Copy of Lions Life as a hunter 2020 PDF

Title Copy of Lions Life as a hunter 2020
Course General Biology
Institution East Central University
Pages 7
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This is a practice paper over Lions life as a Hunter from the Africa Storyline...


Teachers: To begin, project only the table below on screen for students and ask them the following questions to lead their discussions: “What do you think was motivating the lions to behave the way they did in the Battle at Kruger video?” “Why do organisms like lions consume things?” “Based on the data you see on the table, what do you think would be the optimal prey for lions?” “What prey could give lions the greatest net gain of energy?” Allow students to do some figuring out on whiteboards, large pieces of paper, etc. without giving them any other information to begin. Then have them share out what they figured out from the data and what the best option for prey could be. Then you can hand out Round 1 to them and allow them to continue revising their thinking with this new information.

Once students move on to Round 1, it is recommended they try to make sense of the math needed before showing them any kind of equations as many students may just want to “plug in the numbers” without really understanding the problem at hand. Using the equations below may be a way to scaffold for some students but should not be provided unless deemed necessary. Net energy cost to hunt this prey = (number of prey hunted x energy cost per prey) Net energy gained = Net energy cost to hunt this prey + (number of prey hunted x energy available)

Modeling with the “kcal cash” as a Performance Assessment Though students may just want to explain it, using this model is very important! Modeling is a science practice that allows students to illustrate the how and why their solution works. It also helps students who may be struggling to better visualize abstract concepts like energy expenditure. It may not seem important but, to many students, modeling is a practice needed to enhance their conceptual understanding.

Mass of prey item

Total energy cost to hunt & kill (kcal)

Total energy availab (kcal)


0.77 kg




60 kg




265 kg




310 kg



Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Period: __________ Life

as a Hunter Round 1: Life is challenging for a female lion in Etosha National Park. If a female’s body size is approximately 130kg, she must consume at least 13,500 kcal/day to survive and succeed in the environment. There are ample prey species available, but just living and breathing costs a significant amount of energy per day. This means, that regardless of her hunting success, she will utilize energy for her resting metabolic rate. All animals have a reserve of energy stored as large molecules in their cells that they can use for activities throughout the day. Female lions have approximately 15,000 kcal to expend during hunts and, therefore, cannot expend more than 15,000 kcal for each hunt. Your “kcal cash” will represent this useable amount of energy. Materials: 10 - 1,000 kcal cash 10 - 500 kcal cash Listed below are four prey species lions will hunt and the energy costs and gains for hunting each type of prey.

Mass of prey item

Total energy cost to hunt & kill (kcal)

Total energy available per kill (kcal)

0.77 kg



60 kg



265 kg



310 kg







Round 1: You are tracking a female lion. Determine how many of each prey species she would need to successfully hunt and eat to gain the amount of energy she needs per day (13,500 kcal). Remember, an individual lion cannot expend more than 15,000 kcal per hunt. Use the following calculations to determine the net energy gained in kilocalories for the table below. Lions rest ~90% of each day, allowing for only 1-3 hunting events per day, depending on the size of the prey. It can take a pride more than a day to fully consume a large prey. Minimum number of prey hunted and consumed

Energy cost per prey (kcal) (-)

Total energy cost to hunt prey (must expend less than 15,000 kcal/day)

Energy available from this prey (kcal) (+)

Net energy gained (kcal)

Is this species worthwhile to hunt on your own?





























1. Which is a better way to use their energy: hunting small prey more often or large prey less frequently?

Explain your reasoning. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 2. What strategies must be used to capture larger prey? _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3. Hunting can be dangerous for both predator and prey. What negative consequences might a lion encounter from hunting larger prey versus smaller prey? What happens to a lion’s energy costs after a failed hunt? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

Performance Assessment: Modeling is an important scientific practice that can bring more meaning and support to your claim. Using your “kcal cash,” model, for your teacher, whether hunting solo or in groups is more effective for your optimal prey. Your teacher will provide you with the next data set once you have defended your claim regarding effective hunting behavior. Teacher approval: _________________________ Now that you have successfully defended your claim, complete the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning below. Claim: What do you know? Write a simple statement as to whether hunting solo or in groups is most effective.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence: How do you know what you know? Summarize your evidence as presented to the teacher. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reasoning: How does your evidence support your claim? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________ Round 2: How can you maximize your kcal intake and minimize your energy output? Lions live in prides consisting of males, females and juvenile cubs. Depending on their sex, size, and age, lions have different kcal requirements per day. Males require 17,500 kcal/day Females require 13,500 kcal/day Juveniles require 11,500 kcal/day The pride you are following consists of 1 male, 4 females, and 3 juveniles. Recall from the video, that females typically are the pride members that do the hunting. 4. Calculate how much energy your pride will need to sustain itself per day.

Show all work here: 17500+(13500*4)+(11500*3)=106,000

5. What prey items should your pride attempt to catch to have enough energy for the day? As a group, develop four different feeding scenarios in which you will be able to adequately supply the required energy for your pride. Each team member should come up with their own unique

combination of prey that will support the energy needs of the entire pride. Show your calculations below. Energy cost per hunter = total energy cost to hunt / number of hunters Net energy for pride = total energy cost to hunt + energy available from prey Species

Numb er of prey hunted

Energy cost per prey (-)









Warthog s








Wildebe ast




















(can expend up to 15,000 kcal total/day)




Total energy cost to hunt this number of prey (-)

Numb er of hunters

Energy cost per hunter (-)

Total energy available from this number of prey

Net energy for pride

Now that you have assembled a diet above, share your diet with your group members. Review which combination of prey produces the optimal net gain of energy, being sure to check each other’s calculations. Record the details of one of your lab partner’s diet below. Species

Numb er of prey hunted

Energy cost per prey (-)

Total energy cost to hunt this number of prey (-)

Numb er of hunters

4 4 4

Energy cost per hunter (-)

Total energy available from this number of prey

Net energy for pride

4 Totals:


(can expend up to 15,000 kcal total/day)

Once your group has reached consensus, write that optimal, most efficient diet in the table below. Species

Numb er of prey hunted

Energy cost per prey (-)

Total energy cost to hunt this number of prey (-)

Numb er of hunters

Energy cost per hunter (-)

Total energy available from this number of prey

Net energy for pride

4 4 4 4 Totals:


(can expend up to 15,000 kcal total/day)

Final impressions: Be prepared to share your responses below during a class discussion. 6. Beyond obtaining energy, what other benefits occur from living in a group? ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Who may be the lions’ main competitors? ____________________________________________________________________ How might the behavior of these predators differ from the lions? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How may the behaviors of the lions’ competitors affect their energy? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What benefit would they gain from hunting in a method different from that of lions? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. How would living in a group affect competition with members of the same or other species? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...

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