Digital Communications Essay PDF

Title Digital Communications Essay
Course Educational Psychology in Early Childhood
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
File Size 60 KB
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Digital Communications assignment...


1 Laura Iappini-Case EDU-225 September 1, 2020 Professor Yard Digital Communication Essay Effective communication with students and their families is imperative. As technology advances and changes, so does the way everyone communicates. Communication can either be digital or face-to-face. There are advantages and disadvantages to both forms of communication, digitally or face-to-face. It is important to teach students how to properly navigate the online world. Being responsible, respectful, ethical, and safe, whether communicating digitally or faceto-face should be everyone’s priority. Whether it be face-to-face communication or digital communication, the only thing that really matters are what makes the parent comfortable and the student. Success and achievement is the common goal for all students. Face-to-face communication is one way to get families involved with their student’s success and achievements. Face-to-face is more personal. According to a survey conducted by the group, Project Tomorrow and Education Technology Company Blackboard Inc., parents want schools and districts to contact them by phone or set up a parent teacher conference rather than email or social media. (Rose, 2018). Having face-to-face communications with parents, teachers have the advantage to get what needs to be said in an undistracted environment. When speaking to a parents and the parent disagrees, it is easier to answer back with the reasoning rather text. Face-to-face gives the personal touch and get to know who the teacher or parents are associated with the student. This type of interaction and socializations leads to a sense of care, commitment, and might even benefit and lead to further communications. For example, those

2 families with a language barrier can be reassured that there are no lines of communication misinterpreted like would be through an e-mail or text. Face-to-face communication is informal and direct. Direct feedback is instant and no doubts and misunderstandings. The disadvantages would be for the parents that are disabled, finding time out of their day for parent-teacher conferences, teachers being able to read parents body language, uncomfortable for some, and poor listening because they would rather be somewhere else. Accountable for some is a disadvantage, because they are held responsible for the actions of the student both parent and

teacher. For example, some people get nervous or have poor communication skills. Digital communication is another way of involving families with their students’ success and achievements. Some advantages to digital communications are documented records to be referenced to quicker for a parent-teacher conference. Getting parents more involved with the types of digital communication for parents and teachers to conference saving everyone a lot of time throughout their busy schedules. Also allowing quicker response times, and letting the parents know what is going on in the classroom with their child without more papers being sent home. “Technology can make it easier for parents with disabilities”, to attend a meeting. (Walker, 2019). Lastly, digital communication makes it easier for parents who might not be able available for phone calls throughout the day. For example, if you are trying to communicate with a parent and they only understand Spanish. There is a program called iTranslate that can convert English into Spanish or whatever language needed. There are also disadvantages to digital communication. For example, not all families have access to technology and internet. Owning a technology, even a digital device for communication can be quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Digital communication is less personal and parents get sidetrack. It is also, hard to read a person and expressions over a

3 phone call, e-mail or setting up a Zoom meeting. material from another source. With digital communication, messages can get “lost” or takes forever to get a response through e-mails, text, or even not even acknowledged. Both face-to-face and digital communication can be used in the classroom to create experiences for students to make a positive, socially responsible contributions which can build relationships and community. Both varieties of communication are beneficial and can positively impact students. Classrooms are mostly face-to-face communication, unless collaborating with another class and teacher that are on different parts of the school. For example, a teacher can be lecturing the class and questions can be asked with an immediate response. The teacher is able to read the expressions and looks on the students faces to make sure they all understand. In the classroom, students can and interact on projects in groups and form working relationships with one another. This way, students can understand the benefits and importance of communication skills which will help them out in future career opportunities. In turn, digital communication is an ever growing demand to be incorporated in and outside the classroom. Students can continue and finish their education through smartphone, tablet, and computers. Technology in all forms is the future of education. With technology and digital communication, students can communicate with other students and teachers through the world. It is important that students are aware of

keeping their digital identity safe. There are so many different types of social media and/or digital communication approaches that can be used safely and ethically when communicating with other colleagues, parents, and students. Educators need to reinforce and teach their students to be responsible, ethical, professional behavior, and safety while online going through their social media like, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other blog posts. One of the applications that is interesting is

4 “Remind”. I started using this app after I taking classes through Grand Canyon University. This is a great form of digital communication. Signing up is just texting a certain number provided by the teacher or professor, even parents can use this app. This app reminds students when projects or assignments are due. “Remind” also protects teachers, staff members, and students from giving and receiving personal cell phone numbers. E-mail is the best form of parents, students, and teachers to communicate. Everyone now is constantly checking their e-mails and it can leave a digital footprint and record keeping of when it was sent and received. Digital communication can establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and examination of online resources by foster digital literacy by engaging in how to do research through the Internet. This will show students how to use the Internet and properly conduct research. Technology allows teachers and students to numerously viewpoints on any topic just by typing in the words or phrases in Google. Creating an environment with positive learning throughout the digital world, technology can help both teachers and students see the importance of not only how quickly tools, apps, and programs can be learned but also able to follow the many changes. It is important for all to research safe resources and search engines. Teaching students the correct way to look up online information and other materials are an important skill to be able to navigate. Know just because it is posted on social media or online through a search, does not mean it is the truth. Being able to decipher fact from fiction. It is important for teachers to model and protect student data privacy when utilizing digital communication with colleagues, parents, and students. Having access to a student’s personal data information is a huge responsibility. Only certain staff members should be able to view a student’s personal data which includes academics, birth records, medical information, address, names of parents and/or guardian, grades, attendance, and all other personal information...

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