Psych 1000 - Google Docs PDF

Title Psych 1000 - Google Docs
Course Into to psychology
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 8
File Size 90.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 3 notes very detailed and helpful for exam 2...


Chapter 3: Biological Psychology “!The study of physiology, evolutionary, and developmental mechanisms of be experience.” Neurons and Neurotransmission Function of Neurons - Neurons process and transmit information 2 types of branches ectend from the cell body = Axons and Dendrites - Pass and recieve information to communicate with the rest of our bod Glial Cells: support cells of the nervous system - Insulate - Synchronize activity among neighoring neurons - Remove waste products - Glia does much more than just support - Clean up debris where neurons have been damaged - Continuously made throughout our lifespan - Hypocampus(Memory and emotion) and olfactory bulb Myelin - The myelin sheath insulated axons and speeds electrical transmission - Protects axons - Speeding up conduction of electrical signals Axons - Transmit information to other neurons Dendirites - Recieve information from other neurons Neural communication: 2 step process 1. Electrical signaling: Action Potential - An action potential is an excitation that travels along an axon at a con 2. Chemical Signaling: Neurotransmitters (between two neurons) - A neurotransmitter is a chemical that activates receptors on other neu Generating an Action Potential Resting potential: an electrical polarization across the membrane of a


Explains why sensations from your fingers and toes do not fade away reach your brain Chemical Signaling: Releasing neurotransmitters - Termial button: buldge at the end of an axon from which the axon rele neurotransmitter - Termial boutons from the presynaptic neuron of the synapse - Postsynaptic Neuron: neuron on the recieving end of the synapse Major Neurotransmitters - Dopamine: Important for movement, pleasure, reward-motivated beha and cognition (excessive levels of dopamine are implicated in Schizop of dopamine may result in parkinsons disease) - Serotonin: Modifies many types of motivated and emotional behavior serotonin are implicated in depression) - Norepinephrine: Enhances storage of memory of emotional or otherw events (Flight- or Fight Response) - Acetylcholine: Increasing brain arousal (Loss of acetylcholing produci in alzheimers disease) - Endorphins: Decreases pain and increases pleasure (Morphine and h the same receptors as endorphins) Drugs and their effects - Psychoactive drugs affect psychological experience by altering senso emotions, cognition, and behavior Stimulants: drugs that incease energy, alertness, arousal, and activity - Most stimulants work by increasing the concentration of dopamine in - Amphetamine - Methamphetamine - Cocaine - Methylphenidate (Ritalin) - Nicotine Hallucinogens: Drugs that induce sensory distortions - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); Stimulates serotonin type 2 recepto inapproproate times - Hallucinations and sensory distortions Sudden emotional changes

- Narcotics: produce drowsiness, insensitivity to pain, and decreased respons - Opiates (Morphine, heroin, methadone, codeine) - Stimulate endorphin synapses - Marijuana (Cannabis) : decreases pain and nausea, distorts sense of time - Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) is the active ingredient in marijuana - THC attaches to receptors that are all over the brain, except for the Cannabidiol (CBD) - Second most active ingredient of cannabis - Important component to medical marijuana - Derived directly from hemp plants - Pure hemp derives CBD does not cause a “high” - Scientifically supported evidence - Epilepsy syndromes - reduces seizures in those which typicall to antiseizure medications - Insomnia- may help with falling asleep and staying asleep - Certain types of chronic pain - Side Effects - Nausea- fatigue- irritability- poor REM sleep- interacts with sev drgs Bad sides of all drugs - Physical dependence - A state in which an organism functions normally in the presenc - Typically manifested as a physical disturbance when the drug - Psychological Dependence/ ADDICTION the user will experience emotional. Not physical, changes or d discontinutation of use - Tolerance - A state in which an organism no longer responds to a drug or a required to achieve the same effect - Withdrawl - A variety of negative symptoms experiences when drug use is usually the opposite effect of the drug...

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