COMM 215 TEST #1 - Test #1 study guide dr. abetz PDF

Title COMM 215 TEST #1 - Test #1 study guide dr. abetz
Course The Individual In Community
Institution College of Charleston
Pages 4
File Size 116.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Test #1 study guide dr. abetz...



Basic Communication Processes What is communication? ● Communication is the process by which we use symbols, signs, and behaviors to exchange information Define the functions of communication ● Explain the 6 characteristics of communication (in RC chapter 1) 1. Symbolic 2. Requires a shared code 3. Is linked to culture 4. To be unintentional 5. Occurs through various channels 6. Transactional Describe the visual models of communication (linear, interactive, transaction)

Introduction to Theory and Methods What is a theory and what does it do? ● Theory is the systematic summary about the nature of the communication process. What metaphors are used to describe theory? What is a text? What is a paradigm? ● What are the defining characteristics of the 3 paradigms: ● Positivist

● Interpretive ● critical Determinist view of human nature vs. purist view of human nature ● Determinists: Differences between epistemology, axiology, and ontology. ● Epistemology: ○ the theory of knowledge, especially with regards to its methods, validity, and scope. It is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion ● Axiology: ○ the physical study of value, it attempts to determine that which is good ○ action=ethics ○ object=aesthetics ● Ontology ○ Study of being, existence, or reality ○ Religion, consciousness, eternity Commonsense theory vs working theory What are the criteria for evaluating theory? What is an empirical study? ● Comm researchers base their knowledge and observations rather than their “armchair speculations” on their own personal values ● are the collection and analysis of primary data based on direct observation or experiences in the 'field'. Inductive vs deductive research ● Inductive ○ Argue research comes before theory ○ Also known as grounded theory, theories emerge from results of systematic study ○ You study topic, and based on results of research you come up with a theory ● Deductive ○ Associated with scientific method ○ Requires a hypothesis or working theory to be developed before an research is done ● Neither of these approaches advocates a single cycle of theorizing or research , instead of suggest theories are dynamic, they are modified as the data suggests

Primary vs. secondary research ● Primary: ○ research you collect yourself. ○ Surveys, interviews, obs, ethnographic research ● Secondary: Involves summary, collation or synthesis of existing research How do researchers publish their work? Research Methods: Define these methods, when you would use them, and what they reveal and conceal ● Experiments: concerned with causation and control ○ Manipulation, lab experiments, field experiments ● Surveys: only way to find out how someone thinks, feels, or intends to behave ○ 2 types of survey research: interviews and questionnaires ■ Open ended and close ended ○ sampling : random vs. nonrandom sample ● Textual analysis: text is any written of recorded analysis.. Used to uncover the content, nature, or structure of messages ○ 3 forms of text analysis ■ Rhetorical criticism ■ Content analysis ■ Interaction analysis ● Ethnography: researchers immerse themselves into a particular culture or context ○ Complete participant ○ Participant observer ○ Complete observer Social Construction Basis of social construction Origins of social construction Know and be able to explain Gergen’s five assumptions Derrida’s argument What are binaries? Symbolic Interaction

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Minding Who was George Herbert Mead? Who was Herbert Blumer Taking the role of the other Looking glass self “I” and “me” Generalized other Levinas Responsive “I” Ethical echo 3 core aspects (meaning, thinking, and language) Default assumption Brown Eyed/Blue Eyed Experiment Minding Self-fulfilling prophecy Participant observation

Culture ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Four uses of the culture concept Four propositions of a communication theory of culture Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous cultures Culture-bearer Cultural discourse Symbolic forms Social scene exclusiveness Taken-for-granted knowledge Membering Cultural moment Cultural myopia Cultural appropriation...

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