COMU 2160 Some suggestions and guidelines on how to structure Ethics Essay(1) PDF

Title COMU 2160 Some suggestions and guidelines on how to structure Ethics Essay(1)
Course Youth and Futures
Institution University of Queensland
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COMU 2160 ETHICS ESSAY Some suggestions/ guidelines on how to structure Ethics Essay… (You are totally free to structure your analysis in other ways, as long as they adhere to the general rules about what constitutes an ‘academic essay’)

Introduction Outline the specific ethical issue you are going to focus on. (eg. I argue that the Professional Communicator’s decision to run the headline….. was unethical.) NB: Your decision maker doesn’t have to be a specific person, or even a specific headline, or specific story (although this is a good way to keep your case study manageable). You can talk about ‘the mainstream media’, or you can talk about a specific paper, or a specific broadcaster, or a specific show/program. Specify which ethical theories you will be using to analyse the issue. (eg. I will apply the deontological theories of rights and responsibilities, Kant’s categorical imperative and Ross’s duties of non-malfeasance and justice to the Professional Communicator’s decision. I will also assess the consequences of the Professional Communicator’s actions from the perspectives of different stakeholders. I argue that not only did the Professional Communicator act egoistically, that s/he also demonstrated a lack of important journalistic virtues) NB: This is an example. If I see anyone copy this exact sentence into their essay they will be penalized for plagiarism! Outline possible resolutions. (eg. I argue that the Professional Communicator should have acted in a utilitarian manner by doing……. By telling the story this way the Professional Communicator would have upheld important deontological principles such as….. and virtues…..) In one paragraph outline the case/issues. Make reference to specific stories/headlines/ broadcasts, etc. You could mention/list the stakeholders here. (don’t waste word count here)

Section applying Deontology Outline deontological arguments that support the idea that the Professional Communicator’s decision to run a specific headline was unethical. Outline deontological arguments that support the idea that the Professional Communicator’s decision was not ethical/ that it was ethical. (this might be a very small paragraph!) Things to consider… Who has rights? What responsibilities do the professional communicators have? What codes are relevant? (specific clauses or general principles. Consider the MEAA code and any other relevant codes. Does the company have its own code?) Does Professional Communicator’s decision pass or fail the tests that Kant outlines in his ‘Categorical Imperative’? Does Professional Communicator’s decision violate any of Ross’s prima facie duties? Is Professional Communicator’s decision just, fair, equitable?

Section applying Consequentialism Identify key stakeholders and consider the negative and positive (short term and long term) consequences of the professional communicator’s decision to run specific headline. Outline the egoistic, altruistic and utilitarian arguments that support Professional Communicator’s decision. (eg. From an egoistic perspective Professional Communicator acted ethically when he….. because… apply egoism.) Then outline the arguments that refute Professional Communicator’s decision. (eg, However, from a utilitarian perspective Professional Communicator acted unethically because…..apply utilitarianism)

Section applying Virtue Ethics Questions to consider…. What virtues are relevant to this case/issue? What virtues should a journalist in this situation have demonstrated? What vices did the Professional Communicator demonstrate? (discuss the imbalances if relevant. Did the professional communicator demonstrate too much or too little of any particular virtue?) What virtues did the Professional Communicator demonstrate? What sort of decisions/actions would a virtuous journalist have made? (NB: If the Professional Communicator’s decision aligns with what a virtuous journalist would do then s/he has acted ethically. If they do not align with what a virtuous journalist would do then the Professional Communicator has acted unethically)

Resolution Very briefly outline any relevant resolutions that have actually occurred. (eg. actions taken by regulatory bodies, or by courts, or by company) Resolutions may be regulatory or legal in nature. Are new codes required, or stricter sanctions; or does legal action need to be taken, or new laws developed?…. Resolutions can also be ethical and creative! How would you tell this story?! What headline would you have chosen? Are there different angles/focus, or different words, different pictures, different debate, or different interviews/research that would create a more ethical story? Spell out why it would be more ethical (using the theory!)

Finally, things to keep in mind… Don’t waste precious word count on straight description. Get to the analysis. Apply the theory/ concepts (don’t simply describe them!) You need to apply relevant theory from this course. (I doubt you will have word space to apply other theories – although this is not forbidden)

You don’t have to apply every specific theory but you do need to apply some of the theories/ideas/concepts from all three of the main theories, ie, Deontology, Consequentialism and Virtue ethics. I am ok with you using first person. No ‘opinions’ or ‘beliefs’. For example…. “I believe that the Professional Communicator was wrong” = BAD!!!!!  “I argue that Professional Communicator acted unethically, because…… [spell out moral reasoning]” = GOOD!!!!!  You MUST reference. Use APA 6 or 7 style. Look up how to do this. Please don’t lose marks because you didn’t reference properly. Such as waste! Your bibliography must be in alphabetical order. No numbering. Just because this essay has a theoretical/ philosophical vibe, don’t think this means you have to waffle on and use big words. Clear, concise sentences are good. Get to the full stop as quickly as possible. Know exactly what point you want to make in each sentence and get straight to that point. Get someone to proof read your work. For goodness sakes, don’t plagiarize!!! This is an ETHICS assignment!!! If the exact words came from somewhere else then you must reference them and you have to make it clear which exact words you are referencing using quotation marks (ie. “these words are not my own”). If the words came out of your head this is the only time you don’t have to reference them. If the idea came from somewhere else then you must reference it, even if you are not directly quoting from it. If the idea is your own then you don’t have to reference it.

Elizabeth Cranley 2020...

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