Chp 13, 14 and 15 Notes - Psych 1000, ECU PDF

Title Chp 13, 14 and 15 Notes - Psych 1000, ECU
Course Introductory Psychology
Institution East Carolina University
Pages 9
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Psych 1000, ECU...


Chapters 13, 14, and 15 notes Chapter 13 1. Be able to define personality ● An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.unique psychological characteristics. 2. Be familiar with the unconscious mind and the structure of personality according to Freud (the id, ego, and superego). By this, I mean what each are and the principle they operate off of ● ID: unconscious; pleasure principle; sex & aggressive drive; instant gratification “I want” ● Ego:conscious; mediator, reality principle; very conscious “I want so I should do…” ● Superego:conscious; internalized ideals, and what we should or shouldn't do. 3. Be able to explain dream analysis and free association ● Dream analysis:Method to analyze unconscious mind interpreting manifest (actual dream) and latent (hidden meaning) behind dreams. ●

Free association:letting patient speak about whatever is on their mind

4. Recognize and understand what a defense mechanism is and the different types ● Defense mechanism: egos methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality

5. Know the psychosexual stages: create by Freud

6. Recognize the names associated with the humanistic perspective:Maslow & Rogers ● Maslow & Rogers

7. What are the three conditions that facilitate growth according to Rogers? ● Genuineness: Being honest; direct ● Acceptance:unconditional positive regard; acknowledging feelings without judging ● Empathy:tuning into feelings of others; understanding and listening 8. Be familiar with self-concept ● Our sense of identity; how we describe ourselves vs who we want to be. 9. What is a trait, the trait theory of personality, and trait perspective? ● Trait:enduring quality or behavioral predisposition

Trait theory of Personality: we’re made up of collection of traits that differ from person to person

Trait perspective: an individual's unique constellation of durable dispositions and consistent ways of behaving (traits) that constitutes their personality. Examples:honest,dependable, moody and impulsive.

10. Be familiar with the “Big Five” personality factors? ● Conscientiousness: self discipline, careful pursuit of delayed goals ● Agreeableness: helpful, trusting, friendless ● Neuroticism: anxiety, insecurity, emotional instability ● Openness:flexibility, nonconformity, variety ● Extraversion:drawing energy from others; sociability 11. What is the evidence supporting trait theory? ● Stability:traits usually are stable over lifespan; in adulthood become more agreeable and conscientious but less open, neurotic, and extrovert. ● Predictive value:traits like openness and conscientious predict success in work and relationships. 12. What is the social-cognitive perspective? What about reciprocal determinism?: albert bandura ● social-cognitive perspective: personality is the result of an interaction b/w a person and their social context/environment. ●

reciprocal determinism: beliefs, behavior, and the environment interact to shape what is learned from experience.

13. Be familiar with the spotlight effect and self-serving bias ● spotlight effect:thinking people have attention on you when they don’t ● self-serving bias:thinking we are above average; help defend our self esteem Chapter 14 14. Recognize the lifetime prevalence rates of psychological disorders ● Usa: has highest mental disorders, and serious mental disorders ● 46% any psychological disorder, 29% anxiety disorder 21% mood disorder and 15% substance abuse 15. What is abnormal behavior? What are the three criteria psychologists use to define abnormal behavior? ● abnormal behavior:deviant, maladaptive or personally distressful ● three criteria:deviance, dysfunctional, and personally distressful

16. What are psychological disorders? ● mental disorder is a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome

or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or ... 17. Be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of labels ● Disadvantages; weakness stigma, people always expect certain behaviors ● Advantages: health insurance, relief of knowing symptoms and getting help. 18. Be able to define the diagnostic labeling effect and possible outcomes ● diagnostic labeling effect: label may make it difficult to recognize normal behavior when it occurs. ● Outcomes: can become self fulfilling prophecies, and can attach social stigma to people 19. Be able to explain the medical model AND the biopsychosocial model of psychological disorders – know the treatment approaches associated with each model ● medical model:psychological disorders due to physical cause that can be diagnosed:genetics, chemical imbalance, infection, brain abnormalities.treatment is physical: surgery, drugs, procedures. ●

Biopsychosocial model:(Bio)Body+(Psycho) Mind+Social(society...disorder results from combination.Treatment-drug therapy and psychotherapy

20. Be able to define culture-bound syndromes and know examples ● Disorders which only seem to exist within certain cultures. ● Examples:Bulimia Nervosa-USA, Running amok(violent outbursts)-Malaysia, and Hikikomori(social withdrawal)-Japan 21. What is the DSM? Know the acronym, what it is, what it contains, and its purpose DSM-diagnostic and statistical Manual it is a book that lists psychiatric disorders, symptoms and diagnostic codes. Purpose:provides standard classification of mental disorders, helps communication b/w professionals 22. What are anxiety disorders? ● Psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety. 23. Be familiar with generalized anxiety disorder ● Generalized anxiety disorder: a person is unexplainably and continually tense and uneasy; persistent, excessive worry, and it interferes with functioning 24. Be familiar with panic disorder

A person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread.episodes of fear, anxiety, or terror have feeling of death or going crazy.

25. Understand phobia and social phobia – most common phobias ● Phobia:a person feels irrationally and intensely afraid of a specific object or event ● Social phobia:fear of social situations where one might be embarrassed or humiliated by appearing clumsy or incompetent. ●

Most common phobias:Animals, height, blood, flying, close spaces, water, storms, and being alone.

26. Be able to understand OCD – what are obsessions and compulsions? ● Characterized by obsessions and/or compulsions ● Obsessions:persistent involuntary thoughts, images, or impulses that invade consciousness and cause person great distress. 27. Be familiar with PTSD and the associated symptoms ● Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Re-experiencing, or reliving, , Actively avoiding people, places, or situations that remind you of the traumatic event, Feeling keyed up or on edge, known as hyperarousal, and Negative thoughts and beliefs 28. What are mood disorders? ● ? a psychological disorder characterized by the elevation or lowering of a person's mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder.

29. Be able to recognize Major Depressive Disorder and the symptoms ● Major depression, also known as unipolar or major depressive disorder, is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness or a lack of interest in outside stimuli. The unipolar connotes a difference between major depression and bipolar depression, which refers to an oscillating state between depression and mania. 30. Be familiar with Bipolar disorder - also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. ●

31. Understand schizophrenia – what it is characterized by, onset, development , prevalence. What are hallucinations and types? What are delusions and types? ● Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or withdrawn; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations. Schizophrenia may also be triggered by environmental events, such as viral infections or immune disorders…….. Various different

forms of hallucination exist, with some involving voices that can be heard and others involving non-existent smells or tastes.visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, and general somatic hallucination. Delusions- Persecutory, delusion of grandeur, jealousy, erotomania or delusion of love, somatic, induced delusional, bizarre, non bizzare and non bizarre and modd-congruent delusions. ● 32. Be able to differentiate between positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and the types of schizophrenia - Schizophrenia positive symptoms create distortions and new ways of experiencing the world, while schizophrenia negative symptoms take things away. The positive symptoms of schizophrenia involve hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and disorganized or catatonic behavior. The negative symptoms of schizophrenia diminish the brain’s ability to process certain experiences and to respond or behave in particular ways.

33. Be able to differentiate between the different eating disorders. Be familiar with each. ● Anorexia is not getting enough calories in, which leads to a significantly low body weight. Bulimia Nervosa, a person also recurrently tries to make up for eating by compensating with fasting, self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise or use of laxatives, diuretics or other medications. A binge eating episode may also include: eating much more rapidly than normal, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry,

34. What are personality disorders? Be familiar with the three clusters and wat they are marked by! ●

Cluster A — Odd or eccentric disorders, including paranoid personality disorder, as well as schizoid and schizotypal personalities. Cluster B — Dramatic or erratic disorders, including narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Cluster C — Anxious or fearful disorders, including avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Chapter 15 – may need to use book to help 35. What is psychotherapy?

● is communication between patients and therapists that is intended to help people feel better, resolve problems in living and modify their attitudes and behavior in constructive ways.

36. Be familiar with psychoanalysis and psychodynamic ● Psychoanalysis (particularly Sigmund Freud) was the major psychodynamic theory, and poses inner conflicts (between the Ego, Id and Superego), and how inner forces conflict with outwards pressures to create dynamic tensions that result in human behavior and, possibly, pathology. Psychodynamic therapies are usually short-term and also use interventions and are involved just like other forms of therapies. Many of these psychodynamic therapies are evidence-based forms of psychotherapy, meaning that they've been researched and found to be effective 37. Be familiar with humanistic therapy and client-centered therapy ● client centered therapy is a non-directive form of talk therapy, meaning it allows the client to lead the conversation and does not attempt to steer the client in any way. humanistic therapy is to help the client develop a stronger, healthier sense of self, as well as access and understand their feelings to help gain a sense of meaning in life. 38. Understand behavior therapy and counterconditioning ● In Counterconditioning, a particular response to a certain stimulus is replaced by a new response. This new response is supposed to deter the person from the stimulus. Behavior therapy is an umbrella term for types of therapy that treat mental health disorders. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially selfdestructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed. 39. Be familiar with exposure therapy and systematic desensitization ● Exposure therapy is a specific type of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy technique that is often used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and phobias. ● systematic desensitization a treatment for phobias in which the patient is exposed to progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli and taught relaxation techniques.

40. Know and understand operant conditioning and token economy ● - Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence

for that behavior. A token economy is a system of contingency management based on the systematic reinforcement of target behavior. The reinforcers are symbols or "tokens" that can be exchanged for other reinforcers 41. Be familiar with cognitive therapy ● a type of psychotherapy in which negative patterns of thought about the self and the world are challenged in order to alter unwanted behavior patterns or treat mood disorders such as depression 42. Understand cognitive-behavior therapy ● - Integrates cognitive and behavioral techniques ● • Based on the assumption that thoughts, moods, and ● behaviors are interrelated ● • The hallmark of cognitive-behavioral therapy is its pragmatic approach 43. Recognize other types of therapy ● Counselling. ... ● Family therapy. ... ● Relationship counselling. ... ● Group therapy. ... ● Interpersonal therapy. ... ● Behavioural activation 44. Be familiar with outcome data and whether psychotherapy is effective ● - outcome data. information collected to evaluate the capacity of a client to function at a level described in the outcome statement of a nursing care plan or in standards for patient care. The studies also indicate that psychotherapy is effective for a variety of disability conditions including cognitive, intellectual, physical, visual, auditory, and psychological impairments. The research supports that psychotherapy is effective for individuals with disabilities over the life span. 45. What is the biomedical approach? ● The biomedical model of health focuses on purely biological factors and excludes psychological, environmental, and social influences. It is considered to be the leading modern way for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat a condition in most Western countries. 46. Be able to define psychopharmacology ● Psychopharmacology is the study of the use of medications in treating mental disorders.

The complexity of this field requires continuous study in order to keep current with new advances.

47. Be able to understand what each of the drugs do and how they work 48. Check into the therapeutic lifestyle changes in the book and be familiar with these – page 601....

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