Coca-cola - final summary PDF

Title Coca-cola - final summary
Course Introduction to Marketing
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 50.6 KB
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final summary...


Coca-Cola is one best known brands in the world. From North America to China, everyone knows Coca-Cola. They have carefully crafted there brand, since the company started back in 1886. From its uniquely shaped cocoa pod bottle to its Spencerian scripted logo, Coca-Cola has always made a point to differentiate itself from the hundreds of other options out on the market (Seabrook, 2019). Coca-Cola has also been very constant on its advertising message. Have a Coke and a Smile is not only one of their marketing sayings it is the prevailing message in their commercials. From happy polar bears to Santa Claus, to melting Mean Joe Green’s heart, the message is always consistent, drink Coke and be happy. Coca-Cola has recently varied slightly from its past marketing strategy of leveraging on the main brand. In the past the company mainly rode the coattails of Cokes immense popularity to help prop up its additional brands. Recently in a Forbes interview, chief growth officer for CocaCola, Francisco Crespo outlined the new strategy. The new strategy divides their marketing into 3 categories (Leaders, Explorers, and Challengers). This has allowed them to better target all products dependent on area as well as markets share. The leader’s campaign of course centers on Coca-Cola and its associated brands. With this group it is not about reinventing the wheel, but rather ensuring that it is rolling flawlessly as possible. Continue to fine tune and sharpen the market brand, ensuring not to tarnish a longstanding icon. The explorer marketing strategies is for the newer products emerging into new markets. Here they want to be innovative and show how their product will work for the consumer better than the current existing product they are using. This campaign will be edgy and new in order to catch the attention of new consumers. Finally you have the challenger marketing strategy. This is the campaign to be used once the explorer products get a good footing into the area. The campaign then shifts from edgy to that of building the market share and increase brand loyalty. While Coca-Cola could just sit back and rest on its very large and well established market brand, they have chosen to continue to push forward and continue to be the world leader. While they do from time to time leverage that well established brand, they are not afraid to venture out in an attempt to maybe one day develop the next Coca-Cola icon.

The Coca-Cola Company is the largest nonalcoholic beverage company in the world. With over 500+ brands spanning 4,700+ products they cover entire world producing soft drinks, juices & dairy, hydration, coffees & teas, and energy. Started in 1886 by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia the Coca-Cola brand has continued evolve and grow. From the beginning Dr. Pemberton had one goal with his products, develop and craft products that the customer loves. As the diversity of the products have grown so has the company. The Coca-Cola Company prides itself on having and intelligent work force that strives to continue to improve. Providing an environment that allows the employees to feel empowered and inclusive allows them focus and improve the business daily.

Coca-Cola also does numerous out reaches that help local communities in need (Fleishman, 2019). Through its Coca-Cola foundation they have given back more than $1 billion dollars to help local communities worldwide. With a priority of empowering women, protecting the environment, and enhancing communities, the company has helper nearly 300 organizations in 70 countries. The company also realizes that with its immense footprint on the world that it has an important role in helping preserve what we have. Since 1969 the Coca-Cola Company has been studying its impact on the environment. They are constantly studying and improving their impact on several aspects of the environment. Water usage, packaging, refrigeration and energy use, and packaging are all monitored and improved constantly (Treehugger, 2020). The Coca-Cola Company has been one of the most prolific and iconic advertisers in the history of advertising. Setting the way as well as the trends of modern advertising, Coca-Cola has revolutionized the world of marketing. With campaigns like “I would to buy the world a Coke” and “Have a Coke and a Smile” they have garnered the hearts of the world through advertising....

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