Comm 101 Final Exam Study Guide - OER Text v2 PDF

Title Comm 101 Final Exam Study Guide - OER Text v2
Author Kaitlyn Tegenkamp
Course Intro Sp Commun
Institution Indiana State University
Pages 5
File Size 131 KB
File Type PDF
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Comm 101 Final Exam Study Guide *Most information can be found in PowerPoints

Chapter 1 1. Define external noise  Anything that interferes with the sending or receiving of a message  External includes things such as a jack hammer outside your apartment window or loud music in the night club 2. Define linear communication  Suggests that communication moves only in one direction 3. Define channel and provide a few examples  A method a sender uses to send a message to a receiver  Ex: speaking, writing, sign language, gestures, facial expressions, touch, paralanguage 4. What is perception?  Three step process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting stimuli 5. Define stereotype  Broad generalizations 6. Define self-concept  The degree to which we value or devalue who we think we are Chapter 2 1. Define conflict  A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one: the eternal conflict between the sexes  Be incompatible or at variance; clash 2. Define compromise  Keeping others and ones’ own needs into consideration 3. Define collaboration  Individuals come up with a variety of solutions and the one was chosen is one favored by both 4. What part of your brain do you use to regular control over emotions?  Orbital frontal 5. Define intentional rituals  Ex: observing a national holiday or attending a religious service  May conflict with someone else’s standpoint, or their attitude or outlook on issues 6. Define natural rituals  Ex: putting dishes in the dishwasher, flushing the toilet after using  Affect the moods and emotions of others Chapter 3 7. Define nonverbal communication and know the characteristics of it  Communication through means other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence 8. Define artifacts  u s eono urb o d i e sa n ds ur r o un d i ng sc o mmun i c a t eme a ni n gt oot h e r s 9. Describe the four types of distance.  Intimate space, close friends, family, or partners; touch -18 inches  Personal space, friends and acquaintances; 18 inches - 4 feet  Social space, small group interaction such as dinner table or meetings; 4 – 12 feet  Public space, public speaking or social situations like party or concert, 12+ feet 10. Define haptics  Study of touch 11. Understand how the environment is a nonverbal that impacts how we communicate  Perception in the surroundings or conditions we occupy  Stimuli in environment can trigger memories and affect your mood, influences emotional responses and actions

Chapter 4 12. Define denotative meaning  Meanings do not always follow standard, agreed-upon definitions when used in various contexts 13. Define connotative meaning  Meanings we assign based on our experiences and beliefs 14. Define symbol  Arbitrary representations of thoughts, ideas, emotions, objects, or actions used to encode and decode meaning 15. Define pragmatics (pragmatic rules)  Study of how people actually use verbal communication  Word choice based on whom you are speaking to, such that one uses slang with peers 16. Define syntax (syntactical rules)  Study of language structure and symbolic arrangement  Combine words into meaningful sentences and statements Chapter 5 17. Define time-oriented listener  Prefer a message that gets to the point quickly 18. Define semantic noise  Occurs when a receiver experiences confusion over the meaning of a source’s word choice  Ex: special jargon, unique word usage, phrases from foreign languages, euphemism, mispronunciation 19. Define psychological noise  Consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a receiver’s internal thoughts  Ex: worries about money, crushing deadlines, presence of specific other people in the room, tight daily schedule, biases related to the speaker or content 20. Define physiological noise  Consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a listener’s own body  Ex: feeling ill, having a headache, growling stomach, room is too cold or too hot 21. Define physical noise  Consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source’s ability to hear  Ex: construction activity, barking dogs, loud music, air conditions, airplanes, noisy conflict nearby Chapter 6 22. What is the difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication? *Discussed in class  Interpersonal is between two or more people  Intrapersonal is between you and yourself 23. Define self-disclosure  Process of revealing information about yourself to others that are not readily known by them 24. Define Social Penetration Theory  Degrees of self-disclosure in breadth and depth – peeling back the layers of an onions  Stars by disclosing “safe” things about self, such as hobbies or musical preference  Core topics include more personal things about self, such as illuminating fears, dreams for the future or fantasies Chapter 8 25. Know the characteristics of groups  Interdependence - Members of a group are dependent on one another to exist and maintain goals  Interaction - Problem-solving, role playing, team building, trust building  Synergy

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- Each person’s contributions matter - Goal cannot be accomplished without each member working together Common goals - Brought together for a reason or purpose Shared norms - Expectations of the group members, established by the group and can be conscious and formal or unconscious and informal Cohesiveness - Feeling like we are a part of something larger - Sense of cohesion or wholeness and may find a purpose that is bigger than our own individual desires and goals

26. Define power  Influences how we interpret the messages of others and determines the extent to which we feel we have the right to speak up and voice our concerns and opinions of others 27. Define democratic leadership  Middle of laissez-faire and authoritarian  Decision-making power is shared among group members, not exercised by one individual 28. Define laissez-faire leadership  French “Let (people) do (as they choose)”.  Laid back or hands-off approach 29. Define authoritarian leadership  Exert maximum control over a group Chapter 9 30. Define periodical  Works published at regular intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly or even annually 31. Know how to evaluate your research to determine its accuracy  CRAAP  Currency or timeliness  Relevance – is this information needed for your topic?  Authority – who is the author?  Accuracy – any sources cited?  Purpose – fact or opinion? Chapter 10 32. Define impromptu delivery  Speaker delivers without little to no preparation 33. Define extemporaneous delivery  Speaker prepares well (with an outline) and practice in advance, giving full attention to all the facets of the speech – content, arrangement, and delivery 34. Define rhetorical question  A question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer 35. What are the three elements of a specific purpose statement?  General purpose, specific audience, and prepositional phrase that summarizes the topic 36. Be able to identify organizational patterns (chronological, spatial, topical, causal)  Topical – most common, organizing by categories or dividing the topic into subtopics  Spatial – organizes information according to how things fit together in physical space, either geographically or directionally  Chronological – organizes the main idea in time order or in a sequential pattern – whether backward or forward

Casual – organizes and explains cause and effect relationships

Chapter 11 37. Define persuasion  An attempt to get a person to behave in a manner or embrace a point of view related to values, attitudes, and beliefs, that he or she would not have done otherwise 38. Know the steps in Monroe’s Motivational Design Organizational Pattern  Attention - Strong attention-getter, introduce topic clearly, explain why they should care  Need - Clear, concise statement of problem - Illustrate the need, make the problem concrete - Provide evidence that show ramifications or consequences of problem - Point to audience and show exactly how the problem relates to them personally  Satisfaction - 1. Statement o the attitude, value, belief, or action you want the audience to accept - 2. Explanation o why they should ^ - 3. Theoretical demonstration o how the solution meets their need or problem - 4. Reference to practical experience o examples demonstrating that your proposal has worked elsewhere - 5. Meeting objections o rebuttals o be prepared with research, statistics and expert testimony  Visualization - Imagine that in the future your need has been met or problem has been solved  Action - Audience action – direct physical behaviors a speaker wants from an audience - Approval – audience’s consent or agreement with what was proposed 39. Define ethos  Credibility as a speaker 40. Define logos  Reasoning employed by a speaker, logic 41. Define pathos  Emotional impact of your message Miscellaneous 42. Define in-text citation  Citing sources in the text of your paper or outline 43. Define oral citation  Citing sources when making presentation 44. If there is NO author name, what information do you use instead to allow your reader to match your quote to your Works Cited page?  Use the title to the first position of the reference entry

Co n fli c t St y l e s Av o i da n c e -d e n i a l ,i g n o r i n ga n dwi t h d r a wi n g

Ac c o mmod a t i o n -a p pe a s e me n t ,a g r e e me n t ,a n dfla t t e r y o n ep e r s o nwi ns Col l a b o r a t i o n -g a t h e r i n gi n f o r ma t i on , l o o ki n gf o rot h e ro p t i o n s , c o n v e r s a t i on , a nda g r e e i n gt od i s a g r e e e v e r y b o dywi n s Comp e t i t i o n -c on t r ol l i n g , a r gu i n g , o u t s ma r t i n g , a n dc o n t e n d i n g p e r s i s t e n ti na r g ume nt Comp r o mi s e -r e d uc i n ge x p e c t a t i on s , ne g ot i a t i n g ,al i t t l es o me t hi n gi n v o l v e df o ra l li n v o l v e d me e ti nt h emi d d l e , wi ns omea n dl o o s es o me...

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