Constitution Essay Outline PDF

Title Constitution Essay Outline
Author Catherine Morales
Course Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise
Institution Liberty University
Pages 2
File Size 43.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
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Outline of major points for Constitution Essay GOVT 200, Honors...


Constitution Essay Outline Whati st hepur pos e,nat ur e,andmec hani c soft heAmer i c anc ons t i t ut i onal or derand s y s t em?  Purpose o Create a government that protects individual liberties o Prevent tyrannical majorities and minorities o Create a republic that is both democratic and federal o Public office is accountable to people o  Nature o Reconcile differences between large and small stages o Stems from John Locke’s Natural Rights Thesis and Right to Revolution o Biblical Christian Worldview—power should not be concentrated  Foundation of Justice  Framework of obligations and rights  Justice and Charity o Mixture of BCW and Federalism  Divided Authority  Different branches  Diffused Power  Federal and state  Mechanics o May be changed by amendment o Has both enumerated and implied powers (necessary and proper clause) o Overlap between branches  Appointing by the senate  Impeach by Congress  Size of courts by Congress  Presidential veto  Presidential pardon  Judicial review  Appoint clerks o Three branches (legislative, executive, judicial)  27 Amendments  Constitution is the apex of the system Whathashappenedt oi t ?  Mar bur yV.Madi s on o I nt r oduc edJ udi c i al Rev i ew  Or i gi nal l yus edt ol i mi tt hes c opeofgov er nment  Nowus edt oex pandpower  Ci v i l WarandRecons t r uc t i on o Feder al t onat i onal gov er nment o Fi nal aut hor i t yi si ngov er nment ,nots t at es

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