Ch 13 lecture notes - ch 13 PDF

Title Ch 13 lecture notes - ch 13
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska
Pages 2
File Size 62.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 54
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ch 13...


In psychoanalysis, the therapist seeks to identify the patient's unconscious conflicts and to help the patient resolve them. In modern psychodynamic therapy, treatment is briefer, and the therapist takes a more directive approach (and puts less emphasis on unconscious childhood memories) than in traditional psychoanalysis. Humanistic therapy, such as Rogers's client-centered therapy, seeks to maximize personal growth, encouraging people to actualize their potential and relate to others in genuine ways. Cognitive therapy seeks to help clients challenge faulty thought processes and adjust maladaptive behaviors. Ellis's rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and Beck's cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) are important examples of cognitive therapy. 2. BEHAVIOR THERAPIES In behavior therapy, the focus is on the problem behavior itself rather than on any underlying causes. The therapist uses learning principles to change behavior. Classical conditioning techniques include systematic desensitization and aversion therapy. Operant conditioning techniques used to increase adaptive behaviors include shaping and reinforcement. In modeling therapy, clients observe and imitate others who are performing the desired behaviors.

3. BIOMEDICAL THERAPIES Biomedical therapies are based on the premise that chemical imbalances or disturbed nervous system functioning contributes to problem behaviors. Psychopharmacology is the most common form of biomedical therapy. Major classes of drugs used to treat psychological disorders are antianxiety drugs, antipsychotic drugs, mood stabilizer drugs, and antidepressant drugs.

In electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), an electrical current is passed through the brain, stimulating convulsions that produce changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. ECT is used primarily in cases of severe depression that do not respond to other treatments. In repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), powerful electromagnets generate pulsed magnetic fields that are targeted at specific areas of the brain to treat depression. The most extreme biomedical therapy is psychosurgery. Lobotomy, an older form of psychosurgery, is now outmoded. Recently, psychiatrists have been experimenting with a more limited and precise surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation (DBS).

4. PSYCHOTHERAPY IN PERSPECTIVE All major forms of therapy are designed to address disturbed thoughts, disturbed emotions, disturbed behaviors, interpersonal and life situation difficulties, and biomedical disturbances. Research indicates that, overall, therapy does work. In group therapy, multiple people meet together to work toward therapeutic goals. A variation is the self-help group, which is not guided by a professional. Therapists often refer their patients to group therapy and self-help groups in order to supplement individual therapy. In family therapy, the aim is to change maladaptive family interaction patterns. All members of the family attend therapy sessions, though at times the therapist may see family members individually or in twos or threes.

Therapies in all cultures have certain key features in common; however, there are also important differences among cultures. Therapists must recognize cultural differences in order to build trust with clients and effect behavioral change. Therapists must also be sensitive to possible gender issues in therapy....

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