Class 40 notes - brice Erickson PDF

Title Class 40 notes - brice Erickson
Course Greek Mythology
Institution University of California Santa Barbara
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1/7 Paul bunyon cut trees down w his blue ox and with the land to grow crops or build. 2/11 midterm 3/11 movie paper Greek core area with a lot of sea, they are into sailing to communicate. Sea and sailing. They trade Greek is poor. Food is important. Food issues. The greek landscape 1. Sea and sailing 2. Mountains 3. Grain, grapes, olives A myth is a narrative, is a story Two words for story: mythos (story that cant be verified), logos (theoretically verifiable story) Greek myths are traditionally told again and again handed down generation after generation A myth involved key plotlines and characters that are essential, is traditional, is a narrative. Bronze age there was king and palace. Literary sources First concept: The greeks believe there are multiple gods Gods are shaped after us Gods dont die dont eat the stuff we do and are extremely powerful Second concept: reciprocity Asking for return after helping Third concept: animal sacrifice You kill animals in honor of the god Take animals to the altar and keep them all year round and cut their throats and celebrate to the god, their prayers will be heard. 1/9 Animal sacrifice: cow, sheep, pig Sacrifice for the altar Gods are immortal and dont eat food / meat like we do Greeks Eat meat with wine The greeks get together to honor the gods and have a food party and bond Mountain top made of ash from sacrifices, ash altar at olympia, all ash and bones Sacrifice: the gods get ash bones Altar is the focus point of greek religion, 3200 identifiable burnt bone fragments found in the box of altar Enthusiasmos (taking the god inside you): possession by the god Temple is a box that protects the altar, some temples dont even allow people to enter and you worship outside, temple is not a church where you can go in and worship. It focuses on the altar. Physical allegory: a god’s daughter was taken to underworld as a bride and she has to die. And gods cant die. God was mourning. She would come up to live with the god once in a while

and go back down. They put seeds in the ground and grow crops. She represents sewer of the crop. She represents spring which crops grow better. Moral allegory: The god paris who is 18 yo chooses between 3 goddesses Aphrodite : goddess of love, lust Athena: goddess of civilization, wisdom Hera: goddess of power, political Paris chose aphrodite Moral allegory II: Odyesseys being trapped tied up on the boat and they listen to sirens the leader Historical allegory: There is a guy being eaten by his ox bc he cant hunt for anything hes dying Things get garbled over time represent an allegorical Allegory is the garbling of the truth Historical allegory II: Monster with multi heads that regenerate, with fire it stops it from growing back In the town lerna, this happened: garbling effect. They try to kill the monster Myths are window into the subconscious Putting blood and flesh for gods for suppressed wishes Suppressed childhood wishes surface in dreams Myths are like dreams ID and EGO Myths = dreams = subconscious Oral stage 0-2years pleasures from mouths like breastfeed, sucking on sth Birth of identity: realizing youre an individual person, youre not one with your mom Anal stage 2-4 years pleasures from pooping, there is shame about pooping created by society Phallic stage pleasures from penises oracles= dreams, unconscious wishes, repression Oedipal stage (phallic stage) and male competition Myths are repressed wishes 1/11 Euhemerus is the first myth professor that came up with historical allegory Oedipus complex Fighting over a phallus power, is transferred to onto weapons, cars, other things Female = mother figure Often a split between friendly and dangerous women Virginal female / snaky sex monster Both represent the mother dangerous women = forbidden seuxal aspect Phallus as source of power and anxiety For example guys use cars to get girls Phallus substitutes like sword, sports car, gun

James bond gun position is to show the audience we dont have the gun / the power Mycenaean / late bronze age (1400-1200) Palaces with art. There were kings that had power and control In 1200, these palaces were burnt to the ground and this life is gone. Thn there was Greek dark age (1100-800) No kings, people lived normal Greeks lost writing, did not communicate 700bc writing comes back Built cities, started urbanalization theo/gony god/birth The theogony was composed ca. 700 BC (early iron age) The version we have was written by hesiod What is cosmology? The theogony enumerates the births of the gods, from oldest generation down to youngest ( a family history) Thus, the theology is a geneological narrative The theme is the rise of zeus Generations: gaia/ouranos Rhea (female) /kronos (male) Zeus / metis and hera Hesiod, the muses, and mt. helikon Hesiod had an out of body at mt. helikon because he met the muses, who are the daughters of zeus, he was amazed by their beautiful voices. The muses said, youre a greedy human who constantly wants to fill your stomach, The muses said there is the human world down there and the divine world. The muses said “you bunch of louts, you;re nothing but a bunch of greedy bellies…” Then they gave hesiod a present. In the beginning of the universe, there was chaos (a void, an opening, a space), gaia (female quality known as the mother earth), tartaros (roots down the void to the underworld underneath the earth), eros (means seuxal desire, means sex/sexual reproduction) Eros is more of a principle Spontaneous reproduction: Chaos-> Darkness and night -> Radiance and day Strife, war Light creates something dark, the meaning of the opposite Gaia created ouranos (male) Some principals of division Each generation is more complex Feminine -> masculine

Ouranos and gaia have sex, children are in gaia’s womb Ouranos is scared of the children that they’d take over himself and marry his mom He tried to stop the children from being born by constantly having sex and not letting them come out Birth of aphrodite, she is all about sex, more primal Drops of blood If you killed your family you will be punished in a special way Kronos, one of the titans, son of gaia, freud would say he should choose gaia Ouranos has succession crisis Kronos chose his sister rheia Kronos ate the babies bc “your son will overthrow you” Zeus is born, rhea convinces kronos to swallow a rock instead of zeus She gave him a rock instead of zeus Zeus gets to grow up in an island When zeus overthrows kronos, kronos throw up the rock and babies, the rock is landed in greece 1/14 Zeus worries his oldest son would overthrow him Zeus and his people as olympians fight titans Zeus is a sky god. He and his brothers and sisters live in the olympian mountains Zeus took metis and swallowed her. He ate his queen. Zeus gave birth to athena. He absorbed the feminine energy. Athena came right out of his mouth?? Shes daughter of zeus. Zeus brings an end to succession crisis by assimilating feminine qualities Safe women are virginal daughters Theogony is a character myth for civilization Dangerous women are mothers Prometheus Sacrifice What is Origin of sacrifice, Origin of fire, origin of woman An aition myth explains the origin of something Explain female and male polarities Prometheus committed sth against the god and it is called hubris, you did something that show you dont know your place. You get punished for being outrageous Liver issues? Brothers:epimetheus Atlas: the world is on his shoulders as punishment Hubris: know your place: you’re mortal unlike gods Sacrificial division: meat in skin, bones in fat (zeus chose this, he was tricked) The gods get bone and we get meat. Here is the aition, and because of this trick tribes of men upon the earth burn white bones to the deathless gods upon fragrant altars.

Zeus took fire away, humans cant eat cooked meat, theyre the same as other animals like lions for a while Moral of prometheus sacrifice aition: you are what you eat! Humans between these poles Prometheus stole the fire from the gods, brought it down to mankind Gods ambrosia (deathless food) Humans eat cooked food Animals eat raw food Pandora: another aition (sacrifice, fire, and now woman) A beautiful evil (kalon kakon) Sexual reproduction started and we are worried about succession crisis again All are forms of mediation between men, animals, and gods Epi means after Metheus means smart Pandora’s jar: everything came out and only hope is left Bible: you have to work on agricultural 1/16

Ages of man 1. Golden race 2. Silver race 3. Bronze race 4. Race of heroes 5. Iron Garden of the hesperides Heaven like place that escapes human condition and animal sacrifice with oneness completeness The place with succession crisis, there are people that transform out and that affects places nearby First god alalush Anush the sky god

Castrated by some food Next god is kumarbi Then teshub the storm god Homeric hymns: narrative structure Oral poetry in epic meter (same as lliad and odyssey) Hymn structure 1 invocation 2 story illustrating attributes 3 farewell The olympians gods that lived on mountains also aphrodite Olympus: home of the gods Epithets: apollo pythios, apollo delphios, apollo hekper Apollo delphios: a place called delphis Locational names or powers they have Why gods interact with people Vengeful gods: artemis, apollo,and niobids Zeus: indo-european root di Dyaus pitar, jupiter Thunderboats are what he throws, hes being shown with something from the sky. Thunder and lightning are his powers bc hes sky god Bronze age palace, pylos (greece) Bronze age crete: seal ring Sky god with thunderboats on an animal Zeus is in charge of culture Cannot violate xenia Zeus will punish you for that bc he watches out for xenia 1/18 Today: zeus, hera, poseidon; apollo Zeus: sky god, culture god (xenia) Fate (moira): sarpedon, son of zeus and victim of trojan war. They’re in charge of human mortality. They’re children of zeus Emphasis on cultural stability Temple of hera, olympic: Political ruler Fanny? Metis Hera and zeus: sacred marriage Zeus gave birth to athena without heras help Hera is not a mother but she symbolizes wedding, represents the adult mother but she isn’t. Hephaistos: god of craftmanship, not validated, considered low class Zeus gives birth on his own, hera tries to have revenge birth on her own but it doesn’t work as well Poseidon with trident Three realms: heaven = zeus

Sea (separate kingdom from sky) = poseidon Underworld (separate realm) = hades is in charge Poseidon + amphitrite have a son triton Zeus isn’t number 1, there’s just three realms Temple of poseidon, sounion, their temples are near the sea Zeus’ temples are as high as possible Sea storms are done by poseidon People make sacrifices for him to avoid bad things Sky storms are done by zeus Athena and poseidon are in charge of 1. Sea 2. Earthquakes 3. horses They’re raw elemental powers Poseidon is the god of raw elemental powers, he is primal. Needs boats and navigation Triton Athena is goddess of culture, like her dad zeus, overuses raw powers into something useful and cultural, inventor of boats. Zeus and rape Childhood initiation Hermes argos lo (cow) Io myth, daughter of inachos Mercury = hermes Jupiter = zeus Juno = hera Zeus sees io, has sex with her Hera doesnt want that so changed io to a cow so zeus cant conduct an affair with her Argos has many eyes, zeus sent hermes to kill argos Europa and her dad agenor Childhood initiation Three stages: 1. Separation 2. Liminality 3. reintegration The girl being abducted by zeus they will be sexually mature Apollo I: birth Apollo II: delphi and oracular cult Source: homeric hymm Greek men have to grow their hair long until 18, when they are 18 they cut their hair 18 is male perfection then downhill

Apollo is a hunter, rarely hunts animals but shoots at humans that did not please him in a certain way Childhood initiation: hyacinthos You go hunting when youre a man in liminal zones Hyacinthos is a boy and apollo and him love each other She is jealous apollo gets to be with him that they throw to compete and that thing killed him Apollo then transformed hyacinthos to a flower called sadness flower When someone get stuck in a liminal zone then becomes a representation of the liminal zone Apollo: player of lyre; bow and lyre “The lyre and the curved bow shall ever be dear to me, and i will declare to men that zeus Birth story: mom leto and island of delos (small and rocky island. No habituation) Leto is one of the early wives of zeus. She got a twins and was finding a place to give birth Delo will have temples and people worshipping him then he brought leto to give birth here but hera wants to prevent that Eileithyia is the god of birth. Shes helps people give birth. She helps hera and zeus 1/23 Apollo s birth His mother leto Eileithyia helped give birth Apollo I: birth Apollo II: delphi and oracular cult Monster called pytho, the snaky monster, called typhaon in the hymns Pythian priestess sits on a tripod thingy that is for boiling Her name came from phytho monster They bribe the priestess and not the priest Death of croesus, king of lydia A wall of wood will be your salvation Oracle: to which god should i sacrifice to The water Dodona: oracle of zeus Read your questions and bury them APHRODITE’s birth is from drops of blood Aphrodite is the goddess of sexual love, sexual energy that creates children and family She comes from male desire and sex Artemis/liminal is the inbetween stage, and aphrodite/marriage is what makes you husband and wife Aphrodite is born in cyprus and went to troy Argeiphontes who is the slayer of argos Marry me 1/25

Aphrodite and anchises’ son is aeneas Zeus made aphrodite fall in love with the mortal, wants her power to make people go mad with love and lust so it doesnt create succession crisis anymore. anchises (18 yo mortal man) has been hunting to show he has the ability to get out of the liminal zone to be a full male adult She couldve made him fell in love but she was into the process of seduction Mortal man made love with the goddess of love / sex Dawn fell in love with tithonos (mortal) Ganymede will always remain 7 years old Immortal food is ambroja? Aeneas will be a hero, belong to the bronze age Volcano island in thera island blew up in 1600 BC bronze age Bring flowers back and pour buckets out. Huge goddess. They bring offerings to them from countryside. Older women accompany the girls. Girls would be in liminal zone and be away and pick flowers and when they come back they’re ready to get married. This is early years in greek history. Amazon is all female but take on a strong masculine role. Hippolytus loves worshipping artemis He sperns aphrodite He has amazon blood. Aphrodite is upset so she made him fall in love with phaedra. Madness of aphrodite Phaedra accused hippolytus and made the whole thing up and hanged herself Aktaion is normal human and loves hunting in the liminal zone He saw artemis naked and taking a bath in the liminal zone Aphrodite was there to make aktaion to fall in love w artemis to get out of liminal zone Artemis was angry he saw her naked she made him into a deer and get eaten by dogs Artemis’ brother apollo, Her mom leto, dad zeus Artemis is not anthropomorphic and is still with animals Statue of artemis with many animals on her Athena and artemis are both virgin gods. Artemis is at age for marriage She is associated with wild animals that are hunted She is a hunter Males hunt a lot in the liminal zone

She represents liminal zone therefore takes on male attributes She is ready to get married so she changed her clothes She’s depicted dancing and singing with girls, has companions that are nymphs Nymphs associated with water, liminal zones, being artemis’ companions In athens downtown area there was sanctuary called nymphe Water for wedding has to come from nymphe Special ritual shape of a jar as your wedding shape Wedding water vases called loutrophoros When you’re at marriageable age, you wear nymphe clothes and shoes Childbirth is in a liminal time Rituals get you ready for childbirth Ampharete and her son died at childbirth Agamemnon is Maidens was killed and sacrificed as animals as human sacrifice in greek Artemis demands human blood, she kills the girl of marriageable age Boys run to artemis’ sanctuary to steal the cheese then serve it to the gods After ten, get through all rituals to get to bouron 1/30 Hermes slides Bronze age: athena is worshipped and powerful She is not indo-european We see that from the tablets writing Athena is a warrior god Athena promachos Athena polias “guardian of the city” She is in charge of craft and technology Athena is a culture god, a protecting warrior goddess Aerias is a culture god too but he doesn’t protect Athena’s nickname is promachos - She comes after people with her pose - Athena acts like her dad zeus, masculine, to protect the city Zeus is a culture god Army protects the city Aegis and gorgon

Ghost face on the statue body Goddess of crafts You do crafts then give it to athena Clothings and shelter are craft There are myths about making clothes Loom weights and household work Weaving : athena likes it Athena vs arachne: weave off When you think youre super powerful and feel better than athena, you get punished and transformed Athena transformed herself as an old lady and talked to arachne Arachne stands firm on thinking shes better than athena They do weave battle Figural scenes: judges - they are equal Athena turned arachne into a spider, so she would do unproductive weaving, this is where spiders come from Uses of olives in antiquity Silver coin of athens: athena is on the other side. It says athens and shows olives Athens has a strong connection with olives Made grain, wine, olives Large source of calories Make olive oil, fuel, soap Rocky landscape for ideal olive agriculture 90% of agriculture is olives so they have to trade, essential to their civilization and economy Athletic games associated with the once every 4 year feast Games called panathenaic games with prizes of huge jars of olive oil If you cut trees your punishment is death Cash prize athletic competition Erechtheus means upright He is son of athena They move around and reside Athena cant have babies bc she is virgin god Festas fell in love with athena, chasing her, premature ejaculates on her thigh, the sperm dropped to the floor and formed the baby Mother earth handing erechtheus to athena Atognony = from the earth itself: god does not move and stay at the area where they from

Athenian acropolis, persian sack 480 BC They leveled the place Acropolis at the house of erechtheus has a lot of old artifacts in it Salt water Spring is in it Cult of erechtheus Statue of athena Olive tree planted in front of it - first ever olive tree Parthenon = maiden Elaboratedly decorated and crafted Might not function as a normal temple because it was never called as a temple but a maiden 2/6 Artemis Hestia is not a mediating figure Barlie water 2/13 HEROES PPT Heroes: mortal/divine - Heroes are more human than gods because they die - Heroes are somehow divine - Anchises sleeps with aphrodite and their son aeneas is a perfect example of hero being mix of mortal and divine - Child of a couple in a liminal zone becomes a hero and they needed heroes thats why brought people in liminal zones 1. Golden age, when kronos was around, but times changes 2. Silver age, a violent age of fools, of beings whom zeus buried 3. Bronze race next- zeus made them, they were very strong and used only bronze, but they too died 4. Race of heroes: a better and more just is what H says: 1605. Then, as you recall, comes the age of iron, our current age of decadence, full of toil and bad luck, old age, Evolution? ancestors/polytheism/monotheism Bronze age cretan sarcaphogus - Heroes receive cult and worship, thats what keeps them alive and sustain them - Sacrifice a black coated animal and lets its blood drain down on the ground to keep the hero alive, done through rituals - Heroes came first - How old is the idea of hero worship

Bronze age greek tholos tomb - Greeks came back here holding fists and left their wine cups - Believed connecting with heroes here Early iron age Lefkandi - Island near athens - How hero worship started Her...

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