Childcare setting health, safety, and nutrition plan PDF

Title Childcare setting health, safety, and nutrition plan
Course Development of Health, Safety and Nutrition in Young Children
Institution Grand Canyon University
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A nutritional plan for school children....


Childcare Setting Health, Safety, and Nutrition Plan Dola Gibbs Grand Canyon University: ECE-300 Wenonah Gildon September 26, 2021

Childcare Setting Health, Safety, and Nutrition Plan

Table of Content Health Policies 






Safety Policies 

Safe use of technology

Class size and ratios

Fire Safety

Active Supervision Operational Protocol

Daily schedule

Staff qualification Environment

Communication and collaboration Nutrition

A week- long sample schedule of meals and snacks

Specific details, guidelines, and policy

Feeding tips meal prep/planning procedures Instructional Planning

How and when instructional planning is conducted

A sample lesson plan

Young children’s characteristics and needs to have advancement

Readiness of learning with cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and/or physical

The policy for illness is if a child gets sick during school hours their parent of legal guardian is notified and if they cannot be reached the student’s emergency card is used. When someone is reached the student is sent home. When medication is used at school it needs to be administered correctly and safely. The protocols are that their needs to be a doctor’s order and instructions on the bottle that tell when and how to take the medicine, and possible side effects. A form is completed by the parents that they agree that the staff of the school can give their child the medicine and release all liability from the school. In addition, an adult delivers the medicine in the original prescription bottle with the label on it to the school. If the label is not intact the school nurse could not administer the medicine to the child. Also, if the child has the medicine on them, it will be taken away. For long term medicine, the forms are given in the beginning of the school year and renewed and reviewed annually (Illness and medication policies, 2021). It is wise for the parent or legal guardian to check with the school for the requirements for the child’s immunization record. The school staff will provide the parent with the specific requirements. There is a form the parents could sign to exempt their child from immunization. The parents are notified when there is an outbreak, their child may be isolated, so they do not get into contact with their peer that might have a potential life-threaten disease (Required vaccines for childcare

and school, 2019). There are eight percent of children who have some form of food allergy and forty percent are treated in emergency rooms. With these concerns, the school have protocols to use. It is good to communicate with the parent or legal guardian for the teacher to know what food allergy their child might have and the reaction they get. When the school knows about the allergy the food server can substitute the allergen for something else for the child. Inspecting the child’s meal before they would eat it is so important. Also, children who have allergy are seated on a separate table, so they do not get into contact with allergen their peers might have (Food Allergies, 2020). The two common health screenings are vision and hearing tests. In addition, some states require screening for scoliosis, dental check, blood pressure readings and weight and height measurements (Health screening at school, 2015). Schools are responsible for technology to be safe for student and use in an ethical way. Online safety can be put in curriculum planning. Computer time should be always supervised and or blocking inappropriate websites. The computer should be used only as a learning tool and adapt with special needs student. Teachers can give information for parents, so they can assist their child on what is good or bad behavior when going online. Also, occasionally schools can update their systems for privacy and assessments. In addition, it is good for teachers, student, parents to report any incidents to prevent and help with bullying (Cybersafty and responsible use of digital technologies, 2020). When dealing with class size and ratios in childcare center it is important to have low child to adult ratios and small group sizes to help children to get enough one-on-one attention with unique or special needs. It also aids in children feeling safe, comfortable, secure, and not overwhelming for them. Smaller class sizes are easier to manage, and toddlers can be watched for falls, injuries, and illness (Ratio and group sizes, n.d.). The national preparedness is the month of September. Disasters like fire, earthquakes, floods, severe

storms, school shootings can happen anytime. It is best to stay calm and know how to respond and react when crisis happen to keep children safe. It is also wise to practice with drills and roleplaying, so everyone will know what to do. The first response to fire safety is pulling the fire alarm and having a fire evacuation plan done in a calm, controlled and orderly way. Practicing fire drills is key for a good outcome (School emergency planning and safety, 2021). Operational protocols are essential to have for control, avoiding chaos and being organized. When parents’ pick-up and drop off their children there is usually one way for dropoff and for pick-up. Which can be confusing in the beginning of the school year for parent until they get used to it. When children cross to street for younger student there is usually a crossing guard to stop the cars in either direction which can keep children safe. When children first come to class their temperature is taken and they are over-all check and asked how they are feeling. The teacher usually takes roll call and ask the children to say they are here. If someone is absent, usually the teacher will inform the parents, to make sure their child is not playing hokey. Daily activities for preschool are they sing a song of good morning and other songs, telling what day, month, weather outside and how many days they have been in school. The teacher and or aid has reading time, physical math, playtime, there is art and crafts too. Some are done in different small groups. There is a criminal background check for teachers. Also, employment history, on the job performance, educational credential verification, and personal history in details (Background checks: Teachers, school employees, 2014). If a teacher witness or know about abuse by the student telling them, they need to report it to the authorities preferable to the police or social worker. There are three ways to communicate to parents. One way is to call the parents or legal guardian on the telephone to give update, positive feedback, how their child is doing in school

and their behavior. Another way is through a newsletter or a questionnaire about what the students are doing in class or question about their behavior at home, allergy they might have and how they react to them. The third way is through a blog that show and sharing pictures of their children artwork and special project, this helps parent connect with the classroom and teacher. The parents are encouraged to volunteer in their child’s care center, or they can bring in special food or share their thoughts or their cultural background, history, and stories. Children need to have proteins like lean meats, fish, variety of nuts, beans, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruit, milk products like cheese and yogurt. Milk trying like soy. Almond or goat’s milk to add different tastes. Meals should be high in fiber, low in sodium and sugar and have plenty of good fats, olive oil, avocados, and fish are a good example of good fats. Here is an example of a week- long sample of meals and snacks. Monday main meal-vegetarian pizza with a salad, first snack-peanut butter on celery, second snack apple slices with cream cheese. Tuesday main meal turkey slices with cucumber, cheese, tomato, and lettuce in a whole wheat pita bread. One snack is cream cheese with nuts on a rice cake. Second snack bananas, heart shaped strawberries, melon slices, and triangle shaped pineapple, the children can choose which fruit they would like to try. Wednesday main meal taco bowl with chicken. One snack low-fat yogurt, another snack is whole wheat, low sodium crackers with peanut butter. Thursday main meal pasta with vegetables. One snack is baked chips and pretzels, another snack is tofu with fruit. Friday main meal is baked fish with vegetables. One snack is all different kinds of nuts and the second snack baked cheese crackers. Feeding tips are being patient when children are trying something new, let them have a little of it at first. When preparing food the person should wash their hand properly before and after a meal. Also, keep all item of food separate for children who

has allergies and watch for cross- contamination. Make food fun and easy to eat for young children. Here is an example of a lesson plan it is reading with yoga this could be done at reading time. The teacher can tell a creative story using yoga moves, and sometime the student can help with the story by each student adding on and doing their favorite yoga action. This will help their critical thinking skills and their physical being and strengthen their body, strong bones, and muscles. Furthermore, it can motivate children to exercise. Emotionally, it will help them to have a positive body outlook, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Socially, the students are working as a team to create the story and they are building strong relationships through a common interest. They are learning to be creative and thinking out of the box. They are also learning new words and exercises. Also, by doing yoga it can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. The teacher can assess the students by how many yoga moves they are proficient in, how creative the story is, and how many new describing words that they come up with in the students add on story.


Background checks: Teachers, school employees. School Security. (2014, February 19). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, June 8). Food allergies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, May 17). Required vaccines for childcare and school. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Health screenings at school. (2015). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Illness and medication policies. Student Services. (2021). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Policy. (2020, June 15). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

Ratios and group sizes. Ratios and Group Sizes | (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

School emergency planning and safety. Planning & Preparedness. (2021). Retrieved September 27, 2021, from

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