HAMG Exam 1 Study material for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321 PDF

Title HAMG Exam 1 Study material for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321
Course Introduction To Hospitality Industry
Institution Blinn College District
Pages 69
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HAMG Exam 1 Study material for Introduction To Hospitality Industry HAMG 1321...


Chapter 1 Quiz

QUIZ 1 1. The symbol of welcome, friendship and hospitality is a(n) a. orange b. corn c. pineapple d. grapefruit e. pinecone 2. Since a. b. c. d.

its introduction, the pineapple has been internationally recognized as nonnutritional a widely used vegetable in the southwest a symbol of danger a symbol of hospitality

3. Key to being successful in the hospitality industry is a. being a service-oriented person b. knowing how to cook c. waiting tables d. bartending skills 4. Intangible means a. assets of the business b. physical property c. cannot be perceived by the senses d. A souvenir purchased as a gift 5. In the hospitality industry the concept of perishability means a. spoiled food that must be discarded b. an unsold airline seat, hotel room or empty restaurant table c. it is intangible d. it cannot be measured 6. Inseparability refers to a. the fact that production and consumption occur simultaneously b. hospitality products being inherently heterogeneous c. hospitality products are tangible d. the fact that production and consumption occur independently 7. Guest a. b. c. d.

calls for reservations and a guest welcome are both examples of what? Moments of Truth Moments of Reason Moments of Reality Moments of Fact

8. Anyone who receives or benefits from the output of someone's work is? a. a customer b. internal guest c. an employee d. a guest 9. Internal customers are a. those who have checked into the hotel b. those who have been seated in a restaurant dining room c. loyal customers who return often d. the employees

Chapter 1 Quiz

10. Guest loyalty is a. advertising the hotel to new guests b. prioritizing new guests over returning guests c. keeping guests happy and returning often d. overbooking reservations to maximize profits 11. Which of the following would NOT be a moment of truth? a. calling a restaurant for a reservation b. server takes your order c. your car will not start when it is time to go to the restaurant d. hostess greets you and asks you to wait 12. Empowerment is a. allowing all employees to make any decision they want b. a process that eliminates the need for management c. delegated to management only d. a feeling of partnership in which employees feel responsible for their jobs and have a stake in the organizations success 13. Ethics is (are) a. the standards of the organization b. a set of moral principles and values used to answer questions about right and wrong c. service industry policies d. a set of laws governing business practices 14. The purpose of a self-assessment is to a. apply for a promotion b. create goals and objectives for the company c. prepare for an interview d. measure strengths and weaknesses 15. The concept of protecting the natural resources of the planet while achieving corporate profitability a. sustainability b. productivity c. operational values d. perishability

QUIZ 2 1. Purchasing the right to use a company's trademark and copyrighted materials is known as a. a partnership b. leasing c. franchising d. syndication 2. In franchising the franchisee is granted rights to a. full ownership of the building b. full ownership of the land c. change the name of the business d. use trademarks, operating procedures and other business procedures

Chapter 1 Quiz

3. Franchising franchisor but a. 2 and b. 3 and c. 4 and d. 5 and

fees vary according to the agreements between franchisee and the usual fees are between _____ of room revenue. 3% 4% 5% 6%

4. Lack of operational power, high fees, low percentage of reservations from the central reservation system are all ________ of franchising. a. benefits b. drawbacks c. trends d. bonuses 5. Hotels and motels that are part of a ________ share a centralized reservation system and a common image, logo or advertising slogan. a. referral association b. REIT c. franchise d. proprietorship 6. Corporations that operate a hotel without capital outlay in exchange for a percentage of gross sales are known as a. leasing companies b. vacation brokers c. management companies d. franchisees 7. An organization that rates and classifies hotels and awards them Diamonds is the a. United States Automobile Club b. Exxon Excellence Association c. American Hotel & Motel Association d. American Automobile Association 8. Hotels may be classified by a. size b. Location, price and service c. type of recreational facilities d. country 9. In order to determine if a hotel development project would likely succeed, we would perform a(n) a. property appraisal b. operating assessment c. trust initiative d. feasibility study 10. The following are characteristics of airport hotels EXCEPT: a. budget focused b. full service c. 200-600 rooms d. airport shuttle service

Chapter 1 Quiz

11. All of the following are benefits of a city center hotel EXCEPT: a. public transportation is available b. variety of services and accommodations c. typically have a signature restaurant d. room prices are usually in the luxury segment 12. City center, resort, airport and freeway are all examples of hotels being classified by a. location b. price c. service d. amenities 13. Mixed-use hotel development indicates that a. a hotel can be used for meetings and lodging b. a hotel may also have residences c. a hotel serves food d. a hotel is near transportation 14. The fastest growing segment of the travel industry is a. resort hotels b. city center hotels c. cruise ships d. vacation ownership 15. As the hotel industry matures, corporations are either acquiring or merging with each other. This is a. consolidation b. capacity control c. diversification d. safety and security

QUIZ 3 1. The executive committee of a hotel is a. the general manager and director of sales b. made up of key associates who head major departments c. the general manager and executive housekeeper d. the top three executives in the hotel 2. The ultimate responsibility and authority of running a hotel rests with a. the executive committee b. the regional vice president c. the general manager d. the front office manager 3. Which a. b. c. d.

of the following would NOT be considered a hotel department? Rooms division Front office Property management system food and beverage

Chapter 1 Quiz 4. The front office, housekeeping, security and communications all fall under what department? a. Rooms division b. Night auditor c. Concierge 5. The area of a hotel most often described as the nerve center or hub of a hotel is the a. night auditor b. banquets c. housekeeping d. front office 6. The basic functions of the front office include all of the following EXCEPT: a. reviewing previous nights ADR and occupancy b. reviewing arrivals and departures c. staffing and scheduling d. maintaining sales records 7. When selling rooms a front desk associate might try to upsell. This means a. selling the room at the rack rate b. suggestively selling the features of a better room c. providing a discount rate d. honoring a guests discount coupon 8. The more common name for a guests account is a. a file b. rewards account c. folio d. his/her credit card 9. Guest a. b. c. d.

folios are typically managed by housekeeping the general manager hotel property management system concierge

10. Special hotel accounts for a company that has established credit with a hotel are called a. city folios b. block rates c. city rates d. city ledger 11. The individual responsible for the task of balancing the guests accounts receivables is the a. night auditor b. front desk manager c. guest services agent d. front office manager 12. The Hotel California has 642 rooms and 413 are occupied. The occupancy percentage is: a. 73% b. 64% c. 32%

Chapter 1 Quiz d. 60% 13. The Hotel California has 642 rooms and the room revenue is $84,593. The REV PAR is: a. $130.94 b. $83.91 c. $215.45 d. $131.76 14. The daily report preformed by the night auditor contains key operating ratios used by management including a. total number of rooms in the hotel b. room occupancy percentage c. business center revenue d. front office schedule 15. Total rooms available divided by the number of rooms occupied is known as a. rack rate b. average daily rate c. RevPAR d. room occupancy percentage 16. Room a. b. c. d.

occupancy percentage or ROP is room revenue divided by number of rooms sold total rooms occupied divided by total available rooms total rooms available divided by number of rooms sold room cost divided by room sales

17. Average daily room rate is a. room revenue divided by number of rooms sold b. total rooms occupied divided by total available rooms c. total rooms available divided by number of rooms sold d. room cost divided by room sales 18. If the total rooms occupied are 622 and the total rooms available are 850 then the room occupancy percentage is a. 85.6% b. 60.5% c. 70.4% d. 73.2% 19. If room revenue is $75,884 and the total number of rooms sold is 662 then average daily rate is a. $125.12 b. $136.53 c. $114.63 d. $118.78 20. Property management systems are designed to assist front office employees in performing functions related to what tasks? a. Reservations, rooms and guest account management b. Catering and Banquet reservations c. Restaurant reservations d. Guest's meeting schedules

Chapter 1 Quiz

21. A demand-forecasting technique used to maximize room revenue is known as a. property management system b. upselling c. return on investment d. revenue management 22. Rack a. b. c. d.

rate is the price a room is sold for discounted room rates revenue management the highest published rate

23. The purpose of revenue management is to a. sell more rooms at discounted rates b. increase profitability c. monitor hotel restaurant and room service profitability d. assist housekeeping in scheduling 24. In house and guest communications in a hotel are managed by a. point of sales systems b. the property management system c. CBX or PBX d. the F.O.M. 25. The person at a desk in the lobby of a hotel who assists guests with restaurant reservations, directions, tickets to shows and other advice is the a. the bell captain b. front desk associate c. rooms manager d. the concierge 26. The Public Branch Exchange (PBX) represents what? a. The telephone system b. The computer system c. The maintenance department d. The electrical system 27. Which of the following departments is the largest in a hotel in terms of people? a. Reservations b. Guest services c. Housekeeping d. Security 28. Leadership, insuring service of all guest rooms and public areas, operating the department within a budget, and accurate record keeping are all duties of the a. front office manager b. Food and Beverage Manager c. engineering manager d. executive housekeeper 29. Keying locks, guest and employee identification and ADA compliance falls under? a. housekeeping b. front desk c. security and loss prevention

Chapter 1 Quiz d. engineering 30. Which of the following is NOT a feature of an energy management system? a. Room occupancy status reporting b. Automatic wake-up call functions c. Minibar access reporting d. Smoke detector alarm reporting 31. Which system can track guest room phone charges? a. Telephone Charge System b. Call Accounting Systems c. Room Charges Reporting d. Guest Calls Reporting 32. Global distribution systems were first used by the a. hotel industry b. airline industry c. restaurant industry d. rail industry 33. A CRS can provide ________ information for a hotel. a. revenue b. forecasting c. budgeting d. revenue management 34. An environment that can deliver a complete booking system tied to the hotel's inventory in real time via the Web is called a(n) a. Application Service Provider b. Web Reservation Systems c. Point of Sale System d. Real Time Application System 35. The main advantage of using an electronic door locking system is a. ease of employee use b. more cost efficient c. record of who enters the room and when d. easy to replace

QUIZ 4 1. All of the following are included in the Food and Beverage Division EXCEPT: a. room service b. stewarding c. banquets d. housekeeping 2. Labor a. b. c. d.

cost benchmarks are measured by dividing labor costs by food costs comparing individual hotel food outlets covers-per-person-hour food cost compared to labor cost

3. The second in command in the kitchen is called the a. executive chef b. sous chef c. chef tournant

Chapter 1 Quiz

4. An acceptable profit margin for food in a hotel is _____ percent. a. 20?25 b. 25?30 c. 28?32 d. 30?35 5. The dollar differential between the cost and sales price of a menu item is called a. food cost b. labor cost c. contribution margin d. profit margin 6. Introduced by Escoffier, this kitchen system organizes work stations more effectively. a. Brigade b. Team c. Task force d. Squad 7. Hotel a. b. c. d.

restaurants present a challenge to Food and Beverage directors because guests generally prefer room service guests' needs are unpredictable hotel food is usually not as good as name brand establishments menus are limited

8. Ordering, receiving, storing, issuing, stocking, serving, and billing is known as the a. guest cycle b. inventory cycle c. issuing cycle d. beverage cycle 9. Food and Beverage Directors expect a pour cost of a. 12?14% b. 14?16% c. 16?24% d. 20?27% 10. The capture a. number b. number c. number d. number

rate is defined as the of guests staying at the hotel who dine in the hotel's restaurant of guests dining at the restaurant that are NOT hotel guests of guests attending a banquet of guests drinking in the bar

11. Responsibilities of the Chief Steward include which of the following? a. Cleanliness of the front of the house b. Cleanliness of pots, pans, and all other cookware c. Supervising the kitchen staff d. Pest control 12. A banquet refers to a. a candlelight dinner for two b. a dinner party in a private home c. a large group of people who eat together at one time in one place

Chapter 1 Quiz d. A group of people eating breakfast and lunch at the zoo 13. The Catering Director works with the following people EXCEPT a. Director of Sales b. Food and Beverage Director c. Executive Chef d. Director of Housekeeping 14. The cost of depleted inventory for a cocktail is $0.74 and the selling price is $3.75. What is the pour cost percentage? a. 14.3% b. 23.4% c. 19.7% d. 21.7% 15. Theatre-style seating is best for a. training b. a lecture c. a workshop d. a board meeting 16. One method to prevent pilferage in a bar is to use a. cash registers b. shoppers c. coupons or tokens d. higher drink prices 17. The acronym SMERF stands for a. social, matrimony, education, religious, and fraternal b. social, matrimony, education, retail, and fraternal c. social, military, education, retail, and fraternal d. social, military, education, religious, and fraternal 18. Room a. b. c. d.

service is typically found in large city center hotels freeway hotels midscale hotels extended stay hotels

19. The document prepared for the catering department to follow that contains all of the critical information about the event is the a. Catering Plan b. Banquet diagram c. Catering Event Order d. Chart of Events 20. The hotel requires the number of guests attending a catering function at least seven days in advance. This number is called the a. guarantee b. pledge c. agreement d. certification

Chapter 1 Quiz 21. Some hotels have a policy of preparing ____ more meals than the number attending a function in order to accommodate additional people. a. 2?3% b. 3?5% c. 4?6% d. 5?7% 22. More hotels are converting at least one of their bar outlets to a. wine storage b. high-end wine bar c. a sports-theme d. vegan 1. Wine is the fermented juice of freshly gathered ripe a. grains b. grapes c. potatoes d. malt 2. White, rose, and red table wines are also known as a. still wines b. aperitifs c. fortified wines d. aromatic wines 3. Cabernet sauvignon and pinot noir are types of ________ wine. a. white b. red c. rose d. zinfandel 4. Pinot blanc, sauvignon blanc, and Riesling are all types of ________ wine. a. red b. white c. rose d. zinfandel 5. White, champagne, sherry, and aperitif are all types of a. beer b. whiskey c. wine d. vodka 6. Champagne can be served a. only in the beginning of the meal b. only at the end of the meal c. anytime throughout the meal d. immediately before dessert 7. Still wines are those with a. no carbonation b. carbon dioxide added c. extra aging d. added color

Chapter 1 Quiz

8. Methodechampenoise refers to a. the color of the grape used to make champagne b. a second fermentation in the bottle, resulting in a unique sparkling quality c. the type of grape used to make champagne in California d. the type of glassware used to serve champagne 9. Fortified wines have ________ added. a. sugar b. brandy or wine alcohol c. wine d. color 10. Examples of fortified wines are a. chardonnay and champagne b. cabernet and pinot noir c. riesling, chablis, and sauvignon blanc d. port, sherry, and madeira 11. Aromatized wines are fortified and flavored with a. madeira and marsala b. port, grapes, and coloring c. herbs, flowers, bark, and roots d. grapes, stems, and seeds e. natural and organic vegetable juices 12. Aromatic wines are known as ________, which generally are consumed before meals as a digestive stimulant. a. sparkling wines b. fortified wines c. aperitifs d. Chablis 13. The making of a good wine is dependent on the quality of a. the grape variety b. soil conditions c. climatic conditions d. wine maker e. all of these as well as vineyard preparation 14. A good rule of thumb when pairing wine and food is that a. red wine pairs well with lightly flavored foods b. white wine should only be consumed with red meats that have been grilled to order c. champagne is only consumed after a meal, with dessert d. the heavier the food, the heavier and more robust the wine should be 15. Beer is a brewed and fermented beverage made from ________ and flavored with ________. a. malted barley, starchy cereals;hops b. grapes;fruits c. yeast;barley d. hops;grains and wheat 16. Poultry, fish, and egg entrees are best served with ________ wine. a. white b. red

Chapter 1 Quiz c. rose d. sparkling 17. Any game or red meat is best served with ________ wine. a. white b. red c. rose d. sparkling

18. A(n) ________ tends to be fuller bodied and more bitter than the average beer. a. ale b. lager c. lambic d. pilsner 19. ________ tends to be clear and light-bodied. a. Ale b. Stout c. Lager d. Pilsner 20. A dark ale that is sweet, strong, and hosts a malt flavor is known as a(n) a. ale b. stout c. lager d. pilsner 21. The most important ingredient in beer is a. hops b. rice c. water d. wheat 22. Spirits differ from wine and beer in that they are a. made from grapes and grain b. fermented and then distilled c. made only from fruits d. made only from potatoes 23. Proof is equal to a. age or vintage b. twice the percentage of alcohol by volume c. the type of product used in a spirit d. a liter bottle of 80% alcohol 24. A spirit or liquor is made from a liquid that has been a. treated with yeast b. cooked with grain or fruit c. fermented and distilled d. proofed for alcohol

Chapter 1 Quiz

25. Whiskey refers to a spirit that a. is made from a variety of grapes combined after crushing b. contain no grains or hops c. was first distilled in Scotland and Ireland centuries ago d. is made only in Scotland 26. Gin is a white neutral spirit made from a. malted barley b. corn c. grapes d. juniper berries 27. Bourbon whisky is made from a. 100% corn b. corn mixed with rye c. smokey kilns d. barley 28. Rum is distilled from a. fermented sugar cane juice or molasses b. grapes c. potatoes or fruits d. wheat grain and hops e. corn syrup and hops 29. Cognac is regarded as the best brandy in the world and is made a. from grapes that ripen on the vine until they are dried like raisins b. in the region of France with the same name c. by methodechampenoise, like fine champag...

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