COMM 2081 - Chapter 8 PDF

Title COMM 2081 - Chapter 8
Course Business Communication
Institution University of Cincinnati
Pages 8
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Chapter 8 Notes...


CHAPTER 8: POSITIVE MESSAGES 15.) Understand the channels through which typical positive messages travel in the digital era--emails, memos, and business letters--and apply the 3-x-3 writing process

Answer: - Positive messages--whether emails, interoffice memos, or business letters--can be straightforward and direct because they carry nonsensitive, routine information

PHASE 1 (prewriting) - Determine your purpose - Visualize the audience - Anticipate the reaction of the reader to your message - What channel to use - How to save the reader's time

PHASE 2 - Collect information - Make an outline of the points to cover - Write the first draf

PHASE 3 - Edit for clarity - Proofread for correctness - Look for ways to promote "skim value"

Finally, you should decide whether the message accomplishes its goal

16.) Business letters

Answer: - Necessary when:

--A permanent record is required --Confidentiality is critical --Formality and sensitivity are essential --A persuasive, well-considered presentation is important

- Business letters written on company stationary ofen use block style with all lines starting at the lef margin

17.) Compose direct messages that make requests

Answer: 1. Opening - Immediately states the purpose of the message --Usually a question or a polite command

2. Body - Explains and justifies the request --If many questions are asked, they should be expressed in parallel form and balanced grammatically

3. Closing - Tells the reader courteously what to do and shows appreciation

18.) Respond to inquiries online and offline (replies directly and complies with a request)

Answer: 1. Subject line - May identify previous correspondence

2. Opening - Immediately delivers the good news

3. Body - Explains and provides additional information

4. Closing - Cordial and personalized --If action is necessary, the ending tells the reader how to proceed and gives helpful details

19.) Responding to customers online

Answer: 1. Be positive - Respond in a friendly, upbeat, yet professional tone - Correct mistakes politely - Do not argue, insult, or blame others

2. Be transparent - State your name and position with the business - Personalize and humanize your business

3. Be honest - Own up to problems and mistakes - Inform customers when and how you will improve the situation

4. Be timely - Respond in less than 24 hours

5. Be helpful - Point users to valuable information on your website or other approved websites - Follow up with users when new information is available

20.) Deliver step-by-step instructions

Answer: OPENING - Explanation of why the procedure or set of instructions is necessary

BODY 1. Divide the instructions into steps

2. List each step in the order in which it is to be carried out

3. Arrange the items vertically with bullets or numbers

4. Begin each step with an action verb using the imperative (command) mood - Messages that give instructions should not sound dictatorial

CLOSING - Tie following the instructions to benefits to the organization or the individual

21.) Prepare contemporary messages that make direct claims and voice complaints

Answer: - When a customer writes to identify a wrong and request a correction, the message is called a claim - A direct claim is one to which the receiver is expected to readily agree

1. Opening - Compliment

- Point of agreement - Statement of the problem - Brief review of action you have taken to resolve the problem OR - A clear statement of the action you want

2. Body - Explains and justifies the request without anger or emotion --Copies of relevant documents should be enclosed

3. Closing - Summarizes the request or action to be taken --It includes an end date, if appropriate, and courteously looks forward to continued business if the problem is resolved

22.) Posting complaints and reviews online

Answer: - Take your complaint online only afer exhausting all other options with the business in question - Keep your post concise and clean - Focus on your objective and be prepared to support the facts

23.) Create adjustment messages that salvage customers' trust and promote further business

Answer: - When a company grants a customer's claim, it is called an adjustment

- An adjustment message has three goals: 1. Rectifying the wrong, if one exists 2. Regaining the confidence of the customer 3. Promoting further business

1. Opening - Immediately grants the claim without sounding grudging

2. Body - Explain what went wrong and how the problem will be rectified - If an apology is offered, it should be presented early and briefly

3. Closing - Express confidence that the problem has been resolved - Expresses appreciation - Extends thanks for past business - Refers to a desire to be of service - May mention a new product

24.) Goodwill messages should be:

Answer: 1. Selfless - Focus the message solely on the receive, not the sender

2. Specific - Personalize the message by mentioning specific incidents or characteristics of the receiver

3. Sincere - Let your words show genuine feelings

4. Spontaneous - Keep the message fresh and enthusiastic

5. Short

25.) Saying thank-you

Answer: GIFT - Identify the gif - Tell why you appreciate it - Explain how you will use it

FAVOR - Should tell, without gushing, what the favor means to you

HOSPITALITY - When you have been a guest, send a note that compliments the: --Fine food --Charming surroundings --Warm hospitality --Excellent host --Good company

EMPLOYEE - Recognizes specific employee contributions - Makes the person feel appreciated

26.) Expressing sympathy

Answer: - Expressions of sympathy should: 1. Mention the loss tactfully

2. Recognize good qualities in the decreased (in the case of a death) 3. Offer assistance 4. Conclude on a positive, reassuring note...

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