b. viral marketing c. ambush marketing d. database marketing ANSWER: b 40. What element of the promotional mix is the most expensive (cost per contact)? a. advertising b. sales promotion c. personal selling d. direct marketing ANSWER: c 41. A manufacturer of a well-known brand of cosmetics is offering buyback allowances to its retailers for its new line of lip colour. What is this an example of? a. guerrilla marketing b. product placement




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications c. trade promotion d. personal selling ANSWER: c 42. What is an outcome of the interactive characteristic of direct marketing? a. development of databases with wide market segments b. tailoring of individual responses by marketers to meet consumers’ needs c. easy assessment of a consumer’s feelings towards a call to action to purchase the product d. building of relationships with existing customers but not new consumers ANSWER: b 43. What do direct marketing and integrated marketing communications have in common? a. They respond to fragmented media markets and audiences. b. They succeed when asked to provide standardized products to large target markets. c. They benefit from the increasing size of network broadcast audiences. d. They cannot effectively use databases to target specific markets. ANSWER: a 44. Which of the following would typically NOT be an example of direct mail promotion? a. catalogue from IKEA advertising a special offer on office furniture b. promotional DVD sent by a family vacation resort c. reminder postcard sent to a car owner offering 15 percent off the cost of an oil change d. advertisement in the newspaper ANSWER: d 45. What is one of the advantages of the direct mail medium? a. It offers the ability to reach a broad target market. b. The per-reader cost is less expensive than other types of advertising. c. Response rates are measurable and higher than other types of advertising. d. There is less chance of being misled by the message or source of the message. ANSWER: c 46. Global Solutions Inc., an IT firm, regularly organizes meetings for its shareholders to update them on the firm’s performance and achievements. What is this is an example of? a. guerrilla marketing b. sales promotion. c. a product placement program d. a public relations program ANSWER: d 47. By definition, what is the communication objective of advertising? a. to eliminate noise in the transmission, feedback, and encoding of a message




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications b. to provide direct customer contact through effective public relations c. to inform or persuade the members of a particular audience d. to cut promotion costs and decrease the cost of reaching each consumer ANSWER: c 48. What is product advertising designed for? a. selling a particular good or service b. promoting a concept, idea, or philosophy c. providing information as to the geographic location-seeking firm d. increasing awareness of the goodwill for a firm, person, or government agency ANSWER: a 49. What is the name for non-product advertising used by a profit-seeking firm? a. cause b. institutiona l c. informative d. corporate ANSWER: d 50. What type of advertising is most closely related to public relations? a. product b. institutiona l c. informative d. newspaper ANSWER: b 51. The radio advertisements for Country Fresh Grocers state that the company is the “supermarket to the world.” What type of advertising is this considered to be? a. product b. institutiona l c. informative d. corporate ANSWER: d 52. Assume Purolator offers a new service that allows home computer users to pay shipping charges and print shipping labels at home. Purolator advertises the new service on TV and in magazines. What are these ads examples of? a. product advertising b. institutional advertising c. reminder advertising d. persuasive advertising ANSWER: a




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications 53. The Canadian Cancer Society runs ads in major magazines promoting its mission and successes. What are these ads examples of? a. product advertising b. reminder advertising c. institutional advertising d. persuasive advertising ANSWER: c 54. What type of advertising is often used to promote a product in the introductory stage of the product life cycle? a. reminder b. persuasive c. cooperativ e d. informativ e ANSWER: d 55. What type of advertising seeks to develop initial demand for a newly introduced good, service, organization, person, place, idea, or cause? a. informative b. reminder c. comparativ e d. advocacy ANSWER: a 56. What is the goal of persuasive advertising? a. It reinforces the effect of previous promotional activity. b. It increases demand for an existing good or service, organization, or concept. c. It develops initial demand for a newly introduced product. d. It is used primarily in the maturity and decline stages of the product life cycle. ANSWER: b 57. What type of advertising strives to reinforce previous promotional activity by keeping the name of the good, service, organization, person, place, idea, or cause before the public? a. retentive b. informative c. reminder d. promotiona l ANSWER: c 58. What type of advertising is Advil using when it advertises that it contains more pain reliever than Tylenol? a. comparativ e




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications b. cooperative c. advocacy d. institutional ANSWER: a 59. Coke and Pepsi feature nearly three dozen movie stars, athletes, musicians, and television personalities as spokespeople in their effort to increase cola sales. What is this called? a. comparative advertising b. advocacy statements c. celebrity testimonials d. cooperative advertising ANSWER: c 60. Which statement is NOT considered to be an advantage of celebrity testimonials? a. Using a celebrity in an advertisement is a way to break through the clutter and capture the consumer’s attention. b.Celebrities provide a marketing bridge to capture the attention of consumers of other cultures domestically or internationally. c. The more visibility a celebrity receives through product endorsements, the more valuable he or she is to marketers. d.Consumers look at the product in a new way because the endorsement of the celebrity is seen as credible in their eyes. ANSWER: c 61. According to studies, what kind of advertisements do consumers respond to with suspicion? a. retail source advertisements b. retail shopping experience advertisements c. retail message advertisements d. retail price advertisements ANSWER: d 62. Best Buy is advertising a specific brand of GPS car navigational system as a present for the holiday season. The television ad benefits both companies. What type of advertising is this an example of? a. informative b. cooperative c. institutiona l d. retail ANSWER: b 63. Which of the following is NOT an example of an interactive advertising method? a. the Internet b. electronic kiosks c. text messaging




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications d. direct mail ANSWER: d 64. What is an advantage of interactive marketing? a. It provides information on one product only. b. It is closer to nonpersonal selling. c. It places the advertiser in control of the flow of information. d. It provides consumers with more information in less time. ANSWER: d 65. What does a series of related but different ads that use a single theme and appear in different media within a specified time period signify? a. advertising campaign b. fantasy script c. special promotion d. advertising message ANSWER: a 66. A national insurance company promotes identity theft insurance with an advertisement that warns of stolen credit cards and falsified social insurance numbers. What appeal is being used in this commercial to motivate the viewer to action? a. objective facts b. humour c. sex d. fear ANSWER: d 67. Which type of ad typically loses its effectiveness the soonest? a. fear b. sex c. humour d. objective facts ANSWER: c 68. Which task is NOT necessary for successful advertisement? a. gaining attention and interest b. offering the consumer an entertaining message c. informing and/or persuading d. eventually leading to a purchase or other desired action ANSWER: b 69. What ability of an advertisement does “cutting through the clutter” refer to? a. informing the audience of the concepts the advertiser wishes to communicate




Chapter 14 - Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Digital Communications b. leading to a purchase or other desired action c. gaining the attention and intere...

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