Class Notes - Professor Sophie Tunney PDF

Title Class Notes - Professor Sophie Tunney
Author Ahmed Jamal
Course The Shaping Of The Modern World
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 10
File Size 83.2 KB
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Professor Sophie Tunney...


9/7/2017 

Vasco da Gama (8 July 1497) o Calicut (20 May 1498)

Bartholomew Diaz- Cape of Good Hope (1488)

Columbus (12 Oct 1492) Lands Bahamas

Ferdinand Magellan (Circumnavigate South America) o To Guam- 4 Month Journey

Compiling data on the pacific/ atlantic

English East India company (1600)

United East India company (1602)

Conquest- Indonesia (Dutch) o Philippines- Spain

Ferdinand of Aragon + Isabella of Castile o Unified Spain in 1469

Reconquista (1481) o Capture Granada

Set up many trading posts in India

9/12/2017 



Encomienda System

1512 Laws of Burgos

The New Laws 1542

1573 Ordinance on Discovery and Population

9/14/2017 

England started expeditions for inconcentive

Utopia- Sir Thomas Moore o Originally published in latin

An island as a perfect society

Tudor England

Really harsh conditions in England

the wool trade had begun

Agricultural produce had negative impact in England

Thousands evicted tenants

Enclosure Movement o Agricultural land becoming land for sheep’s to roam o Spread to many areas o Limited the ability to feed the population in England o Increased about 1 million in a year

New economic concept o Mercantilism 

One person can grow rich from an expense another

o Extracting gold and silver from foreign lands and send out as little as possible 

Mercantilism greatly enhanced the wealth of the nation

Mercantilists thrived in the beginning but collapsed later

Ireland was the first country colonized by England o 11th Century

Colonists moved from Ireland

1 million people loyal to Catholic church first language was Gallic now known as Irish

Sir Humphery Gilbert o Governor in Ireland o Didn’t respect the laws and was supposed to be suppressed

English settlement in distant lands should keep distance from native populations

Plantations o Had huge plantations to build separate societies

Maintain a pure “ENGLISH SOCIETY”

France and England were really huge rivals

French protestants were banned from immigrating to Canada

Runners of Wood o Official traders o Established relationships with the natives

The French were able to have a successful trading industry than the british

The Dutch bought Manhattan for $24 o Involved mostly in new York states o Didn’t find a path to the pacific

Mostly led by traders

Dutch and French in Canada

Dutch in Manhattan

First English Settlement in Jamestown Virginia in 1607

Nearly 30years before there were failed attempts to colonize

Settlement in North America were mostly business enterprises o Virginia Company o Small fragile communities

Official Jamestown settlement was a middle ground

Early Chesapeake region

Tobacco Industry o Most important o Established colonies

First cultivated in Virginia

Was really beneficial for planters

Headright system o Gave each settler 50 Acres of land o Families got more

Allowed colonists to create really big plantations

Women were purchased for 120 pounds of Tobacco

Illegal to leave without consent of the king

Puritans came by boat o Civil war in England o Under severe pressure and tried to immigrate to Holland o Ended up migrating to the US

In their boat ride to the US they ended up in Cape Cod o Named it Plymouth

41 male passengers signed a document called the Mayflower Compact o Established a civil governance to allegiance to the king

Native Americans suffered a massive decline

Huron o Declined from 32,000 to 10,000

Newcomers were appropriating more land

Settlers were changing the whole industry o Fencing land o Depleting land o Brought civilization to the savages

9/19/17 

Comte De Buffon

Monogenesis o African albino were DeGeneres

The child follows stomach

9/26/17 


Longue Duree

1700-37 Million

1771-100 Million



1831- Nat Turner Revolt

Gang system vs Task System

9/28/2017 

The Long 18th century o The English Enlightenment 

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) 

Leviathon 1651

John Locke (1632-1704)

o French Enlightenment 

Montesquieu (1689-1755) 

Spirit of Laws

Pioneer of Sociology

Voltaire (1694-1778)

Denis Diderot (1713-1784)


o German Enlightenment 

Aufklarung 

Leibniz (1646-1716) o Monadology (1714)

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) o Critique of Pure Reason

  

Transcendental Idealism

Super Skepticism

Skepticism o A Treatise on Human Nature(1739) o David Hume (1711-1776)

Romanticism o Jean-Jacques Rousseau 

E’Mile (1762)

o Confessions (1765-1770) o Julie, Ou la Novelle He’loise (1761) 10/3/17 

French Revolution (1789-?) (1815?) (1870?) o First Estate – Clergy o Second Estate-Nobility o Third Estate- “Common People” o May 1st 1789- Estates General o Cahiers de Doleances (Grievances) o Taxes- Corvee (Labor)- Taille (Land)

National Assembly o July 14,1789 

Bastille 

Great Fear (July 19-Aug 3)

o Aug 4,1789 

End of Feudal Regime+ Privileges

o July 12,1790 

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

o 1791 

Constitutional Monarchy

o 1793  

King + Queen Executed

American Revolution o Seven Years War: (1754-1763) 

Stamp Act (1765)

Tea Act (1773)

Sugar Act (1764)

o Olive Branch Petition (July 5,1775) o Declaration of the causes (July 6th) o Necessity of taking up arms (July 6,1775) o Prohibitory Act (1775) o Common Sense- Thomas Paine (Jan 1776) o Declaration of Independence ( July 4th 1776) o Patriots vs Loyalists (Tories) o Continental Congress – Articles of Confederation (Nov 1777) 

Sacrusanct o Sacred

Napoleonic Code o Affected French Revolution

11/2/17 

Russian revolution o Tsarist Russia  Absolute authority, imperial power o Very little social mobility o Tsar Alexander II(1855)  faced considerable unrest at home debt from the Crimean war o Persuaded to implement reforms of the state and Russian society 

1861- Emancipation of Russian serfs

1864- reorganization of provincial assemblies (zemstvos) – established some local authority

o 1870’s  Revolutionary movement: Narodniki 

Narodnava Volya (Peoples will) Terrorist branch

Chernii Peredel (Black Partition) Work within the system to achieve redistribution of land

o March 1881: Alexander II Assassinated o October 1881: Narodniki issue the Narodniki program 

Resulted in Massive Repression of the Narodniki

o 1880’s Russian Socialism develops 

Socialist Revolutionary Party

Russian Social democratic labor party (Marxist) RSDLP

 

1903Split: Bolsheviks (Lenin)- Mensheviks

Publication of Lenin’s: What is to be done

o 1904: Russo-Japanese War- Russia Loses o 1902-1904 Peasant uprisings 

22 January 1905- Bloody Sunday

o Reform by Tsar-Creation of First Duma o Fundamental Laws- May 1906 o Impact of WW1 

Low production in agriculture

Low industrialization

30 percent of troops armed

March 15, 1917 Workers erupt in Revolution in Petrograd (St. Petersburg)

April theses- No Cooperation

Meeting of the Constituent Assembly- Mensheviks (62%) Bolsheviks (25%)

18 Jan 1918 – Assembly meets  then dissolved by Bolsheviks

1921Red Terror- Wipe out oppoisiton...

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