Chapters 2-4 Study Guide PDF

Title Chapters 2-4 Study Guide
Author Coby Jones
Course Advanced Pharmacology
Institution South University
Pages 3
File Size 119.7 KB
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AP US History Chapters 2-4 Reading Assignment 1. READ: Carefully read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in The American Pageant textbook. As you read, take notes on the main ideas. You will not turn in these notes, but they will be essential for you to help you process the material. Notes are for understanding concepts, like cause and effect, instead of for dates and names. Try your best to limit the amount of notes you take and focus on big picture ideas, vocabulary, and questions. One helpful resource is the textbook website; on which you'll find chapter outlines. Use the main ideas, along with the key vocabulary on the next few pages, to help guide your note-taking: **Chapter Outlines: There will be a 40 question multiple-choice exam based on this reading. See the attached term sheet for key vocabulary from each chapter; pay careful attention to the definition as well as the historical significance of vocabulary so that you can understand these terms in context. 2. WATCH the CRASH COURSE US HISTORY VIDEOS #2, #3, and #4 ONLINE: The videos (about 10-12 minutes each) cover the same time period you’re reading in the textbook, and I recommend that you watch the videos after you’ve already done the reading so that you’ll have a better understanding of the chapters. You do not need to take notes on the videos, but use them as a chance to review your notes. As you watch, keep the following question in mind: To what extent is John Green’s interpretation similar to or different from what is presented in the textbook? Consider specific themes (such as slavery, religion, politics, economy, etc.) or one specific time period, or event. 3. SHORT RESPONSE QUESTIONS: After reading each chapter, respond to the questions below, using the key vocabulary terms below when appropriate. Underline all uses of vocabulary terms and write in complete sentences. You may type or neatly handwrite your work (on a separate sheet of paper.) We will discuss and review the questions and vocabulary during the lecture to help clarify the material. If you have questions ask! Chapter 2: The Planting of English America 1500-1733 Protestant Reformation Primogeniture Joint-stock Company Virginia Company Charter Jamestown House of Burgesses Act of Toleration

James Oglethorpe Barbados Slave Code Captain John Smith Pocahontas John Rolfe Powhatan Lord Baltimore Oliver Cromwell

Algonquians Iroquois Confederacy

Chapter 2 Questions: What was the impact of the Protestant Reformation on colonization? What was the impact of the defeat of the Spanish Armada on colonization? Describe the impact of the laws of primogeniture on colonization. What is the long term significance of the Maryland Act of Toleration? What is the long term significance of the House of Burgesses? What impact did the introduction of tobacco have on Colonial America? Describe Native American life in the American Northeast before the Europeans arrived and the impact Europeans had on Native Americans’ way of life. 8. Describe life in Jamestown and explain why the settlers had to turn to Africans for labor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chapter 3: Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700 Puritans Separatists Pilgrims Mayflower Compact Massachusetts Bay Colony The Great English Migration John Winthrop “City Upon a Hill” Antinomianism Fundamental Orders

Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams Metacom (King Phillip) King Phillip’s War Pequot War Navigation Laws Salutary Neglect Quakers William Penn

New England Confederation The Glorious Revolution Dominion of New England

Chapter 3 Questions: 1. Explain how John Winthrop's “City Upon a Hill “speech is representative of the ideas and beliefs associated with the Puritans? 2. Describe the relationship between the English settlers and the Native Americans. 3. Explain the differences between the New England colonies and the Middle colonies. Chapter 4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century Indentured Servants Headright System Bacon’s Rebellion Middle Passage Slave Codes The Atlantic Slave Trade

William Berkley Nathaniel Bacon

Chapter 4 Questions: 1. Describe how and why slavery evolved over time in the American colonies. 2. Describe the differences between the New England colonies and the Southern colonies. 3. Explain the impact of Bacon’s Rebellion. Questions over Chapters 2-4 1. Describe the differences between the English, Spanish, and French settlers in the Americas. 2. Explain the reasons for English, Spanish, French, and other European countries settlement of the Americas. 3. Explain how the reasons above impacted the relationship between Europeans countries.

Suggestions for Short Response Questions ● Read the whole chapter before writing your responses. Skimming for the “answer” will likely result in a descriptive rather than analytical response. Read with the “big picture” of the subject matter in mind. ● Watch the John Green video to help give you more context, especially if you’re confused about a topic. I suggest watching the video after the corresponding chapter as a way to review your notes. ● Include a thesis statement or topic sentence (depending on the format of the question) that addresses the prompt specifically using the language of the question and sets a clear direction for your response. ● Provide specific factual information (usually 2-3 pieces of specific evidence) to support your argument or response in a logical and focused way. Use information from the text reading to support your ideas but avoid simply summarizing the text. Paraphrase concepts and blend in personalized commentary explaining the relevance of facts. ● Incorporate key vocabulary terms from the lists below when relevant. Underline all vocabulary words. ● Avoid writing in the first person. No “I think…” or “In my opinion…” ● Do not directly quote the body of the textbook – paraphrase concepts in your own words. ● Keep each response as brief as you can. Work on writing concise yet complex sentences. ● Write the chapter # and full question before you begin to write your responses. This will help you later when you use your notes for studying....

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