Comm 101 Exam 1 Study Guide PDF

Title Comm 101 Exam 1 Study Guide
Author Alexandra Bidgood
Course Communication In The 21St Century
Institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Pages 7
File Size 80.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 100
Total Views 146


Super detailed. I got an A on every test by studying these, very detailed. Teacher was Dr. Bonander...





45 scantron (pencil) - Not verbatim as quizzes from book - Should study the questions from book 1-2 short answer questions - “You’re trying to persuade town hall on how to allocate money… explain how you would use pathos, ethos, logos to change their mind” - 3-4 or 6-8 sentences There are questions from powerpoints that aren’t on study guide Know what people stood for

Chapter 1 - Difference between communication and communications - communications is short for telecommunications, which involves the transmission of information through some sort of technology, such as television, radio, print, computer, or satellite. - Definition of communication - a participatory process that utilizes messages to generate meaning - Channel - the means by which a message moves from the source to the receiver of the message - Decoding and Encoding - we have verbal codes which use words and non-verbal codes - encompasses all other forms of communication include posture, dress, gestures etc - messages must be both encoded senders and decoded by receivers - Environment - surrounding or conditions where communication occurs - Message - A systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of another person(s) - Noise - an interference that decreases message clarity - Receiver - The person who receives the messages - Self-concept - The way in which one sees themselves - Self-efficacy - The optimistic belief that a person has that they can accomplish their goals - SMRC Model


- Sender, Message, Receiver, Channel - Early, very flawed Transactional Model of Communication - describes communication as a process in which communicators generate social realities within social, relational, and cultural contexts

Chapter 2 - Definition of argument - Claim or conclusions supported w/ logical reasoning - Difference between argument and assertion - Claim without evidence or reasoning - What is Aristotle’s definition of rhetoric? - The faculty of observing in any case of the available means of persuasion - Advocate - A person who attempts to persuade others - Enthymeme - A type of syllogism where one or more of the premises or conclusion is not stated - Ethos - Based on credibility - Logos - Based on logic and reason - Pathos - Based on emotion - Questions of fact - Answers who did what, what happened, who is to blame - Questions of policy - What policy should be adopted to solve a specific problem - Question of value - What holds the greater value - Rhetoric - The ability to see the available means of persuasion - Syllogism - A form of logical proof where if you accept the major and minor premise of an argument then you must accept the conclusion - The Rhetorical Situation - was created by Loyd Bitzer - Helps us better understand arguments and how they function in particular situations with a specific audience

Chapter 3 - Sophists - Paid rhetoric teachers in ancient greece - Today sophist means to have no morals - Socrates - Critical of sophists - Plato - Changed his name because he thought he knew everything - Thought there should be one king and it should be him - Aristotle - We still use this way of teaching public speaking - Middle ground between sophists and socrates - Anecdotal evidence - is a single example and is not high quality evidence because we do not know if the example representative - Assertion - Contains claim but lacks backing - Toulmin’s Model of Argument - claim, data, warrant, backing, and qualifier - Backing - Additional justification offered in support of your warrant - Claim - The conclusion you want your audience to accept - Data - Evidence presented in support of the claim - Needs to be representative - Qualifier - Tells audience probability an argument is true or under what conditions it’s true - Credibility - The trustworthiness of a source; includes evaluation of the sources - Reliability - Accuracy and repeatability of evidence - Representativeness - Ability of data to fairly represent the group it’s referring to - Spurious correlation - when two variables are not related, but because of either coincidence, or a third factor, falsely appear to have a casual relationship


Valid argument - contains a claim, strong evidence, and strong warrants Warrant - are the logical reasons offered to connect the data to the claim Warrant, Backing, Data Difference - Data is evidence to support claim - Warrant is the explanation connects data to claim (the warrant can be unstated) - Backing explains why warrant is rational

Chapter 4 - Cicero’s “rhetorical canon”: Invention, arrangement, linguistic style, memory, & delivery - Memorized delivery - the mode of presentation that involves writing down every word of a speech, memorizing every word, and then reciting the speech in front of an audience - Manuscript delivery - when the speaker writes down the entirety of the speech and reads from the paper copy (or at least references the paper copy heavily). - Extemporaneous delivery - speaking competently and conversationally with limited preparation using limited notes - Preparation / Presentation outline - the full-sentence, typed, complete outline of your speech including the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, thesis, introduction, transitions, body, supporting material, conclusion, and bibliography - a keyword outline that is written or typed on note cards and includes the introduction, a few keyword prompts, and conclusion. - Specific purpose statement - a concise statement of the desired audience response indicating what you want your listeners to be able to know, feel or do when you finish speaking - Thesis statement - the concise summary of your topic and specific speech goal – usually in one sentence. - Communication apprehension Chapter 5 - Introduction - Agd, significance, thesis, background, preview - Body




- Information, logical format Conclusion - Review, positive note Organizational formats - Chronological - Time sequence - Space sequencing - Like a tour, physical space - Topical - Subtopics, informative or persuasive - Problem-cause-solution - Persuasive - Cause-effect-solution - Usually persuasive, focuses more on cause Types of evidence - Example - Facts - Testimony - Expert opinion - Statistics - Number facts - Comparison - Analogies - Narrative - Stories Citing sources Transitions - Come in between points (review and preview)

Chapter 6 - Attitude - a person’s predisposition or learned evaluation, which causes someone to like or dislike a topic and can influence behavior - Value - enduring judgments about what is good and bad in life - Belief - feelings about what is true and help form attitudes - Fallacies - Post hoc




fallacy which means that an event followed another event and because if followed another event, the first event CAUSED the second Ad hominem - Attacking speaker instead of argument Begging the question - Assuming something Slippery slope - A set of actions will result in another set of actions Ad verecundiam - Listening to someone because they are an authoritative figure Ad Populum - Promoting the cause because other people do The Undistributed Middle - Guilt by association The Straw Man - Pointing out the weakest part in an argument and then blowing it up

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - Eating before self esteem Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) - How we process persuasive messages

Chapter 7 - Reflective-projective theory - Mass media is a mirror for society - It reflects how we are and it projects things into society (unattainable) - Uses and gratifications theory - Agenda Building & Agenda setting (Power point) - Parasocial interaction cultivation theory - Social information processing theory (SIPT) - Explains how people get to know each other online - 1996 Telecommunications (Power point) - Oligopolies - FTC Improvement The Lures and Dangers of Extremist Rhetoric - What is extremist rhetoric? - Minds can’t be changed even with data and reasoning


What is extremism? Why is this type of rhetoric damaging to our political system What are the effects of this type of rhetoric?

Don’t Think of an Elephant - Framing/ How does framing work - The way words are used to shape our view of the world - Strict Father - Views the world as a place filled with evil - Social programs reward dependency - Nurturing Family/Parent - Sees world as good and can be better - What problems do progressive face? - Lack simple frames for what they stand for - No positive frame to talk about increasing taxes - People often don’t accept something if it doesn’t already fit into a frame Rape Culture on College Campus - Rape Culture - Culture in which rpae is a common, almost expected event - Occurs as a consequence - Acquaintance Rape - Stranger rape - Rape Myths - Deny or minimize victim injury or blame the survivors - People can resist rape - Victim is promiscuous - Rape accusation is done out of revenge or anger - No means yes - Silencing - Suggested solutions - Stop blaming survivors - Men are victims too - Recognize that most rapes are date or aquaintance rape...

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