Copy of Passive Transport Virtual Lab PDF

Title Copy of Passive Transport Virtual Lab
Author Bethany Harris
Course Biology
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
Pages 3
File Size 153.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Passive Transport- Cell Homeostasis Virtual Lab Go to this website and be sure to read every page as your progress through the lab. This lab will investigate what happens to a cell placed in different environments. To answer this question, you will be working through a virtual lab using different concentrations of sugar in a beaker and dialysis tubing. • The sugar fluid in the beaker represents what? The cell’s external environment__________________________________ • The fluid in the dialysis tubing represents what? _____The cell Begin the virtual lab. Follow the prompts; as you work through the process, answer the questions and fill in the data table. Beaker A consists of what? ____________water__________________________________ • This beaker will serve as the _____control group________________ for the experiment. Beaker B consists of how much water and how much sugar? ______0______ g sugar, _______1000_______ mL H₂O Beaker C consists of how much water and how much sugar? ______50________ g sugar, ______1000________ mL H₂O Beaker D consists of how much water and how much sugar? _______100_______ g sugar, _____1000________ mL H₂O Beaker E consists of how much water and how much sugar? _________150_____ g sugar, _____1000________ mL H₂O Screenshot the beakers and paste the image below.

Fill in the data table with the percentage of sugar solution placed in them. Now take the mass of each dialysis tube and place it in its respective beaker. As you take each mass, record on the data table. • The dialysis tubes will remain in each beaker for how long? ________24 hours___________________

Now you are going to take the dialysis tubes out of each beaker and take a final mass. • Record this on the data table and calculate the differences in the initial/final mass of each tube Data Table A Control

B Experimental

C Experimental

D Experimental

E Experimental

Beaker Solution % sugar






Dialysis Tube Solution- % sugar






Initial Mass






Final Mass






Amt. of Mass Gained (+) or Lost (-)






Analysis ● In the lab, what are 4 variables that remained constant throughout the lab (What stayed the same)? Four variables that remained constant are the amount of water in the beakers (1000ml), the

amount of sugar in the dialysis tube (10%), the number of hours the tubes were in the beakers (24 hours), and the sizes of the beakers are all the same.

● In the lab, which variable is the dependent variable (What you measured in the experiment) ?The dependent variable is the mass of the liquid in the dialysis tubes.

● In the lab, which variable is independent (The one thing changed by the scientist)? The independent variable is the percentage of sugar in the beakers. 4. Why did both Tube A and D have little to no change in mass after 24 hours? Tube A and D had the same liquids in the both the beaker and the dialysis tube were the same. In tube A there was water and in the beaker. In the tube D there was 10% sugar in the solution and also 10% sugar in the beaker....

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