Classification of Tests According to Format PDF

Title Classification of Tests According to Format
Course Assessment in Learning 2
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 3
File Size 47.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Classification of Tests According to Format...


Classification of Tests According to Format I. Standardized Tests – tests that have been carefully constructed by experts in the light of accepted objectives. 1.Ability tests – combine verbal and numerical ability, reasoning and computations 2.Aptitude Tests – measure potential in a specific field or area; predict that degree to which an individual will succeed in any given area such art, music, mechanical task or academic studies. II. Teacher-made Tests – constructed by classroom teacher which measure and appraise student progress in terms of specific classroom and instructional objectives 1.Objective Type – answers are in the form of a single word or phrase or symbol. 2.Limited Response Type – requires the student to select the answer from a given number of alternatives or choices. i.

Multiple Choice Test – consists of a stem each of which presents three to five alternatives or options in which only one is correct or definitely better than the other. The correct option choice or alternative in each item is merely called answer and the rest of the alternatives are called distracters or decoys or foils.


True – False or Alternative Response – consists of declarative statements that one has to respond or mark true or false, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, yes or no, fact or opinion, agree or disagree and the like. It is a test made up of items which allow dichotomous responses.


t heachdi c hot omous Matching Type – consists of two parallel columns wi r es pons es .Wor d,number ,ors y mbol i nonec ol umnbei ngmat chedt oawor d s ent enc e,orphr asei nt heot hercol umn.Thei t emsi nCol umnl orAf orwhi c h

amat c hi ss oughtar ecal l edpr emi s es ,andt hei t emsi nCol umnI l orBf r om whi c ht hesel ect i oni smadear ec al l ed b.Fr eeRes pons eT ypeorSuppl yTest -r equi r est hest udentt osuppl yorgi v e t hecor r ec tans wer i .Shor tAns wer–usesadi r ectquest i ont hatcanbeans wer edbyawor d, phr as e,number ,ors y mbol . i i .Compl et i onTest consi s t sofani ncompl et es t at ementt hatcan

3.EssayType-Essayquest i onspr ovi def r eedom ofr espons et hatr es ponses .Suppl yor gi v et hecor r ec tans wer .Awor d,phr ase,number ,ors y mbol .Al sobeans wer edbya wor d,phr ase,number ,ors y mbol i sneededt oadequat el yass es sst udent s ' abi l i t yt o f or mul at e,or gani z e,i nt egr at eandev al uat ei deasandi nf or mat i onorappl yknowl edge ands ki l l s . Ot herCl as si fi cat i onofTes t s 1.Ps y chol ogi cal Tes t s -ai mt omeas ur es t udent s ' i nt angi bl eas pect sof behavi or ,i . e.i nt el l i genc e,at t i t udes ,i nt er est s 2.Educ at i onal Tes t s ai mt omeas ur et her esul t s / effect sofi nst r uct i ons . 3.Sur v eyTes t s meas ur egener all ev el ofst udent ' sac hi ev ementov erabr oadr angeof l ear ni ngout comesandt endt oemphasi z enor m -r ef er encedi nt er pr et at i on 4.Mas t er yTes t smeas ur et hedegr eeofmast er yofal i mi t eds etofs pec i ficl ear ni ng out c omesandt y pi cal l yus ec r i t er i onr ef er enc edi nt er pr et at i ons . 5.PowerTTes t s des i gnedt omeas ur el ev el ofper f or mancet i mecondi t i ons ,cons i stof i t emsar r angedi nor deri ncr easi ngdi fficul t y 6.Ver balT est s onei nwhi chwor dsar ev er ynec ess ar yandt heex ami neeshoul dbe equi ppedwi t hv ocabul ar yi nat t ac hi ngmeani ngt oorr es pondi ngt ot es ti t ems .

7.SpeedTest s-des i gnedt omeas ur et henumberofi t emsani ndi vi dual orr es pondi ng t ot es ti t ems 8. NonVer bal Tes t s onei nwhi chwor dsar enott hati mpor t antst udentr es pondst ot es t i t emsi nt hef or m ofdr awi ngs ,pi ct ur esordesi gn...

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