Comm 101 Exam 2 Study Guide PDF

Title Comm 101 Exam 2 Study Guide
Author Alexandra Bidgood
Course Communication In The 21St Century
Institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Pages 6
File Size 106.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 52
Total Views 138


Super detailed. I got an A on every test by studying these, very detailed. Teacher was Dr. Bonander...


Ethics and Communication - Ethics - The study of the general nature of morals and the specific choices made by a person - The Golden Mean - Aristotle’s ethical principle - Morality is found in moderation and that extremes should be avoided - But not all behavior  can be tolerated in moderation (murder, adultery, etc)m - Personal interests should be subordinated to our communities - Categorical Imperative (actions = universal law, bad means doesnt = good end, respect) - Only need to know ⅗ tenants - 1. Act as if your actions were to become universal law that everyone should obey - 2. Never treat others merely as a means, but also as an ends (a good end can never equate a bad means) - 3. Act in a way that respects the rights of others - Utilitarianism - All ethical conflicts can be resolved by determining which action would create the greatest good for the greatest amount of people - Shuts down conversation- straight to point - Veil of Ignorance - If people made decisions not  knowing whether it would benefit themselves, they act more justly - Not knowing where others are at in society (you are at the bottom) - Cares for the weakest member (we are the weak members) - Ends based - Utilitarianism - Rules based - Categorical imperative - Care based - Veil of ignorance Power and Leadership - Power - The ability to decide who has access to resources - Capacity to direct or influence others/ events - Oppression - Maintains advantage over another group intentionally or unintentionally - Systems of Power - Cultural norms that create power structures







Privilege - Unearned access to resources only available to certain people due to social group membership Class - System of ordering a society in which people are divided into social or economic status Hegemony - Dominance of one group over another Patriarchy - Father/ male has absolute authority over a group Social Change - When systems of power ingrained in society are confronted or attempt to be altered Selecting Leaders - Democratic - Large groups - Used when direct communication is not possible - Leaders are responsible for group but can be removed - Appointed - Leaders come with some expertise - Chosen by someone or a body from outside the group - They may not be respected by the group - Emergent - Might be appointed or elected - Identified by the whole group as a leader but not officially Reward Power - Ability to provide good or take away bad things from someone for doing a task Referent Power - Derived from charisma of leader Coercive Power - Introduces negativity to others - Strongest form of power - Used in military and prisons Expert Power - Having specific knowledge of something Leadership Styles - Coercive - Punishes group - Authoritative



- Similar to coercive but comes from place of empathy Affiliative - flexible , encouraging - Builds relationships Democratic - Try to build consensus among group Pacesetting - Sets high standard - Best work in shortest time

Defining Organizational Communication - Organizational Communication - The interaction  required to direct a group towards a shared goal - Interests need to be discovered and communicated - Difference is always present - Many definitions - Information Transfer - Exchange of info, transmission of meaning - Basic foundational approach - It assumes receiver is passive - Strategic Control - Comm is a tool for influencing the environment - Multiple goals, not always focused on clarity - Realistic look at communications - Minimizes ethics and focuses on individuals - Creativity and Constraint - Constraint: the rules that come with a system - Creativity: The design and modification of social systems through communication - Through comm we balance both - Dialogue - We have two stories - “I”: creative self that is kept private, impulsive - Socially contrainsted, applies social rules - When people work to coordinate their contexts, interpretations, comm, and actions, they are organizing - Dialogue increases satisfaction, improves relationships - Situated Individual - Everyday business of constructing and maintaining multiple social realities



Individual is the actor whose thoughts/actions are based on interpretation of context More than one context always exists

Voice - The ability to participate in ongoing organizational dialogue

Casing a Promised Land - Detective - We need to see organizations as a mystery - Take good notes, ask questions - Ethnography - Looks at how symbols function to create social order - representing in words what you have lived through as a person when your stated purpose was to study a culture - We are tasked with writing in a way that represents our realities - Fieldwork - The collection of info outside a lab - Going into the organization to gather stories and experiences - Problems w/ Academic Writing - Does not resemble how people actually communicate - You have to go out into the field to be good - How to conduct and organizational analysis - 1) Introduce organization and explain key information about it. - 2) Explain why you chose this organization. - 3) Discuss some questions  you hoped to answer through your organizational audit. - 4) Explain methods used, questions asked, etc. - 5) Explain findings. - 6) Make recommendations on how to improve. - 7) Share findings and recommendations with the organization. - Thick description - Detailed description of everyday life and practice Small Group - Group task roles - You are not always the same role in every group - Help the group achieve its goals - Group building and maintenance roles - Group’s interpersonal relationships have to be nourished







Individual roles - Hinder the group from achieving its goals What you can do to be a better member - Focus on conflict not personalities - Be group oriented - Ensure understanding - Beware of social-loafing Groupthink - Tendency that shuts out logical analysis of a problem and its solutions Leadership - Process of influencing thoughts - Establishing direction that others follow Myths of leadership - Skills of leadership are rare (everyone can be a leader) - Leaders are born (leaders can be learned) - Leaders are charismatic (there’s a variety of leaders) Traits approach to leadership - Views the leader as the one who possesses the characteristics that contribute to leadership Functional approach to leadership - What a leader should do in a certain situation Transformational approach to leadership - Elevates and empowers the other members (people look up to leader) Situational approach to leadership - an effective leader shifts her emphasis between task accomplishment and member satisfaction on the basis of specific group situation Group cohesiveness - The members fondness of each other

Intergroup Communication - Definitions of culture - Normative: culture as a container - Interpretive: culture as co-created - Critical: culture as a struggle in a larger context - Dialectic: culture as shifting tensions - Communication is a meaning making process that includes all of the following - Symbolic - Transactional




- Contextual - Interpretive Intergroup communication - Judging the behavior of others in terms of group membership Intergroup contact theory - Bringing members of one group into contact w/ another group w/ the goal of influencing attitude - Not competition emphasized - Common goals Accommodative processes - Salience - Needs to be high for attitudes to translate - Typicality - Outgroup member must be seen as typical Communication patterns of groups in power How can positive interactions between groups best be facilitated? What are the necessary conditions for successful interactions?...

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