Copy of Racing Extinction Questions for Documentary PDF

Title Copy of Racing Extinction Questions for Documentary
Course Environ Sci Field Exp
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 2
File Size 110.5 KB
File Type PDF
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“Racing Extinction” Documentary Discussion Questions 1) What percent of species will be gone in 100 years? _50%_ 2) The blue whale population today is being decimated due to what? _shipping traffic_ 3) One cool fact about the blue whale is that it has the _loudest_song of any animal in the animal kingdom. 4) What does the buoy that was found have in it?_recording system_ 5) The Cornell bioacoustical lab has the largest database of _repository of animal sounds_ on the planet. 6) 65 million years ago a(n) _K-t extinction_caused dinosaurs to go extinct. 7) What is the cause of our mass extinction today? _catastrophic alterations of the environment, such as massive volcanic eruptions, depletion of oceanic oxygen_ 8) What happened to the restaurant HUMP?_they shut down_ 9) _800_environmental activists have been killed in the last decade (# of activists). 10)

Extinction is driven by _direct human activity_(name one).


Mass extinction is driven by change in _the environment_.

12) One factor that is the same in all mass extinctions is _a massive increase in carbon dioxide_. 13)

⅓ to ½ of all Carbon Dioxide gets absorbed by the _oceans_.


_livestock_ causes more greenhouse gases than transmission gases.


15) The _baby boom_ generation is the single most impactful generation of humans on the planet. 16)

Phytoplankton produces _half_ of the oxygen we breathe.


_40_% of plankton production has been lost in the last 50 years.


If you take plankton out of the food web, the whole web _collapses_.


There are 1.3 billion people in the country of _China_.


_half_ of all frog species will be gone in 20 years.


If the temperature rises a few degrees, _turtles_ will become extinct.


Under the frozen ocean are vast quantities of _frozen methane_.

23) The _Arctic’s_is gradually getting warmer and massive amounts of _methane_ are being released. 24) When global warming can’t be stopped it is called the _runaway climate change_. 25)

If the ocean life dies, the life everywhere _fails_.


Phase out means _slip off into extinction_.


80% of greenhouse gases are caused by _ commercial buildings_.


The electric car talked about in the documentary is the _Tesla, by Elon Musk_.


Who is responsible for saving the animals?_US, we are_


The only way to affect change is to present an _alternative_....

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