competent communication PDF

Title competent communication
Author Emma Wagner
Course Fundamental Human Communication: Group Presentations
Institution James Madison University
Pages 4
File Size 51.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 13
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Monday, January 8, 2018

Competent Communication Scom 123 - Group Communication!

- Benefits of Communication Competence! • Communication — means by which one establishes social connections and builds relationships, a transactional process of sharing meaning with others!

- 2 reasons to study:! • social, personal, workplace benefits! - Everyday talk helps maintain friendship, closeness, and when decreases, creates uncertainty relationship is strong!

• Need to improve — essential skills for college grads include speaking,

listening, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, working in groups, and leading groups!

- Communication Myths — disrupt ability to improve communication knowledge and skills!

• Communication is a cure-all — good communication cannot always guarantee a successful relationship, not all problems are solvable, — communication is not sure-fire!

• Communication is just common sense! - Hindsight bias — inability to absorb new information due to incorrect assumption one already knew info!

• Communication quantity = quality! - Serial arguments — involve repeated interactions which negatively affect a relationship!

- Defining Communication (transactional)! • Models! - Linear model (straight arrow view) — involves sender of a message (stimulus which produces meaning) through a channel (written/oral) to a receiver in an atmosphere of noise (interference with effective transmission/reception of message)!

• Type of channel can affect the way a message is sent/received! - Channel-rich — face-to-face communication combines multiple stimuli !


Monday, January 8, 2018

- Channel-lean — texting w/o many cue factors, which can be disinhibiting (less restrained and more spontaneous, impersonal, abrupt, more likely to be offensive)!

• Type of noise — interference can affect perception! - Physical noise — external environmental distractions (startling sounds, sights, uncontrolled temperatures)!

- Physiological noise — biological influences (anxious reactions affect both sender/receiver)!

- Psychological noise — preconceptions, biases, assumptions! - Semantic noise — confusing, incomprehensible, incorrect word choice! • Cons: limits feedback a receiver provides! - Interactive model (ping-pong view) — communication is 2-way process which emphasizes importance of mutual feedback (linear lacks)!

• Field of experience — cultural background, ethnicity, geographic location,

travel extent, general personal experiences accumulated — helps to avoid misunderstandings between levels of experience!

- Transactional model (sender-receiver impact view) — communication affects all parties involved, as communication defines a group communicating together, not individuals speaking separately and to no one!

• 2 message dimensions: (cause and effect)! - Content — what is said, acted! - Relationship — how message defines or redefines association between individuals!

• Communication is continuous and requires constant adaptation — event/ relationships are dynamic, ongoing, ever-changing!

• Communication translates meaning (conscious pattern humans create out of interpretation of experience), but only an approximation — when there are overlapping (mutually viewed) interactions between individuals!

- Lack of approximation — culture/language/age/knowledge barriers, nonverbal cultural barriers!

- Defining Communication Competence — engaging in communication with others which is perceived to be both effective and appropriate in a given context!

• Effectiveness — degree to which one has progressed towards achievement of goals, not sole determinant because not all goals are achievable because of outside obstacle!


Monday, January 8, 2018

- Degrees of effectiveness can vary from proficient to deficient depending on circumstances, level of comfort!

- We-orientation — prioritize relationship success (interdependence) not “I, I, I” (Me-first attitude destroys teamwork in groups)!

• Appropriateness — behavior which is viewed as legitimate for, or fitting to, the

context (environment in which the communication occurs — who, what, whom, why, where, when, how)!

- Communication guided by rules — prescription which indicates what behavior is obligated, prohibited, or preferred in a given context, some are implied/explicit!

- Inappropriate communication occurs when rule violations are unnecessary but acted upon regardless!

- Achieving Communication Competence! • Knowledge — Inappropriate/ineffective (deficient), appropriate/ineffective (desire

to please others at personal expense/uncomfortable circumstances preventing achievement), inappropriate/effective (lying, coercing), appropriate/effective (goal achievement while rule-following!

• Skills — ability to perform communication behavior effectively and repeatedly! - Knowledge w/o skills is inexperienced, skills w/o knowledge is immature! • Sensitivity — receptive accuracy whereby one detects, decodes, comprehends

signals in a social environment and adapts response to an appropriate one — lack of sensitivity limits social effectiveness!

- Mindfulness — think and adapt to changing communication! - Mindlessness — not aware of changes/dedicate little effort to improving communication relationships!

• Commitment — a passion for excellence, aptitude is as important as attitude! • Ethics — a system for judging moral correctness by using an agreed-upon set of standards to determine what constitutes right/wrong behavior (respect, honesty, fairness, choice, responsibility)!

- Creating a Communication Climate — emotional atmosphere, pervading/enveloping tone one creates when communicating with others!

• Types of climates — created by patterns of group behavior, not individual episodes! - Constructive — pattern of openness (willingness to communicate) and pattern of supportiveness (confirmation of worth/value of others and willingness to help succeed)!


Monday, January 8, 2018

- Destructive — pattern of closedness and pattern of defensiveness (protective reaction to perceived attack on self-esteem and self-concept — involves denial, counterattack, or withdrawal)!

• Patterns of climates! - Definitions! • Competition — process of mutually exclusive goal attainment, winner-takesall, not solitary undertaking, but interactive!

• Cooperation — process of mutually inclusive goal attainment, winners-all — not an outcome, does not include yielding to others!

- Individual achievement — realization of personal goals without having to defeat an opponent!

- Consequences — degree of competitiveness produces positive/negative consequences!

• Constructive competition — competing against others produces positive

experiences and promotes efforts to achieve without damaging relationships/ well-being!

- conditions: de-emphasis on winning, competing against relative equals, competing fairly!

• Hypercompetitiveness — excessive emphasis on beating others to achieve one’s goals, winning-is-everything attitude!

- As competitiveness increases, empathy decreases and can incite increasingly hostile communication !

• Cohesiveness — nurtures teamwork, best enhanced by cooperative communication climate of openness/supportiveness!

- Intergroup competition promotes intragroup cohesiveness ! - Achievement and performance are typically best enhanced by cooperative climate, not competitive


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