Classics 2MT3 Textbook Summary Notes (2018 ) PDF

Title Classics 2MT3 Textbook Summary Notes (2018 )
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 71
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Classics 2MT3 Textbook Summary Notes (2018 )...


Classics 2MT3 Textbook Notes Chapter 1: Terminations A.COMBINING FORMS Three types of word terminations 1. Primary suffixes: Child-HOOD, child-ISH 2. derived suffixes: child-ISH-NESS, child-LIKE. 3. inflectional endings: child’S, child-REN, child-REN-’S. Primary Suffixes  cannot stand alone as words, cannot be divided into smaller parts, indicate if word is a NOUN or a VERB  Verb Endings X-ize: sympathize- to (do the action of) x finalize- to make (something) x  Adjective Endings X-al- pertaining to x X-ic- “”””””””””””””””” x-ous- “””””””””””””””””””””””””” x-ary- “””””””””””””””””” x-ar- “”””””””””””””””””” x-an-”””””””””””””””””” x-ine-””””””””””””””””””””””””” x-ac-””””””””””””””””’’’’’ x-oid- resembling x

All other word terminations indicate that a word is a NOUN x-ia: an abnormal condition involving x-ist: one who does the action of (x) one who specializes in (x) x-in: a substance (which does the action of) x

DERIVED SUFFIXES  either a compound consisting of two or more elements which function together as a single meaningful unit (child-ish-ness)  or less commonly a word or base which functions like its a suffix.

Abstract Nouns  

words describing medical disorders (diagnostic) words describing examination or treatment (therapeutic)

DIAGNOSTIC  14. it/is: the inflammation of ______.  adjectives need to be started by adjectiable words (pertaining to) laryng/oid/it/ic- pertaining to the inflammation of something resembling the larynx. (plural) 

15. Io/rrhex/is: the rupturing of ______. cuborrhectic (adjective) pertaining to rupturing of cube. cub/o/rrhect/ic if something that cannot be ruptured, it will be: Pertaining to the rupture of something pertaining to ______.

16. o-schis-is: the splitting of______. cranioschisis: the splitting of a skull (NOUN) cranioschistic- pertaining to the splitting of the skull (adjective) - not cranioschitic because it will confuse itic (inflammation), and ic (pertaining to)

17.ias/is: abnormal presence of_____. craniasis- abnormal presence of a skull (NOUN) caniastic (ADJECTIVE) - pertaining to the abnormal presence of dogs.

18. o-clas/is: the breaking of_____. iconoclasis- breaking of icons iconoclastic- pertaining to breaking of icons iconoclast? (p16 #72)

19. os/is: abnormal condition involving_____. neurosis: abnormal condition involving nerves neurotic: pertaining to an abnormal condition involving nerves ex. neurotic behaviour neurosis vs. neuria…..ia=osis

psychotiasis Connecting word OT means -osis. psychosis + iasis = abnormal presence of an abnormal condition involving the psyche/mind. psychoiastic? = pertaining to the abnormal presence of something involving the mind.

20. X- o-path/y: a disease of_____. psychopathic: pertaining to disease involving the mind. Psychopath (Path ending means a PERSON): one with a disease of the mind. (#75, p.16)

21. X- o-megal/y: the enlargement of _____. craniomegalic: pertaining to enlargement of the skull. cranialomegalic: pertaining to enlargement of something pertaiing to the skull.

22. X- ophag/y: the abnormal ingestion of ______. sarcophagus: something that eats flesh omophagia?: abnormal condition involving

23. X- ogen/es/is: the production of ______. genetic: pertaining to the production of _______.

24. X- opoi/es/is (older version) : the formation of _____. plasia: formation of _____. poietic: pertaining to the formation of_____.

25. X-o-kin/es/is: the movement of _____. kinetic: pertaining to the movement of ______.

26. X-algia: pain in / involving ______. cranialgia: pain in/involving the skull nostalgia: pain involving the wanting to come home7

27. X-odynia: pain in/involving _____. an/odyne: thing without pain (NOUN)

28. X- oplegia: the paralysis of _____.

29. X-openia: a deficiency of _____. peninsula: NOT MEDICAL. deficiency of islandness penultimate: NOT MEDICAL. deficiency of lastness. leukopenia: MEDICAL: a deficiency of white blood cells.

30. X- orrhagia: rapid flowing of (something from)_____. craniorrhagic: pertaining to rapid flowing of something from the skull hemorrhage: rapid flowing of blood.

31. X-o-malac/ia: the softening of _____. osteomalacia: the softening of the bones

32. X-o-necr/os/is: the death of _____. necropolis:

33. X-o-sten/os/is: the narrowing of _____. arteriostenosis: the narrowing of an artery. stenotic: (ADJECTIVE)

34. X-o-scler/os/is: the hardening of ______. arteriosclerosis: the hardening of the multiple sclerosis

35. X-o/pt/os/is: downward displacement of _____. apoptosis: cell death (falling off) blepharoptosis: the downward displacement of your eyelid

36. X-agr/a: gouty pain in x

37. X-o/rrhe/a: the flowing of (something from)______. craniorrhea: the flowing of something from the skull. diarrhea: the flowing of something through.

40. X-olith: a calculus in (involving)_____. calculus: a stone.

38. X- edema: the swelling of _____. X-edamatous: to the swelling of _____. Oedipus: swollen feet.

36. X-agra: gouty pain in ____.

37. X- o/rrhe/a: the flowing of (something from) _____.

39. X-o-cel/e: the protrusion of (something through) ____.

41. X-o-spasm: a spasm of _____.

42. X-ism/us: a spasm of ______.

43. X-ec/top/ia: the displacement of _____.

44. X-ec/tas/ia: the distention of _____.

45. X-o-plas/ia: the formation of _____.

46. X-o-dys/plas/ia: the defective formation of _____.

47. X-o-troph/y: the growth/nourishment of _____.

48. X-o-dys/troph/y: the defective growth of ______.

49. X-a/troph/y: the lack of growth of _____.

50. X-a/sthen/ia: the lack of strength of ____. callisthenics


abstract nouns that denote the treatment and observation of disorders tend to end in -y and -is.

51. X-o-therap/y: treatment by the means of ______. chemotherapy: the treatment by means of chemical

52. x-iatr/y: the healing of ____. psychiatry: 53. X-o-stas/is: the stopping of _____. static: thermostasis: the stopping of heat. thermostat: an instrument for stopping heat home/o/stasis: the stopping of things so they stay the same home/o/pathy: a disease that makes things stay the same

54. X-o-plast/y: the surgical repairing of _____. cuboplasia: the formation of a cube (SEE #45) cub/o/plast/y = surgical repairing of a cube cub/o/plast/ic: pertaining to the formation of a cube OR………...pertaining to the surgical repairing of a cube

55. X-o-cent/es/is: the surgical puncturing of _____. amni/o/centesis: surgical puncturing of amnion

56. X-o-rrhaph/y: the suturing of _____. rhap/sody: the stitching of songs melody:

57. X-o-tom/y: the cutting of ______. atom: “not-cut-able”

“tom” = cut

58. X-ec/tom/y: the cutting out of ______.: 59. X-o-stom/y: the making of an opening in _______. stomach tonsill/o/tomy: the cutting of a tonsil tonsill/ectomy: the cutting out of a tonsil crani/o/stom/ize: to make an opening in the skull crani/o/stom/ist guy: (refers to a person) one you makes an opening in the skull? crani/ist: one who specializes in the skull

60. X-ic/s: the science of ______. phys/ics: science of nature/growth crani/o/megal/ics: the science of the enlargement of the skull

61. X-o/log/y: the study of _____. crani/o/mega/logy: the study of the enlargement of the skull biology: the study of life biologist: one who studies life bio/log/ize: to study life bio/log/ics: the science of the study of life biologic: pertaining to the study of life biological: pertaining to something pertaining to the study of life 62. X-o-scop/y: the examination of ______. tele/scopy: the examination of something far away crani/a/troph/ic/o/scopy: the examination of something pertaining to the lack of growth of the skull

63. X-o-metr/y: the measurement of ______.

64. X-o-graph/y: the recording of ______. crani/a/troph/ic/o/graph: the instrument for recording of something pertaining to the lack of growth of the skull.


65. X-o-pex/y: the adhesion of _______. (diagnosis) the fixation of ______. (therapeutic)

66. X-o-lys/is: the disintegration of ______. (diagnosis) the separation of the adhesions of _____. (therapeutic)

67. X-o-trop/ism: the tendency to preferentially affect _____. (BOTH)

CONCRETE NOUNS Some therapeutic nouns have derivative concrete forms denoting the instrument or doer.

Some formed using noun suffix “-e”   

68. X-o-phag/e: something which ingests _____. sarcophagus 69. X-o-tom/e: an instrument for cutting ______. (7 ABOVE) atom 70. X-ec/tom/e: an instrument for cutting out ______. (8 above) Adjectives such as X-o-tomic - p.t the cutting of ____ - p.t an instrument for cutting_____

71. X-o-scop/e: an instrument for examining ______. (12 ABOVE)

Others consist of the base alone. 

72. X-o-clast: something which breaks _____. (LOOK AT X-OCLASIS)

73. X-o-stat: an instrument for stopping _____. (53 ABOVE)

74. X-o-gen: a substance which produces _____. (LOOK AT X-OGENESIS)

75. X-o-path: one with a disease of ______. (LOOK AT X-OPATHY)

76. X-o-graph: an instrument for recording _____. (LOOK AT 64 ABOVE)

77. X-o-gram: a record of _____. (LOOK AT 64 ABOVE)

78. X-o-meter: an instrument for measuring ______. (LOOK AT 63 ABOVE)


Three derived adjectival suffixes have more specific meanings. 79. X-o-gen/ic: producing _____. (LOOK AT X-OGENESIS) carcin/o/gen/ic = producing cancer

80. X-gen/ous: produced by_______. (LOOK AT 23, 79 ABOVE) carcin/o/gen/ous: produced by cancer

81. X-o-trop/ic: preferentially affecting ____. (LOOK AT 67 ABOVE) tonsill/o/trop/ic: preferentially affecting the tonsils


- used in latin to indicate whether a word is nominative or possessive, singular or plural, masculine or feminine or neuter. NOUNS 82. X-us: MASCULINE, (the/a)___. mucus: 83. X-a: FEMININE (the/a)___. [vertebra….= a joint] vertebra 84. X-um: NEUTER: (the/a)_____. [cranium….=the/a skull] cranium: 85. X-on: NEUTER: (the/a)_____. [ganglion….=a knot] ganglion:

ADJECTIVES PERTAINING TO ______.  86. X-eus = masculin X-ea = feminine X-eum= neuter  check if it has an adjectival ending, with more words at end, may be a LATIN ADJECTIVE Vertebrale: pertaining to vertebra (latin adjective) vertebrin: a substance of the vertebra (OR SUBSTANCE THAT DOES THE ACTION OF) vertebra: noun cranioidea: resembling a skull craniosis: abnormal condition involving the skull Cranium: skull (english and latin)

ENGLISH: adjective, THEN noun LATIN: noun, THEN adjective X-icist: one who specializes in X-ics - one who specializes in the science of _______ Crani/o/genet/ic/ist: one who specializes in the science of the production of the skull QUIZ tonsill/a/troph/ine: pertaining to the lack of growth/nourishment of the tonsils tonsill/o/trop/in: a substance that preferentially affects the tonsils tonsill/o/troph/ics: the science of growth/nourishment of the tonsils tonsil/dys/troph/ic: pertaining to the defective growth of the tonsils tonsill/o/troph/ic: pertaining to the growth of the tonsils tonsill/o/troph/in: a substance that is responsible for the growth of the tonsils laryng/o/stom/ize: to make an opening in the larynx laryng/ostom/ist: one who makes an opening in the larnyx laryng/o/stom/in: a substance that makes an opening in the larynx craniogenic: producing the skull craniogenous: produced by the skull


Nouns - most abstract nouns have verbal idea - abstract nouns generally denote a process of doing something ex. “X-ometry” defined as [the measurement of x] would be more literally rendered as [the process of measuring x] - “a measurement of x” implies the result of a process, not a process - very careful with therapeutic nouns. ex. X-orraphy(56) : the suturing of ___. (NOT “a suture or x”) ex. X-orrhea: the flowing of (something from) _____. (NOT “a flow of [something]) ex. X-edema: the swelling of ____. (NOT “a swelling of x”) - new derived suffixes are sometimes formed by combining various terminations ex. X-olith: a calculus involving _____ X- iasis: the abnormal presence of _____. X- olithiasis: the abnormal presence of a calculus involving ______.

- Nouns ending in “-ia”, “-is”, “-y”, “-esis” are interchangeable,

and “-es/is” itself has a variant “-es/ia” - gives rise to VARIANT forms for the derived noun suffixes ex. X-opexy is usual form, but X-opexis occurs too, but meaning still same.


ADJECTIVES a. most derived noun suffixes can be made into adjectives by replacing the primary noun suffix with an adjectival one. ex. X-oplast/y (4) the surgical repairing of ________. X-o-plast/ic (4) pertaining to the surfical repairing of _____. X-o-dys-troph/y: the defective growth of ____. X-o-dys/troph/ic: pertaining to the defective growth of _____. X-o-phag/y: the eating of _____. X-o-phag/ous: pertaining to the eating of _____. b. for most nouns ending in “-s/is”, the corresponding adjectives end in “-t/ic” ex. X-o-gen-es-is: the production of _____. X-o-gen-et-ic: pertaining to the production of _______. X-o-stas-is: the stopping of ______. X-o-stat-ic: pertaining to the stopping of ______. c. some adjectival forms do not follow pattern. -X-edema: the swelling of X-edemat-ous: pertaining to the swelling of -X-o-spasm: a spasm of x X-o-spast-ic: pertaining to a spasm of x -X-ec-tas-ia: the distention of x X-ec-tat-ic: pertaining to the distention of x. the letter “x” stands for the two sounds “ks” -X-o-pex/y: the adhesion/fixation of x. X-o-pect/ic: pertaining to the adhesion of x. -X-o/rrhex/is: the rupturing of x. X-o/rrhect/ic: pertaining to the rupturing of x. d. special adjectives -X-o-gen/ic: producing x. -X-o-gen/ous: produced by x.() -X-o-trop/ic: preferentially affecting X. (17) Virtually all other adjectival forms can be translated by a phrase beginning with “pertaining to” (“relating to”, “involving”), few can have two meanings ex. X-o-plast/ic: “pertaining to the surgical repairing of _____. (X-o-plast/y) could also mean… “pertaining to the formation of ____.” (X-o-plas/ia)

ex. X-o-scop/ic: pertaining to the examination of ___. (X-o-scop/y) (62) Pertaining to an instrument for examining ___. (X-o-scop/e) (71) ex. X-o-graph/ic: pertaining to the recording of ___. (X-o-graph/y) (64) Pertaining to an instrument for recording ___. (X-o-graph) (76) Pertaining to a record of ____. (X-o-gram) (77)


COMBINING VOWELS a. in a form like “x-o-schisis”, the “-o-” is a combining vowel, inserted to make the word easier to pronounce. Rules are straightforward. i. if termination begins with a consonant, the combining vowel must be inserted, but if termination begins with a vowel it’s omitted. ex. we find “X-o-schisis” and “X-itis” ii. the combining vowel “-o-”, but other vowels are occasionally used: these will be pointed out as they occur.


COMMON SENSE a. for some terminations, attention must be paid to whether the base is verbal or substantive meaning. - “x-ize” where “x” is represents a verbal idea, will mean to [do the action of x]. where X represents a substantive idea, means [to make (something) x] ex. sympathize = to have or give or offer sympathy finalize = to make final, or to make something final b. “x-ist” where x represents a verbal idea means, [one who (does the action of)x] where x represents a substantive idea, mean [one who specializes in x] ex. biologist = one who studies life dentist = one who specializes in teeth c. “x-in”, where x represents a verbal idea mean, [a substance which (does the action of) x] where x represents a substantive idea, mean [a substance of x] ex. pectin = a substance which fixes adrenaline = a substance of the adrenal gland for other terminations, pay attention to the nature of what the base represents. a. “x-orrhea” mean [the flowing of x] when x is a substance that can flow, if not then it will mean [the flowing of something from x]

b. “x-orrhagia” and “x-o-cele” are analyzed similarly. c. “x-algia” and “x-odynia” will mean [pain in x]. when “x” cannot feel pain, then will mean [pain involving x]. “x-o-lith” is similarly analyzed. d. “x-o-phagy”, eating or ingestion definition will be based on common sense. e. “pertaining to” is only used for adjectival endings, very vague and only used when a more specific adjectival phrase is not implied by a particular termination. “X-o-gen/ic” = producing x (not pertaining to the production of x) “X-o-gen/ous) = produced by x “X-o-trop/ic) = preferentially affecting x (not “pertaining to the tendency to preferentially affect”) f. “-ic/al” usually represents fields of study (biological, psychological), is translated as though it is singular. (pertaining to the study of life) 1. pathy, pathia 2. phagy, phagia 3. geny, genisis 4. kinesis, kinesia 5. rhagy, rhaggia 6. poiesia, poiesis. 7. ectasis, ectasia 8. ectopy, ectopia 9. atrophia, atrophy 10. pexy, pexis







2. som(at)/o



3. derm(at)/o



derma, derm/is

4, epiderm(at)/o

upon the dermis



5. cyt/o




a cell of x

6. arthr/o



7. acr/o




8. mel/o


9. cephal/o



10. trich/o



11. blephar/o


12. ophthalm/o



13. ot/o



14. rhin/o



15. pros/op/p



16. faci/o



17. cervic/o



18. trachel/o



19. om/o

20. brachi/o







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