CHLH 100 Syllabus- Spring 2021 with TA Info PDF

Title CHLH 100 Syllabus- Spring 2021 with TA Info
Author Casey Ma
Course Contemporary Health
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 7
File Size 164.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Download CHLH 100 Syllabus- Spring 2021 with TA Info PDF


CHLH 100-Contemporary Health Lecture AL1: Spring 2021 Department of Kinesiology & Community Health Course Instructor: Madison O’Donnell (She/Her) E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:00-10:00AM, or by appointment Teaching Assistants (TAs) Sadia Ashrafi ([email protected]) – Office Hours by appointment Kaustubh Parab ([email protected]) – Office Hours by appointment

General Information Course Location: This class will be held remotely. Synchronous and asynchronous material can be found on the course’s Compass site. Course Materials  Optional: Textbook: Barrett, Stephen, et al. Consumer Health -A Guide to Intelligent Decisions (9th edition). McGraw -Hill, 2013. Course Description This course examines concepts of health and health promotion in contemporary society with emphasis on a healthy lifestyle for individuals and groups. Topics include self-care, health insurance, exercise, nutrition and weight control, sexuality, contraception, tobacco, alcohol, cardiovascular health, infectious diseases, and cancer. Course Objectives:  Develop an informed understanding of current health topics  Apply scientific principles to assess health information and consumer health decisions  Recognize the societal, cultural, and personal effects caused by unwise consumer health decisions in order to make informed health decisions and purchases as a consumer Class Expectations and Goals Students are expected to respect classmates and create a positive learning atmosphere for all. Students are expected to watch all lectures and attend all discussion sections to maximize learning in this course. Students are also expected to complete all assigned work and do so while upholding the University’s Student Code for Academic Integrity (See Below). Academic Integrity and Dishonesty All work you submit in the class is assumed to be your own, original work. Assignments done outside of class should be completed on your own. You should not share your work with others. Sites and services providing class assignments and work, such as Course Hero, Study Blue, etc. are prohibited and use of these tools could result in removal from the class, a score of zero on the assignment, and I will pursue any misrepresentation of work, plagiarism and cheating to the fullest extent allowed by the University. It is the responsibility of each student to refrain from infractions of academic integrity (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, bribes/favors/threats), from conduct that may lead to suspicion of such infractions, and from conduct that aids others in such infractions. Students have been given notice of this expectation by virtue of its publication in the Student Code: Regardless of whether a student has actually read the policy statement on academic integrity, a student is charged with knowledge of it. Ignorance is not a defense. 1

Disability Accommodations "To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the course instructor and the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible. To contact DRES, you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 333-4603, e-mail [email protected] or go to the DRES website. If you are concerned you have a disability-related condition that is impacting your academic progress, there are academic screening appointments available on campus that can help diagnosis a previously undiagnosed disability by visiting the DRES website and selecting “Sign-Up for an Academic Screening” at the bottom of the page.” If you need disability-related accommodations, I highly encourage you to contact DRES at the beginning of the semester. DRES cannot provide accommodations for past events/work. Community of Care As members of the Illinois community, we each have a responsibility to express care and concern for one another. If you come across a classmate whose behavior concerns you, whether in regards to their wellbeing, or yours, we encourage you to refer this behavior to the Student Assistance Center (217-333-0050 or Based on your report, the staff in the Student Assistance Center reaches out to students to make sure they have the support they need to be healthy and safe. We understand the impact that struggles with mental health can have on your experience at Illinois. Significant stress, strained relationships, anxiety, excessive worry, alcohol/drug problems, a loss of motivation, or problems with eating and/or sleeping can all interfere with optimal academic performance. We encourage all students to reach out to talk with someone, and we want to make sure you are aware that you can access mental health support at the Counseling Center ( or McKinley Health Center ( For mental health emergencies, you can call 911, or walk in to the Counseling Center, no appointment needed. Disruptive Behavior Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior inhibits other students’ ability to learn and an instructor’s ability to teach. A student responsible for disruptive behavior may be required to leave class pending discussion and resolution of the problem and may be reported to the Office for Student Conflict Resolution for disciplinary action: Emergency Response Recommendations Emergency response recommendations can be found at the following website: I encourage you to review this website and the campus building floor plans website within the first 10 days of class: Religious Observances The Religious Observance Accommodation Request form is available at AccommodationRequest-Form.pdf. Submit the form to the instructor and to the Office of the Dean of Students ([email protected]) by the end of the second week of the course; in the case of exams or assignments scheduled after this period, students should submit the form to the instructor and to the Office of the Dean of Students as soon as possible.


Sexual Misconduct Reporting Obligation The University of Illinois is committed to combating sexual misconduct. Faculty and staff members are required to report any instances of sexual misconduct to the University’s Title IX and Disability Office. In turn, an individual with the Title IX and Disability Office will provide information about rights and options, including accommodations, support services, the campus disciplinary process, and law enforcement options. A list of the designated University employees who, as counselors, confidential advisors, and medical professionals, do not have this reporting responsibility and can maintain confidentiality, can be found here: Other information about resources and reporting is available here: Inclusive Statement The effectiveness of this course is dependent upon the creation of an encouraging and safe classroom environment. Exclusionary, offensive or harmful speech (such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) will not be tolerated and in some cases subject to University harassment procedures. We are all responsible for creating a positive and safe environment that allows all students equal respect and comfort. I expect each of you to help establish and maintain an environment where you and your peers can contribute without fear of ridicule or intolerant or offensive language.

Course Information Course Tools: Illinois Compass 2g (Compass) and Zoom You are responsible for obtaining all course documents through Compass 2g: Check Compass 2g regularly for announcements and course schedule changes. Zoom links will be in the “Zoom Meetings” tab on compass. For help learning to use this course tool, see the “Blackboard Help” tab on the course. Communication If you do need to send an email to the instructor or TA, you must title the email starting with “CHLH 100” in the subject line. This helps us know which course you are contacting us about and prevents your email from going to the junk folder. Maintain proper email etiquette in any online correspondence. Please allow 48 hours for a response.  Please do not email TAs or instructor with questions regarding general class information that you can find in the syllabus or on Compass. Questions that are already answered in the syllabus or on Compass will not be answered.  Read the syllabus for course policies regarding grading. If you still have questions, contact your TA. Teaching Assistants (TAs) TAs lead discussion sections and are responsible for managing your assignments and grades. Personal questions regarding your course work should also be directed to the course TA. This includes excused absence documentation and make-up work. Your TA is available via email and by appointment. Discussion Sections Each student must be registered for a discussion section. Your TA is determined by the discussion section you registered to attend. Students may not change discussion sections unless they do so via the campus registration system. Sessions will be held online via Zoom and video must be turned on. Attendance is worth 10% of your final grade.  Discussion AD1 with TA Kaustubh Parab: Friday, 9:00am-9:50am  Discussion AD2 with TA Kaustubh Parab: Friday, 10:00am-10:50am  Discussion AD3 with TA Sadia Ashrafi: Tuesday, 11:00am-11:50pm  Discussion AD4 with TA Sadia Ashrafi: Friday, 9:00am-9:50am 3

Course Policies Participation Active participation in the online learning environment is vital to your success in this course. Depending on your course, you may be asked to engage in online discussions and other interactive learning environments that invite your active participation and involvement with other students and your instructor. Deadlines Assignment deadlines are strict: an 11:59pm deadline means that an assignment submitted at 11:59:01pm is a late assignment. Assignments submitted late lose 20% of the assignment’s point value for each day they are late. After four days, no late assignments are accepted as they would be worth 0 points. Do not email to ask about submitting a late assignment- simply submit your assignment in Compass as soon as possible to minimize the number of points you lose for late work. If you wish to be excused from submitting an assignment because of medical reasons or personal emergencies, you must address the issue with the instructor. Because of this course's fast pace and the potentially detrimental effect such excusals may have on your successful completion of the course, such accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis. Making Up Missed Work Activities and assignments missed due to emergencies or University-related travel may be completed for full credit. There are no make-ups for unexcused absences, which include personal and vacation travel. Please read the following instructions carefully. Contact your TA if you have questions. Personal or Family Emergency If you miss an assignment due to an excused emergency, you must follow these steps to be eligible for make-up work: 1. Immediately request documentation from the Dean of Student Services/Emergency Dean to excuse your absence. (Doctor’s notes and other similar letters do not count.)2. Immediately contact your TA. (Do not wait for your Emergency Dean letter, as the letters can take a few weeks. Also note that your TA will not contact you to tell you if you missed work.) 3. Meet with your TA to complete your missed within one week of the original assignment date. Plan on being at the office hours for at least 30 minutes to make up missed assignments. Bring your reading material, course slides, and pen and paper with you. You will not be allowed to use a computer during your make-up assignment. 4. Once your Emergency Dean letter excusing your absence is returned to you, send it to your TA immediately. 5. If your Dean letter excuses you for the exact dates (or entire timeframe) you missed the assignment, your TA will update your make-up grade in your “My Grades” on Compass. No make-up work will be provided outside of the excused absence dates noted in your letter. Emergencies If you have an emergency that will keep you from participating in the course, please notify your TA. Provide callback information in your e-mail (if necessary). You should also notify your program director of any emergencies. Cancellation, Drop & Withdrawal For information on cancellation, drop, and withdrawal policies for online courses, please review the information listed on the webpage Cancellation, Drop & Withdrawal.


Course Components and Grading Criteria The course instructor reserves the right to curve (or not curve) grades. Grades will be posted on the course Compass site in the “My Grades” tab. CHLH 100 uses the Plus/Minus system. Grades will be assigned as follows: 980-1000= A+ 930-979 = A 900-929 = A- 870-899 = B+ 730-769 = C 700-729 = C- 670-699= D+ 630-669= D

830-869 = B 800-829 = B- 770-799 = C+ 600-629= D- Below 600= F

Checking Grades Grades will be updated weekly in the “My Grades” tab on Compass. You are expected to check your grade regularly. The TAs and Instructor will not discuss grades over email. If you see a problem with your grade for an assignment, you must contact your TA within one week of the posted grade. Grading Components Intro Assignment One Midterm Exam One Final Exam (cumulative) Discussion Attendance Six Assignments Weekly Quizzes (12 total) Total

Points 5 150 200 100 450 (75 pts each) 95 1000

% 0.5% 15% 20% 10% 45% (7.5% each) 9.5% 100%

Weekly Overviews Each module will begin with the module overview, which will explain what the module is about, what learning goals you are expected to achieve, how long the module will take, and in what activities you will participate. Each module is designed with the same structure and activities unless otherwise specified. The module activities are explained in greater detail below. You can find the due dates of specific assignments on each week's Overview page. Readings and Lessons Each module will contain a list of lessons (recorded lectures) and assigned readings. In some cases, optional or supplemental readings may be listed for further study. Lessons cover major topics from the readings but do not necessarily include all important information from the readings. Assignments There is a total of six assignments that are due throughout the semester. The purpose of these assignments is to provide opportunities for you to integrate your knowledge about consumer health to specific health domains and applications. These assignments will also influence your participation in the weekly discussion sections. Assignments are worth 75 points each and together comprise 45% of your final grade. Quizzes The lessons will be followed by self-assessment quizzes that allow learners to test their knowledge. Together, these quizzes comprise 9.5% of your grade (a total of 95 questions across the semester, where each question is worth 1 point). Exams The course includes a midterm and a final (non-proctored) exam. Exams are timed and open note. The purpose of the exams is to test your knowledge on the key concepts that are covered. Exams are timed and use multiple choice, true/false, and short answer format. Scores will be visible to you in the grade book only after the exam availability period is ended and all short answer questions have been graded. All exams will be completed on your own. 5

Student Wellness Resources The University of Illinois strives to promote student success through the support of student psychological and emotional well-being. Please take advantage of the resources listed on the Online Student Wellness Resources page. Topics include pre-enrollment services, counseling services, 24-hour emergency and crisis resources, self-help services, and referrals. Counseling Services The Counseling Center is committed to providing a range of services intended to help students develop improved coping skills to address emotional, interpersonal, and academic concerns. The Counseling Center provides individual, couples, and group counseling. All of these services are paid for through the health services fee. The Counseling Center offers primarily short-term counseling, as well as referrals to the community when students could benefit from longer term services. Food Housing Insecurity Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Dean of Students for support ( Furthermore, please notify me if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable me to provide information about resources. Safety/Security Information The Department of Homeland Security and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Campus Emergency Planning recommend the following three responses to any emergency on campus: RUN > HIDE > FIGHT. Only follow these actions if safe to do so. When in doubt, follow your instincts—you are your own best advocate! If you sign up for emergency text messages at, you will receive information from the police and administration during these types of situations. If you have any questions, go to, or call 217-333-1216. For more information: *Content is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Students will be notified of any changes.



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