Climate Justice - n/a PDF

Title Climate Justice - n/a
Course Global Ethics
Institution Queen's University Belfast
Pages 4
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Climate Justice - Week 7 –

Caney - ‘Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change’ -Changes threat to human interest -Those who cause the problem morally responsible for solving it -Dramatic and rapid changes -Distributive justice = distribution of burdens and benefits. -Global environmental Three assumptions that need rethinking – 1) Distribution of burden and benefit = not benefit in term of trad way e.g. wealth. How can be extended to include environmental burden and benefit 2) Conventional issues distributive justice = state based, but this need global distribution of burdens and benefits. 3) Q’s about inter-generational justice – effect will be felt by future people What duties to future nations do we have? Do future people have rights?

‘Mitigation burdens’ – e.g, reduce emissions – costs to actors of not engaging in activities which involve that contribute to global warming. E.g. cut back on fossil fuels ‘Polluter pays’ = causers are responsible for the ill-effects. Problems – e.g. what about when past generations have caused it Shue and Neumayar = both say this problem can be solved as current generations still beneficiaries of policies adapted by previous generations. Ignorance and obligation = Doubts that polluter pays is too indiscriminate. Such an approach unfair to impoverished? Abbott – -Need for coherent body = prevent hierarchical climate governance. -Global issue -Explosion of transnational bodies = need for coherent body for things t change

-Governance is fragmented and decentralized.


Regime Complex theory identifies important benefits from decentralization, but also significant costs; normatively, it suggests the need to manage fragmentation.


Orchestration provides a feasible approach to global governance that can bridge existing gaps between the international and transnational RCs, enhancing the benefits of fragmentation, decentralization, and scale. (What is this idea)

Actor Network Theory – ANT – like little ants trail throughout network – tracing actors as they move and translate throughout and what this tells us about social reality. -New approach for social theory -The ‘social’ is complex, hybrid, heterogeneous -Actors can be human non-human -Non-human agency in political reality? -E.g. technology has power to shape relations etc. – Tesla power -Linked in capillary networks. -Analytical tool kit -E.g. Wildlife crime – body parts broke down – interactions with different actors for power to occur – actors in processes of becoming with other things. -New way of understanding

Focus questions – -Who owes what to whom for mitigating Climate Change? US ¼ of all carbon emission – but Trump ignored mitigation burden Biden recognizing responsibility of the perpetrator and global governance. -Who wins and loses from the current situation? (Media pieces)

The poor losing e.g Kiribati Everyone else is ignoring 2100 – Miami, Boston – 10ft above sea level Not distribution of benefit/burden -Trump ignoring mitigation burden for sake of economic growth, Biden now taking responsible -How is power exercised throughout issues concerning climate justice? -Positive power incentives to make change through things like Kyoto Protocol -The incentive to be seen doing something -Power exercised in more positive way instead of extension of power that will ensure economic growth now but cause chaos in the future. -Alternative exercise of power. -US Military Industrial Triangle – disproportionate influence over Foreign Policy – Hard to make change in Climate policy at individual level Who has agency? E.g People removed from their land in Uganda, violence against nature and women furthers oppression and systems of patriarchy. E.G ANT – Labourers in Uganda – trace cheap jeans through the network – race, gender dimensions revealed. Pressure on girls more money on makeup and fashion that isn’t sustainable – more sinister marketing strategies -Non-renewable period products- switch to sustainable.

Climate refugees – Nation Under Threat v=4MXoUbsswHY -World contributing to it least, experience worst of Climate Change. -Kiribati = likely to become inhabitable engulfed by ocean. Households lost. 6ft above level. -By 2013 – US over ¼ of the worlds carbons emissions, at 27% - but it is places like Kiribati losing out

-Sea levels rising 50% faster than 20 years ago -This displays the legitimacy of Caney’s argument that those who cause the problem are morally responsible for solving it. -Trump withdrawal from Climate agreement = no justice for the issues they have caused. Claimed unfair burden. Former president – where is the justice of sending emissions our way to improve your life – resistance to US power dominating the future. -Increasing climate refugees raises worrying questions around responsibility – no formal regime for climate migrants etc. UN doesn’t recognize as formal reason to leave your country. -Fiji – giving space for climate refugees recognizing need for global issues, but the perpetrators not paying attention -Global issue with need for global governance = this is lacking -There is a need for global distribution of environmental burdens and benefits. -Trump downplaying situation to avoid ‘mitigation burden’, Biden taking responsibility and recognizing need for global governance. -Need for less fragmentation and global responsibility. The EU and some states engage in experimentalist governance, but transnational experimentation is rarely pursued in a structured way

Essay –----Clear line of writing -Academic literature first – podcasts and stuff ok but supplementary -Harvard referencing -No footnotes -Pick a topic enjoy -Don’t be too descriptive if doesn’t answer question leave out...

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