Social Psych Lecture 3 Notes - Google Docs PDF

Title Social Psych Lecture 3 Notes - Google Docs
Author Antonella Marrelli
Course Social Psychology I
Institution Laurentian University
Pages 3
File Size 74.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Prof. Dotta
Audio Lecture 3 ...


Lecture 3 - Liking & Loving Friendship ● Your friends have similar personalities profiles to you ● Your friends have the same views (ex: political views) ● Novelty phenomenon: dierent people (and dierent views) but it’s amazing for the first little while but once it subsides you need to find ways to be in each others company for long periods of time (opposites do not attract) - long term doesn’t work out ● You learn towards people that are like you ● Why do our brains respond dierently to the same stimuli? ● For personal development, you should be friends with someone who is similar to you but has some dierent perspectives in order to develop empathy and dierent points of view  Social distance ● Social distance 1: a friend and so on (friend of a friend) ○ The consistency falls apart as it keeps going ● When in social distance 1 the brains of the 2 people were highly correlated but as it keeps going it gets less and less ○ The social distance of 4 has no correlation ○ As u get further and further away from a friendship the way that u bond to the stimulus gets dierent and more dierent ● Who u are around means you will respond to the same thing in a similar way ● If you are conducting an experiment and everyone is so similar they will all respond in a similar way ● Labs that have the best results have a diverse group ● You are friends with the people your friends with because they are similar to u in terms of traits and personalities  Physical attractiveness ● Judgements of others are heavily influenced by their physical attractiveness ● Little to no correlation to attractiveness and personality traits ● Physical attractiveness is almost always the first thing that people use to make judgments about an individual ● You make harsher judgements on yourself and rate yourself lower than how others rate you ● Why are we attracted to the people we are attracted to ○ Proximity

■ Just by being around somebody for long periods of time, you can develop gradual aection ■ You become familiar and comfortable with the person → this then turns into physical attractiveness ○ Similarity ■ Tied to the idea where your similar in values and nature and you become more attracted ○ Reciprocity ■ Opposite of the friend zone ■ Physically attracted to someone else once they learn the other person is attracted to them ■ Once you know that they like you they become more attracted to you ● When we are first attracted to people we first look at the symmetry of their face and then look at proximity, similarity, and reciprocity ● Exposure eect ○ The more you are around and exposed to that person the more likely you are to be attracted to that person. ● Attracted to people who are dierent than you and diverse because as a species it makes us stronger  Bonding ● How do we go from liking to loving ● Short term pair bond ○ Ex: a fling ● Long term pair bond ○ Long term relationship ● Life long pair bonds ● Social pair bonds ○ Social friends, ● Clandestine pair bond ○ An unknown or secretive one, not public, not open or shared ● Dynamic pair bond ○ A swinger, friendships ● Pair bonding starts with the anterior cingulate and 2 neurotransmitters → vasopressin and oxytocin  ● Oxytocin: the feel-good molecule ○ When you hug someone it releases oxytocin ○ Gentle touch

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○ The comfortability you feel with someone after being with them for so long is due to oxytocin Dopamine can also lead to bonding ○ Reinforcement of behaviour ○ If it feels good your going to do it again General arousal can lead to specific arousal ○ Going to see a scary movie with someone → attributing the arousal from being scared to that person, therefore, being more attracted to that person (misattributed the arousal to the individual) Arousal is arousal - the cause doesn’t matter its still the same physiological responses  Once you are bonded separation is very dicult ○ When you bond you get comfortable → the thought of them not being there anymore causes anxiety Many subcortical structures are heavily involved ○ The nucleus acumens → addiction centre of the brain ■ Lights up when you eat ice cream or when you see a loved ones face or when bonded with someone ■ You become addicted to that individual ■ When you break up with someone the signs are similar to an addict going through withdrawals The idea of liking and loving is because of the physiological process in your brain A social group can influence who you like or don’t like Thinking of pair bonds and telling people who you find attractive can cause anxiety etc therefore influencing who you find attractive If you are already bonded it’s not going to aect you but you will get is cognitive dissonance ○ You like your boyfriend but your friends don’t this causes you stress 

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