Chapter+9+Quiz for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321 PDF

Title Chapter+9+Quiz for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321
Course Introduction To Hospitality Industry
Institution Blinn College District
Pages 7
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Chapter 9 quiz for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321...


Chapter 9 Quiz

1. A person who spends less than a year traveling to places other than their environment is known as a a. b. c. d.

traveler sightseer tourist resident

2. The greatest global employment opportunity is a. b. c. d.

health education tourism computer systems

3. Travel is on the increase and expected to continue to increase in the coming years due to a. b. c. d.

longer life span increased cost of travel lower incomes fewer college graduates

4. The leading international organization in the field of travel and tourism is a. b. c. d.

World Trade Organization Western Tours Organization World Tourism Organization Worldwide Tour Operations

5. What organization supports the World Tourism Organization? a. b. c. d.

United Nations United States Automobile Association of America Hotel Motel Association

6. Interdependency between various segments of the hospitality industry means that a. each segment, to an extent, depends on another for business b. all segments are very independent and do not rely on one another at all c. when airlines lower fares, tourism slows d. tourism has little effect on other segments of the industry

Chapter 9 Quiz

7. Travel in the middle ages was mostly for a. b. c. d.

pleasure religious reasons education health

8. Rail travel in the United States was established around the a. b. c. d.

1830s 1870s 1910s 1930s

9. The benefits of the hub-and-spoke system include all of the following EXCEPT: a. passengers can travel from smaller city to smaller city via the hub b. airlines can provide services at lower costs c. passenger loads can be maximized d. larger-capacity planes can be used

10. One of the greatest influences on tourism is a. b. c. d.

interdependency geography airlines national tourism

11. The airline industry, like other segments of the hospitality industry, relies on ________ markets as a source of business. a. b. c. d.

international feeder stock central

12. 200 million people are employed in the tourism industry, making it the a. b. c. d.

largest largest largest largest

employer of a diverse workforce producer of tax revenues segment of Internet users employer of women

Chapter 9 Quiz

13. All of the following are trends in tourism EXCEPT: a. b. c. d.

the opening of borders despite security concerns an increase in disposable income a decrease in cost of air travel more people with the urge to travel

14. New money spent by tourists and then respent by hotels and restaurants in the community for goods and services is known as a. b. c. d.

a tax exemption disposable income the multiplier effect the ripple effect

15. Which statement is false with regard to travel agencies? a. Travel agencies serve in a middle-man role. b. Travel agents use computer reservation systems. c. Travel agents make their money by charging the provider a fee. d. Travel agents are being threatened by online travel organizations such as Travelocity and

16. The pleasure traveler constitutes what percentage of the rental car market? a. b. c. d.

10% 20% 30% 40%

17. All of the following are reasons that people travel EXCEPT: a. b. c. d.

to to to to

experience new and different surroundings experience other cultures rest and relax participate in something stressful

18. Tour operators a. are a middle person acting as a travel counselor on behalf of airlines, cruise lines, and hotels b. promote tours and trips that they plan and organize c. bring together tourists and rental companies d. act in the same capacity as travel agents

Chapter 9 Quiz

19. Travel agents a. are a middle person acting as a travel counselor on behalf of airlines, cruise lines, and hotels b. promote tours and trips that they plan and organize c. bring together tourists and rental companies d. act in the same capacity as tour operators

20. Which of the following would be considered business travel? a. b. c. d.

Trade shows and expositions Riverboat excursion Gaming Ecotourism

21. Business travelers stay over a Saturday night when they travel in order to a. b. c. d.

have have take take

a long weekend on the company's budget quiet time to complete essential work tasks advantage of lower airfares advantage of lower weekend hotel rates

22. All of the following are considered part of the social and cultural impact of tourism on destinations EXCEPT: a. b. c. d.

pollution lower rates of employment heightened cultural awareness damage to cultural artifacts

23. Ecotourism refers to a. visiting areas of a country that have the greatest impact on the economy b. geological digs for a fee c. dude ranches d. an emphasis on nature and native cultures

24. An increase in Internet booking, advancement in technology, ticketless air travel, and an expansion of the cruise industry are all examples of a. b. c. d.

current industry trends negative impact on the travel industry problems that travel agents will face in the future challenges for future workers in the hospitality industry

Chapter 9 Quiz

25. The largest single cost for airline operations is a. b. c. d.

labor fuel terminal landing fees advertising and marketing

26. Sustainable tourism a. b. c. d.

has little effect on society places a broad-based obligation on society causes a decline in tourism is based primarily in Africa

27. One yield management technique for maximizing sales income by lowering the price of seats according to expected demand is a. b. c. d.

revenue streaming load factoring feeder market analysis capacity control

28. Ecotourism is synonymous with a. b. c. d.

business travel infrastructure sustainable tourism train travel

29. Most ecotourism destinations can be found in a. b. c. d.

inner cities urban areas developing countries highway destinations

30. An example of a popular ecotourism destination is a. b. c. d.

Las Vegas Ocean City Costa Rica Disney World

Chapter 9 Quiz

31. The cruise market has accommodated about ___ of Americans. a. b. c. d.

17% 23% 27% 37%

32. Cultural tourism is motivated by a. b. c. d.

lifestyle and heritage offerings of a community infrastructure health and fitness opportunities business travel

33. Cultural tourism or World Heritage sites are often designated by a. The American Hotel and Lodging Association b. The National Restaurant Association c. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization d. Sustainable Tourism Advisory Board

34. The country that is number 1 in tourism revenue is a. b. c. d.

France Spain Italy the United States

35. Cities often establish an organization to attract and retain visitors. This is called a. b. c. d.

National Office of Tourism State Office of Tourism Convention and Visitors Bureau Destination Management Company

36. Which of the following characteristics would not be considered necessary in a convention and visitors bureau career? a. b. c. d. e.

Understanding the context of local events An understanding and awareness of political situations Understanding the local economy Ability to use modern technology Comprehensive knowledge of classical cooking

Chapter 9 Quiz

37. Which major tourist country destination does NOT have a cabinetlevel official for tourism? a. b. c. d.

France Spain Italy The United States...

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