Ch. 13 and 14 - Lecture notes 13-14 PDF

Title Ch. 13 and 14 - Lecture notes 13-14
Author Alessia Kunkel
Course Mediated Communication: Issues and Skills
Institution James Madison University
Pages 4
File Size 77.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Professors: Alex Leidholdt, Uchenna (Uche) Onuzulike, Nan Zheng...


Third person effect -media affects others but not me

Key ideas: Media effects are constantly occurring Media work with other factors You can control the effects process When we take a 4D perspective (timing, type, valence, intentionality), we can better appreciate the broad range of media effects

Chapter 13: Broadening Our Perspectives on Media Four-dimensional perspective of media effects Timing

Intermediate Long term


Cognitive Attitudinal Belief Emotional Physiological (heart rate, brain activity) Behavioral (purchasing behavior) Macro (affects our society)


Positive Negative (consumption of porn)


Intentional Unintentional (music videos)

Timing of Effects - Timing of effects- when evidence of the effect starts to show up more than on how long it lasts - Immediate effect -> occurs during your exposure to a media message; evidence of effect is expressed during exposure or immediately after - Much easier to notice - Are usually sudden changes - Long term effect -> shows up after many exposures

Types of Effects Cognitive-Type Effect - Most persuasive - Media plants ideas in our heads - Can include factual information - Learning agendas

- Generalization - Continuous partial attention Belief-Type Effect - Belief -> faith that something is real or true - Media show us the values used by people in the news and characters in fictional stories Attitudinal-Type Effect - Attitudes -> evaluative judgements about things - Media influences our judgements about everything - Attitudes are based on beliefs bc they are the standards we use when making our judgements - Immediate - Contrast effect (taylor lautner vs andrew) - Inoculation (resistance) - Long-term - Cultivation - Socialization (how we develop attitudes about world operations) Emotional-Type Effect - Media makes us feel things - Long term - Desensitization (less sensitive) Physiological-Type Effect - Media can influence our automatic bodily systems - Immediate - Arousal (horror movies) - Long-term - Shifting Brain Activity - Ex: Suspenseful mystery raises our blood pressure/ heart rate Behavioral-Type Effect - Media can trigger actions - Immediate - Imitation - Activation (suggesting a behavior -> refreshing coke) - Long-term - Displacement - Ex: internet behavior stops you from exercising or spending time with friends - Internet addiction disorder - needing to spend more time online - time-management issues Macro-Type Effect - Media exerts influence on larger units - Politics - Religion


- Society Media has potential to bring a family together to share a common experience

Valence of Effects -

Positive direction of effects -> effects help you achieve personal goals Negative direction of effects -> when media’s goals are in conflict with your goals

Intentionality of Effects -

We often seek out certain messages in the media bc we intend for an effect to happen We often expose ourselves to the media for one reason, but other effects also occur Unintentional effects can be both long term and immediate Unintentional effects frequently occur when you are in the state of automaticity bc your defenses are not engaged

Chapter 14: How Does the Media Effects Process Work? Media Effects are Constantly Occurring Manifested Effects and Process Effects - Manifested Effects: media effects that we can easily observe - Process Effects: media effects that are continually occurring without being easily observed Baseline Effects and Fluctuation Effects - Baselines -> are shaped by long-term conditioning - Baseline effects: media effects that alter a person’s baseline by moving up and down to the manifestation level, making it more difficult to move it in the future - Fluctuation effects: media effects where there is a temporary deviations off a person’s baseline

Factors Influencing Media Effects Baseline Factors - Developmental Maturities: - Media literacy is always developing - We mature cognitively, emotionally, and morally - People at lower levels of maturity have less control over their emotion - Cognitive Abilities: - Depending on their age, people understand and go about reasoning differently - Four cognitive Abilities: - Field dependency - Type of intelligence - Type of thinking - Conceptual differentiation - Knowledge Structures - People with more knowledge learn the most from the media - We rely primarily on media information


Ex: youtube video about trump (immigration) leads to other research (New York Times) - Sociological Factors - Degree of socialization is related to the amount of influence the media will have - We learn norms by observing other people in real life and in the media - The more we socialize, the stronger our media baseline is - Lifestyle - People with active lifestyles usually are less affected by the media - Personal Locus - motivation - Personal Locus: the combination of an individual’s goals and drives from media exposure - Strong personal locus - make the most of maturities, skills, knowledge structures, sociological effects, and lifestyle - Better awareness of effects process - Awareness of not wanting to manifest certain effects - Media Exposure Habits - We each have exposure habits that focuses our attention on certain types of messages from the media - Consumption from only one source Fluctuation Factors - Content of the Messages - When you expose yourself to a particular exposure session - Context of Portrayals (what social lessons are taught?) - The meaning of the message arises from the way they are portrayed especially in social lessons - Ex: NFL player hitting fiance, charges are dropped, she marries him - Cognitive Complexity of Content - Few cognitive demands in message -> easier to process meaning - Motivations - We actively seek out a specific type of information when we have a conscious need for that type of info - States - State: temporary drive or emotional reaction that occurs in response to some stimuli - Media frequently alter our psychological states - Degree of Identification - We pay more attention with characters we can relate to Media Literacy: Controlling the Media Effects Process - The power to control media effects on oneself begins with an understanding about the wide variety of effects and how media influence works in combination with other influences...

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