CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework - Final assessment PDF

Title CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework - Final assessment
Course Community Services - Case Management
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 6
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CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework Final assessments Part A - Questions 1. Describe one reason why environmental sustainability is relevant to your community development work role.  Environmental sustainability means using the earth’s resources without significantly affecting the access of future generations. It provisions the ongoing viability, health and wellbeing of the community. 2. Describe one reason why economic sustainability is relevant to your community development work role.  Economic sustainability means recognising ways to ensure resources are used efficiently, beneficially and in a responsible manner. We need to ensure that the community has the economic provision to meet its needs. 3. Describe one reason why workforce sustainability is relevant to your community development work role.  Workforce sustainability means retaining the right people with the right skills and capabilities to meet current and future business requirements. It encourages inclusive work practices and the involvement of people with support requirements which provisions their individual needs, as well as contributing to workforce sustainability. 4. Describe one reason why social sustainability is relevant to your community development work role.  Social sustainability is about ensuring future generations have access to the same or greater social resources. The purpose of social sustainability is to contribute in ways to develop healthy and functional communities through the development of formal and informal processes, systems, structures and relationships. Working in a socially sustainable practice supports the continuing viability, health and wellbeing of the community. 5. Describe two aspects of the needs-based traditional approach to community development.  A needs-based approach is based on an external facilitator working to provide a community with services that meet perceived needs as defined by government or other external authority.  Concentrates on negatives rather than positives. 6. Describe two aspects of the gap-based traditional approach to community development.  Concentrates on deficits, lack and problems  Can lead to further marginalisation of the community 7. Describe two principles and practices and two techniques for mobilization in relation to asset-based community development (ABCD).  Two principles and practices include respecting the communities’ choices and perceiving community members as experts in their own lives.  Two techniques for mobilization include using networking processes and democratic processes 8. Describe two principles and practices and two techniques for mobilisation in relation to rights-based community development. The principles and practices are:  Based on social justice principles.


Lena Ngoun

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework 

Workers follow community member leads in terms of choices and priorities.

Two techniques for mobilisation include:  Supporting the community with their choices and needs.  Providing information about their rights. 9. Briefly describe the principle of structural disadvantage. Structural disadvantage means that some individuals and groups are disadvantaged and excluded as a result of the way society functions. 10. Briefly describe the principle of social justice and human rights.  Social justice is based on the values of equality and human rights. All individuals have a right to be treated equally and to contribute to society.  Human rights are a set of principles based on fairness, respect for others, justice and equality. All individuals are entitled to basic human rights such as free speech, an adequate standard of living, education and health, as well as justice and a fair trial. 11. Briefly describe the principle of empowerment. Empowering the society means increasing a group’s capacity to be autonomous, allowing them to acquire the skills to take action to meet specific community needs. 12. Briefly describe the principle recognition of personal and public political process.  The principle recognition of personal process includes actions that individuals may utilise to encourage community change. These include undertaking advocacy work, creating petitions, writing letters to politicians, door knocking or newspapers.  The principle of public political process relates to how community groups and workers engage with public and political spheres to accomplish change. 13. Briefly describe the principle of commitment to people’s participation. Community development workers reinforces communities, foster participation and harness the resources of the community to achieve outcomes identified. Workers encourage selfdetermination by providing information, offering provision and cultivating skills. 14. Briefly describe the principle of sustainability. Sustainability principles are predominantly applied to the community and involves a commitment to ensuring the continued health, wellbeing and viability environmentally, economically and socially. 15. Describe one way that you could identify the interrelationship between the priorities and the rights of an individual. One way to identify the interrelationship is to ensure the person is well-versed about their rights and that their priorities are taken into consideration. As a community worker, it is significant to provide a wider context by recognising how the political, social and economic factors affect the individual’s experience.

16. Describe the impacts that social, political and economic changes can have on community development. Changing political, economic and social environments influence whether community workers are employed. Influence of political, economic and social issues include:  The type of services provided  How the services are provided  Whether workers have sufficient resources to deliver the services  Whether they are aided by the community


Lena Ngoun

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework The role families and carers may take in providing care and support for their family members who need help 17. List two general strategies you could use to address individual differences in a community.  Invite and value every individual’s opinions and ideas.  Foster an environment of inclusiveness and acceptance. 18. Describe how you would identify an individual’s willingness to engage in a public process to bring about change. Observe for the individual’s willingness to participate in a public process which can be demonstrated by their ambition for more information, their participation in meetings and or activities and by their conduct. Ensure consent is obtained before providing their information to anyone else associated in the public action. 19. Describe your duty of care obligations when undertaking work in community development. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of people who are receiving services from a community service organisation, workers have a responsibility to provide a duty of care. Duty of care is the obligation a person is required to act in a manner that would not cause harm or affect the individuals you support. As a community service worker, you are required to utilise your experience and professional judgement when making decisions and ensure you are adhering to the organisation’s policies and procedures. 20. Describe one way that a community development worker can conduct a need analysis. Focus groups is one way that a community development worker can conduct a need analysis which involves conducting a sequence of group interviews or meetings with particular groups in the community. To keep the group engaged on their purpose, questions should be targeted. 21. List two ways that you could identify the priority of an issue identified by the community. Workers should assess the size and scope of each issue and consider:  The seriousness of the matter – how it affect people’s lives and whether it is a major concern or just a minor inconvenience  Whether the issue affects some members of the community more than others. 22. List two types of information that should be documented in a report regarding community structure.  The type of community being described. For example, a geographic community may be based on a suburb, town or a part of a suburb.  Detailed information about the community. For example, issues of the greatest concern to the community. 

23. Provide two ways that you could advocate and lobby to support an identified goal.  Networking – utilising your professional network to gain information, publicise activities, lobby for support and establish connections.  Media – using traditional and social media to promote awareness, publicise events, lobby for change and gain provision. 24. Describe two ways to effectively manage group dynamics.  Set clear, well-defined and agreed-upon group goals and keep them in focus. This is significant for good group dynamics. Brainstorming and off-topic discussion is beneficial for social bonding, however it is important to remind people of their common goals and keep them focused. Prompting people of their common goals is also a constructive way to diffuse conflict.


Lena Ngoun

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework Solve problems quickly by identifying issues within the group. The group could split if there is a communication problem between two factions of a group and is not resolved promptly. If an individual feels neglected, they may withdraw their involvement. 25. Describe two ways that you could seek opportunities to review your own work practices.  Attend workshops and conferences.  Network with others in the industry. 26. Describe one reason it is important to modify work practices. If workers find what they are doing is not working or is dividing people in the community, they should continually be prepared to adjust their work practices. Remaining flexible and being prepared to listen to others is imperative, especially the people you work with. If not, workers may jeopardise losing community provision and awareness in the project. In community development, it is vital to not take on the role of expert. There are numerous people who have skills and resources in the community who can partake the project. Workers need to deliberate themselves as another contributor with a specific set of skills. 

Part B – Case study questions 1. How might Meghan work towards the vision and mission of this community development goal? Meghan’s community development work emphasises on empowering individuals with mental health issues as a group, as well as the community in general. To work towards the vision and mission of her community development work, this involves:  Identifying community needs, shared concerns and interests.  Supporting the community to determine goals and timelines.  Promoting community contribution and collaboration in decision-making.  Building on the current strengths, skills and resources of the community.  Forming relationships between those in the community who already possess resources and means and those who don’t.  Implementing strategies and procedures to bring about change in consultation with the community.

2. How might Meghan foster community participation and enhance the skills of the community? To support the community, Meghan would act as a facilitator to identify their needs and priorities. She could foster community participation and enhance the skills by providing necessary resources, information and support by:  Networking and raising funds  Writing reports and submissions  Associating with councils and other appropriate authorities  Levitation the need for a specific action  Establishing public meetings  Improve community involvement  Promoting their cause by using the media 3. How might political, economic or social interrelationships in the community impact on the safety of people with a disability in the community? The funding the government offers for workers, projects and community organisations is 4

Lena Ngoun

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework coerced by the political agenda of the government, the economic conditions and a variety of social bodies. As a result, the causes impacting the safety of people with disabilities in the community may be multifaceted and involve these interrelationships between political, economic and social factors. Influence of political, economic and social issues include:  What type of services are provided  How the services are provided  Whether workers have sufficient resources to deliver the services  Whether they are assisted by the community  The title families and carers may take in providing care and provision for their family members who need support. 4. What kind of interpersonal skills might Jan need to be able to hear Carlo’s story and to identify whether his issue is private or public?  Be courteous and respectful  Establish a safe space where Carlo can express his story freely  Empathetic listening  Active listening  Utilising encouragers  Open and closed questions  Paraphrasing  Reflecting feelings  Summarizing  Non-verbal communication 5. How might Jan identify whether Carlo wanted to engage in a public action?  His desire for more information  His attendance at meetings or activities  His demeanor  His consent to participate in public action.

6. If Jan determines that Carlo would be better supported by another service, how would she determine an appropriate referral for him? Jan needs to ensure that she provides Carlo with considered and appropriate referrals. She needs to include him in selecting the services and ensure Carlo’s consent is obtained for the referral. The types of considerations that Jan needs to take into account include:  How well the service matches Carlo’s needs  His wishes  How far he has to travel and whether appropriate transport is accessible  Any expenses involved  Eligibility requirements  Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure prerequisites  Waiting periods. 7. How might Susan plan an appropriate strategy to ensure the community priority to improve respite for carers was addressed?  Identify the needs of the community and probable barriers to engagement.  Create a mission statement and an action plan.  Utilise the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time framed) formula to achieve goals.


Lena Ngoun

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework Encourage the development of engagement by using a strength-based approach which includes identifying and founding on the strengths of diverse groups and people in the community.  Establish relationships with other organisations and groups within the community to develop trust and collaboration between each other.  Construct an inclusion strategy to be included in community development projects that acknowledges all the diverse groups and organisations.  Ensure that the community receives relevant information and are informed.  Support participants to understand that collaboration is the underpinning of community evolvement. 8. What kind of advice or information could Susan provide the carer’s group to inform them about relevant issues?  General principles of the community development process  Information about specific strategies such as lobbying, advocacy and group action  Information about funding sources and how to write grant proposals and funding submissions  How to plan fundraising events  How to conduct needs assessment  How to use the media for promotion  How to develop networks  How to collaborate with government bodies, politicians, local government and other policy-makers  How to comprehend power structures within the community and hidden political agendas  How to set up a community group including the legal and financial arrangements for doing so. 

9. What activities can Susan employ when lobbying and advocating on behalf of the carer’s group?  Networking – utilising your professional network to gain information, publicise activities, lobbying for support and forming connections.  Identifying allies and opposition – helps groups access resources and prepare for challenges in lobbying support.  Using the media – raises awareness, publicise activities, lobbying for change and gain support when using traditional and social media.  Researching – goals are supported when groups are provided with accurate, suitable and targeted information. For example, you can create your own researching tools to obtain specific information.  Facilitating self-advocacy – support individuals to take charge for their community by spreading their own skills and providing information and expertise.


Lena Ngoun...

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