Commerce course equivalency chart PDF

Title Commerce course equivalency chart
Course Goverment and Non-Profit Accounting
Institution Saudi Electronic University
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Commerce Course Equivalency Chart

The following chart lists Commerce courses approved as equivalent to courses offered at our partner schools. Other equivalents may be available. This list grows as more equivalents are determined. The offering and/or enrolment in courses on the chart is not guaranteed. This chart is a "guideline" of what may be offered. Check the partner website to determine which courses are current and offered in each semester. At the time these courses were evaluated, the credit value was equivalent to the UBC course. Ensure that the credit value has not changed and the course is equivalent to 3 UBC credits, or at least 2.5 UBC credits. Note that it is difficult to find equivalents for the following courses due to Canadian content or uniqueness of Sauder course: COMM 355, COMM 363, COMM393, COMM 394, COMM 390, COMM 395 Courses evaluated over 5 years ago must be re-evaluated for equivalency. Outdated courses are kept on the chart for reference. Courses on the chart that were evaluted less than 5 years ago should also be found in the Go Global database of courses In general, business courses taken that are not equivalent to any of our courses are assigned as COMM elective credit Non-business courses are assigned as upper or lower-level non-commerce electives, depending on the type and level of the courses taken. Check the Go Global course database for evaluated courses

Chart last updated February 27, 2020 Country

Partner School

Partner Course




University of Melbourne

MGMT30004 International HRM 325-104 Principles of Marketing

COHR 406 COMM 296

Aug, 2013 Oct, 2010

30006 ABPL Property Resource Anaylsis AND 20031 ABPL Principles of Propert COMM 307

Mar, 2013

MKTG 20001 Consumer Behaviour

COMM 362

Feb, 2017

333-301 Investments

COMM 371

July, 2012

FNCE 3003 International Finance

COMM 377

July, 2012

MGMT 20002 Managing Operations

COMM 204

Dec, 2013

MGMT 30011 Supply Chain Management

COMM 449

Apr, 2014

ACCT 30004 Audit & Assurance

COMM 455

Nov, 2012

MKTG30009 Internet Marketing

COMM 464

July, 2015

325-327 Retail Management


June, 2009

MKTG 20006 Brand Management

COMM 467

Mar, 2017

MKTG 2009 Global Marketing

COMM 469

June, 2015

FNCE3007 Derivative Securities

COMM 477

May, 2011

MKTG 30011 Product Management

COMM 482

May, 2015

MGMT 3006 Managing Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Mar, 2011

FNCE 30006 Entrepreneurial Finance

COMM 387

Dec, 2013

MGMT 30013 Strategic Management

COMM 491

Oct, 2015

GEOG 30019 Sustainable Development

COMM 495

June, 2011

MGMT30006 Entrepreneurship and Innovation

COMM 497

Dec, 2013

325 218 Managing the Multinationals

COMM 498

June, 2009

IBUS20001 Business in Asia IBUS 20002 Business in the Global Economy

COMM 498

Sept, 2013

COMM 498

June, 2015

University of New South Wales INFS 1602 Information Systems in Business

COMM 205

April, 2015

MARK 1012 Marketing Fundamentals

COMM 296

Feb, 2016

INFS 2621 Enterprise Systems

COMM 335

May, 2015

ACCT 3585 E-Business Strategies and Processes

COMM 336

Jul, 2011

MARK 2051 Consumer Behaviour

COMM 362

Mar, 2009

MARK 2052 Marketing Research

COMM 365

July, 2011

FINS 1613 Business Finance

COMM 370

Oct, 2012

Note: need to study financial analysis, financial planning, capital budgeting with debt (APV) independently FINS 3625 Applied Corporate Finance

COMM 370

FINS 2624 Portfolio Mngmt & Finc Markets

COMM 371

Oct, 2011

FINS 3616 International Business Finance

COMM 377

Oct, 2012

FINS 2623 Venture Capital

COMM 387

Oct, 2012

FINS3633 Real Estate Finance

COMM 405

Feb, 2016

INFS 1603 Business Data Management

COMM 437

Feb, 2016

MGMT 3728 Managing Pay and Performance

COMM 454 COMM 455

July, 2007 Nov, 2010

ACCT 3708 Auditing & Assurance Services

Sept, 2015

INFS3774 Information Systems Security

COMM 456

Nov, 2015

ACCT 3610 Financial Statement Analysis

COMM 459

July, 2006

University of Queensland

MARK 3092 Brand Mangement

COMM 467

Apr, 2016

MARK 2071 International & Global Marketing

COMM 469

Apr, 2016

MARK 3091 New Product and New Service Development

COMM 482

Feb, 2010

MGMT3001 Business and Corporate Strategy

COMM 491

May, 2019

REDE2201 Real Estate Investment

COMM 307

Mar, 2011

MKTG 2501 Consumer Behaviour

COMM 362

May, 2011

MKTG 2511 Marketing Analysis

COMM 365

May, 2015

MKTG 3504 Applied Market Research

COMM 365

May, 2008

FINM3401 Corporate Finance

COMM 370

June, 2013

FINM 3403 International Financial Management

COMM 377

Dec, 2015

TIMS 3304 Social Entrepreneurship


Mar, 2016

MGTS 1201 - Computer-based Information Systems

COMM 205

Aug, 2007

REDE3200 Real Estate Development Planning

COMM 408

Mar, 2011

BISM3222 Information Analysis and System Design MARK 3092 Brand Mangement

COMM 436

Jan, 2018

COMM 467

Jan, 2010

MKTG 2504 International Marketing

COMM 469

Jan, 2006

IBUS 2301 International Business Management

COMM 498

June, 2013

Gender & Diversity in the Workforce (cannot take COHR 403 for credit)


Oct, 2009

Change & Challenges in Intl HR Management (cannot take COHR 406 for credit) COHR XXX

Oct, 2009

Financial Analysis, Financial Planning & Canadian Corp Tax not covered


Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien

4699 International Human Resource Management and Org Behaviour I 4859 International Human Resource Management and Org Behaviour II

COHR 406 COHR 403

Jan, 2014 Jan, 2014

5179 The Role of Human Resources in International Business

COHR 403

Jan, 2014

Global Consumer Behaviour (0493)

COMM 362

Oct, 2015

Analysis & Decision Making in Marketing (0448)

COMM 363

Feb, 2006

1335 Market Research International Financial Management (0439) - can't take C371 for credit

COMM 365

Dec, 2014

COMM 3rd

Oct, 2015

International Finance (1130)

COMM 377

Jan, 2007

International Finance (0653) *07W Term 1 taught by Collazzo

COMM 377

Sept, 2007

2158 International Finance

COMM 377

Nov, 2014

Operations Management (1431)

COMM 204

July, 2008

Operations Management (0525)

COMM 204

Jan, 2009

1228 IS Project Management

COMM 438

Aug, 2014

1640 International Supply Chain Management I AND II (part I & II needed)

COMM 445

June, 2015

Supply Chain Management (1306)

COMM 449

Supply Chain Management (1563)

COMM 449

Aug, 2010 Jan, 2010

Special Business Administration Class IV - Supply Chain Management (4470)

COMM 449

Sept, 2015

Management Accounting (1303)

COMM 454

Aug, 2010

International Accounting II- Management Accounting (1246)

COMM 454

Aug, 2011

Global Marketing Communications (1833)

COMM 462

Oct, 2015

Marketing Communications: Persuasive Discourse in Action (2217)

COMM 462

Aug, 2009

2170 Integrated Marketing Communications 1629 Integrated Marketing with Special Focus on Digital Stakeholders

COMM 462

Dec, 2014

COMM 462

Aug, 2016

Social Media Marketing (0937)

COMM 464

Sept, 2014

Social Media Marketing (0853)

COMM 464

June, 2016

1952 Social Media Marketing

COMM 464

Aug, 2016

Brand Management (1328)

COMM 467

Oct, 2009

Brand Management (1113)

COMM 467

Aug, 2010

0558 International Marketing

COMM 469

Aug, 2016

0616 International Marketing and Management II: International Marketing A

COMM 469

Aug, 2016

2018 International Marketing Management II : International Marketing C

COMM 469

Sept, 2013

International Marketing A (1647)

COMM 469

Aug, 2010

International Marketing B (1667)

COMM 469

Aug, 2010

Global Business to Business (0743)

COMM 469

Sept, 2014

2205 Global B2B Marketing


Aug, 2016

0855 Cross-Cultural-Communications Management: Application to Marketing & S COMM 46X

Aug, 2016

International Finance (1618)


Feb, 2011

International Financial Management II (4651)


June, 2015

1278 International Financial Management II

COMM 477

Nov, 2014

Sustainability and Business: Managing for Tomorrow


June, 2015

Strategic Management 4959

COMM 491

June, 2015

Strategic Management (1280)

COMM 491

July, 2010

Strategic Management (2366)

COMM 491

Feb, 2011

1513 ENTREPRENEURSHIP CAMP: Learn how to start your own business! International Strategic Management I (1837)

COMM 497

Aug, 2014

COMM 498

Nov, 2011

International Management A (2071)

COMM 498

Oct, 2009

International Management (1436)

COMM 498

Jan, 2009

International Strategic Management I (1296)

COMM 498

Aug, 2010



Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


International Strategic Management II (2326)

COMM 498

Aug, 2010

0829 International Strategic Management I

COMM 498

Aug, 2012

2064 International Strategic Management I

COMM 498

Aug, 2012

1216 International Strategic Management I

COMM 498

Oct, 2015

2030 International Marketing and Management I: International Management B COMM 498

Aug, 2012

2042 International Marketing and Management I: International Management C COMM 498

Aug, 2012

Foundations of International Business (1524)

Mar, 2012

COMM 3rd

Leading Responsibly in a Globalized World (ok for sustainability concentration) COMM 3rd

Mar, 2012

D0R13A Consumer Behaviour

COMM 362

July, 2014

D0R16A Marketing Strategy Modeling Supply Chain Management

COMM 363

Mar, 2015

COMM 449

June, 2008

D0226B International Marketing

COMM 469

Oct, 2006

DOR42A Product Management


Sept, 2008

DO051A Social Marketing


Nov, 2016

DOR42a Brand Management

COMM 467

Oct, 2014

D0M40BThe Empirics of Financial Markets D0M75B Asset Prices: Basic Models and Tests


Jan, 2017


Jan, 2017

G0Q22A Financial Engineering

COMM 477

Jan, 2017

DOR04A Strategic Management

COMM 491

Oct, 2013

DOR43 Competitive Analysis and Strategy

COMM 491

Feb, 2014

DOM19B International Business Strategy

COMM 491

Nov, 2016

DOR22A International Business Economics & Strategy

COMM 498

Mar, 2009

DOH36A Innovation Management and Strategy Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil AND Development & Sustainability

COMM 3rd

Oct, 2012

COMM 3rd

Oct, 2012

ok to use toward COMM Sustainability Canada

HEC Montreal

2-500-09A Operations Management

COMM 204

July, 2018

FINA 10200 Basic Corporate Finance

COMM 298

Sept, 2019

MARK 20107A-C01 Consumer Behavior

COMM 362

Sept, 2019

MARK 310917A Marketing Strategy Management

COMM 363 or COMMFeb, 2019

3-218-04 Financial Management*

COMM 370

Oct, 2012

*need to study financial analysis, financial planning, and capital budgeting with debt independently FINA220115A Investment AND FINA321010A Options and Futures

COMM 371

FINA 20240 Financial Statement Analysis

COMM 459

Sept, 2019

MARK 202416A International Marketing

COMM 469

Feb, 2019

Jan, 2019



Pontificia U Catolica de Chile

CUHK, Shenzhen (Global SCLM option only)

Fudan University

3-228-07 - Portfolio Management

COMM 475

Sept, 2009

FINA 20200 Risk Management

COMM 477

Sept, 2019

3-058-07 - International Financial Management

COMM 478

Sept, 2009

MNGT 343014A Strategic Management in Organizations

COMM 492

Feb, 2019

INTE 201407A International Trade

COMM 498

Nov, 2018

Mercados II (Marketing II)

COMM 365

Mar, 2007

EAA Mngmt of Distribution Channels

COMM 204

Mar, 2007

EAA 339H-1 Brand & Product Strategy


Mar, 2007

EAA-344b Pricing and Promotion Strategy


Aug, 2011

MKT4040 Strategic Marketing

COMM 296

Jan, 2017

FIN2010 Financial Management ACT4253 Legal Environment, Business Ethics and CSR

COMM 298 COMM 344

Jan, 2017 Jan, 2017

MGT4270 Current and Regional Issues in Supply Chain and Logistics Managemen COMM 345

Jan, 2017

MKT3020 Consumer Behavior

Jan, 2017

COMM 362

FIN4210 Corporate Finance

COMM 370

Jan, 2017

FIN3080 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

COMM 371

Jan, 2017

ERG3010 Data and Knowledge Management ACT3112 Financial Reporting II

COMM 437

Oct, 2019

COMM 450

Sept, 2019

MKT3030 Integrated Marketing Communication

COMM 464

Jan, 2017

MKT4030Service Marketing


Jan, 2017

MKT 4110 Strategic Brand Management

COMM 467

Nov, 2019

FIN4110 Options and Futures

COMM 477

Jan, 2017

FIN4560 Market Microstructure and Algo Trading


Jan, 2017

MGT3210 Strategic Management

COMM 491

Jan, 2018

Entreprenuerial Development

COMM 497

Oct, 2013

MGT3250 International Business

COMM 498

July, 2019

MANA130300.01 Consumer/Buyer Behaviour JOUR130057 Consumptive Psychology and Behavior

COMM 362

Apr, 2015

COMM 362

Mar, 2016

MANA120007 Market Research ECON 130028 Corporate Finance (not suitable for FINC student)

COMM 365

Apr, 2015

COMM 370

May, 2015

MANA 130029.01 Investments (cannot take COMM 371 for credit)

COMM 3rd

Apr, 2016

ECON 11024 International Finance

COMM 377

May, 2015

MANA 130391 Multinational Financial Management

COMM 377

Nov, 2019

MANA130007 Management Information Systems

COMM 205

May, 2015

Peking University

MANA 130013 Logistics Management

COMM 449

Sept, 2015

MANA130073.01 Supply Chain Management

COMM 449

Apr, 2015

MANA130075.01 Service Management


June, 2015

MANA130014.01 Project Management MANA 130181 Internet Marketing


June, 2015

COMM 464

Mar, 2016

ECON 130063 International Marketing

COMM 469

Sept, 2015

MANA130058.01 New Products Development Management

COMM 482

Apr, 2015

MANA 116018.01 Entrepreneurial Development

COMM 497

Oct, 2013

MANA 130031 International Business

COMM 498

Mar, 2016

MANA130042.01 International Business Management

COMM 498

Apr, 2015

Electronic Business (02830170) 2834890 Internet and Innovation of Business Models

COMM 336 COMM 336

Mar, 2013 Mar, 2015

Buyer behaviour02837120

COMM 362

Apr, 2015

02833650 Marketing Research

COMM 365

Mar, 2017

2834421 Securities Analysis & Investments

COMM 371

Mar, 2013

2833230 Financial Markets and Financial Institutions

COMM 377

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